
South Asia’s Largest Hospitality Company Streamlined Its Vendor Onboarding Process With AuthBridge

Case Study

South Asia's Largest Hospitality Company Streamlined Its Vendor Onboarding Process With AuthBridge

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About the Client

Founded in the early 1900s and with a presence spanning continents and diverse travel experiences under its belt, our client, a major Global and South Asia’s Largest Hospitality Company recognized the crucial role technology plays in maintaining its world-class standards.





Key Results

  • Significant manual efforts reduction by API-based real-time verification during vendor onboarding
  • Elimination of duplicate entries and ensuring the integrity of vendor data across on client’s database and legacy application Orion
  • Ensured corporate governance through role and hierarchy-based authorization workflows
  • Intuitive user experience empowered by rich UI, easier navigation and colour coding according to the status of the case
  • Better decision-making due to advanced filter options and readily available customized reports

Product And Key Checks Offered

The Challenge

Recognizing the need for a unified and efficient approach to vendor management and compliance across its various hotel chains, our client embarked on a search for a robust IT solution that would

  • Simplify Vendor Onboarding and document verification
  • Capture details of primary contacts, escalation contacts and authorised signatory
  • Collect safety details, certification details and legal details

The Solution

Imagine onboarding new vendors seamlessly, with real-time verification and secure information flow. That’s exactly what we achieved for our client using the OnboardX platform. Here’s how:

Streamlined Onboarding: AuthBridge replaced the client’s cumbersome, manual process with our user-friendly OnboardX platform, simplifying vendor registration and document submission. 

Real-time Verification: OnboardX enabled real-time checks for crucial documents like PAN, GST, CIN, and more, giving our client immediate assurance about vendor legitimacy

Secure Payment Information: Maintaining accuracy and security are critical when it comes to payments. We implemented penny-drop verification for vendor bank accounts, guaranteeing accurate details and eliminating payment risks

Seamless Integration: No data silos here! We integrated OnboardX with the client’s existing Orion application through a secure SFTP connection. 

Customized Reporting: We configured OnboardX to generate custom reports and messages based on the client’s preferred templates. 

Controlled Access: Security is paramount. We established clear hierarchies and role-based authorization workflows within OnboardX.


In a world where efficiency and compliance reign supreme, AuthBridge empowered this Global Hospitality major to revamp its vendor onboarding process. Our AI-powered automation not only boosted speed and scalability but also instilled trust, transparency, and compliance. By embracing innovation, our clients positioned themselves at the forefront of their industry.

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Case Study | How our client, a sports goods retailer, emerged faster and stronger with a trust-based ecosystem of sports service partners

Case Study

Building a Trusted Ecosystem of Service Partners for Leading Sports Goods Retailer


About the Company

One of the largest global sports goods retailers with 1500+ stores across 50+ countries.


E-commerce & Retail



Key Results

  • Marked reduction in vendor onboarding time, improving the service pipeline
  • Reduction in manual errors while application processing
  • A seamless experience for service providers
  • Mitigation of reduction in reputational risk due to criminal entities being isolated in real-time
  • Instant verification helped prevent duplicate registration of a single entity, reducing the chances of fraud.

Products and Solutions

Define the Problem

Our clients, one of the largest global sports goods retailers with a presence of 1500+ stores across 50+ countries, wanted to build a trustworthy ecosystem of service providers, venue providers and event organizers in India to help them onboard one million customers onto their platform.

For their vision to bear fruition, it was required to quickly and thoroughly verify their vendor partners to enable trust in customers. This must be done in a streamlined manner to ensure transparency and reduce friction for customers and partners.


  • Creating a seamless experience for customers to hire service providers quickly
  • Reducing application dropouts from vendors on mobile/website
  • Prevent fraudulent entities/individuals from being signed up on their platform
  • Strictly toeing to compliance guidelines and company policy while registering new assets and venues

How AuthBridge Helped

Custom verification for different categories

We knew that only an end-to-end digital onboarding platform would be able to help our clients tackle the massive scale of applications with efficiency. We divided registered professionals into three categories – service providers, venue providers and event organizers. Next, we assigned specific verification needs to each of these categories to present a reliable analysis to our client.

Risk mitigation via Identity, Bank Account, Reputational, and Criminal Checks

Our efforts aimed to create a customized platform to verify individuals/business identities, verify bank account details in real-time along with experience details, certificate inspections, social media checks and reference checks. We also carried out reputational, regulatory, and criminal checks to create an additional layer of safety for our clients.

OCR and face match for faster onboarding

All this was enabled by state-of-the-art technologies that power our solutions. We deployed OCR for text extraction from the uploaded images and face match algorithms to simplify vendor application processes while onboarding.


The client increased its reach to the customers with a streamlined and real-time vendor onboarding which further ensured the quality of services without risking the customer’s or assets’ safety and a delightful experience for all the stakeholders.

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Case Study | What prompted a banking client to shift to Digital Address Verification instead of conventional physical address verification?

Case Study

Leading Bank Transitions to Digital Address Verification

Leading Bank Transitions to Digital Address Verification - Case Study

About the Company

 A prominent leader in the banking industry delivering value and unwavering service to its diverse clientele.


Banking and Financial Services



Key Results

  • Quick, cost-effective, and contactless address verification
  • A fuss-free and simple onboarding journey led to a better candidate experience
  • Enhance candidate onboarding experience

Products and Solutions

Define the Problem

One of our clients from the banking sector initiated a verification request for their new employees; address verification was part of the scope. In light of COVID-19, we suggested them to adopt our Digital Address Verification to verify addresses in a contactless manner.

While the client was contemplating whether to adopt the solution or not, they asked us to conduct physical address verification in the interim for a candidate. The candidate refused to let our verifier enter their premise as it could become a possible health hazard to their family.

Comprehending the situation, our client immediately switched to Digital Address Verification.

How AuthBridge Helped

Implemented Digital Address Verification Solutions – Footprints Digital for contactless onboarding

Upon being given a green signal for digital address verification, we just needed one input from the client – the mobile number of the candidates. The addresses of candidates were then verified in three simple steps:

  • Auto population of candidate details through a form sent to the phone number of every candidate
  • Verification of details or addition of other details by the candidate along with a selfie, photo of an ID and live photo of the residence
  • Automated GPS coordinate tracking upon the submission of the form.


Our Digital Address Verification – Footprints proved to be a great technology to have in your digital toolkit during COVID 19. It even costed lesser than physical address verification and accelerated verification and onboarding of the employees.

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Case Study | How AuthBridge saved a media company from giving its seal of trust to an unreliable vendor

Case Study

Saving a leading Media Company from onboarding an unreliable Vendor


About the Company

 A well-known media company in India conducted thorough due diligence on a potential supplier before establishing a partnership.





Key Results

  • Mismatch in the documents submitted by the entity
  • Mismatch around the nature of the business of the entity

Products and Solutions

Define the Problem

A large media firm availed Business Partner Due Diligence solution from AuthBridge to conduct due diligence on prospective suppliers before joining hands. The objective behind conducting due diligence on the supplier was to generate a ‘Trust Me Seal’ that the company generates for every supplier on their portal based on a pre-decided criterion.

How AuthBridge Helped

Supplier’s refusal to cooperate

A prerequisite for any organisation while empanelling any third-party is to be assured of the entity’s authenticity and capability. 

The prospective supplier’s refusal to cooperate throughout the due diligence process led the Media company- our client- to decide against providing its Trust Me Seal to the entity.

AuthBridge’s Business Partner Due Diligence solution 

Our solution helps meet such prerequisites so that an organisation feels comfortable while taking an impactful decision for or against empanelling a vendor, franchisee, distributor or any business partner.


Under the solution, we checked the prospective supplier on various aspects such as transparency of services, reputation and capability.

The steps involved in the evaluation were Web and Media Search, physical visits, interviews with references, and physical validation of office location and submitted documents.

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Case Study | Streamlining EWS Onboarding & Verification for one of the leading IT services providers

Case Study

Streamlining EWS Onboarding & Verification for a Leading IT Services Provider


About the Company

One of the leading IT services providers headquartered in Tokyo and operating in over 50 countries. It offers an advanced portfolio of consulting, application, business process, cloud, and infrastructure services to businesses and governments worldwide.


IT Services



Key Results

  • Managing 110+ vendors with ease
  • All database checks done within 1 working day.
  • Standardized reports ensuring visibility and transparency
  • No reopening/re-verification charges with prepaid benefit
  • No response closure status less than 0.5%

Products and Solutions

  • Extended Workforce Screening Solution

Define the Problem

Our client, one of the leading IT services providers operation in 50+ countries, partner with 110+ vendors for recruitment services. Managing so many vendors and tracking the progress of background checks was getting chaotic. They wanted a solution in place to bring all their vendors to a single platform and get a holistic view while standardizing the reporting.


  • Scattered management of extended workforce
  • Lack of standardisation in reporting due to multiple BGV vendors
  • Inconsistent workflows and processes
  • Impact on operational agility and decision making

The AuthBridge team offered solutions that improved our overall operational agility, efficiency and productivity.

How AuthBridge Helped

Bringing all the Vendors on a Single Platform

Our client was partnering with 110+ vendors for their recruiting needs. With multiple vendors, managing and tracking background verifications for each candidate became a mammoth task.

AuthBridge provided them with an Extended Workforce Screening Solution to bring all the vendors on a single platform –  giving complete visibility of the status, reports and activities. With comprehensive dashboard, our client got hiring insights from all vendors to track discrepancies in real-time. Overall, consolidating, digitising and standardising their background verification process.

Standardised Reports For Consistent Workflows & Better Decision-Making

Our client was looking to standardise their BGV reports as different vendors followed different screening processes. Standardizing the process across vendors was imperative to ensure compliance and visibility across its extended workforce hirings. 

With AuthBridge, our client received standardised reports and covered quality checkpoints which further helped them maintain a high level of quality and eliminate inconsistencies in the output.

15+ Database Checks in Less than 1 Day

With multiple vendors and in turn multiple BGV companies, the client was facing high TAT for database checks. AuthBridge’s 1 billion+ proprietary database enabled our client to reduce that time to less than a day. This was a significant game changer in verifying and onboarding new candidates  –  leading to enhanced operational agility and flexibility.


By leveraging our solutions, our client was able to improve operations with standardised reports and conduct database checks conducted ahead of time. What they loved the most is that there were no additional costs for reopening or re-verification of cases with the prepaid payment method.

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Case Study | 700+ Vendors Onboarded, TAT Reduction, and Risk Prevention – How our client achieved this with AuthBridge

Case Study

Leading Steel Company Onboarded 700+ Vendors in Record Time


About the Company

It is one of India’s fastest-growing and largest integrated steel manufacturers, significantly present in the steel, power, mining and infrastructure segment. They have been rated as the second highest value creator in the world by the Boston Consulting Group, the 11th fastest growing company in India by Business World and has been in the Forbes Asia list of Fab 50 companies. It has also been named among the Best Blue Chip companies and rated as the Highest Wealth Creator by the Dalal Street Journal.


Steel & Power



Key results

  • 700+ vendors onboarded at speed
  • Automated onboarding with DIY User Journeys
  • Reduced TAT with 10X faster document collection, digital signing, and verification on the go.
  • Bulk onboarding and customisable workflows
  • Regulatory, reputational, and financial checks for mutual trust and transparency

Products and Key Checks Offered

The Challenge

In today’s dynamic business landscape, streamlining vendor onboarding is crucial. Manual processes riddled with delays, errors, and fraud risk are no longer sustainable. Especially for industries like steel, power, and infrastructure, where security and compliance are paramount. Our client, a leading player in this arena, understood this challenge all too well. They grappled with lengthy paperwork, manual verification, and scattered document collection, hindering their growth and efficiency.

The Solution

Our OnboardX solution automated the entire process for our client, from information collection to verification, ensuring speed, accuracy, and reduced risk.

OnboardX is our one-stop shop for hassle-free vendor onboarding! This intuitive web platform automates everything, from collecting documents to verifying identities—all instantly and online. Think real-time checks, only relevant paperwork, and seamless integration with your systems. OnboardX keeps you compliant and protects your business, all while letting you welcome new vendors in minutes, not months. It’s time to simplify, scale, and build trust with your partners—OnboardX makes it effortless.


In a world where efficiency and security reign supreme, AuthBridge empowered this manufacturing/engineering major to revamp its vendor onboarding process. OnboardX’s AI-powered automation not only boosted speed and scalability but also instilled trust, transparency, and compliance. By embracing innovation, our client positioned themselves at the forefront of their industry, ready to conquer the challenges of 2024 and beyond.

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Case Study | FASTER THAN FIZZ – AuthBridge enabled third-party onboarding at speed for a leading FMCG company.

Case Study

Leading FMCG Company Accelerated it's Onboarding Process with AuthBridge


About the Company

An American multinational food and beverage company headquartered in New York with a strong presence in both developed and emerging markets. One of the largest food and beverage companies in the world and known for its wide range of popular brands.




1,00,000 – 1,20,000

Key results

  • Onboarding TAT reduced by 65% 
  • Vendors successfully onboarded after evaluating and creating a risk profile for each vendor
  • 115 checks on the platform helped in creating a customised secure onboarding process
  • B2B transaction visibility helped in preventing financial loss


Define the Problem

Manual onboarding is ‘tedious and tangled’ – especially at scale and can lead to compliance failures and reputational and financial risks. Some profitable vendors/suppliers might also quit in between if the process is complicated.

Our client, a behemoth in the FMCG industry, wanted a smooth, automated, and fast solution to onboard vendors, distributors, dealers, and suppliers at scale across India and reduce their TAT while ensuring seamless onboarding and user experience with real-time authentication.

How AuthBridge Helped

Remodelled the traditional onboarding cycle

AuthBridge enabled our clients to automate their onboarding journeys with the help of ‘OnboardX’, which helped them improve TAT and helped them expand business operations across India. The streamlined process and real-time authentication enabled seamless onboarding and user experience for their verified dealers and distributors without losing pay to third parties.

Key checks supported by OnboardX

We offered key checks, i.e. corporate identity checks, financial history checks, director profile and reputational risks checks to mitigate various types of risks, such as financial, compliance, and reputational risks.

AI-powered technology for seamless and faster process

Our platform is built on technology such as Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Digital Signatures, Image Recognition, and Digital Address Verification to streamline the process faster and more efficiently.


Customisable and end-to-end journeys with features like DIY onboarding journey enabled our client’s partnership teams to reduce verification TAT, enhance supplier integration and low-risk collaboration, and fastest onboarding of large forces and scaling business operations.

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Case Study | Low Onboarding TAT, Low Costs, and ‘Lower Third-Party Risks’ – How our client achieved this with AuthBridge

Case Study

How A Global Telecom Major Streamlined Onboarding & Embraced Efficiency With AuthBridge


About the Company

Founded in 2002 and Headquartered in Mumbai, this client is the tech backbone behind a quarter of the world’s internet traffic, enabling seamless global trade for leading businesses. They carry 30% of the world’s internet routes, connect to 80% of cloud giants, and reach 4 out of 5 mobile subscribers. It also has the world’s largest subsea fibre backbone and Tier-1 IP network spanning 190+ countries.






Key results

  • Our platform dynamically adapted to each vendor based on location, industry, and service type, capturing relevant information efficiently 
  • Our digital solution automatically verified vendors against the client’s specific guidelines, ensuring they are aligned with their values
  • Our platform seamlessly integrated with their existing touchpoints and SAP ERP, creating a centralized hub for all vendor information 
  • We implemented a dynamic change request management system, ensuring smooth transitions and keeping everyone on the same page
  • Our continuous compliance checks acted as a digital guardian, proactively monitoring vendors
  • Our group-based surveys fostered valuable feedback and strengthened connections, turning vendors into partners

Products and Key Checks Offered

The Challenge

With such vast operations and numerous vendors, ensuring reliable partnerships became critical. And that is where our client was facing numerous challenges. They weren’t looking for just any service provider. They needed a comprehensive IT solution, a digital gatekeeper to their vendor ecosystem. Their requirements? Many!

The Solution

Introduced OnboardX – AuthBridge’s Onboarding Engine

Our client’s innovative business model lets customers deposit money in their wallets. With the help of OnboardX, we helped our client to evaluate the risks while onboarding the third parties as they would be the face of the brand for customers.

Key Checks Supported By OnBoardX

We offered key checks, i.e. court record data checks, police record verification, reputational and compliance checks, criminal record database checks, and online credit history checks to mitigate various types of risks, such as financial, compliance, and reputational risks.

AI-powered Technology For A Seamless And Faster Process 

Our platform is built on technology such as Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Digital Signatures, Image Recognition, and Digital Address Verification to streamline the process faster and more efficiently.


In a world where efficiency and compliance reign supreme, AuthBridge empowered this Global Indian telecom major to revamp its vendor onboarding process. Our AI-powered automation not only boosted speed and scalability but also instilled trust, transparency, and compliance. By embracing innovation, our client positioned themselves at the forefront of their industry, ready to conquer the challenges of today and tomorrow.

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The most noteworthy aspects of our collaboration has been the ability to seamlessly onboard partners from all corners of India, for which our TAT has been reduced from multiple weeks to a few hours now.

- Mr. Satyasiva Sundar Ruutray
Vice President, F&A Commercial,

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