
Case Study | Enabled a leading health insurance company to uncover chinks in the armour of a prospective senior-level hire

Case Study

Enabled a leading health insurance company to uncover chinks in the armor of a prospective senior-level hire


About - Company Name

A leading health insurance company


Health Insurance



Key results

  • The candidate worked with the cofounder at their last organisation, who revealed that the former was asked to leave due to performance issues.
  • The cofounder also let us know that feedback about the candidate from their client end was also negative – they were perceived to be lazy, and their communication skills could have been better for a leadership role.
  • The cofounder concluded that the candidate was not eligible for rehiring. The HR Head also reasserted this belief.
  • A Director and Senior Portfolio Manager at the same company revealed that there were 1-2 instances where quick action was required on the candidate’s part, and he lacked a sense of urgency.
  • Vice President – Operations National Head stated that the candidate could have improved their understanding of the balance sheet and needed to go beyond the ‘sales perspective’ to adopt the perspective of a portfolio manager
  • Vice President – Corporate Relationships and Sales Acquisition for North told us the candidate needed more client exposure and experience handling a team reporting to them.


Define the Problem

‘Career Progression’ is one of the most widely stated reasons for a job change while applying for a new position. It is a seemingly natural reason that it often hides more than it tells, especially when given by a senior-level hire who has barely spent one year at the last organisation. When contacting AuthBridge for their background verification, a leading health insurance company wasn’t expecting to uncover unpleasant professional and personal feedback on a senior-level wealth manager with a proven record of association with reputed financial organisations. But if our 16+ years of domain expertise have taught us anything, it is the fact that frauds and risks emerge from the most unexpected corners.

How AuthBridge Helped

Our Mandate

Our mandate with the client was to conduct standard background verification on this top-level hire on pre-decided parameters. While five of the six checks ushered satisfactory results, one check- the last employment verification – raised alarm bells for us, resulting in a ‘Red’ report. The red report in this scenario meant that the prospective employee had yet to be declared eligible for rehiring by the last organisation.

Proposed AuthLead – for screening top-level hires

We brought this to the client’s attention and suggested they delve deeper into understanding the cause before taking an informed decision. We proposed AuthLead, a solution exclusively for screening top-level hires. Senior-level frauds are far too dangerous for an organisation’s reputation and culture than frauds by other employees. The financial implications of such frauds are extremely tangible since senior hires are highly paid and can access an organisation’s crucial resources.

Dedicated an expert resource to handle the case critically

Our methodology for this case involved providing an expert resource who had dealt with such cases critically. They knew just the right questions to elicit an honest and direct response. Our resource contacted at least two representatives at the last two employments of the candidate once again for detailed feedback.


Deploying a custom solution designed specifically for top-level candidate authentication enabled us to deliver crucial decision-making information to the client in 5 days, one of the fastest turn-around- times for these kinds of checks in the industry. Whether or not to hire rested solely with the client, but we hope this stitch in time saved our client time.

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Case Study | Low Onboarding TAT, Low Costs, and ‘Lower Third-Party Risks’ – How our client achieved this with AuthBridge

Case Study

How A Global Telecom Major Streamlined Onboarding & Embraced Efficiency With AuthBridge


About the Company

Founded in 2002 and Headquartered in Mumbai, this client is the tech backbone behind a quarter of the world’s internet traffic, enabling seamless global trade for leading businesses. They carry 30% of the world’s internet routes, connect to 80% of cloud giants, and reach 4 out of 5 mobile subscribers. It also has the world’s largest subsea fibre backbone and Tier-1 IP network spanning 190+ countries.






Key results

  • Our platform dynamically adapted to each vendor based on location, industry, and service type, capturing relevant information efficiently 
  • Our digital solution automatically verified vendors against the client’s specific guidelines, ensuring they are aligned with their values
  • Our platform seamlessly integrated with their existing touchpoints and SAP ERP, creating a centralized hub for all vendor information 
  • We implemented a dynamic change request management system, ensuring smooth transitions and keeping everyone on the same page
  • Our continuous compliance checks acted as a digital guardian, proactively monitoring vendors
  • Our group-based surveys fostered valuable feedback and strengthened connections, turning vendors into partners

Products and Key Checks Offered

The Challenge

With such vast operations and numerous vendors, ensuring reliable partnerships became critical. And that is where our client was facing numerous challenges. They weren’t looking for just any service provider. They needed a comprehensive IT solution, a digital gatekeeper to their vendor ecosystem. Their requirements? Many!

The Solution

Introduced OnboardX – AuthBridge’s Onboarding Engine

Our client’s innovative business model lets customers deposit money in their wallets. With the help of OnboardX, we helped our client to evaluate the risks while onboarding the third parties as they would be the face of the brand for customers.

Key Checks Supported By OnBoardX

We offered key checks, i.e. court record data checks, police record verification, reputational and compliance checks, criminal record database checks, and online credit history checks to mitigate various types of risks, such as financial, compliance, and reputational risks.

AI-powered Technology For A Seamless And Faster Process 

Our platform is built on technology such as Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Digital Signatures, Image Recognition, and Digital Address Verification to streamline the process faster and more efficiently.


In a world where efficiency and compliance reign supreme, AuthBridge empowered this Global Indian telecom major to revamp its vendor onboarding process. Our AI-powered automation not only boosted speed and scalability but also instilled trust, transparency, and compliance. By embracing innovation, our client positioned themselves at the forefront of their industry, ready to conquer the challenges of today and tomorrow.

Case Study

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Newsroom | The power of identity verification in combating underage gaming: A look at the real money gaming sector

The power of identity verification in combating underage gaming: A look at the real money gaming sector


In the last couple of years, all sorts of gaming genres – especially the real money gaming segment, have grown by leaps and bounds. Some key findings are indicative of the fact that people are now more willing to pay to play.

As reported by the India Times, analysts have claimed that over 24 million Indians were added to the payment-linked gaming market during the lockdown. The Indian gaming market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 28-30% – from $2.8 billion in 2022 to $5 billion in 2025. The number of gamers is projected to witness an uptick from 420 million in 2022 to 450 million by 2023, which will hit 500 million by 2025. 

An EY FICCI report shows that transaction-based games’ revenue has shot up by 26% in India from 2020 to 2021.

The numbers are a clear delineation of the fact that the Indian real-money gaming industry is booming at a frenetic pace, and so are the frauds associated with it. 

Growth in gaming, or growth in gaming frauds?

Naturally, online real money gaming space attracts the attention of fraudulent players and money launderers, due to its sheer accessibility and financial transactions involved on a daily basis.

One such major fraud is ‘underage gaming’ which can put businesses on the wrong side of the law, cause regulatory and compliance costs, and also put up a question mark on the brand reputation. 

Underage gaming, it’s a significant risk! 

Not only to the gaming operators, but also to minors accessing the platform illegally. The legal age for real-money games for players is 18 years, but some tend to start real-money games at a very young age. Minors who are around 15 are more susceptible to accessing real money gaming platforms illegally.

One such major fraud is ‘underage gaming’ which can put businesses on the wrong side of the law, cause regulatory and compliance costs, and also put up a question mark on the brand reputation. 

Underage gaming, it’s a significant risk! 

Not only to the gaming operators, but also to minors accessing the platform illegally. The legal age for real-money games for players is 18 years, but some tend to start real-money games at a very young age. Minors who are around 15 are more susceptible to accessing real money gaming platforms illegally.

Underage Gaming – A real problem beyond its legal status

Underage gaming is a critical problem beyond its legal status, as underage individuals are more susceptible to developing gaming addictions. Minors indulging in real money games are exposed to potential risks, including financial losses, psychological harm, and social consequences. It puts both parties (the gaming operators and the minors) in a critical state as businesses also suffer from negative publicity for violating gaming laws and regulations.

A Regulatory Framework To Tackle Gaming Frauds – Need Of The Hour

As the RMG gaming lexicon is more vulnerable to illicit financial activities, manipulation, and unfair practices, establishing a regulatory environment becomes a pressing priority for gaming operators. Especially with the recent MeitY regulations to make the industry safe, trustworthy and compliant, gaming companies need a strict KYC mandate to only onboard verified players.

Identity verification solutions are not only helpful in tackling underage gaming but also other frauds such as multi-accounting, account takeover, counterfeited documents, money laundering, and other factors affecting the RMG businesses. 

Leading authentication solution providers offer robust identity verification solutions to enable businesses to implement multiple layers of verification, incorporating technology like facial recognition, liveness detection, etc., to filter out fraudulent users in real-time.

How are identity verification solutions helpful in tackling underage gaming?

  • Conducting Age Verification

Online gaming platforms must verify their users’ age to ensure that only individuals who meet the minimum age requirements can access the platform. Identity verification, such as document checks, NID verification, passports or driver’s licenses, can help confirm the age of the players during the registration process.

  • Enforcing Restricted Access

Identity verification solutions help businesses to enforce age restrictions by blocking access to certain features or games for users who fail to provide sufficient proof of age. It ensures that underage individuals do not have access to the restricted platforms and protects them from the detrimental impact of gaming addiction.

  • Ensuring Regulatory Compliance

Allowing underage individuals to participate in real money gaming is illegal in most jurisdictions, and therefore, strict measures for age verification becomes mandatory. With identity verification solutions plugging into the KYC process, gaming businesses can meet regulatory compliance and stay protected from substantial financial and legal risks, including hefty fines, loss of licenses, and reputational damage.

  • Mitigating Reputational Loss

Real money gaming industry relies heavily on trust and reputation. If the reputation of the gaming business is in dire straits, be it due to underage gaming, multi-accounting or any reason, it will automatically get translated to a loss of trust, decreased player engagement, and a decline in the number of legitimate players who may be hesitant to get associated with a platform with a compromised reputation.

  • Promoting Responsible Gaming

With accurate player information, operators can monitor and track player behaviour, identify patterns of excessive gaming, and intervene if necessary. It helps protect vulnerable individuals, including minors, from the potential risks of compulsive gambling.

Implementing strict identity verification measures will automatically deter underage individuals from attempting to access the platforms. Knowing that they must undergo a robust screening verification process, they will be automatically discouraged from accessing such platforms.

Enabling Safe and Ethical Gaming

Overall, underage gaming and other gaming frauds, i.e. multi-accounting, location spoofing, account takeover, bonus abuse, and money laundering, lead to legal repercussions, reputational damage, compliance costs, losing potential user groups, and ethical considerations. 

With robust identity verification measures, businesses can protect themselves from these risks and focus on adding value to the gaming community. This will also demonstrate their commitment to adhering to industry standards and guidelines and enabling a seamless gaming experience.


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The most noteworthy aspects of our collaboration has been the ability to seamlessly onboard partners from all corners of India, for which our TAT has been reduced from multiple weeks to a few hours now.

- Mr. Satyasiva Sundar Ruutray
Vice President, F&A Commercial,

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