Mandatory police verification

Mandatory police verification

As reported by The Hindu, the Goa State Commission for Protection of Child Rights has suggested mandatory Police verification for any person appointed to work at child care institutions. Dr. Sushma Kirtani, Chairperson of the Commission suggested that all staff appointed at such centres will have to sign a child care protection policy.

This step will be a welcome move to safeguard young children in the child “care” centres. The idea behind this initiative is that every child should be provided with appropriate, age- specific education in every centre and negligence of any kind is curbed.

Child care institutions are supposed to be safe spaces for children. Imagine, a convict parading as a custodian, with the intent to harm them. It would be mindful to critically verify the person before leaving children at the mercy of such evil minded people.

Schools also have been put under scanner, due to some shameless episodes. Earlier this year, the headmistress of a private school in Bengaluru was arrested after a 3-year-old was sexually assaulted on the school premises. The numbers are alarming!!

Parents with young children are keeping worrisome about such occurrences. Waking up to this, the government initiated to make police verification mandatory for school teachers. Many more cases in the past necessitated deliberation of Govt. intervention, to ensure safety of children inside their own kingdom. Police Verification combined with ID check, education check, criminal record check etc.

could be the way to ensure genuine and clean credentials of hires!

Is your industry looking at ‘education’ credentials before hiring_

Is your industry looking at ‘education’ credentials before hiring?

In an ever-evolving global business landscape, hiring is no longer limited to geographical boundaries. As businesses expand beyond boundaries, the demand for skilled labor is rising. Incoming talent is crucial for growth and business success. This makes it essential for organizations to hire the right talent with the desired skills and knowledge. This is particularly important in some industries where skilled manpower is crucial for day-to-day operations.

Below are the top 3 industries where ensuring the right education check is of utmost importance.

  • IT Services
    • The majority of the workforce in IT and IT services or Software industry is White Collar. Having the right education required for a White-collar job is the first step towards shortlisting candidates for interviews. Educational qualifications of an individual provide insight into the skill set and competence of an individual. Education verification reaffirms their credibility and saves companies from making the mistake of a wrong hire.
  • Education Sector
Waking up to powerful Criminal checks

Waking up to powerful Criminal checks

Unmasking the real face of the potential candidate has always been onerous. Criminal checks help in understanding individuals’ intentions by screening past records. Criminal check delves extensively through the past criminal records of the candidate. Though the intent of criminality can be picked up from other background checks too, but a criminal background check helps to find out an existing record in the candidate’s name, available in the public space. Criminal checks are much needed in the evolving landscape, especially with the emerging P2P and P2B industries. With the tectonic shift in the economy, the on demand companies are starting to flourish. Due to the basic nature of businesses in the on-demand sector, criminal intent of the person needs to be gauged prior to hiring them. The interpersonal connections and front end interactions with the customers make safety a matter of concern.

In addition to these, industries like healthcare, financial services, retail and many others operate on Trust. Criminal checks become an important aspect of background verification in such instances. There are numerous benefits of checking employee’s criminal history. Below are a few:

Assess the risk associated with a person before having him hired Identifies potentially high-risk candidates to safeguard organization’s reputation and financials. Reinforce trust of employees in the workplace

However, it is not as easy to look up all records of a person to find out truth about his/her criminal past. It is a gigantic task, yet many industries have woken up to its significance in reaching a hiring decision for their organization.

Criminal record check includes in-depth analysis of arrests, convictions, charges etc. in relation to the person being screened. It may also include warrants in some cases.

This information is mostly available through court records, police verification records and other database sources. Other thorough criminal checks have information about international arrests and convictions too. However, at a global level, some countries prevent criminal checks from disclosing some selective information about criminal records. For example, California allows records to show convictions only, not arrests.

Policies largely vary across countries and need expert intervention from background screening agencies and consultants. Ensure you screen an individual’s criminal past thoroughly before you trust today!

To know more, schedule an appointment with our expert today.

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How well do you know about your Leadership’s Background_

How well do you know about your Leadership’s Background?

How sure are you that your leadership hire has a clean past?What steps does your company undertake to avoid negligent hiring?What processes do you have in place to effectively screen your senior hires? Do you ponder over these questions, amidst hiring senior level hires?

Do not be stunned to know that leadership candidates also misrepresent information about their education, employment, achievements, abilities, competencies and character in order to grow in their career.

Higher the rank of the employee, greater the need for a comprehensive background check. Competition at senior level is so gruelling that hidden/misrepresented facts in high impact positions are often revealed during background checks. One hiring lapse at higher levels damages company reputation and financials. This establishes an alarming need to go beyond the usual and know his/her complete background before hiring. There is a need to step up the existing screening processes and make them more powerful for improved quality of hiring.

Leadership screening should go beyond the stated references. All details furnished during the hiring process should be checked in-depth against independently sourced references. Delving deeper into facts and testing the integrity of potential seniors provides a competitive edge to companies along with the confidence to take firm hiring decisions. This provides insight into your leader’s thought process, level of responsibility, role fit as well as culture fit.

The case of Scott Thompson, CEO, Yahoo who presented fake education achievements in his CV is known to all of us. In our years of experience of conducting in-depth leadership screening using AuthLead, we have come across numerous interesting leadership fraud cases.

Next time you hire your leaders, ensure that you screen the following aspects :

  • Educational qualifications
  • Career Leaps
  • Social Reputation
  • Competencies
  • Criminal & Civil Past

Get a leadership screening conducted in-depth today! To know more, schedule an appointment with our expert today.

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The need to conduct a criminal check before hiring

The need to conduct a criminal check before hiring

Hiring managers fish in deep waters to find the best of talent for their organization. With massive hiring plaguing the ever flourishing economy, it is all the more important to ensure you do not let a criminal sneak in. Organizations accord utmost importance to their reputation, a slight miss here can cost them a mountain.  Not conducting an in-depth, rigorous and structured  background screening will not reveal the truth behind the “too good to be true” façade of the candidate. At the elementary stage, you want to ensure that the potential hire you take in, to steer a key area of your business is an innocent man. A bird’s eye view is critical, not only from an identity perspective, but also to unearth the legibility and criminality aspect of his profile is imperative.

Below are the reasons that make a criminal record check, an important part of background screening:

1.  To secure your workplace and stakeholders- employees, customers, partners etc. from any accidents and mishaps

2.  To ensure the credibility of the company is not under scrutiny. When past convictions and records are checked in time, the prospective candidate can be reconsidered for employment.

3.  To shield the organisation from damage to brand reputation and negative impact on company’s balance sheet

4.  To help the company stay complaint to the regulatory authorities and company polices. To know more, schedule an appointment with our expert today.

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Passport Verification_ How does it work_

Passport Verification: How does it work?

Multiple cases of fraudulent passports have been reported. But what does a passport verification reveal? Passport is considered to be one of the most authentic sources of individual information. Passport verification screens the personal details of the candidate on the passport. It does not verify fraudulent issuance of the passport but only tampering with the personal details and the Passport MRZ code. The MRZ (machine-readable zone) of a Type 3 travel document spans two lines, and each line is 44 characters long. For a Type 1 travel document, MRZ spans three lines, and each line is 30 characters long. The MRZ contains name, passport number, nationality, date of birth, sex, and passport expiration date. There is room for optional, often country-dependent, supplementary information.

During passport verification, the MRZ on the passport is checked and matched with the MRZ generated using the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) algorithm. Inconsistency in MRZ code indicates manipulation of personal information.

To be effective as a tracking tool, passport verification must be utilized at all places where the genuineness of candidate is under scanner.


Why conduct Passport Verification?

1.       To ensure that the individual is claiming the right identity

2.       To ensure that personal details on the MRZ Passport are not tampered

3.       To ensure the MRZ Passport code is not tampered

Although, an accurate match is only possible with biometric identifiers & smart chip technology yet MRZ serves as the first line of defence against identity fraud. A potential hire with bogus identity can also bring huge financial and reputational damages to the company.

What makes Passport Verification a “to do” component of Background Verification?

1.       Simple and effective validation of data

2.       Automated system with fast turnaround

3.       Improved results with easy review of  MRZ code

Proper and genuine issuance of Passport can only be verified through the Issuing Authority. Passport verification is merely identity verification based on the face value of details provided by the candidate.

Take the first step to unmasking identity frauds with quick passport verification today.

To know more, schedule an appointment with our expert today.

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Ensure Good Quality Hires to manage internal risks

Ensure Good Quality Hires to manage internal risks

Growth ambitions across organisations have led to massive recruitment across industries. Amidst the pressure of bulk hiring, organisations often compromise on the quality of hires. 24*7 internet access and evolving technology have opened gates to new frauds. Managing employee risks and insider threats is crucial. Organisations need to scale up background screening techniques to match the growing menace of employee/customer fraud.

A thorough review of conventional background check processes can bring out what works best to hire a genuine employee. However, this is not enough.How can organisations ensure good quality hires at workplace?

A comprehensive behavioral assessment in addition to routine background checks is essential. Considering how easily simply people tweak their education and employment credentials, behavioral assessments can gauge real competencies in an effective manner. To an extent, it helps to look beyond the stated and uncover the hidden facts at all levels of the organization. This includes detailed assessment on the basis of behavioural traits like adaptability, sociability, team work, persistence, persuasive, creativity, and conscientiousness helps to find the right job fit for the organization.

Assessment of competencies have traditionally been used by multinational companies. But things have changed. Behavioral mapping is taking the centre stage to get insights about a candidate.

The cost of one ‘bad hire’ to an organisation is five times the bad hire’s annual salary, according to Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM).The influential position of a C-suite executive is extremely critical to an organization and requires greater caution at the time of hiring. Screening solutions like AuthLead from AuthBridge have been on the forefront in going beyond traditional background checks to ensure the right behavior and reputation. Today, the concept has sunk to deeper levels. Earlier, behaviour assessment was a common practice for hiring senior and leadership job roles alone, but now using them for the entry-level jobs marks the beginning of the change that will be seen in hiring.

Companies should continue focusing on hiring people with the right competencies and traits through newer techniques. To know more, schedule an appointment with our expert today.

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Checklist for tagging an individual as a 'CRIMINAL'

Checklist for tagging an individual as a ‘CRIMINAL’

Businesses often conduct criminal background check on employees and sometimes on customers for diverse reasons. The reasons could be adherence to global, national or state law requirements, risk mitigation of bad hiring or compliance with company regulations. Indeed, it is alarming when your potential candidate is found out to have a criminal record. So it is a deal breaker for the hiring company? A criminal record does not mean the individual is a criminal. Then how do you ensure a criminal is not employed into critical roles?

There are a few key factors that determine whether or not a criminal can be considered for employment or not and how you can stay compliant with state and federal verification laws. If someone is found to have a negative past, the first step is to update yourself on the important legal matters that can take a company to the court

Your focus area should be compliance with Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and anti-discrimination laws. At the same time, individual assessments are extremely relevant as they just help to reconsider candidates based not on their criminal records alone. Also,  adverse action is a process required by the FCRA when you find a criminal record that will disqualify a candidate from employment.

Under FCRA, employers have to give candidates’ notice informing them that they might be rejected based on the verification results .The final resort is to consider when a candidate has a criminal record and providing him/her an opportunity to dispute the findings of background screening.

Many companies adopt background screening policies that define the convictions that disqualifies a candidate occupying a few positions. As a rule of thumb, qualifications based on criminal history should be position-specific, and not be a “blanket policy one.

Points to keep in mind, before you consider someone with a criminal background

1.The nature of the job sought

2.The nature and gravity of the offense of which the candidate was convicted of

3.Time that has lapsed since the conviction

4.Facts and circumstances surrounding the offense found out

5.Number of past convictions

6.Age at time of conviction An employer can choose to take decisions independently based on the criminal record check and offer a position to the potential candidate! To know more, schedule an appointment with our expert today.

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