benefits of aadhaar esign

Benefits Of Aadhaar eSign


In the digital age, the way we conduct transactions and authenticate our identities has drastically changed. One significant development in India has been the introduction of Aadhaar eSign. This electronic signature service leverages the Aadhaar identity database to provide a secure and convenient method for signing documents. This blog explores the benefits of Aadhaar eSign, its applications, benefits, and how it revolutionizes various sectors.

What Is Aadhaar eSign?

Aadhaar eSign is an electronic signature service that allows individuals to sign documents digitally using their Aadhaar number and an OTP (One Time Password) or biometric authentication. This service is provided by licensed Certifying Authorities (CAs) under the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY).

How Does Aadhaar eSign Work?

The process of using Aadhaar eSign is simple:

  1. Document Upload: The user uploads the document to be signed on an eSign-enabled platform.
  2. Authentication: The user authenticates their identity using their Aadhaar number and OTP or biometric verification.
  3. eSignature Generation: Once authenticated, the eSign service generates a digital signature, which is then applied to the document.
  4. Download: The digitally signed document can be downloaded and shared as needed.

Aadhaar eSign Features

  1. Enhanced Security
    Aadhaar eSign offers a high level of security due to its reliance on Aadhaar-based authentication. The use of OTP or biometric verification ensures that only the rightful owner of the Aadhaar number can sign the document. Additionally, digital signatures are encrypted and tamper-proof, making it difficult for unauthorised parties to alter the document.
  2. Legal Validity
    Aadhaar eSign is legally recognized under the Information Technology Act, of 2000. The signatures generated are legally binding and hold the same validity as handwritten signatures. This compliance with Indian legal standards makes Aadhaar eSign a reliable method for document authentication.
  3. Time-Saving
    Traditional methods of signing documents often involve printing, signing, scanning, and emailing documents, which can be time-consuming. Aadhaar eSign streamlines this process by enabling instant digital signatures. This saves time for both individuals and businesses, allowing for faster transactions and decision-making.
  4. Cost-Effective
    Using Aadhaar eSign eliminates the need for physical paper, printing, and courier services. This not only reduces operational costs but also supports environmental sustainability by minimizing paper usage. For businesses, this cost-saving can be significant, especially when dealing with high volumes of documents.

Applications Across Various Sectors

    1. Banking and Financial Services

In the banking and financial services sector, Aadhaar eSign is used for:

      • Opening bank accounts remotely
      • Loan applications and disbursements
      • Mutual fund investments
      • Insurance policy applications
    1. Government Services

Government agencies utilize Aadhaar eSign for:

      • Issuance of certificates and licenses
      • Filing income tax returns
      • E-procurement processes
      • Digital locker services
    1. Healthcare

In the healthcare sector, Aadhaar eSign helps in:

      • E-prescriptions
      • Patient consent forms
      • Medical records authentication
    1. Education

Educational institutions use Aadhaar eSign for:

    • Online admissions
    • Issuance of digital certificates
    • Student verification processes

Benefits Of Aadhaar eSign Over Other eSign Methods

Aadhaar eSign is a revolutionary method for electronically signing documents, offering significant advantages over other eSign modes:

  1. Zero Procurement Hassle

One of the standout features of Aadhaar eSign is its simplicity. If you have an Aadhaar number linked to your mobile or email, you can sign documents from anywhere, at any time. There is no need to go through the trouble of procuring or purchasing a physical digital signature token, which can be cumbersome and time-consuming.

  1. Accessible and Convenient

Aadhaar eSign is incredibly user-friendly. As long as you have a valid Aadhaar number, a linked mobile or email, and an internet connection, you can sign documents from anywhere in the world. This convenience is unmatched by traditional eSign methods, which may require specific hardware or software.

  1. Mobile Accessibility

Unlike traditional digital signatures that require a laptop or desktop, Aadhaar eSign can be performed on any internet-enabled smartphone or tablet. This is particularly crucial in India, where a significant portion of the population accesses the internet primarily through smartphones. This feature ensures that more people can easily sign documents electronically, regardless of their access to traditional computers.

  1. Legal Security

Aadhaar eSign not only complies with the IT Act but also carries presumptions of validity under the Evidence Act. This dual recognition makes it the gold standard for enforceability in India. Contracts signed using Aadhaar eSign are likely to see faster enforcement, thanks to the strong legal framework supporting this method.

Key Features Of Aadhaar e-Sign Services By AuthBridge Via SignDrive

  • Seamless Integration: SignDrive offers easy integration with existing workflows through APIs, enabling businesses to incorporate e-sign services without disrupting their current processes.
  • Legal Validity: Aadhaar e-Sign is legally valid under the Information Technology Act, 2000, ensuring that digitally signed documents are as valid and enforceable as those signed by hand.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The SignDrive platform is designed to be user-friendly, allowing users to sign documents with just a few clicks. The process involves entering the Aadhaar number, receiving an OTP on the registered mobile number, and using this OTP to complete the signing process.
  • Enhanced Security: SignDrive ensures high levels of security through multi-factor authentication and encryption, safeguarding user data and the integrity of signed documents.
  • Cost-Effective: By eliminating the need for physical signatures, Aadhaar e-Sign significantly reduces the costs associated with paper-based processes, including printing, scanning, and courier services.
  • Time-Saving: The digital signing process is much faster than traditional methods, allowing documents to be signed and processed in real-time, thus speeding up business operations.

How Aadhaar e-Sign Works On SignDrive

  • Document Upload: Users upload the document that needs to be signed onto the SignDrive platform.
  • Aadhaar Authentication: The user enters their Aadhaar number and receives an OTP on their registered mobile number.
  • e-Signature: Upon entering the OTP, the user’s digital signature is generated and attached to the document. 
  • Document Management: The signed document can be downloaded, stored, or shared as required.


Aadhaar eSign is a revolutionary tool that brings multiple benefits, including enhanced security, legal validity, efficiency, and cost savings. Its applications across various sectors demonstrate its versatility and potential to transform how we sign and authenticate documents. As technology evolves and adoption increases, Aadhaar eSign will continue to play a pivotal role in India’s digital landscape, driving the nation towards a more secure and efficient future.

Merchant Onboarding Risk: A Comprehensive Guide

What Is Merchant Onboarding?

Merchant onboarding involves integrating new merchants or sellers onto a platform, such as an online marketplace, e-commerce site, or payment gateway. This process includes registering the merchants, verifying their information, and approving their accounts so they can begin selling their products or services on the platform. A streamlined onboarding process ensures compliance, mitigates risk, and enables merchants to start operations swiftly. This process not only sets the stage for the merchant’s transactions and interactions within a digital or physical commerce environment but also involves significant checks and balances to ensure security, compliance, and optimal functionality.

Essential Documentation For Merchant Onboarding

To streamline the merchant onboarding process and reduce potential delays, businesses in India should gather the necessary documents and materials beforehand. Being well-prepared can save time and ensure a smoother onboarding experience.

Here’s a list of essential documents and materials businesses should have ready for their merchant onboarding process in India:

1. Business Registration Documents

      • Certificate of Incorporation
      • Articles of Association (AOA) and Memorandum of Association (MOA)
      • GST Registration Certificate
      • Shops and Establishment Certificate (if applicable)

2. Tax Identification Numbers

3. Ownership Information

      • Details about the business’s ownership structure, including information on owners, partners, or directors
      • Personal identification documents for key stakeholders, such as an Aadhaar card, PAN card, passport, or driving licence

4. Financial Statements

      • Recent financial documents, including balance sheets, profit and loss statements, and cash flow statements, provide insight into the business’s financial condition

5. Bank Account Information

      • Details of the business’s bank account, including the account number, IFSC code, and the name and address of the bank

6. Business Licences and Permits

      • Copies of relevant business licences, permits, or certifications required for operation in your industry or jurisdiction, such as FSSAI licence for food businesses or SEBI registration for financial services

7. Business Website and Online Presence

      • Information about the business’s website, online store, or mobile app, including URLs and descriptions of products or services offered

8. Payment Processing History

      • If available, statements or summaries of previous transaction volumes, chargeback rates, and other relevant payment processing history

9. Business Plan and Revenue Projections

      • A comprehensive business plan, including revenue projections and anticipated transaction volumes, particularly important for startups or businesses with limited operational history

10. Compliance Documentation

Any documentation related to compliance with industry regulations or standards, such as:

Having these documents ready can significantly facilitate the merchant onboarding process in India, allowing businesses to begin operations more quickly and efficiently.

Step-by-Step Merchant Onboarding Process

The merchant onboarding process varies by industry and country, adhering to local regulations and law enforcement requirements. However, it generally follows these steps:

1. Processing Stage

2. KYB (Know Your Business) of Merchant

3. Merchant History Check

4. Verifying Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO)

5. Risk Assessment

6. Operational Analysis

What Are The Risks Involved In Merchant Onboarding?

The merchant onboarding process comes with various risks that Acquiring Banks, Payment Service Providers (PSPs), and Payment Aggregators (PAs) need to address effectively. Here’s an in-depth look at these risks:

1. Financial Risk

  • Credit Risk: The possibility that a merchant might default on payments or fail to meet financial obligations. Evaluating a merchant’s creditworthiness and financial health is crucial.
  • Chargebacks: Frequent chargebacks can indicate fraudulent activity, poor service, or dissatisfaction among customers, impacting the financial stability of the business.

2. Operational Risk

  • Business Continuity: Assessing the merchant’s ability to continue operations without interruption is essential. Disruptions can affect the supply chain and overall business operations.
  • Process Reliability: Ensuring that the merchant’s operational processes are dependable and consistently meet service standards. This includes timely delivery of goods and services.

3. Reputational Risk

  • Brand Association: The risk that a merchant’s negative reputation or actions will impact the business’s brand image. Poor performance or unethical practices by a merchant can harm the primary business’s reputation.
  • Customer Satisfaction: If a merchant provides poor service, it can lead to dissatisfied customers, negative reviews, and potential loss of business.

4. Regulatory and Compliance Risk

  • Legal Compliance: Ensuring that merchants adhere to all relevant laws and regulations to avoid legal penalties. This includes compliance with industry-specific regulations.
  • Data Security: Verifying that merchants follow data protection regulations to safeguard customer information. This is critical in preventing data breaches and maintaining customer trust.

5. Fraud Risk

  • Transaction Fraud: The risk that a merchant might engage in fraudulent transactions, leading to financial losses for the partnering company.
  • Identity Theft: Ensuring that the merchant’s identity and business credentials are legitimate to prevent identity fraud.

6. Supply Chain Risk

  • Supplier Reliability: The risk that a merchant might fail to deliver goods or services as agreed, disrupting the supply chain.
  • Quality Control: Ensuring that the products or services provided by the merchant meet the required quality standards.

7. Technological Risk

  • System Integration: Ensuring that the merchant’s technology and systems integrate seamlessly with your own to avoid operational disruptions.
  • Cybersecurity: Assessing the merchant’s cybersecurity measures to protect against data breaches and cyberattacks.

8. Contractual Risk

  • Contract Clarity: Ensuring that contracts with merchants are clear, comprehensive, and enforceable.
  • Dispute Resolution: Having clear mechanisms in place for resolving disputes that may arise with merchants.

Mitigating Merchant Risk

1. Due Diligence and Vetting:
Thorough background checks on merchants, including financial health, legal compliance, and reputational standing, are essential for mitigating risks. Third-party verification services can validate merchant credentials and performance history.

2. Continuous Monitoring:
Ongoing monitoring of merchant activities helps detect and address issues promptly. Real-time data analytics can identify potential risks and enable corrective action before problems escalate.

3. Contractual Agreements:
Comprehensive contracts outlining expectations, responsibilities, and liabilities of both parties help manage risks. Regular audits, compliance checks, and penalties for non-compliance should be included in these agreements.

4. Technology Solutions: 
Advanced risk management software and tools can automate risk assessment and monitoring processes. AI and machine learning can predict potential risks and proactively mitigate them, enhancing overall risk management.

5. Training and Awareness
Regular training for employees on risk management practices and raising awareness about potential merchant risks can prevent issues. Knowledgeable staff can recognize and address risks before they escalate.

6. Diversification of Suppliers
Diversifying the supplier base reduces over-reliance on a single merchant, mitigating the impact of any single merchant’s failure on business operations.

7. Regular Audits and Assessments
Periodic audits and assessments ensure ongoing compliance and performance. Identifying and rectifying potential issues early helps maintain high standards.

8. Insurance and Risk Transfer
Insurance options covering merchant-related risks can mitigate financial impacts. Transferring some risks to an insurance provider offers additional protection.

Merchant Monitoring

Ongoing Risk Management

Merchant acquirers of payment service providers (PSPs) must continue risk management efforts even after onboarding a new merchant. If a merchant changes the nature of their business or if there is a sudden change in transaction volume or amounts, the merchant must be re-evaluated for risk. Quick re-evaluation is essential to mitigate potential damage.

Key Merchant Monitoring Practices

Merchant monitoring practices should include checks for:

  • Exceeding transaction thresholds
  • Spikes in transaction activities
  • Changes on the merchant’s website, such as product updates or new links
  • Inclusion of individuals on sanction lists
  • Unusual cross-border transactions
  • Negative media mentions

While automation in monitoring has been largely successful, it comes with challenges, such as false positives. Despite this, automation is generally considered better than manual monitoring. Issues can arise when merchants start selling in new markets or offering new products, as the technology may not always keep pace. This makes the industry increasingly competitive and challenging.

Merchant Onboarding With AuthBridge

Merchant onboarding is a critical process that involves verifying the legitimacy and risk levels of businesses before they are allowed to process payments. AuthBridge offers comprehensive solutions to streamline and secure this process, ensuring businesses meet all necessary compliance standards. Here’s how AuthBridge enhances the merchant onboarding experience:

  1. Streamlined Document Collection and Verification

AuthBridge facilitates the efficient collection and verification of essential documents, such as business registration papers, tax identification numbers, and ownership information. Their automated systems ensure accuracy and reduce the time required for initial verification.

  1. Comprehensive KYC and KYB Compliance

AuthBridge employs advanced Know Your Customer (KYC) and Know Your Business (KYB) protocols to verify the identity and legitimacy of merchants. This includes background checks and ongoing monitoring to prevent fraud and financial crimes.

  1. Enhanced Security Measures

By integrating robust security measures, AuthBridge helps protect against financial crimes like money laundering and terrorist financing. Their systems continuously monitor for suspicious activities and ensure compliance with industry standards such as AML (Anti-Money Laundering) regulations.

  1. Detailed Merchant History Checks

AuthBridge conducts in-depth checks on the merchant’s financial history, including past transactions and dealings. This helps identify any previous issues with fraud or chargebacks, ensuring that only trustworthy merchants are onboarded.

  1. Efficient Risk Assessment

AuthBridge’s risk assessment tools categorize merchants based on their risk levels, ranging from very low to very high. This allows payment service providers to make informed decisions and implement appropriate measures before merchant onboarding.

  1. Ongoing Monitoring and Re-evaluation

Even after onboarding, AuthBridge continues to monitor merchants for any changes in their business activities or risk profiles. This includes tracking transaction volumes, website updates, and compliance with regulatory standards, ensuring that any potential risks are identified and addressed promptly.

  1. Seamless Integration and User Experience

AuthBridge’s solutions are designed to integrate seamlessly with existing systems, providing a smooth and user-friendly onboarding experience. Their automated processes reduce manual intervention, minimize errors, and speed up the overall onboarding timeline.

corporate due diligence

Complete Guide To Corporate Due Diligence

What Is Corporate Due Diligence?

Corporate due diligence is an in-depth review of a company’s financial policies, records, and methodologies. This process ensures that businesses comply with Anti-Money Laundering (AML) regulations and take steps to prevent fraud.

Real-time corporate screening identifies potential red flags that indicate financial challenges, such as money laundering. Therefore, comprehensive due diligence strategies are crucial for businesses before establishing extensive corporate relationships with any entity. Effective business verification solutions are essential to detect suspicious business activities.

Requirements For Corporate Due Diligence

While standard requirements for business due diligence may vary by region, the primary parameters every company must fulfill during the corporate due diligence and screening process include:

  • Operational Due Diligence
  • Financial Due Diligence
  • Commercial Due Diligence
  • Legal Due Diligence
  • Human Resources Due Diligence
  1. Operational Due Diligence

Operational due diligence involves a meticulous review of a company’s internal processes and systems to assess its operational efficiency and capabilities. This includes several key aspects:

  • Business Model: Understanding how the company creates value, its market positioning, and its competitive advantages is fundamental. This includes an analysis of the company’s value proposition, revenue generation methods, and the sustainability of its business model in the face of market changes.
  • Supply Chain: Evaluating the efficiency, reliability, and risks associated with the supply chain is crucial. This involves scrutinizing supplier relationships, logistics efficiency, and the potential impact of supply chain disruptions on the company’s operations.
  • Technology and Systems: Assessing the company’s IT infrastructure, cybersecurity measures, and software used for business operations is vital. This includes a review of data security protocols, system integrations, and the overall robustness of technological systems supporting business processes.
  • Operational Processes: Reviewing key processes such as production, quality control, and logistics ensures they are effective, scalable, and aligned with industry best practices. This helps in identifying bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and areas for process improvements.
  • Operational Risks: Identifying potential operational risks and how they are mitigated is essential. This includes evaluating contingency planning, risk management frameworks, and the company’s ability to handle operational disruptions.
  1. Financial Due Diligence

Financial due diligence is a detailed examination of a company’s financial health. This process involves several critical components:

  • Financial Statements: Reviewing audited financial statements for accuracy and completeness is fundamental. This includes examining balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements to get a clear picture of the company’s financial position.
  • Tax Records: Checking tax returns, liabilities, and any ongoing tax disputes is important. This helps in understanding the company’s tax obligations and any potential legal issues related to taxation.
  • Revenue and Profit Trends: Analyzing growth in revenue and profit margins over time provides insights into the company’s financial performance and stability. This includes identifying trends, patterns, and anomalies in financial data.
  • Debt and Liabilities: Evaluating the company’s debt levels, repayment schedules, and any contingent liabilities is crucial. This helps in assessing the financial risk associated with the company’s debt obligations.
  • Cash Flow Analysis: Assessing patterns in cash flow and working capital requirements is vital for understanding the company’s liquidity and operational efficiency. This includes evaluating cash flow forecasts and the company’s ability to meet short-term financial commitments.
  • Financial Controls: Reviewing internal financial controls and accounting practices ensures they are robust and reliable. This includes assessing the effectiveness of internal audits, compliance with accounting standards, and the integrity of financial reporting.
  1. Commercial Due Diligence

Commercial due diligence focuses on evaluating the market and commercial viability of a business. Key elements include:

  • Market Analysis: Assessing market size, growth potential, and the competitive landscape is essential. This involves analyzing market trends, demand drivers, and the overall market environment in which the company operates.
  • Customer Base: Analyzing the customer base, including key customers, customer satisfaction, and retention rates, helps in understanding the company’s market position and customer loyalty. This includes evaluating customer segmentation, purchase behavior, and customer feedback.
  • Sales and Marketing: Evaluating sales strategies, marketing campaigns, and brand strength provides insights into the company’s market outreach and brand equity. This includes reviewing marketing channels, sales performance metrics, and the effectiveness of promotional activities.
  • Product or Service Offering: Reviewing the company’s products or services, their market demand, and the company’s ability to innovate is critical. This involves assessing product quality, innovation pipelines, and the company’s ability to adapt to changing market needs.
  • Competitor Analysis: Studying competitors and understanding the company’s market position relative to them is important. This includes analyzing competitor strategies, market share, and the competitive dynamics within the industry.
  1. Legal Due Diligence

Legal due diligence involves verifying that the company complies with all relevant laws and regulations. This includes several key areas:

  • Corporate Documents: Verifying incorporation documents, bylaws, and board meeting minutes ensures the company’s legal foundation is sound. This includes reviewing the company’s legal structure, governance practices, and compliance with corporate laws.
  • Contracts and Agreements: Reviewing all major contracts, including those with customers, suppliers, and partners, is essential. This helps in understanding the company’s contractual obligations, liabilities, and the terms of key business agreements.
  • Litigation History: Investigating past and current legal disputes and potential liabilities provides insights into the company’s legal risks. This includes reviewing litigation records, dispute resolutions, and any ongoing legal proceedings.
  • Intellectual Property: Ensuring that patents, trademarks, and copyrights are properly registered and protected is crucial. This includes evaluating the strength and validity of intellectual property assets and any potential infringement issues.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Checking for compliance with industry regulations, environmental laws, and other legal requirements is vital. This includes reviewing regulatory filings, compliance reports, and the company’s adherence to legal standards.
  • Permits and Licenses: Ensuring that all necessary permits and licenses are in place and valid is important. This includes verifying the company’s compliance with licensing requirements and any potential regulatory challenges.
  1. Human Resources Due Diligence

Human resources due diligence assesses the company’s workforce and HR practices. Key areas include:

  • Organizational Structure: Reviewing the organizational chart, roles, and responsibilities helps in understanding the company’s management and operational hierarchy. This includes evaluating reporting lines, departmental structures, and key leadership positions.
  • Employee Contracts: Examining employment contracts, benefits, and compensation structures is essential. This includes reviewing salary scales, incentive plans, and employee benefit programs to ensure they are competitive and legally compliant.
  • Labor Relations: Investigating any union agreements, labor disputes, and overall employee satisfaction provides insights into the company’s labor relations climate. This includes assessing labor union activities, dispute resolution mechanisms, and employee engagement levels.
  • Key Personnel: Identifying key employees, their contributions, and potential retention risks is crucial. This includes evaluating the skills, experience, and performance of key personnel and their impact on the company’s operations.
  • HR Policies and Procedures: Reviewing policies related to hiring, training, performance management, and employee benefits ensures they are effective and aligned with best practices. This includes assessing recruitment processes, training programs, and performance evaluation methods.
  • Compliance with Employment Laws: Ensuring compliance with all relevant labor laws and regulations is vital. This includes reviewing employment contracts, workplace policies, and the company’s adherence to labor standards and regulations.

These components of due diligence collectively help in assessing a company’s overall health, risks, and potential, enabling informed decision-making in corporate transactions. Conducting thorough due diligence is crucial for identifying potential risks, ensuring compliance, and making strategic decisions that align with the long-term goals of the business.

Role Of Corporate Due Diligence In Highlighting Financial Crimes

corporate due diligence

Corporate due diligence, also known as corporate screening, is crucial for identifying and minimizing the risk of scams and uncovering financial crimes. Here’s how it works:

  • Verification of Legal Compliance 

The primary aim of corporate due diligence is to ensure compliance with legal standards issued by regulatory authorities, including policies on financial transactions, tax payments, money laundering, and business partnerships. Non-compliance can result in hefty fines.

  • Discovering Irregularities

Effective due diligence processes allow companies to review financial statements and tax records thoroughly, identifying irregularities such as unexplained transactions, sudden revenue or profit increases, and discrepancies between reported earnings and cash flow.

  • Assessing the Integrity of Management

Analyzing management’s integrity is essential in due diligence. This includes background verifications, analysis of past litigation involving management, and examining the role of leadership and directors. This helps avoid collaboration with organizations involved in unethical financial activities.

  • Thorough Investigation of Business Partnerships

Due diligence involves authenticating business relationships with partners and clients and identifying any involvement in financial crimes.

  • Understanding Company Operations

Understanding business operations helps prevent financial scams by identifying suspicious activities that may indicate illegal financial activities.

Situations Requiring Corporate Due Diligence Services

Corporate due diligence is essential in several scenarios:

    • Partnerships or Joint Ventures

Due diligence helps businesses understand potential partners’ operations, structures, financial health, and legal frameworks, which are crucial for successful partnerships.

    • Regulatory Compliance

Frequent due diligence ensures compliance with industry-specific regulations, including information protection laws, environmental regulations, and AML legislation.

    • Secure Investments and Fundings

Corporate due diligence is vital for assessing the financial health, industry potential, risks, and returns associated with investments.

    • Mergers and Acquisitions

Extensive information about legal and operational aspects is crucial before acquiring or merging with another entity.

Corporate Due Diligence Checklist

A comprehensive due diligence process ensures a business is legitimate before any collaboration or acquisition. Here’s a checklist:

  • Comprehensive analysis of corporate records, including shareholder and board meetings.
  • Examination of the business structure, including all joint ventures or partnerships.
  • Analysis of financial statements for past years.
  • Review of tax payment records at local and state levels to identify potential issues.
  • Evaluation of operations, including manufacturing, supply chain, and quality control, to ensure transparency.
  • Detailed overview of relations with business partners and customers.
  • Assessment of the business’s insurance policies.

Corporate due diligence is a vital process that helps businesses make informed decisions, ensuring compliance, transparency, and the identification of potential risks.

Corporate Due Diligence By AuthBridge

AuthBridge offers comprehensive corporate due diligence services designed to mitigate risks and ensure compliance for businesses. Their solutions are tailored to provide detailed insights into a company’s financial health, legal standing, business relationships, and management integrity. Here’s how AuthBridge conducts corporate due diligence:

  1. Financial Due Diligence
  • Financial Statements Review: AuthBridge examines audited financial statements to ensure accuracy and completeness.
  • Tax Records Check: The service includes a thorough review of tax returns, liabilities, and any ongoing tax disputes.
  • Revenue and Profit Analysis: AuthBridge analyses revenue growth and profit margins to identify any anomalies or inconsistencies.
  • Debt and Liabilities Assessment: Evaluate the company’s debt levels and repayment schedules to understand financial obligations.
  • Cash Flow Analysis: Assesses the company’s cash flow patterns and working capital requirements to ensure financial stability.
  1. Legal Due Diligence
  • Corporate Documentation Verification: AuthBridge verifies incorporation documents, bylaws, and board meeting minutes.
  • Contracts and Agreements Review: The service includes a review of all major contracts, including those with customers, suppliers, and partners.
  • Litigation History Investigation: Investigates past and current legal disputes and potential liabilities.
  • Intellectual Property Check: Ensures that patents, trademarks, and copyrights are properly registered and protected.
  • Regulatory Compliance Check: AuthBridge ensures compliance with industry regulations, environmental laws, and other legal requirements.
  1. Business Relationship Verification
  • Customer and Supplier Assessment: AuthBridge conducts background checks on customers, suppliers, and partners to identify any associations with illicit activities.
  • High-Risk Jurisdiction Analysis: Evaluate the presence of business relationships in high-risk jurisdictions that could raise red flags.
  • Partner and Client Authentication: AuthBridge ensures that all business relationships are legitimate and compliant with legal standards.
  1. Management Integrity Assessment
  • Background Checks: AuthBridge conducts comprehensive background checks on the management team to assess their integrity and track record.
  • Litigation and Legal History Review: Review past litigation involving the management and any legal issues that could indicate unethical behavior.
  • Reputation Assessment: Evaluate the general reputation of the company’s leaders in the industry.
  1. Operational Due Diligence
  • Business Model Analysis: AuthBridge analyses the company’s business model, market positioning, and competitive advantages.
  • Supply Chain Evaluation: Reviews the efficiency and reliability of the company’s supply chain.
  • Technology and Systems Check: Assesses the company’s IT infrastructure, cybersecurity measures, and software used to support operations.
  • Operational Processes Review: Reviews key operational processes to ensure they are effective and scalable.
background checks for temporary employees

Background Checks For Temporary Employees: Key Considerations For HR


With the rise of the gig economy, more companies are hiring temporary workers. However, the risks of hiring non-permanent employees are often overlooked due to a common misconception: these employees will only be around for a short time to cause real damage. This mindset can be dangerous, as it may lead to a compromised work environment, security breaches, or costly lawsuits. Here’s what HR professionals need to know to ensure thorough and effective background verification for temporary hires:

Why Conduct Background Checks For Temporary Employees?

Rushing to hire temporary and contract workers without proper background screening can lead to significant issues. Despite their short tenure, temporary employees can still harm your brand’s reputation by mishandling customer interactions, accessing sensitive information, or disrupting the workplace environment. Non-permanent employees can pose extra risks as they may feel less attached to your company’s success and are harder to monitor than full-time staff.

Implementing a company-wide policy and procedure for screening temporary workers is crucial. Modern background checks for temporary workers help you select trustworthy and qualified staff, reducing the risk of data breaches or unsafe work conditions. Verifying a short-term hire’s abilities also ensures that your resources are well invested.

  1. Importance of Background Checks for Temporary Employees

While temporary employees may not have the same long-term impact as permanent staff, they still represent the company and can access sensitive information or interact with clients. Conducting thorough background checks is essential to mitigate risks such as fraud, theft, and reputational damage.

  1. Customised Screening Processes

HR departments should tailor their screening processes to suit the nature of temporary employment. This might involve focusing on key areas such as identity verification, criminal history, and employment verification, rather than more extensive checks typically reserved for permanent positions. Customization ensures efficiency while maintaining the necessary level of scrutiny.

  1. Speed and Efficiency

The hiring process for temporary employees often needs to be swift. Leveraging technology, such as automated background check systems and AI-driven tools, can expedite the verification process. This enables HR to quickly onboard temporary staff without compromising on thoroughness.

  1. Compliance with Legal Requirements

Temporary employees are subject to the same legal protections as permanent staff. HR must ensure that background checks comply with relevant employment laws and regulations, including data protection and anti-discrimination laws. Understanding these legal requirements helps avoid potential legal pitfalls.

  1. Rechecking for Repeated Engagements

For temporary employees who return for multiple engagements, it’s important to determine how often background checks should be repeated. Depending on the nature of the work and the time elapsed since the last check, periodic rechecks may be necessary to ensure ongoing suitability for the role.

  1. Vendor Partnerships

Many companies partner with third-party background verification providers to handle the volume and complexity of checks for temporary employees. Selecting a reputable vendor with experience in handling temporary staffing needs can streamline the process and ensure reliable results.

  1. Balancing Thoroughness with Candidate Experience

HR must balance the need for thorough background checks with the candidate’s experience. Overly invasive or lengthy screening processes can deter qualified temporary workers. Clear communication and a user-friendly process help maintain a positive candidate experience.

  1. Industry-Specific Requirements

Different industries may have specific background check requirements for temporary employees. For instance, the healthcare, finance, and education sectors often have stringent screening criteria. HR should be aware of these industry-specific regulations and ensure compliance.

9. Continuous Monitoring

For roles with access to sensitive information or critical functions, continuous monitoring may be beneficial. This involves ongoing checks for any changes in an employee’s background during their tenure, providing an additional layer of security.

  1. Documenting the Process

Keeping detailed records of the background check process for temporary employees is crucial. Documentation ensures transparency, aids in compliance audits, and provides a reference in case of disputes or issues.

Common Challenges And Solutions In Screening Temporary Workers

challenges for verifiying temporary workers

HR professionals may face several challenges when suggesting a background screening program for short-term hires, including:

  • Cost restrictions
  • Time restrictions
  • Limited HR policies
  • Departmental segmentation

These challenges can be addressed by understanding that some perceived obstacles are myths. Investing in background checks for temporary employees is essential for protecting your company, and the benefits far outweigh the costs.

Key Background Check Services For Temporary Employees

Background check companies often run a basic background check for temporary workers to save costs and focus on essential information. Common background check services include:

  • Criminal Background Checks: These searches scan public records for criminal behaviour, including sex offender registries. Adding SSN Trace can expand the scope by searching jurisdictions not mentioned by the candidate.
  • Employment History Verifications: These checks establish a temporary worker’s credibility and skill set, including reference checks with former employers and explanations for employment gaps.
  • Education Verifications: Validating education, licenses, and credentials ensures the candidate is qualified for their role.
  • Credit History: For financial roles, thorough credit checks protect your assets against unreliable workers.
  • Motor Vehicle Records: Essential for hiring safe and reliable drivers to represent your brand on the road.
  • Drug Testing: Necessary for certain roles to reduce negligence and maintain a drug-free workplace.

Legal Considerations In Background Screening

Compliance is crucial when conducting background checks, even for temporary or contract workers. The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) outlines protocols for compliant background checks, including disclosing the check and obtaining the candidate’s written consent. Candidates also have the right to receive a copy of their background check report.

State-specific laws may also impact screening processes, with requirements varying significantly between states. Partnering with an FCRA-certified background check company ensures compliance with federal, state, and local laws. Always consult with legal counsel in addition to your background screening provider.

Partnering With A Background Check Company

A thorough background screening program doesn’t need to be complicated. Professional background check companies handle the complexities, allowing your business to focus on core activities. They customize services based on your needs, ensuring efficient and accurate pre-employment checks.

Accredited background screeners use advanced technology to improve the speed and accuracy of reports. Look for a partner offering excellent customer service to address any questions or disputes quickly.

Communicating With Temporary Employees

When implementing background checks for temporary employees, clear communication is vital. Be transparent about the process, explaining why screening is necessary, what candidates can expect, and where they can find help. Temporary workers, especially independent contractors, may take the screening personally. Clarify that it is a standard procedure and inform them of their rights under the FCRA and any relevant state laws.


Although a temporary worker’s tenure may be short, the long-term benefits of their background check are substantial. Standardizing background screening for all employees, regardless of contract length, is essential. Partnering with an FCRA-certified background check business ensures your hiring decisions support company safety, security, and compliance.

Whether you’re a small business or a large firm, working with a certified background screening provider like AuthBridge offers the expertise and technology needed for compliant and efficient checks. For more information on our temporary and contract worker background screening solutions, reach out with any questions, and we will assist you promptly.

Moonlighting in India

Moonlighting in India: Meaning, Legal Implications, Impact, and Verification Methods

Introduction to Moonlighting:

Moonlighting refers to the practice of holding a secondary job or responsibilities, typically unknown to one’s primary employer, often performed during off-hours like nights or weekends. This term gained popularity as employees started to seek additional employment beyond their regular day jobs to increase their income.

Why is Moonlighting not a good thing for employers?

Moonlighting presents several challenges for employers, often making them wary of this practice for various reasons:

  1. Decreased Productivity: Employers are concerned that employees who work multiple jobs may not perform optimally in their primary roles. Fatigue from balancing more than one job can lead to reduced energy and focus, which can adversely affect productivity and the quality of work.
  1. Conflict of Interest: There’s a risk that moonlighting could lead to situations where an employee’s secondary job conflicts with the interests of their primary employer. This could be direct, such as working for a competitor, or indirect, where the employee may inadvertently share sensitive information or insights that could benefit their secondary employer.
  1. Divided Loyalties: Employers might worry that employees who moonlight may not be fully committed or loyal to their primary job. This divided attention can lead to prioritization issues, where employees may favor their secondary employment over their main job responsibilities.
  1. Impact on Team Dynamics: If an employee is regularly tired or less engaged due to their commitments elsewhere, it can affect not only their own performance but also the morale and productivity of the entire team. This can create additional strain on colleagues who may have to compensate for the decrease in productivity.
  1. Availability Issues: Moonlighting can lead to scheduling conflicts, especially if the secondary job requires similar working hours or if unexpected demands arise from the other role. This can make it difficult for employers to rely on the employee for overtime or to cover shifts, which is particularly problematic in roles that require a high degree of flexibility.
  1. Legal and Ethical Concerns: There can be legal implications if the moonlighting activity violates non-compete clauses or confidentiality agreements. Ethically, employers may question whether an employee can impartially handle responsibilities if they are engaged in similar work elsewhere.
  1. Resource Drain: When employees are overstretched, they might use the resources from their primary job to support activities for their secondary job, whether that’s time, materials, or intellectual property. This can lead to losses and ethical breaches for the primary employer.

Legality of Moonlighting in India:

Legal Position of Moonlighting in India As previously stated, there is no explicit law in India that addresses moonlighting. However, it might be subject to legal repercussions under many statutes, including the Employment Contract Act, the Shops and Establishments Act, and the Industrial Disputes Act.  The Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, of 1946 permits dual employment. Whereas under the Factories Act, of 1948, dual employment is prohibited. Under the Factories Act of 1948, an employer cannot require or let an adult employee work in the factory on days when they have already worked in another workplace. The prohibition provided by the Occupational Safety, Health, and Working Conditions (OSH) Code is restricted to simultaneous employment in a mine or factory and is largely equivalent to the one outlined in the Factories Act.

Consequences of Going Against Company Clause of Moonlighting: The consequences of going against a company clause prohibiting moonlighting can vary depending on the specific terms of the contract and the laws applicable in the jurisdiction where the employer is based. However, some common consequences include:

Disciplinary action: The employer may take disciplinary action against the employee, which may include a warning, suspension, or termination of the contract.

Legal action: If the breach of contract happens, the employer may choose to take legal action against the employee.

Damages: If the employer can demonstrate that the employee’s moonlighting activities have caused harm to the company, they may be able to claim damages.

Reputation damage: Going against a company clause can damage the employee’s reputation and may have negative consequences for their future employment prospects.

It is important to note that the specific consequences of going against a company clause prohibiting moonlighting will depend on the laws and regulations applicable in the jurisdiction where the employer is based, and the terms of the employment contract. An employee should seek legal advice before engaging in the concept of moonlighting activities if their employment contract contains a clause prohibiting such activities.

Moonlighting Policy for Employees:

Developing a Moonlighting Policy for Employees in India:

The topic of moonlighting has recently come under the spotlight in India, especially among leading corporations. There remains a significant debate around the ethical and legal dimensions of moonlighting, leading to varied stances among companies.

Role of HR in Moonlighting Policies:

It is primarily up to each company’s Human Resources department to establish a clear policy regarding moonlighting. This results in diverse policies across the corporate spectrum. Some companies have already implemented specific guidelines, while others are in the process of defining their stance.

Common Trends in Moonlighting Policies:

Most businesses tend to restrict their employees from engaging in work with competing organizations. This is a widespread measure to prevent conflicts of interest. Moreover, companies that haven’t yet formalized a separate moonlighting policy often address the issue by incorporating a clause against dual employment directly into their employment contracts.

How to Find Out if an Employee Is Moonlighting?

Companies can know if an employee is moonlighting and working for its competitors using their Universal Account Number (UAN) of the Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF). Companies can access an employee’s UAN number to get to know if two PF contributions are being made by different companies. When two PF contributions are being made simultaneously to a UAN, it is a clear indication of moonlighting by the employees.

Wipro fired 300 employees for moonlighting by tracking the EPF accounts maintained under the UANs. However, it isn’t easy to find moonlighting by an employee when he/she takes up additional work as a consultant, freelancer or part-time since an employer does not make the PF contribution for such work.

However, companies may start deploying new-age technology to track devices given to employees solely for office work and get to know when an employee uses it to do another company’s work. They may also hire a third-party agency for background checks to find out about moonlighting by an employee.

Detecting Employee Moonlighting

Businesses can ascertain whether their employees are engaged in moonlighting, especially with competitors, by monitoring their Universal Account Number (UAN) associated with the Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF). By examining an employee’s UAN, companies can detect dual PF contributions from separate employers, which is a clear sign of moonlighting.

Instances of Monitoring:

For instance, Wipro terminated 300 employees who were found moonlighting by monitoring the EPF accounts linked to their UANs. Detecting moonlighting becomes challenging when employees engage in freelance, consultancy, or part-time roles that do not require PF contributions by the employer.

Preventive Measures by AuthBridge:

AuthBridge leverages AI technology to effectively address and manage dual employment dilemmas, crafting a strategic blend of tactics for our clients and their HR teams. Our platform offers seamless workflows and minimizes data loss, enhancing the speed and efficiency of employment verification processes.

Our Dual Employment Verification Approach:

Our method involves using the UAN to conduct non-invasive employment verification, ensuring accurate results quickly and efficiently. AuthBridge’s system is designed to be data-centric and precise. Upon obtaining an employee’s UAN, we commence verification to confirm there is no concurrent employment during the client’s tenure. If dual employment is detected, the situation is immediately flagged.

Details Verified in Our UAN Checks Include:

  • Employee’s Name
  • Father’s/Husband’s Name
  • Employing Organization
  • Date of Joining
  • Date of Exit

Technological Advantages with AuthBridge:

  • Streamlined integrations through simple dashboards and APIs
  • Real-time background checks that optimize time efficiency
  • Customization of workflows to suit specific client and industry needs
  • Cost-effective solutions driven by a robust database
  • Elimination of manual processes
  • Secure digital data handling compliant with industry standards
  • Detailed and swift reporting to facilitate quicker hiring decisions

AuthBridge’s CEO on Moonlighting:

“A person can have multiple employees crediting PF into the same PF account. Many companies don’t run dual-employment verification for their employees. They will conduct a basic background screening,” said Ajay Trehan, founder and CEO of AuthBridge.“The only logical explanation is she must have been running a mini BPO setup at her home with multiple terminals and enrolled people to work on a project basis. We only run a check on PF credentials for dual employment.“

Click Here to read the full article

moonlighting in india: AuthBridge CEO, Ajay Trehan words on the current insights and industry trends related to dual employment

Recent Developments in Corporate Moonlighting Policies

Wipro’s Stance:

Wipro’s CEO, Rishad Premji, recently labeled moonlighting as unethical, equating it to cheating. This strict viewpoint led to the termination of 300 employees found working for competitors, highlighting the company’s zero-tolerance policy against moonlighting.

IBM’s Approach:

IBM has also issued warnings to its workforce regarding moonlighting. The company has made it clear that such practices are not acceptable, reinforcing the policy to ensure that employees dedicate their professional energies solely to IBM.

TCS’s Approach:

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) has voiced concerns over moonlighting, declaring it a matter of ethics and in direct contradiction with the company’s values and culture. TCS emphasizes integrity and full-time commitment from its employees, discouraging any form of dual employment.

Online DL Verification India

Understanding Online Driving Licence (DL) Verification In India

The journey towards digital transformation in India has reshaped numerous governmental processes, with driving licence verification emerging as a key area of innovation. Traditionally, this process was mired in paperwork and physical visits to transport offices, often leading to inefficiencies and delays. The advent of online verification represents a significant leap towards modernization, aligning with initiatives like Digital India aimed at simplifying citizen-government interactions.

About The Indian Driving Licence

The Indian driving licence (DL) is not just a legal document permitting its holder to operate various types of motor vehicles on public roads but also a vital identification tool embedded with numerous features for security, verification, and information purposes. Issued by the Regional Transport Offices (RTOs) across India, the DL comes with a standardized design and format that adheres to the regulations set by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways.

Key Components Of The Indian Driving Licence

Indian Driving Licence (DL) Components

Let’s delve into the key features and details contained within an Indian driving licence:

  • Photograph of the Holder: At the forefront of the card, the DL features a photograph of the licence holder, serving as a crucial identification mark.
  • Unique Driving Licence Number: This alphanumeric code is specific to each licence holder, facilitating easy tracking and verification of the individual’s driving credentials.
  • Holder’s Name and Date of Birth: Essential personal information, including the holder’s full name and date of birth, is prominently displayed, further aiding in identification.
  • Father’s/Spouse’s Name: The inclusion of the father’s or spouse’s name provides an additional layer of identity verification.
  • Blood Group: A relatively recent addition, the blood group of the licence holder is mentioned on the card, which could be critical in emergency situations.
  • Permanent Address: The DL contains the permanent residential address of the licence holder, making it a valid proof of address for various official purposes.
  • Issuing Authority: The name and code of the RTO that issued the DL are mentioned, indicating the geographic jurisdiction under which the licence was granted.
  • Date of Issue and Validity: The card specifies the date on which the DL was issued, along with its expiry date, beyond which it must be renewed.
  • Vehicle Class(es): This section details the type(s) of vehicle the licence holder is authorized to drive, such as two-wheelers, passenger cars, heavy vehicles, etc.
  • QR Code: Modern DLs come with a QR code that, when scanned, directs to a digital verification page showing the licence’s authenticity and other details. This feature significantly enhances the security and ease of verification.
  • Signature of the Holder: The DL includes the licence holder’s signature, providing an additional authentication method.

Countries Where You Can Drive With An Indian Driving Licence

Here’s the list of foreign countries where you can drive with an Indian Driving Licence: United States of America (USA), Malaysia, Germany, Australia, United Kingdom (UK), New Zealand, Switzerland, South Africa, Sweden, Singapore, Hong Kong, Spain, Canada, Finland, Bhutan.

Accessing Government Of India's Official DL Verification Portal

To begin the verification process, individuals must access the official portal provided by the Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MoRTH), Government of India – Sarathi Parivahan website. This portal serves as the gateway to a host of services related to driving licences, including application, renewal, and verification.

Benefits And Features Of Online DL Verification

The online Driving Licence verification process, just like the online GST verification, offers significant advantages over traditional methods:

  • Efficiency: It eliminates the need to visit the RTO (Regional Transport Office) in person, saving time and reducing bureaucratic delays.
  • Accessibility: Available 24/7, it allows for verification at any convenient time, making it highly accessible to users nationwide.
  • Security: With advanced cybersecurity measures in place, users can rest assured that their personal information is protected against unauthorized access.
  • Accuracy: Digital records minimize the risk of errors with manual data entry, ensuring the verification process is accurate.

The Significance Of Digital Verification For Driving Licences

Online DL verification stands as a cornerstone in enhancing the safety, reliability, and integrity of driver verification processes. It not only streamlines administrative operations but also elevates the level of access and convenience for the populace. This digital shift is pivotal in combating fraud, ensuring only qualified individuals are behind the wheel, thereby contributing to road safety and regulatory compliance.

In the rapidly digitizing landscape of India, online driving licence verification has emerged as a critical tool across various industries. This process not only enhances operational efficiencies but also plays a pivotal role in ensuring safety, compliance, and authenticity. Let’s explore the significance of online DL verification across different sectors in India:

Transportation And Logistics

In the transportation and logistics sector, the verification of driving licences is pivotal. It ensures that only qualified individuals operate vehicles, thereby reducing the risk of accidents and ensuring compliance with road safety regulations. For businesses, this verification process aids in building a reputable brand that prioritizes safety and reliability. Moreover, it streamlines the hiring process, enabling quicker validation of a candidate’s credentials, significantly reducing the administrative burden and expediting the onboarding of new drivers.

Car Rentals And Ride-Sharing Services

For car rental and ride-sharing companies, trust is a currency. Online DL verification ensures that drivers have valid licences, which is crucial for customer safety and trust. It also serves as a risk management tool, reducing the likelihood of incidents that could lead to legal liabilities. By leveraging digital verification, these companies can quickly onboard new drivers, ensuring they meet the safety standards required to provide a secure service to customers.

Financial Services And Insurance

In financial services and insurance, DL verification plays a critical role in fraud prevention and risk assessment. Insurance companies can use DL verification to prevent fraudulent claims by ensuring the policyholder’s driving licence is valid at the claim’s time. Similarly, financial institutions offering vehicle loans can assess the risk profile of applicants based on their driving records, leading to more informed lending decisions.

Employment Background Checks

For roles that require driving as a primary duty, employers leverage online DL verification to validate the authenticity of the credentials provided by applicants. This not only ensures compliance with regulatory standards but also safeguards the organization against potential liabilities arising from accidents involving unqualified drivers. Digital verification processes enable employers to conduct these checks efficiently, saving time and resources in the hiring process.

Hospitality And Tourism

In the hospitality and tourism industry, where employees often transport guests, verifying the driving licences of employees is essential for maintaining safety standards. It also protects the company’s reputation by ensuring that guests are in safe hands. Digital verification allows for quick checks, ensuring that all drivers meet the necessary legal requirements to operate a vehicle, thereby enhancing guest safety and satisfaction.

E-commerce And Delivery Services

The e-commerce boom has led to an increased demand for delivery services. Online DL verification ensures that delivery personnel are legally authorized to operate the vehicles they use, which is vital for maintaining service reliability and timeliness. It also helps e-commerce companies maintain high operational standards by ensuring their staff possess valid driving credentials, thereby reducing the risk of delays and accidents.

Education And Training Institutes

For driving schools and other educational institutes where driving instruction is provided, verifying the driving licences of instructors is crucial. It ensures that instructors are qualified to teach, enhancing the safety and quality of education provided to learners. Online verification processes provide a quick and efficient method for validating these credentials, contributing to a safer learning environment.

Manufacturing And Heavy Machinery

In industries that involve the operation of heavy vehicles or machinery, safety compliance is non-negotiable. Verifying the driving licences of operators ensures they are qualified to handle heavy machinery, thereby reducing the risk of workplace accidents. Online DL verification processes facilitate this by enabling quick checks of the validity and class of licences, ensuring operators are appropriately licenced for the machinery they operate.


Fraudulent Driving Licences In India

According to government data, it’s estimated that one in every three driving licences in India might not be genuine. Nitin Gadkari, the Road Transport and Highways Minister of India, highlighted that approximately 30% of the driving licences, out of a total of 180 million, are considered to be invalid, amounting to about 54 million potentially fraudulent licences. In India, about 32,000 driving licenses are issued daily.

Indian DL Frauds

This prevalence of counterfeit or duplicate driving licences poses a significant risk of identity theft. This can severely impact the reputation and financial stability of businesses across various sectors. These include Shared Mobility, Delivery & Logistics, and Transportation. Identifying these fraudulent licences can be extremely challenging without specialized verification processes.

AuthBridge’s Driving Licence Verification API

Carry out real-time and seamless DL verification processes with AuthBridge’s driver licence verification API. Provide the image Driving licence or DL number as input to fetch instantaneous verification responses for the following data points:

  • Name and image of the individual
  • DL number
  • DOB, age, and gender
  • Category and type of vehicle authorized
  • Issue and expiry timeline
  • Address of the individual
  • Issuing RTO Details

Screen out false licences/underage drivers and help onboard genuine customers, employees, drivers, and other third parties.

Top Reasons To Use AuthBridge’s Driver Licence Verification API

  • Seamless Integration: Businesses often struggle with manual verification paperwork during high-volume recruitments and onboarding. Our industry-leading APIs will ensure seamless integration with your existing workflows and processes and speed up your onboarding process.
  • Onboard new drivers/renters in a few seconds: You need to onboard individuals with a valid driving licence especially when you are onboarding drivers or vendors for your mobility, and logistics-related businesses. DLs should be authentic and should have not crossed the expiry date. Our verification APIs extract details of the vehicle/driver from DL and check the driver’s licence status for seamless verification.
  • Safeguard your business from illegitimate drivers: Any individual sitting in the driving seat must possess a valid DL as with ‘driving’ comes a sense of responsibility. Our Driver Licence Verification API helps businesses filter out bad actors, underage drivers, and fake/forged DLs before renting out a car, bike, or recreational vehicle.
  • Real-time verification: The turnaround time of the API is very low, as low as 1 second, assuring real-time and instant verification of driving licence. With our instant DL verification API, you just need to enter the details of the DL or simply upload a photo of the DL. The OCR will extract the data and validate it with government databases in real time.
  • Protection against identity frauds: Validate the authenticity of customers, employees, and third parties and detect document fraud and identity theft. Mitigate financial and reputational risks when onboarding drivers, delivery partners, vendors, renters, merchants, etc.
  • Plug and Play APIs: Our industry-leading APIs ensure seamless integration with your existing workflows and processes
  • Comply with regulations: Stay compliant with regulations i.e. KYC (Know Your Customer), AML (Anti-Money laundering), CFT (Counter-Terrorist Financing) Directive, GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), etc.

About AuthBridge

With over 18 years of experience in the industry, AuthBridge has been at the forefront of creating databases, and building algorithms to enable instant searches to perform background checks without compromising on data security. AuthBridge is trusted by over 2,000 clients in 140 countries for their background check needs. Our database contains over 1 billion proprietary data records for conducting background checks. AuthBridge conducts an impressive volume of 15 million background checks every month.

FAQs on Driving License Verification

Yes, you can check your driving license details online in India through the Parivahan Sewa website or the mParivahan mobile app. On the Parivahan Sewa website, you need to select your state, enter your driving license number and date of birth, and then view the details. Similarly, on the mParivahan app, you can enter your driving license number and date of birth to access your driving license information.

To download a PDF of your driving license in India, visit the Parivahan Sewa website, navigate to “Driving License Related Services,” select your state, enter your driving license number and date of birth, and download the PDF from the provided options. Alternatively, use the DigiLocker app, link your driving license, and download the PDF directly from the app.

Yes, you can show your driving license on your mobile in India using the DigiLocker app or the mParivahan app. Both apps are government-approved and allow you to store and display a digital copy of your driving license, which is legally valid.

  • Visit the Parivahan Sewa Website: Go to Parivahan Sewa.

  • Navigate to Driving License Services:

    • Click on the “Online Services” tab.
    • Select “Driving License Related Services.”
  • Select Your State: Choose the state where your driving license was issued.

  • Log In:

    • Click on “Apply Online” and then select “Services on Driving License.”
    • Enter your driving license number and date of birth.
    • Submit the captcha code.
  • Download the DL Copy:

    • Once logged in, look for the option to print or download your driving license.
    • Click on the “Print” button.
    • Save the document as a PDF to your device.

Yes, the digital driving license (DL) available on the mParivahan app is valid and legally accepted in India. The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) has authorized the use of digital DLs and vehicle registration certificates (RCs) stored in the mParivahan app. You can present the digital DL from the mParivahan app to traffic police or other authorities as a legitimate proof of your driving license.

Police Verification Check in India

Police Verification in India: Everything you need to know Statewise(2024)

What Is Police Verification?

Police verification is a process carried out by the police or other law enforcement agencies to verify an individual’s identity and check for any criminal records on an individual’s name. This background check is essential for various reasons, including employment, issuing Passports, and Tenant screening, among others. It helps organisations and individuals assess any potential legal risks linked to the person being verified.

The Purpose And Significance Of Police Verification

The main purpose of Police Verification is to boost safety and security by ensuring that individuals with criminal backgrounds do not gain access to positions of trust. This is particularly important for critical positions that require dealing with sensitive information or customer-facing roles such as that of a gig worker, or even in the case of a blue-collar worker where an incident can sabotage an organisation’s reputation and lead to loss of business.

What Is A Police Clearance Certificate?

A Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) is an official document issued by the District Superintendent of Police following Police Verification. This certificate validates and confirms several key details such as:

  • The applicant holds citizenship in India.
  • The photograph on the PCC verification application accurately represents the applicant.
  • There are no criminal cases, either pending or recorded, against the applicant in the jurisdiction’s legal system according to police records.
  • The applicant has not received any adverse reports that would disqualify them from receiving visas or permission to immigrate.

The Process Of Obtaining A Police Clearance Certificate

To obtain a Police Clearance Certificate in India, an individual must submit a formal application, which typically includes:

  1. Application Form: Filled with personal details and reasons for the PCC verification request.
  2. Identifying Documents: Such as a passport, driver’s license, or other government-issued ID to verify identity.
  3. Proof of Address: Documents that confirm the current and permanent addresses.
  4. Payment of Fees: A nominal fee is usually required for the processing of the application.

The police or relevant authority conducts a thorough background check, reviewing criminal records databases and sometimes interacting with local police stations. The duration of this process can vary, often taking anywhere from a few days to several weeks, depending on the country and the specific procedures in place.

Documents Required For Obtaining A Police Verification Certificate

POI (Proof of Identity):

POR(Proof of Residence):

  • Electricity/Water bill 
  • Copy of Notarized Rent agreement of 11 months or Registered agreement if more than 12 months.
  • Proof of Gas Connection
  • Income Tax Assessment Order
  • Telephone Bill (Landline or Post Paid Mobile Bill)
  • Certificate From Employer of reputed Companies
  • Verification request letter from employee to DCP/CPGGM(Compulsory for Employee Verification)
  • Parivar Pehchan Patra (PPP)

Difference Between Police Verification And A Police Verification Certificate

While the terms “Police Verification” and “Police Verification Certificate” are often used interchangeably, there is a subtle difference between the two:

  • Police Verification process is undertaken to verify the credentials and criminal history of an individual.
  • A Police Verification Certificate is a document that results from this process, often synonymous with a Police Clearance Certificate, although the terminology can vary by region and purpose.

Application Process For Police Verification In India

The process for obtaining a police verification certificate involves several steps, often facilitated by both online and offline methods:

  1. Submission of Application: Applications can typically be submitted online through the Passport Seva website or the respective state police’s online portal. Offline applications must be submitted at the local police station or passport office.
  2. Documentation and Scheduling: The common documents required include:
    • A duly filled application form, available online or at the police station.
    • Valid identification proof (Aadhaar Card, Voter ID, etc.).
    • Proof of address (utility bills, rental agreement, etc.).
    • Passport-sized photographs.
    • Applicable fee receipt.
  3. Police Verification Process: After applying, a police officer may visit the applicant’s residence to verify the details provided. The officer will check the applicant’s background for any criminal records.
  4. Issuance of the Certificate: Upon successful verification, the police issue a verification certificate. This certificate can be collected from the police station or downloaded from the online portal, depending on the method of application.

Offline Vs. Online Police Verification Applications

  • Offline Application: Involves visiting a police station or a government office to submit the required documents in person. This method may be preferable for those who are not tech-savvy or when online services are not available.
  • Online Application: Many regions now offer online services for applying for police verification, which simplifies and speeds up the process. Applicants can upload digital copies of necessary documents and pay fees via secure payment gateways. Online applications are generally faster and can be tracked in real-time.

Police Verification Process Via AuthBridge

The document submission process for obtaining a clearance certificate through AuthBridge involves both online and offline methods, catering to the requirements of the candidate and the stipulated guidelines of the state.

Offline Submission: Candidates can submit their documents either via postal service or through a designated vendor. Once the documents are processed, a challan is issued. This challan is then shared with the candidate, who must visit the police station within a specified timeframe to complete the process.

Online Submission: In the online method, the candidate submits the documents electronically. Upon submission, a challan is automatically generated. Similar to the offline process, the candidate is required to visit the police station following the receipt of this challan.

In both scenarios, the final clearance certificate can be collected either directly from AuthBridge or the respective police station, depending on the completion of all required formalities.

Police Verification Methods In Different States In India

State Name


















Kolkata (West Bengal)


Madhya Pradesh








Tamil Nadu


Uttar Pradesh


Andhra Pradesh








Rest of India (ROI)


Checking And Tracking Police Verification In India

How to Check Your Police Verification Status Online in India

If you need to track the status of your police verification in India—whether for passport issuance, job requirements, or other reasons—you can easily do so online through various official government platforms. Here’s a step-by-step guide to finding out the current status of your application:

Using the Passport Seva Portal

  1. Visit the Site: Open your web browser and go to the Passport Seva official website.
  2. Log In: Enter your registered credentials to log into your dashboard.
  3. Navigate: Click on the ‘Track Application Status’ section.
  4. Enter Application Details: Type in your application number and your date of birth.
  5. View Status: The portal will then display the status of your police verification, which could be ‘Pending’, ‘Under Review’, or ‘Completed’.

Using State Police Websites

  1. Access the Website: Locate and visit the official website of your state police.
  2. Verification Section: Search for a section specifically for status checks on police verification. This could generally be found under ‘Citizen Services’.
  3. Submit Required Information: Enter necessary details such as your FIR number or application ID.
  4. Check Status: The website will then show the current status of your police verification.

How To Verify A Police Clearance Certificate In India

After obtaining a Police Clearance Certificate (PCC), verifying its authenticity is crucial, especially if it’s intended for use in formal proceedings like visa applications or overseas employment.

  1. QR Code Verification:
    • Modern PCC verifications issued in India often include a QR code.
    • Scan the QR Code: Use a QR scanner on your smartphone to scan the code on the certificate.
    • Verification Link: The scan will direct you to a verification page that confirms the authenticity of the document.
  2. Online Verification Services:
    • Some state police departments offer online services where you can enter the certificate number to verify its details.
    • Access the Service: Find the verification link on the state police or national portal where the PCC verification was issued.
    • Enter Certificate Number: Provide the certificate number and possibly other details like the issuance date.
    • Authentication Results: The portal will confirm whether the certificate is valid and provide details about the issuance.

Practical Aspects Of Police Verification In India

Is Police Verification Done at Permanent and Present Address?

In India, police verification is indeed required at both the permanent and present addresses for various official procedures, especially for passport issuance, employment, and sometimes even for rental agreements. Here’s why both checks are important:

  • Permanent Address: This is the address associated with an individual’s official records and is often used to trace back long-term history and any previous criminal records.
  • Present Address: Verifying the present address helps assess the current status and conduct of an individual, ensuring they are residing legally and without issues at their current location.

This dual verification approach helps in creating a comprehensive profile of the individual, crucial for sensitive positions or legal documentation.

How Long Does It Take For Police Verification In India?

The timeframe for completing police verification in India can vary based on several factors:

  • Purpose of Verification: High-priority verifications, such as those for passport applications, are generally expedited. The Ministry of External Affairs prioritizes these verifications to avoid delays in passport issuance.

For example:

  • Passport Verification: Generally expedited and aimed to be completed within 3 to 21 days, depending on the specific state.
  • Employment Verification: Might take longer, especially if it involves verifying records from multiple states or from both permanent and present addresses.

These durations are typical estimates and can be subject to change based on the other factors. Knowing these specifics can help individuals plan accordingly and manage their expectations during the application processes for various services.

The Importance Of Integrating Police Background Checks With Court Records

Police background checks are essential tools for detecting any criminal activities associated with an individual within a specific region; however, their scope is often limited. These checks may not encompass offenses committed in different jurisdictions across the country. This limitation underscores the necessity of court records checks.

By conducting a comprehensive nationwide search of court records, organisations can ensure that all aspects of a candidate’s criminal history are uncovered, regardless of where the offences occurred. This integration of police background checks with court records provides a complete and nuanced view of an individual’s background, thereby enhancing an organisation’s security measures against hiring individuals with criminal pasts.

Key Applications Of Police Verification

  1. Employment Verification
  • Corporate Jobs: For roles that involve handling sensitive information, financial responsibilities, or security services, police verification is mandatory to ensure that the potential employee does not have a criminal background. Eg – leadership roles, blue collar workers, gig workers, and extended workforce.
  • Education Sector: Teachers, administrative staff, and other personnel working in schools and educational institutions undergo police verification to protect students and maintain a safe educational environment.
  1. Passport Issuance
  • The Ministry of External Affairs requires police verification for passport applicants to ensure the applicant has no pending criminal cases that would disqualify them from international travel. This process is crucial for confirming the identity and nationality of the applicant.
  1. Tenant Screening
  • Landlords often request police verification of potential tenants to ensure they are renting their properties to individuals without criminal histories. This is becoming increasingly common in urban areas to prevent legal issues and maintain security in residential buildings.
  1. Domestic Workers
  • Police verification is advisable for domestic workers such as maids, drivers, and nannies, particularly when they work in close proximity to families and in private homes. This helps in building trust with employers and ensures the safety of home environments.
  1. Financial Sector
  • Employees in banks and financial institutions often undergo police verification as they are in positions to handle significant amounts of money and sensitive financial information.
  1. Security Clearances
  • For security-related roles, including private security guards and personnel, police verification is essential to confirm the integrity and reliability of the individuals in these positions.
  1. Visa Applications
  • Certain countries require a police clearance certificate as part of their visa application process to ensure that the visitor does not have a significant criminal history that could pose a risk to public safety.
  1. Adoption Procedures
  • Prospective adoptive parents undergo police verification to ensure that the child is being placed in a safe and secure environment, free from any potential harm or illegal activities.

Police Verification In India FAQs

No, a separate application is required for each country for which a Police Clearance Certificate is sought.

A Police Clearance Certificate in India is valid for six months from the date of issue.

There is no age limit for obtaining a Police Clearance Certificate in India.

Minors can apply for a Police Clearance Certificate if it is required by a foreign government.

Foreign nationals residing in India can obtain a Police Clearance Certificate from the District Police or the Foreigners Regional Registration Officer (FRRO). The Indian Mission may authenticate the original document.

Indian nationals residing abroad should apply through the nearest Indian Mission. The application and necessary documents are sent to the Passport Issuing Authority in India, which coordinates with the Indian Mission.

Eligibility includes having a valid Indian passport and a proof of residence. The current residence must match the address on the passport.

Applicants can apply for a PCC online through the Passport Seva portal.

Yes, you can obtain a PCC by completing the required formalities at your nearest police station.

The status of a PCC application can be checked on the Passport Seva portal under ‘Track Application Status’.

Vendor Onboarding Due DIligence

Why Is Vendor Due Diligence Important?

As business ecosystems expand and evolve, attracting the right vendors for businesses becomes crucial. That’s where a robust vendor onboarding process becomes important. It’s not just paperwork – it’s a strategic investment, ensuring your partners meet their needs and excel in their goals. However, onboarding a vendor is only as effective as the due diligence that one performs. What if you onboard a vendor whose CFO has been accused of money laundering? Think about the detrimental impact of that on the reputation of your business.

Vendor Onboarding And The Need For An Efficient Due Diligence Solution

Vendor onboarding is the process of integrating new vendors or third-party service providers into a company’s ecosystem. In today’s competitive landscape, businesses need every edge they can get. An efficient and trustworthy vendor onboarding and due diligence solution propels businesses ahead by optimising vendor ecosystem and maximising the value they derive from partnerships.

Automated solutions streamline the process, saving on personnel resources, postage, and printing expenses. Manual data entry is prone to human error. Automation eliminates these mistakes, ensuring accuracy and compliance with regulations. A reliable due diligence solution ensures transparency and eliminates biases throughout the onboarding process, building trust with potential vendors and fostering fair competition. Trustworthy vendor due diligence solutions prioritize data security, protecting sensitive information from unauthorized access, breaches, and leaks. This builds trust with vendors and safeguards your confidential data.

Efficiency and transparency attract high-quality vendors who appreciate a smooth and professional onboarding experience. This strengthens your vendor pool and increases your access to the best talent. Building trust and collaboration from the outset lays the foundation for lasting partnerships. Efficient onboarding due diligence fosters clear communication and sets expectations for a fruitful and productive relationship.

Current Vendor Onboarding Due Diligence Challenges

Companies around the world face several unique challenges with Vendor Onboarding and Due Diligence, adding to the difficulties inherent to the process anywhere. The most common challenges include:

  1. Compliance And Regulatory Hurdles
    Tax regulations can be complex at times. Our GST (Goods and Services Tax) system can be intricate and challenging for many vendors of different sectors to navigate. Also, Stringent KYC (Know Your Customer) requirements often involve manual verification of documents, causing delays and frustration. With increasing data privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA impacting global businesses, data security and consent management become crucial challenges.

  2. Lack Of Standardization And Automation 
    Many companies still rely on manual paperwork and email communication, leading to errors, inefficiencies, and delays. Data silos and disintegrated systems often make it difficult to track progress, share information and ensure all stakeholders are on the same page. Smaller businesses may also not have the resources or awareness to invest in automated onboarding tools.

  3. Infrastructural Issues
    With the rising penetration of mobile internet in the country, in certain regions, reliable internet access and digital literacy can be limited, posing additional hurdles for online onboarding processes. The reliance on cash transactions can complicate vendor payments and require alternative solutions. Physical infrastructure limitations like logistics networks and transportation systems can impact the onboarding process for certain vendor types.

Vendor Due Diligence And Continuous Monitoring

Onboarding vendors isn’t just about paperwork and logistics – it’s a strategy requiring meticulous due diligence and persistent monitoring. Skimping on either can jeopardise your business, brand reputation, and legal compliance. Here’s why these pillars are vital for Indian vendor onboarding:

Due Diligence

  1. Risks in the Market: The rapidly evolving legal and regulatory environment can harbour hidden risks associated with vendors. Fraudulent companies, non-compliance issues, and data security breaches are real concerns. Thorough due diligence mitigates these risks by verifying vendor credentials, financial stability, and compliance with regulations.

  2. Finding the Right Partners: Going beyond qualifications, due diligence reveals cultural compatibility, communication styles, and shared values. These insights ensure you pair with vendors who seamlessly integrate into your ecosystem and foster long-term, win-win collaborations.

  3. Protecting Your Brand and Data: India’s stringent data privacy regulations like the PDP Bill make data security paramount. Due diligence helps you assess a vendor’s data security practices, access controls, and incident response measures to protect sensitive information and your brand from reputational damage.

Conducting business partner due diligence will let you know exactly how the business operates and whether or not they are a good fit for you. Vendor due diligence and business partner due diligence will also keep you informed of aspects such as lawsuits or past losses faced by a company. If a company is fake or just a front for money laundering or other illegal processes, a due diligence check will identify the problem before you make any commitments.

Continuous Vendor Monitoring

  1. Early Warning System: Vendor Onboarding is just the first step. Continuous monitoring keeps a watchful eye on vendor performance, spotting red flags like missed deadlines, poor-quality deliverables, or compliance breaches. This allows for timely intervention and course correction before problems snowball.

  2. Maintaining Alignment With Goals: As your business evolves, your vendor ecosystem needs to adapt. Continuous monitoring ensures vendors remain aligned with your changing objectives, evaluating their responsiveness to evolving needs and their contribution to your strategic goals.

  3. Building Sustainable Partnerships: Open communication and regular feedback through monitoring foster trust and strengthen relationships. Identifying your vendors’ strengths and areas for improvement facilitates collaborative growth and mutually beneficial partnerships that thrive in the long run.

Overcoming Vendor Due Diligence Challenges

In this current age of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), AI-powered due diligence technology can significantly strengthen your vendor onboarding process, mitigate risks, and build a resilient, thriving business ecosystem courtesy of Business verification and Due Diligence to partner with the right vendor. 

A good Vendor Onboarding Due Diligence solution takes care of many things, including

  1. Doing away with the herculean task of individually managing multiple vendors using Excel spreadsheets. Get all your vendors’ data on a single platform.
  2. Letting you track the progress of all your vendors’ onboarding journey on a single platform. Allowing your team to forecast and give actionable insights.
  3. Ensuring all your vendors comply with the industry and government-mandated regulatory requirements with a compliant vendor onboarding solution.
  4. Onboarding your vendors faster with paperless onboarding. Digital verification of vendor identity documents for a seamless and paperless experience.

Can A Vendor Onboarding Due Diligence Process Be Simplified?

Vendor Onboarding Due Diligence can be a lot more secure and simplified by leveraging the power of AI and ML. AuthBridge’s solution is one such option that makes use of the latest automation and verification technologies, offering you a robust, simplified and bankable platform. Our solution lets you

  1. Initiate Vendor Registration via Multiple Channels like Email, SMS, or WhatsApp. Onboard the vendor faster by bulk uploading their information or choosing to initiate the process for a single vendor.

  2. Automate workflows for collection of data like PoI, PoA, GSTIN number, DIN, CIN, Shop & Establishment License, Balance Sheet, etc.

  3. Leverage AuthBridge’s proprietary technology to conduct faster vendor due diligence. Identify the associated risks or issues with your vendors and take corrective actions to safeguard your brand reputation and mitigate the risk.

  4. Streamline Approvals Across the Onboarding Process. Set up configurable workflows to nudge the stakeholders to complete their assigned duties and responsibilities to move the case to the next step. Accelerate the approval process by automating your approval journeys.

  5. Sign vendor contracts digitally for faster contract management. Our e-sign tool, SignDrive, allows your vendors, etc to upload their e-signature to sign the onboarding contract or e-sign the stamp papers. Collaborate with different stakeholders to co-sign the contract and fast-track the onboarding process. During the supplier onboarding process, businesses can reduce this stress by digitizing documentation with digital signing solutions.

  6. Integrate our advanced vendor onboarding solution with your ERP platforms like SAP, Tally, Oracle, Microsoft, etc., to allow two-way communication to fetch vendor information from various government databases like UIDAI, NSDL, MCA, and Income tax e-portal.

  7. Safeguard your business reputation by conducting regular vendor checks to identify any probable risks. Conduct regular checks via public domain or subscribed databases to adhere to required compliances like EPFO compliance, GSTIN compliance, Financial evaluation and others.

To learn more about our Vendor Onboarding Due Diligence solution, explore our website.

Why Choose AuthBridge?

With over 18 years of experience in the industry, AuthBridge has been at the forefront of creating databases, conducting data mining and live scraping of data, and building algorithms to enable instant searches to perform background checks without compromising on data security. AuthBridge is trusted by over 2,000 clients in 140 countries for their background check needs. Our database contains over 1 billion proprietary data records for conducting background checks. AuthBridge conducts an impressive volume of 15 million background checks every month.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Question – What Is Vendor Onboarding Due Diligence?

    Answer – Vendor Onboarding Due Diligence refers to the thorough evaluation of a new vendor during the onboarding process to ensure they’re reliable, trustworthy, and meet your requirements before fully integrating them into your operations.

  2. Question – Why Do Vendor Due Diligence?

    Answer – Before onboarding a Vendor, this deep-dive assessment throws light on the vendor’s true value, allowing you to negotiate a fair price, protect your reputation, and forge partnerships that propel your business forward.

  3. Question – How Often Should You Re-evaluate Vendor Performance After Onboarding?

    Answer – Regularly monitor critical metrics, conduct periodic audits, and seek feedback from other departments interacting with the vendor. Proactive reassessment ensures continued suitability and value in the partnership.

  4. Question – How Detailed Should The Due Diligence Process Be?

    Answer – The depth depends on the risk level and importance of the vendor, as well as your company’s risk tolerance. High-value or critical vendors warrant a more thorough assessment.

What Is The Process For BGV (Background Verification)?

BGV or Background verification is synonymously used for candidate and employee verification. It is one of the top priorities for companies when hiring employees to stay ahead of business and operations risks. Background verification was essentially introduced to meet business, compliance, and data security regulations for a company that is hiring new employees or screening their existing employees.

Nowadays, employee background verification is a non-negotiable part of hiring. It appears that gradually background checks are becoming more robust. Employers are checking employees rigorously and including different elements to employee verification with the power of technologyBackground screening companies like AuthBridge are offering industry-specific solutions for employee screening by deploying power-packed technologies like AI/ML, proprietary databases, etc.

What Is The Process For BGV And How Is It Done?

The background verification process encompasses checking the credibility of the candidate’s past employment details, their educational qualifications, and if there are any ongoing or past court cases against the candidate – with the idea of hiring the right candidate for the job.

With the changing work environment and new data protection laws, companies cannot afford even a minor glitch in the resume. One wrong candidate is hired, and your market reputation earned over the years goes for a toss. A few easy steps of background verification can bring about a profitable change in your company.

At AuthBridge, we power your background screening process with real-time verification capabilities. Our combination of digital, database, and human-assisted checks yields accurate screening results 10X faster and you can easily upscale and downscale your employee verifications. So now several real-time solutions are available across remote employee onboarding journeys.


What Is BGV In Remote Working? How Has Technology Changed The BGV Space?

With traditional verification processes proving inadequate and out-of-date, 32% of companies leverage technology tools as an alternative mode of verification [Source: EY] These findings reconfirm the fact that digital transformation is driving employee background checks in the new normal space of work.

The latest technological advancements powered by AI/ML have enabled background verification companies to optimize the BGV process while complying with data protection regulations.

Use Of Technology And How It Automates Employee Verification?

In times driven by the dynamism and volatility of good talent, technology-led solutions focused on Employment, Education, Address, Criminal and identity checks have been designed to verify and onboard employees instantly. This has substantially helped HR-specific risk mitigation and faster business decision-making.

Our centralised onboarding documentation tool makes it possible to upload all documents and information in a single shot, which can be cross-referenced at any time for multiple purposes by various stakeholders. Organizations are even open to accepting digitally signed documents. Most of the manual paperwork involved in employee verification has gone 100% online. 

What Are The USPs Of BGV Offered By AuthBridge?

  1. 1 Billion+ Proprietary database
  2. Deep Background Screening domain expertise with 100+Background Screening Checks
  3. Customizable and integrated solutions
  4. Fast and secure
  5. Industry-specific

The typical process flow for background verification journeys covers several employee touchpoints. From the candidate sharing their personal/professional details with HR which are fed over our digital platform namely iBridge, to receiving fast, accurate, and customized employee verification reports.  Here, technology and automation through a platform like iBridge help the whole process.

How Can BGV Processes Be Automated Using iBridge?

With the help of iBridge- our one-stop web platform, the entire hiring ecosystem can be automated (employee BGV, document collection, digital document signing & seamless onboarding). Let’s get a sneak peek into iBridge – our employee screening and onboarding platform in an easy-to-consume manner.

  • Tailor-made client-end processes to suit specific needs with a quick turnaround time for fast decisions
  • Minimal inputs to create a target profile along with comprehensive, customizable & robust reporting
  • Access to the largest corporate, legal, financial, negative public, and proprietary databases
  • One-click initiation of a new request / new candidate
  • Real-time visibility of the document/data collection process
  • Intuitive application with relevant document collection
  • Has AuthBridge’s proprietary databases and APIs pre-integrated to ensure the industry’s fastest turnaround times
  • Real-time visibility of progress on every case/check
  • Alerts & notifications can be customized as per client’s request
  • Can be used as a future reference repository of employee information
  • Can be integrated with any HRMS/ATS via APIs


What Are The Easy Steps Of BGV Via iBridge?

Step 1: Log in to the portal to initiate any case and submit a BGV form

Step 2: Update all the details and documents starting with the authorization tab and followed by checks you choose like NID, education, employment verification, etc.

Step 3: In the HR dashboard, you can track and monitor the cases initiated with AuthBridge on a real-time basis.

iBridge being the next-gen background verification platform integrates with leading HRMS such as Taleo, Darwinbox, Success Factors, etc. to fetch candidate details directly to our portal via robust APIs and process further for verification

AuthBridge is India’s leading Background Verification (BGV) Company. Write to us at for more information.

FAQs around Background Verification (BGV) Process

The typical steps in a Background Verification process include:

  • Submission of documents: The candidate submits required documents and consent forms.
  • Verification of identity: Verification of identity documents such as passports, driver’s licenses, or national ID cards.
  • Educational verification: Checking the candidate’s academic qualifications and certifications.
  • Employment verification: Contacting previous employers to verify job titles, duration of employment, and performance.
  • Criminal record check: Checking for any criminal records at local, state, and federal levels.
  • Reference checks: Speaking with personal and professional references provided by the candidate.
  • Credit history check: Reviewing the candidate’s credit history (if relevant to the job position).

Candidates are usually required to provide:

  • Personal identification documents (e.g., passport, driver’s license)
  • Educational certificates and transcripts
  • Employment history details (e.g., offer letters, experience certificates)
  • References’ contact information
  • Consent forms authorizing the background check

This depends on the employer’s policy. Some employers allow candidates to start work conditionally, pending the completion of the Background Verification. However, employment offers can be rescinded if the verification reveals discrepancies or concerns.

Background Verifications are typically conducted by third-party verification agencies or in-house HR departments. Third-party agencies specialize in conducting thorough and unbiased verifications, ensuring accuracy and compliance with legal requirements.

Yes, candidates have the right to dispute the results of a Background Verification if they believe there are errors or inaccuracies. Candidates should contact the verification agency or the employer’s HR department to initiate the dispute resolution process and provide any supporting documentation to correct the information.

No, Background Verifications can vary depending on the position and industry. Certain positions, such as those in finance, healthcare, and education, may require more extensive checks due to the sensitive nature of the job. Employers tailor the verification process to match the specific requirements and risks associated with the role.

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The most noteworthy aspects of our collaboration has been the ability to seamlessly onboard partners from all corners of India, for which our TAT has been reduced from multiple weeks to a few hours now.

- Mr. Satyasiva Sundar Ruutray
Vice President, F&A Commercial,

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