Aadhaar verification is NOT Enough! Things employers need to know

Aadhaar verification is NOT Enough! Things employers need to know

Recently, Aadhaar has seen a lot of attention in a very short span- rightly so, it being the World’s largest biometric database. Multiple articles have reported that employers are increasingly using Aadhaar based identity verification

With such a verification mechanism, a weeklong process can be done in just about 15 minutes, they claim!

Correct! However, this is not completely true.

While Aadhaar verifications are quick, they can only validate the identity of a person. The picture isn’t complete here! While hiring employees, organisations look at a candidate’s identity, profile and reputation. Identity is validated using government issues IDs, profile is evaluated using education, address and employment verifications while reputation is gauged by police verification, criminal record check, web and media searches, credit history checks etc. 

Using Aadhaar based checks, one can be thoroughly scanned for genuineness of identity in real-time. With use of advanced APIs, verification is possible in real-time. Not just verification, used Aadhaar enabled services like eKYC enhances the on-boarding experience and all personal information related to an individual gets captured with the employer. This saves time and money and protects employers against identity crises situations.

Experts believe that companies can save 60% of the hiring costs by using the Aadhaar based verification platforms. However, verifications do not end here. Employers need to anyways conduct profile and reputation checks using education verification, employment check, address check, criminal records check and more.

Surely, Aadhaar cannot be used for such purposes. Aadhaar is definitely an enabler here. Using information pulled from Aadhaar based eKYC, i.e., candidate name, address and father’s name, criminal records check can be conducted instantly by searching publically available court records across the country using advanced APIs. The information from Aadhaar also becomes an input in the visitor management system and eSign solutions. Employers need to verify candidates thoroughly post-selection and confirm their existence and experience through a chain of background checks. These checks depend on the employers and job profiles in consideration.

Aadhaar based verification serves as the initial screen for employers. Fake identities can be immediately rejected in real-time. However, profile and reputation checks need to be added further before classifying someone as a good hire or the right fit. Employers may disregard candidates who lie/omit/cheat on their candidature. The right approach to background screening is a holistic background verification program and Aadhaar verification is just the stepping stone, not the complete movie! To know more, schedule an appointment with our expert today.

Write to us at communication@authbridge.com.

Background Checks-Powered by Technology & Patent Pending Platform

Background Checks-Powered by Technology & Patent Pending Platform

More than 90 per cent of Fortune 500 companies have a formal policy of screening the backgrounds of their employees as well as their outsourced staff. Delivering trusted, instant Background screening services for companies is the need of the hour. Instant verifications have come alive in the way operations are conducted.  State-of-art technology is used for the finest services in background verification to enhance delivery of services. Not only does technology deliver convenience, it offers reduced turnaround time & faster on-boarding to deliver enhanced candidate experience. This also leads to reduced chances of losing the candidate to a competitor!

This is complemented with well-managed, seamless operations processes to ensure quick, accurate results. At AuthBridge, we deliver quick background checks using advanced technology, powered by our patent pending platform- iBridge, as the name suggests, bridges the gap between trust and talent, between facts and information produced. It is the engine which drives the entire verifications process and puts the results together to deliver to the client.

Traditionally, verification process was manual. Teams would work on a case from start to finish, conducting all of the background checks. Then one would keep track of the status of each check for each case. Each case took longer to finish depending on the number of verifications required and the difficulty of the case. Since a lot of this time was spent waiting for responses and conducting follow ups, productivity would widely vary.

Automation was the only way to take things forward!

By connecting verification teams for identity, address, education, employment, criminal and other background checks, BRIDGE is the lifeline for background checks at AuthBridge ! Combining the best of automation, machine learning, text analytics, OCR, NLPs, databases, sophisticated algorithms and more, BRIDGE truly is transforming the future of background screening!

The same has been recognised as a case study titled ‘Innovating HR Operations’ published by the Cornell University. The case study is now taught in their operations curriculum and multiple other schools including ISB, Mohali.

iBridge is now a patent pending platform and powering thousands of background checks daily!

Mandatory police verification

Mandatory police verification

As reported by The Hindu, the Goa State Commission for Protection of Child Rights has suggested mandatory Police verification for any person appointed to work at child care institutions. Dr. Sushma Kirtani, Chairperson of the Commission suggested that all staff appointed at such centres will have to sign a child care protection policy.

This step will be a welcome move to safeguard young children in the child “care” centres. The idea behind this initiative is that every child should be provided with appropriate, age- specific education in every centre and negligence of any kind is curbed.

Child care institutions are supposed to be safe spaces for children. Imagine, a convict parading as a custodian, with the intent to harm them. It would be mindful to critically verify the person before leaving children at the mercy of such evil minded people.

Schools also have been put under scanner, due to some shameless episodes. Earlier this year, the headmistress of a private school in Bengaluru was arrested after a 3-year-old was sexually assaulted on the school premises. The numbers are alarming!!

Parents with young children are keeping worrisome about such occurrences. Waking up to this, the government initiated to make police verification mandatory for school teachers. Many more cases in the past necessitated deliberation of Govt. intervention, to ensure safety of children inside their own kingdom. Police Verification combined with ID check, education check, criminal record check etc.

could be the way to ensure genuine and clean credentials of hires!

Is your industry looking at ‘education’ credentials before hiring_

Is your industry looking at ‘education’ credentials before hiring?

In an ever-evolving global business landscape, hiring is no longer limited to geographical boundaries. As businesses expand beyond boundaries, the demand for skilled labor is rising. Incoming talent is crucial for growth and business success. This makes it essential for organizations to hire the right talent with the desired skills and knowledge. This is particularly important in some industries where skilled manpower is crucial for day-to-day operations.

Below are the top 3 industries where ensuring the right education check is of utmost importance.

  • IT Services
    • The majority of the workforce in IT and IT services or Software industry is White Collar. Having the right education required for a White-collar job is the first step towards shortlisting candidates for interviews. Educational qualifications of an individual provide insight into the skill set and competence of an individual. Education verification reaffirms their credibility and saves companies from making the mistake of a wrong hire.
  • Education Sector
Identifying ‘fake’ education credentials to ensure the right skills

Identifying ‘fake’ education credentials to ensure the right skills

With the competition spiralling high for lucrative jobs, candidates tend to fake their educational credentials and achievements to portray the right fit for lucrative jobs. Many candidates produce certificates for full-time courses when they have pursued a distance learning program. Many others, quote a different program having completed a different course. To top it up, many candidates have been found to produce degrees from fake universities/colleges, some of which are not authorized to issue certificates to the students and some which do not even exist!In the past 11 years of a background screening, we have found multiple reasons for discrepancies in education checks. To combat issues to do with fake certificates/degrees, fake establishments/institutions, incomplete student information, and other administrative hassles, initiatives were stepped up towards education verification by employers and other verifiers.

A university in Kochi illustrates the significance of automation in managing alumni records and keep them available. Soon, academic degrees and certificates issued by Sanskrit University will be available digitally for verification. The initiative will go a long way in checking the spread of fake degrees.

It is the beginning to get more and more automation into the process. Another welcome step is how degrees obtained through online examinations conducted by universities offering open or distance learning will not be considered valid, as India’s higher education regulator says rules don’t allow such tests.

This step is imperative to discourage cybercrimes to a large extent. Many such initiatives are being undertaken to revolutionize the way education check is conducted and transform the old rigid processes of verifying academic credentials.

How To Verify the Education Credentials?

A new online service has been launched to check academic fraud. Using this service, anyone can access and verify the authenticity of a student’s certificate issued by various universities in the state. This service will act as a deterrent for fake certificate racketeers because anybody anywhere, and any time can verify the authenticity of certificates online.

StudentServicesBureau™  is a one-of-its-kind initiative by AuthBridge to automate ex-students verification. This online platform accesses authentic data from universities and colleges to provide instant education verification results- helping verifiers make an information-based decision on the fly- anytime, anywhere!  This is how AuthBridge is building the TrustOnDemand™ infrastructure in India using advanced technology, driven by speed and customer success!

A new wave of revolution has been witnessed in the way education check is perceived and conducted now. It is not only automation driven but also characterized by speed and quick delivery.

To know more, schedule an appointment with our expert today.

Write to us at communication@authbridge.com.

Waking up to powerful Criminal checks

Waking up to powerful Criminal checks

Unmasking the real face of the potential candidate has always been onerous. Criminal checks help in understanding individuals’ intentions by screening past records. Criminal check delves extensively through the past criminal records of the candidate. Though the intent of criminality can be picked up from other background checks too, but a criminal background check helps to find out an existing record in the candidate’s name, available in the public space. Criminal checks are much needed in the evolving landscape, especially with the emerging P2P and P2B industries. With the tectonic shift in the economy, the on demand companies are starting to flourish. Due to the basic nature of businesses in the on-demand sector, criminal intent of the person needs to be gauged prior to hiring them. The interpersonal connections and front end interactions with the customers make safety a matter of concern.

In addition to these, industries like healthcare, financial services, retail and many others operate on Trust. Criminal checks become an important aspect of background verification in such instances. There are numerous benefits of checking employee’s criminal history. Below are a few:

Assess the risk associated with a person before having him hired Identifies potentially high-risk candidates to safeguard organization’s reputation and financials. Reinforce trust of employees in the workplace

However, it is not as easy to look up all records of a person to find out truth about his/her criminal past. It is a gigantic task, yet many industries have woken up to its significance in reaching a hiring decision for their organization.

Criminal record check includes in-depth analysis of arrests, convictions, charges etc. in relation to the person being screened. It may also include warrants in some cases.

This information is mostly available through court records, police verification records and other database sources. Other thorough criminal checks have information about international arrests and convictions too. However, at a global level, some countries prevent criminal checks from disclosing some selective information about criminal records. For example, California allows records to show convictions only, not arrests.

Policies largely vary across countries and need expert intervention from background screening agencies and consultants. Ensure you screen an individual’s criminal past thoroughly before you trust today!

To know more, schedule an appointment with our expert today.

Write to us at   communication@authbridge.com.

How well do you know about your Leadership’s Background_

How well do you know about your Leadership’s Background?

How sure are you that your leadership hire has a clean past?What steps does your company undertake to avoid negligent hiring?What processes do you have in place to effectively screen your senior hires? Do you ponder over these questions, amidst hiring senior level hires?

Do not be stunned to know that leadership candidates also misrepresent information about their education, employment, achievements, abilities, competencies and character in order to grow in their career.

Higher the rank of the employee, greater the need for a comprehensive background check. Competition at senior level is so gruelling that hidden/misrepresented facts in high impact positions are often revealed during background checks. One hiring lapse at higher levels damages company reputation and financials. This establishes an alarming need to go beyond the usual and know his/her complete background before hiring. There is a need to step up the existing screening processes and make them more powerful for improved quality of hiring.

Leadership screening should go beyond the stated references. All details furnished during the hiring process should be checked in-depth against independently sourced references. Delving deeper into facts and testing the integrity of potential seniors provides a competitive edge to companies along with the confidence to take firm hiring decisions. This provides insight into your leader’s thought process, level of responsibility, role fit as well as culture fit.

The case of Scott Thompson, CEO, Yahoo who presented fake education achievements in his CV is known to all of us. In our years of experience of conducting in-depth leadership screening using AuthLead, we have come across numerous interesting leadership fraud cases.

Next time you hire your leaders, ensure that you screen the following aspects :

  • Educational qualifications
  • Career Leaps
  • Social Reputation
  • Competencies
  • Criminal & Civil Past

Get a leadership screening conducted in-depth today! To know more, schedule an appointment with our expert today.

Write to us at   communication@authbridge.com.

Identity theft rising at an alarming rate

Identity theft rising at an alarming rate

A recent study revealed that identity fraud in India accounted for 77% [1]* of fraud cases in the year 2015. In the banking and financial sector, auto loans, mortgage loans, and credit cards witnessed the largest number of fraud cases from identity theft in the last year, representing around 85% of the total fraud detected.

The increasing sharing of information in the public domain is making data leakages doable. People need to be alert when sharing their personal details on any of the social platforms. In times, when we continually hear about incidents related to fake identities, Instant identity verification becomes mandatory to avoid social and workplace-related threats like theft, embezzlement, violence, injury, and harassment.

Companies need to realize that if they are not verifying a candidate’s identity first, then they might be checking the records for the wrong person. It’s become important to ensure that the individuals are, who they claim to be.

A few cases clearly demonstrate how fraudsters today, constitute an industry today with their very well connected networks and skills. They use fake identities to defraud people and get away easy with ulterior motives. The Central Crime Branch under Bangalore police arrested a person named Mohammed Irfan for impersonating a software engineer, Ravi Shankar Sharma, to secure jobs in software companies and avail bank loans. Using Sharma’s stolen identity and educational documents, Irfan allegedly secured jobs at leading information technology companies, apart from defaulting in payments for two credit cards and a loan taken under the stolen identity.

In another case, an ex-employee managed to get his hands on the boss’s educational documents. Using his qualifications he applied for a job with a giant financial organization.  His real identity was discovered after peeling the layers of his claims and credentials. These cases of identity theft cost a company much more than financial loss; it results in a loss of reputation, an elusive commodity at the best of times. Greater carefulness is required in hiring employees using identity verification as the first line of defence.

Instant identity verification is a great way to protect against fake identities, in the times of growing on-demand economy. Now, AuthBridge can instantly verify employee IDs with Aadhaar & PAN. Our access to the database of UIDAI and the relevant Government department helps to conduct Aadhaar and PAN card verification. This technique protects against situations when identity related document like Aadhaar, PAN or passport is forged, doctored or stolen. One of the biggest threats to an organization’s security could be an employee, confidently parading as someone else. The risk is attached to the wrong individual getting screened and entering the system, causing untold harm to the organization. Companies cannot afford to compromise on their reputation or customers’ safety and hence companies demand an effective but quick background check. With the unprecedented rise in on-demand and sharing companies in India, the sector is on a hiring spree.  Identity Verification becomes an essential step to ensure maximum customer safety by avoiding any untoward incident. Source: *Experian India- Fraud Report 2016 To know more, schedule an appointment with our expert today. Write to us at  sales@authbridge.com.

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