
Case Study | How a leading cab aggregator got saved from hiring a ‘criminal’ driver on the run with AuthBridge

Case Study

Leading Cab Aggregator got Saved from Hiring a ‘Criminal’ Driver


About the Company

A leading cab aggregator in India dedicated to simplifying travel experience and offering convenient and reliable transportation solutions.


Cab Aggregator



Key Results

  • A candidate accused of duping locals of Rs 50 lakhs and having 5 open cases against him was caught. 
  • Found his involvement in physical violence and was out on bail. 
  • The candidate was a repeat offender with a reward of Rs. 5000.

Products and Solutions

Define the Problem

A leading cab aggregator who conducts police verification on their drivers as a part of their verification mandate approached AuthBridge for the process.

The major challenges were:

  • To filter out unreliable and fraudulent drivers
  • To avert a risk of business and reputational damage
  • To establish a seamless verification process to screen the blue workforce before onboarding

How AuthBridge Helped

Deployed custom solution for gig workforce verification

Our gig-worker screening solution allows organizations to build a reliable workforce of drivers, delivery boys, logistic teams, security forces etc. Our comprehensive verification solution helps in the instant identity verification of blue-collar workers and quick turnaround checks on the required parameters.

Initiated police verification inquiry

To evaluate criminal history, AuthBridge initiated a police verification inquiry with Rajasthan Police (SP office, Jhunjhunu) by providing a request letter and credentials of the concerned driver. The SP Office sought the information from the local police station basis candidate’s provided address. In response, a team from the Rajasthan Police reached AuthBridge’s corporate office to inquire about the driver’s whereabouts. 

The revelations

It was found that the candidate was accused of duping locals of Rs 50 lakhs and had multiple open cases against him under section IP 420. He had 5 other cases against him for involvement in physical violence and was out on bail. This information was obtained upon initiation of the verification inquiry by AuthBridge.


AuthBridge officials informed the police that the verification request was made on their client’s behalf and that sharing the driver’s details would violate their data privacy policy. The incident occurrences were intimated to the client, and subsequently, the police approached the client for further action.

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Case Study | Creating Seamless Digital Verification & Onboarding Journeys for a Global Retail Joint

Case Study

Creating Seamless Digital Verification and Onboarding Journeys for a Global Retail Giant


About the Company

One of the top three grocery and merchandise retailers worldwide with operations in 5 countries across Europe.


E-commerce & Retail



Key Results

  • Hiring at scale, with a fully automated process
  • Reduced TATs with a 10X faster document collection, uploading and verification
  • Improved efficiency with customisable workflows per our client niche and real-time case updates
  • Improved candidate experience with minimal paperwork, and an end-to-end digital onboarding


Define the Problem

Hiring at scale is one of the biggest challenges for retail companies. But the challenge becomes even more defined when that organisation is a global retail giant.

When our client—one of the top three grocery and merchandise retailers in the world with operations in 5 countries across Europe—approached us for a comprehensive background screening solution to improve candidate experience and the organisation’s bottom line, we knew creating end-to-end automated onboarding and verification journeys was the solution.

How AuthBridge Helped

Document uploading and case initiation

We deployed iBRIDGE, our end-to-end digital employee verification and onboarding product, to address the key problem areas. The process flow had iBRIDGE as a bridge between our client’s ATS and HRMS systems. All the cases initiated via client ATS were fed automatically to iBRIDGE for the background verification process to begin.

Verification and status update

The verification process was completed 100% digitally through APIs built on top of our proprietary databases, and the real-time progress of all cases was always accessible to our clients through interactive dashboards on iBRIDGE. This helped our client company and its candidates quickly address any insufficiencies in the information.

Document storage and retrieval

At this point, we introduced SignDrive, an automated, cloud-based digital signing product to upload, sign, submit and manage documents digitally. With SignDrive, candidates could view and sign important onboarding documents such as the Code of Conduct, Gratuity Form, PF Form and Women Security Form. All these documents and other candidate details furnished during the case initiation stage were saved on iBRIDGE—a cloud-based document repository—for future access, reducing the burden on the HR teams.


Our comprehensive and compliant onboarding solution addressed the challenges of the current times. When writing this case study, we are engaging this client with another solution—WorkAttest—to streamline responding to ex-employee verification requests through automated handling. Creating a positive candidate experience has also led us to build a positive working relationship with our clients. We look forward to a long-lasting association with this global retail giant as its onboarding and verification partner.

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Case Study | An IT Solutions company almost employed a top-level hire with a fake IIM-A degree.

Case Study

An IT Solutions company almost employed a top-level hire with a fake IIM-A degree


About the Company

A leading IT solutions provider offering a wide range of information technology (IT) products, services, and solutions to help businesses and organizations address their technological challenges.





Key Results

  • Caught multiple fake education documents 
  • Overlaps in employment and educational qualifications
  • Almost 10% of the offers extended to candidates for high-impact job positions are withdrawn or re-negotiated post an AuthLead™ report. 

Products and Solutions

Define the Problem

A leading IT solutions provider used our solution – AuthLead™ – to conduct background verification on the prospective CXO. The feedback on the CXO included a lack of professional communication skills despite an illustrious career boasting global exposure and education from top institutions. 

The objective behind screening the incumbent’s background was to investigate and highlight any red flags in his profile. AuthBridge was provided with the incumbent’s resume and documentary proof of address, education, and identity.

How AuthBridge Helped

Extensive web and media check 

Our extensive checks helped unearth multiple resumes and profiles with two different names. Post the discovery, both profiles were collated and compared to reveal gaps and overlaps in employment and educational qualifications.

In-depth reference check

This involved reaching out to the previous employers and helped in validating information about tenures, roles and overall conduct, among other details.

Education verification 

In education verification, it was found that one profile had a mention of education from Harvard University. Another profile included education from IIM-A which, when verified, came out to be fake.


Leadership Screening Services, like AuthLead™, prove to be worthwhile investments. Our solutions enabled our client to get a 360-degree view of the identity and profile of the person being verified.

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Case Study | Buy. Return. Repeat. How AuthBridge helped an e-commerce giant break this pattern with a real-time customer verification process

Case Study

Leading E-Commerce Giant Transformed their Customer Verification Process


About the Company

A leading e-commerce player with product categories such as consumer electronics, fashion, home essentials and groceries, lifestyle products and many more.


E-commerce & Retail



Key Results

  • Reduction in manual errors while application processing
  • Liveness checks and geo-location capturing for identity and address verification and fraud reduction
  • Enhanced customer service

Products and Solutions

  • Customer Onboarding and Verification

Define the Problem

  • In today’s time, online shopping is a customer’s haven. But it can become a seller’s nightmare when fake or fraudulent buyers misuse the platform causing huge revenue losses.

When our client, a leading e-commerce player, was finding it hard to keep the sellers on their platform happy and track non-genuine buyers. Their platform was being misused by errant buyers who used to place orders and then return them. Most of these buyers were other sellers who just wanted to leave a rival out-of-stock.


  • A large number of wardrobing and customer identity frauds
  • Rival sellers stocking out by just ordering and returning
  • Dissatisfied sellers dealing with returns in huge numbers
  • Retaining sellers on the platform as well as ensuring faster disbursal of return amounts to genuine customers

How AuthBridge Helped

Built a solid pre-return verification system

By identifying customers in real time, it was possible to catch fraudulent transactions. We deployed liveness checks for verifying the identity of customers along with geo-location capturing to validate that a return was being initiated from the location mentioned on our client’s platform.

OCR-enabled application form processing

OCR technology was used to simplify manual return application processes such as form filling. This enabled gathering information from customers in a consistent format and reduced manual entry efforts by last-mile agents.


The process helped our client analyse the return pattern with real-time verification compared to manual verifications conducted post-return, creating a seamless customer experience and ensuring a faster return amount disbursal without hitting the revenue streams.

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Case Study | How our client, a sports goods retailer, emerged faster and stronger with a trust-based ecosystem of sports service partners

Case Study

Building a Trusted Ecosystem of Service Partners for Leading Sports Goods Retailer


About the Company

One of the largest global sports goods retailers with 1500+ stores across 50+ countries.


E-commerce & Retail



Key Results

  • Marked reduction in vendor onboarding time, improving the service pipeline
  • Reduction in manual errors while application processing
  • A seamless experience for service providers
  • Mitigation of reduction in reputational risk due to criminal entities being isolated in real-time
  • Instant verification helped prevent duplicate registration of a single entity, reducing the chances of fraud.

Products and Solutions

Define the Problem

Our clients, one of the largest global sports goods retailers with a presence of 1500+ stores across 50+ countries, wanted to build a trustworthy ecosystem of service providers, venue providers and event organizers in India to help them onboard one million customers onto their platform.

For their vision to bear fruition, it was required to quickly and thoroughly verify their vendor partners to enable trust in customers. This must be done in a streamlined manner to ensure transparency and reduce friction for customers and partners.


  • Creating a seamless experience for customers to hire service providers quickly
  • Reducing application dropouts from vendors on mobile/website
  • Prevent fraudulent entities/individuals from being signed up on their platform
  • Strictly toeing to compliance guidelines and company policy while registering new assets and venues

How AuthBridge Helped

Custom verification for different categories

We knew that only an end-to-end digital onboarding platform would be able to help our clients tackle the massive scale of applications with efficiency. We divided registered professionals into three categories – service providers, venue providers and event organizers. Next, we assigned specific verification needs to each of these categories to present a reliable analysis to our client.

Risk mitigation via Identity, Bank Account, Reputational, and Criminal Checks

Our efforts aimed to create a customized platform to verify individuals/business identities, verify bank account details in real-time along with experience details, certificate inspections, social media checks and reference checks. We also carried out reputational, regulatory, and criminal checks to create an additional layer of safety for our clients.

OCR and face match for faster onboarding

All this was enabled by state-of-the-art technologies that power our solutions. We deployed OCR for text extraction from the uploaded images and face match algorithms to simplify vendor application processes while onboarding.


The client increased its reach to the customers with a streamlined and real-time vendor onboarding which further ensured the quality of services without risking the customer’s or assets’ safety and a delightful experience for all the stakeholders.

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Case Study | What prompted a banking client to shift to Digital Address Verification instead of conventional physical address verification?

Case Study

Leading Bank Transitions to Digital Address Verification

Leading Bank Transitions to Digital Address Verification - Case Study

About the Company

 A prominent leader in the banking industry delivering value and unwavering service to its diverse clientele.


Banking and Financial Services



Key Results

  • Quick, cost-effective, and contactless address verification
  • A fuss-free and simple onboarding journey led to a better candidate experience
  • Enhance candidate onboarding experience

Products and Solutions

Define the Problem

One of our clients from the banking sector initiated a verification request for their new employees; address verification was part of the scope. In light of COVID-19, we suggested them to adopt our Digital Address Verification to verify addresses in a contactless manner.

While the client was contemplating whether to adopt the solution or not, they asked us to conduct physical address verification in the interim for a candidate. The candidate refused to let our verifier enter their premise as it could become a possible health hazard to their family.

Comprehending the situation, our client immediately switched to Digital Address Verification.

How AuthBridge Helped

Implemented Digital Address Verification Solutions – Footprints Digital for contactless onboarding

Upon being given a green signal for digital address verification, we just needed one input from the client – the mobile number of the candidates. The addresses of candidates were then verified in three simple steps:

  • Auto population of candidate details through a form sent to the phone number of every candidate
  • Verification of details or addition of other details by the candidate along with a selfie, photo of an ID and live photo of the residence
  • Automated GPS coordinate tracking upon the submission of the form.


Our Digital Address Verification – Footprints proved to be a great technology to have in your digital toolkit during COVID 19. It even costed lesser than physical address verification and accelerated verification and onboarding of the employees.

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Case Study | How AuthBridge saved a media company from giving its seal of trust to an unreliable vendor

Case Study

Saving a leading Media Company from onboarding an unreliable Vendor


About the Company

 A well-known media company in India conducted thorough due diligence on a potential supplier before establishing a partnership.





Key Results

  • Mismatch in the documents submitted by the entity
  • Mismatch around the nature of the business of the entity

Products and Solutions

Define the Problem

A large media firm availed Business Partner Due Diligence solution from AuthBridge to conduct due diligence on prospective suppliers before joining hands. The objective behind conducting due diligence on the supplier was to generate a ‘Trust Me Seal’ that the company generates for every supplier on their portal based on a pre-decided criterion.

How AuthBridge Helped

Supplier’s refusal to cooperate

A prerequisite for any organisation while empanelling any third-party is to be assured of the entity’s authenticity and capability. 

The prospective supplier’s refusal to cooperate throughout the due diligence process led the Media company- our client- to decide against providing its Trust Me Seal to the entity.

AuthBridge’s Business Partner Due Diligence solution 

Our solution helps meet such prerequisites so that an organisation feels comfortable while taking an impactful decision for or against empanelling a vendor, franchisee, distributor or any business partner.


Under the solution, we checked the prospective supplier on various aspects such as transparency of services, reputation and capability.

The steps involved in the evaluation were Web and Media Search, physical visits, interviews with references, and physical validation of office location and submitted documents.

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Case Study | Streamlining EWS Onboarding & Verification for one of the leading IT services providers

Case Study

Streamlining EWS Onboarding & Verification for a Leading IT Services Provider


About the Company

One of the leading IT services providers headquartered in Tokyo and operating in over 50 countries. It offers an advanced portfolio of consulting, application, business process, cloud, and infrastructure services to businesses and governments worldwide.


IT Services



Key Results

  • Managing 110+ vendors with ease
  • All database checks done within 1 working day.
  • Standardized reports ensuring visibility and transparency
  • No reopening/re-verification charges with prepaid benefit
  • No response closure status less than 0.5%

Products and Solutions

  • Extended Workforce Screening Solution

Define the Problem

Our client, one of the leading IT services providers operation in 50+ countries, partner with 110+ vendors for recruitment services. Managing so many vendors and tracking the progress of background checks was getting chaotic. They wanted a solution in place to bring all their vendors to a single platform and get a holistic view while standardizing the reporting.


  • Scattered management of extended workforce
  • Lack of standardisation in reporting due to multiple BGV vendors
  • Inconsistent workflows and processes
  • Impact on operational agility and decision making

The AuthBridge team offered solutions that improved our overall operational agility, efficiency and productivity.

How AuthBridge Helped

Bringing all the Vendors on a Single Platform

Our client was partnering with 110+ vendors for their recruiting needs. With multiple vendors, managing and tracking background verifications for each candidate became a mammoth task.

AuthBridge provided them with an Extended Workforce Screening Solution to bring all the vendors on a single platform –  giving complete visibility of the status, reports and activities. With comprehensive dashboard, our client got hiring insights from all vendors to track discrepancies in real-time. Overall, consolidating, digitising and standardising their background verification process.

Standardised Reports For Consistent Workflows & Better Decision-Making

Our client was looking to standardise their BGV reports as different vendors followed different screening processes. Standardizing the process across vendors was imperative to ensure compliance and visibility across its extended workforce hirings. 

With AuthBridge, our client received standardised reports and covered quality checkpoints which further helped them maintain a high level of quality and eliminate inconsistencies in the output.

15+ Database Checks in Less than 1 Day

With multiple vendors and in turn multiple BGV companies, the client was facing high TAT for database checks. AuthBridge’s 1 billion+ proprietary database enabled our client to reduce that time to less than a day. This was a significant game changer in verifying and onboarding new candidates  –  leading to enhanced operational agility and flexibility.


By leveraging our solutions, our client was able to improve operations with standardised reports and conduct database checks conducted ahead of time. What they loved the most is that there were no additional costs for reopening or re-verification of cases with the prepaid payment method.

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Case Study | A multinational grocery and merchandise retailer digitised their Employee Onboarding and Ex-Employee Verification with AuthBridge

Case Study

Multinational grocery and merchandise retailer digitized their Employee Onboarding and Ex-Employee Verification with AuthBridge


About the Company

A leading multinational grocery and general merchandise retailer headquartered in Welwyn Garden City, England, serving customers with affordable healthy and sustainable food.


Ecommerce & Retail



Key Results

  • 85% faster onboarding process
  • Digitization of statutory forms
  • E-signing of onboarding documents
  • 8000+ ex-employee verification requests handled
  • 75% increase in efficiency with the automation of ex-employee verification requests

Products and Solutions

Define the Problem

Being one of the largest retailers in the world, this client has always been ahead of the competition in adopting new technologies and working towards the optimisation of processes. With that thought, our client wanted to elevate its employee onboarding experience by eliminating paper-based statutory forms and the need for an e-signing tool.


  • Manual data collection and signing of statutory forms
  • Lack of a central repository of all employee information
  • Manual management of ex-employee verification requests

How AuthBridge Helped

Faster Employee Onboarding with Digitized Statutory Forms and E-signing

Prior to AuthBridge, the employee onboarding process was manual. Everything was done offline, from maintaining and filling statutory forms to signing those forms. However, as the number of new employees increased, digitizing the process became necessary. 

AuthBridge’s Instaform, a web form to automate statutory forms combined with SignDrive, the intuitive e-signing tool simplified the process of obtaining signatures from new hires and sped up the completion of paperwork and onboarding formalities. Instaform and SignDrive enabled the client to create a central repository of employee information reducing the time to fill multiple statutory forms while eliminating the errors associated with traditional paper-based processes.

Automating Exit Employees’ Verification Requests

To eliminate manual errors and fast-track the ex-employee verification process, the client deployed WorkAttest, a web-based platform powered by highly secure anti-tamper technology for efficient ex-employee verification. Simply upload the employee’s work tenure, profile, exit interview forms, etc. into the web platform and WorkAttest will respond to verification requests on the company’s behalf. After using the WorkAttest tool, the client significantly reduced the time to verify ex-employees while saving the personnel’s time to improve their efficiency by 75% while also reducing the administrative workload for the Human Resources department.


AuthBridge’s Instaform and SignDrive helped with faster employee onboarding with digitized statutory forms and e-signing to reduce our TAT by 85%. While WorkAttest enabled our client to automate our ex-employee verification requests to increase efficiency by 75%.

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The most noteworthy aspects of our collaboration has been the ability to seamlessly onboard partners from all corners of India, for which our TAT has been reduced from multiple weeks to a few hours now.

- Mr. Satyasiva Sundar Ruutray
Vice President, F&A Commercial,

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