Comprehensive Guide to Vendor Risk Management Audit Checklist


In today’s interconnected business environment, managing vendor risks effectively is crucial for maintaining operational stability and protecting against financial and reputational damage. A Vendor Risk Management (VRM) Audit Checklist serves as a vital tool to systematically review and assess the risk exposure that vendors might pose to your business. This checklist is designed to ensure that all aspects of vendor interactions are scrutinized for potential risks, from cybersecurity threats to compliance and operational vulnerabilities.

A well-structured VRM Audit Checklist not only helps identify current risk exposures but also provides a framework for ongoing vendor assessment and management. By standardising the evaluation process, businesses can ensure consistency in how vendor risks are assessed and mitigated, thus enhancing overall risk management effectiveness.

Key Components of a Vendor Risk Management Audit Checklist

Vendor Profile and Background Check

The initial step in any vendor risk management process involves a thorough investigation into the vendor’s background, operational history, and credibility. This assessment forms the foundation for understanding the potential risks associated with engaging with a particular vendor.

Detailed Elements:

  • Business History and Reputation: Investigate the vendor’s track record, including years of operation, industry recognition, and feedback from previous clients. This helps gauge reliability and market reputation, which are crucial for long-term partnerships.
  • Financial Health: Analyze the vendor’s financial statements, audit outcomes, and credit ratings to assess financial stability and risk of bankruptcy. This evaluation is vital, especially for vendors critical to business operations.
  • Compliance with Industry Standards: Check for certifications like ISO for quality management or specific compliance like PCI-DSS for payment security, depending on the vendor’s service nature. These certifications are indicators of the vendor’s commitment to maintaining industry standards.

Table: Vendor Background Check Metrics




Business Longevity

Number of years the vendor has been in operation.


Financial Stability

Assessment of financial health through ratios, credit scores, etc.


Industry Certification

Compliance with relevant standards like ISO, GDPR.


Cybersecurity Assessment

Given the increasing prevalence of data breaches and cyber-attacks, assessing a vendor’s cybersecurity practices is critical. This step ensures that the vendor adheres to best practices in information security, protecting both their data and any data they may handle on behalf of your company.

Detailed Elements:

  • Security Policies and Procedures: Review of documented security policies and their enforcement, including employee training and security audits.
  • Data Handling and Privacy Measures: Examination of how the vendor stores, processes, and transmits sensitive data, ensuring compliance with data protection laws like GDPR.
  • Incident Response Capabilities: Evaluation of the vendor’s preparedness to handle security incidents, including response strategies and previous incident reports.

Table: Cybersecurity Assessment Checklist



Evaluation Method

Security Infrastructure

Adequacy of physical and digital security measures.

On-site audits, technology review

Data Management

Compliance with data privacy standards.

Review of data handling procedures

Breach Response

Effectiveness of incident response plans.

Simulation exercises, response history review

Service Delivery and Performance Evaluation

This component assesses the vendor’s ability to meet or exceed the service delivery standards as agreed upon. This evaluation is critical for ensuring that the vendor can not only meet current service demands but also adapt to future changes or challenges.

Detailed Elements:

  • Service Level Agreements (SLAs): Detailed review of SLAs to confirm that performance metrics are clearly defined, measurable, and aligned with business objectives.
  • Quality Control Processes: Examination of the vendor’s processes for ensuring quality in delivery, including testing, monitoring, and feedback mechanisms.
  • Performance History Review: Analysis of historical performance data to identify patterns in service delivery, responsiveness, and resolution of issues.

Table: Service Delivery Evaluation Metrics



Measurement Technique

SLA Compliance Rate

Percentage of times SLAs are met.

Performance tracking reports

Quality Assurance Success

Effectiveness of quality control systems.

Audit results, quality control data

Customer Satisfaction

Level of customer satisfaction with services.

Surveys, feedback forms

Legal and Regulatory Compliance Risk

Legal and regulatory compliance risk concerns the possibility that a vendor’s failure to adhere to legal statutes and industry regulations could expose your company to legal penalties, fines, or reputational damage.

Detailed Elements:

  • Regulatory Compliance: This includes ensuring that the vendor complies with all relevant environmental, safety, and industry-specific regulations, which could range from data protection laws like GDPR in Europe to healthcare regulations like HIPAA in the United States.
  • Contractual Adherence: Scrutinizing the vendor’s track record on contract fulfillment assesses their reliability and tendency towards legal disputes. This is crucial in sectors where service delivery timelines are critical.
  • Legal Disputes: Analyzing past legal disputes involving the vendor provides insights into potential areas of risk that might impact your business, such as disputes related to intellectual property rights or contractual disagreements.

Table: Legal and Regulatory Compliance Risk Assessment


Impact on Business

Mitigation Strategy

Regulatory Non-Compliance

Fines, operational disruption, reputational damage

Regular compliance audits, third-party compliance assessments

Contractual Non-Adherence

Service disruption, legal costs

Detailed contract reviews, clear SLAs, penalty clauses for non-compliance

History of Legal Disputes

Increased risk exposure, potential for future disputes

Due diligence checks, references, and reviews from past partners

Strategic Alignment and Cultural Fit

Strategic alignment and cultural fit involve ensuring that the vendor’s business practices, ethical standards, and long-term goals align with your company’s strategic objectives and corporate culture.

Detailed Elements:

  • Business Goals Alignment: This evaluates how well the vendor’s strategic goals complement your company’s long-term objectives. For example, a vendor that prioritizes innovation could be a good match for a tech company seeking cutting-edge technology solutions.
  • Cultural Compatibility: It’s crucial that the vendor’s corporate culture harmonizes with yours, especially regarding ethics, corporate responsibility, and workforce management, to ensure smooth interpersonal and business relations.
  • Innovation and Value Addition: Assessing the vendor’s capacity for innovation determines their potential to contribute creatively to projects, suggesting a proactive rather than just a transactional relationship.

Table: Strategic and Cultural Fit Assessment


Importance to Business

Evaluation Method

Alignment with Corporate Goals

High, affects strategic success

Reviews of vendor’s business plans and objectives

Cultural Compatibility

Medium, affects collaboration and employee interaction

Direct interviews, reviews of vendor’s HR and ethical policies

Capacity for Innovation

Medium, impacts competitive advantage

Case studies of past projects, innovation metrics

Dependency and Concentration Risks

Dependency and concentration risks assess how much your business depends on a single vendor and the potential impact if this vendor fails to deliver due to operational, financial, or reputational issues.

Detailed Elements:

  • Single Point of Failure: This refers to scenarios where your business overly relies on a single vendor for critical services or products, increasing vulnerability if the vendor experiences a failure.
  • Availability of Alternatives: Examining the market for viable alternatives can mitigate risks by ensuring that there are backup options in case of primary vendor failure.
  • Impact of Disruption: Estimating the potential operational and financial impact if a critical vendor fails helps in understanding the extent of risk exposure and the need for robust contingency planning.

Table: Dependency and Concentration Risk Analysis


Business Impact

Risk Management Strategy

Single Point of Failure

Could halt critical operations

Develop multi-vendor sourcing strategies, establish strong SLAs

Lack of Alternatives

Limited bargaining power, higher risk exposure

Market research, foster relationships with multiple suppliers

Disruption Impact

Operational delays, financial losses

Business continuity planning, insurance


Successfully managing third-party risks is critical to ensuring operational resilience and achieving strategic objectives. The detailed exploration of various risk components including legal, strategic, and dependency risks, alongside the conventional cybersecurity and compliance issues, provides a robust framework for businesses to evaluate and mitigate potential vulnerabilities posed by third-party relationships.

Vendor Risk Management Audit Checklist Summary

Risk Category

Key Components

Purpose of Evaluation

Vendor Profile and Background

Business History and Reputation, Financial Health, Compliance with Industry Standards

To assess the vendor’s reliability, financial stability, and adherence to regulations.

Cybersecurity Assessment

Security Policies and Procedures, Data Handling and Privacy Measures, Incident Response Capabilities

To ensure the vendor’s cybersecurity measures are robust and compliant with data protection laws.

Service Delivery and Performance

Service Level Agreements (SLAs), Quality Control Processes, Performance History

To evaluate the vendor’s ability to meet contractual obligations and maintain high service standards.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Regulatory Compliance, Contractual Adherence, Legal Disputes

To verify that the vendor adheres to all relevant laws and regulations, minimizing legal risks.

Strategic Alignment and Cultural Fit

Business Goals Alignment, Cultural Compatibility, Innovation and Value Addition

To ensure that the vendor’s strategic goals and corporate culture align with those of the company.

Dependency and Concentration Risks

Single Point of Failure, Availability of Alternatives, Impact of Disruption

To assess the impact of reliance on the vendor and strategies to mitigate risks associated with vendor concentration.

Explanation of the Table:

  • Risk Category: Broad areas of risk to evaluate, which cover different aspects of vendor interactions and potential impacts on the business.
  • Key Components: Specific factors or areas within each risk category that need to be assessed to gain a comprehensive understanding of the risks posed by the vendor.
  • Purpose of Evaluation: The objective of evaluating each component, highlighting why it is important to assess these areas in the context of overall risk management.

Third-party risk management is a crucial aspect of modern business operations that requires meticulous planning and strategic execution. By understanding and mitigating the various risks associated with external vendors, businesses can protect themselves against potential disruptions and losses, ensuring long-term success and sustainability.

Types of third party risks

Different Types of Third-Party Risks in Business


Third-party risks are potential threats that arise from relying on external entities to conduct business operations. These risks can stem from vendors, suppliers, contractors, or any external collaborations that are integral to a company’s operations. As businesses increasingly outsource key services and integrate external partnerships into their core activities, the complexity and potential impact of third-party risks grow. Understanding these risks is crucial for developing effective risk management strategies and maintaining robust business operations.

Types of Third-Party Risks

  • Cybersecurity Risks

Cybersecurity risks are among the most critical concerns when dealing with third parties, given the potential for substantial financial and reputational damage resulting from data breaches or cyber-attacks. As businesses integrate more third-party services, the interfaces between different systems widen, increasing the attack surface for potential security threats.

Key Risk Factors:

  • Access Control: Third parties often require access to a company’s systems, which can inadvertently provide gateways for unauthorized access if not properly managed.
  • Data Handling and Storage: How third parties handle, store, and protect data is crucial. Inadequate data protection measures can lead to data leaks or breaches.
  • Compliance with Security Standards: Many industries have specific cybersecurity standards that third parties must adhere to, such as PCI DSS for payment processing or HIPAA for healthcare-related services.

Example: Consider a cloud service provider that stores sensitive customer data. If this provider suffers a data breach due to insufficient security practices, it not only exposes the business to data loss but also to regulatory penalties and loss of customer trust.

Table: Cybersecurity Risks Associated with Third Parties


Potential Threat

Mitigation Approach

System Integration

Increased vulnerabilities at connection points

Implement robust encryption and firewall protections

Data Management

Risk of data theft or loss

Enforce data encryption and regular security audits

Regulatory Compliance

Non-compliance with industry standards

Continuous training and compliance monitoring

  • Compliance Risks

Compliance risks involve legal penalties, financial losses, or damage to reputation resulting from third parties failing to adhere to laws and regulations. These risks are particularly pronounced in sectors heavily regulated, such as finance, healthcare, and international trade.

Key Risk Factors:

  • Regulatory Changes: Rapid changes in regulations can catch third parties unprepared, affecting their compliance and, by extension, that of the business.
  • Global Operations: If third parties operate across multiple jurisdictions, ensuring compliance with all relevant local, national, and international laws becomes challenging.
  • Contractual Compliance: Ensuring that third parties adhere to their contractual obligations, including compliance with specific legal standards, is crucial.

Example: A multinational corporation using third-party vendors in different countries needs to ensure these vendors comply with both local labor laws and international human rights laws to avoid fines and reputational damage.

Table: Compliance Risk Scenarios for Third Parties

Legal Area

Risk Scenario

Prevention Strategy

Environmental Law

Non-compliance with waste disposal regulations

Regular audits and compliance training

Data Protection

Breach of data protection laws (GDPR, etc.)

Implement data governance frameworks

Contractual Obligations

Failure to meet specified service levels

Define clear contract terms with penalties

  • Operational Risks

Operational risks involve failures in day-to-day operations due to third-party actions or inactions. These risks can disrupt business operations, affect service delivery, and ultimately impact customer satisfaction and revenue.

Key Risk Factors:

  • Service Delivery: Dependency on third parties for critical services can lead to business disruptions if these parties fail to deliver as expected.
  • Quality Control: Inconsistent quality of goods or services from third parties can affect the overall product quality and brand reputation.
  • Supply Chain Disruptions: Third parties are integral to the supply chain, and any disruptions on their end—due to logistical issues, financial problems, or natural disasters—can have cascading effects on the business.

Example: An automotive manufacturer relies on a single supplier for a critical component. If the supplier faces a strike or factory shutdown, it could halt the manufacturer’s production line, leading to significant operational delays and financial losses.

Table: Operational Risk Management for Third Parties



Management Technique

Dependency on Key Suppliers

High risk if supplier fails

Develop multiple sources for critical components

Inconsistent Quality

Damage to product quality and customer trust

Implement stringent quality checks and regular audits

Supply Chain Vulnerability

Potential for significant operational disruptions

Establish a diversified supplier network and contingency plans

  • Financial Risks

Financial risks associated with third parties encompass several dimensions that can directly impact a company’s fiscal health. These risks are particularly concerning because they can lead to sudden and sometimes substantial financial losses.

Key Risk Factors:

  • Financial Instability: This involves scenarios where a third party may face solvency issues, impacting their ability to deliver goods or services. For example, if a key component supplier goes bankrupt, it can halt production lines and lead to lost revenue.
  • Currency Fluctuations: Companies dealing with international suppliers are exposed to the risk of fluctuating exchange rates, which can alter the cost structure unexpectedly and affect profitability.
  • Credit Risk: This occurs when a third party fails to meet their financial obligations, such as failing to repay debts or deliver services after receiving payment.

Detailed Mitigation Strategies:

  • Financial Due Diligence: Conduct thorough financial assessments of potential suppliers before engagement and periodic reviews thereafter to monitor their financial health.
  • Diversification: Reduce reliance on any single supplier, especially in critical areas, to spread financial risk.
  • Hedging: Employ financial hedging strategies to protect against significant currency fluctuations.

Table: Financial Risk Scenarios and Mitigation Techniques

Risk Type

Potential Impact

Mitigation Technique

Supplier Bankruptcy

Disruption in the supply chain

Establish alternative suppliers and contingency plans

Currency Volatility

Increased costs of imported goods/services

Use forward contracts and options to manage exchange rate risk

Credit Default

Losses due to non-payment

Secure credit insurance or payment guarantees

  • Reputational Risks

Reputational risks stem from actions or failures of third parties that could damage the public perception of a company. In the age of social media and instant news, reputational damage can spread quickly and have long-lasting effects.

Key Risk Factors:

  • Ethical Misconduct: Involvement in unethical practices such as environmental breaches or human rights violations can reflect poorly on a company.
  • Quality Issues: Delivering substandard products or services can lead to customer dissatisfaction and harm the company’s reputation.

Detailed Mitigation Strategies:

  • Rigorous Supplier Screening: Implement stringent screening processes to evaluate the ethical practices of potential third parties.
  • Regular Audits: Conduct regular audits to ensure suppliers adhere to contractual and ethical standards.
  • Crisis Management Plan: Develop a robust crisis management plan to quickly address and mitigate any potential reputational damage.

Table: Reputational Risk Management Approaches

Risk Type

Example Issue

Mitigation Approach

Ethical Misconduct

Use of child labour in manufacturing

Conduct unannounced audits, enforce penalties

Quality Issues

Recurrent defects in supplier-produced parts

Tighten quality control measures, adjust supplier selection criteria

  • Strategic Risks

Strategic risks arise when there’s a misalignment between a company’s long-term strategic goals and the actions or directions of third parties. These risks can derail strategic initiatives and impact market positioning.

Key Risk Factors:

  • Misalignment of Objectives: Divergent business goals between a company and its third parties can lead to conflicts and inefficiencies.
  • Intellectual Property Risks: Sharing sensitive business information with third parties carries the risk of IP theft or misuse, potentially eroding competitive advantages.

Detailed Mitigation Strategies:

  • Alignment Workshops: Regularly engage with third parties to ensure alignment of objectives and expectations.
  • IP Protection Measures: Implement strict controls on IP rights and usage, and enforce non-disclosure agreements.

Table: Strategic Risk Mitigation Techniques

Risk Type

Potential Impact

Mitigation Technique

Objective Misalignment

Strategic drift and wasted resources

Foster open dialogue and regular strategy reviews

IP Leakage

Loss of competitive edge

Secure IP agreements and conduct regular compliance checks


Navigating third-party risks is crucial for maintaining the integrity and success of a business. As companies increasingly rely on external partners for essential services and supplies, the potential for risks related to finance, reputation, and strategy grows.

How To Check Your Passport Status In India (2024 Update)

How to Check Your Passport Application Status?

There are two main ways to check your passport status in India – online and offline.

1. Online:

Passport Seva Portal: Visit Passport Seva, select ‘Track Your Application Status,’ and enter your file number and date of birth.
mPassport Seva App: Download, register, and log in to the app. Enter your file number and date of birth.

2. Offline:

National Call Centre: Call 1800 258 1800 (8:00 AM to 10:00 PM) to get your status update.
Local Passport Seva Kendra (PSK): Visit the nearest PSK with your file number and date of birth to inquire at the information counter.
SMS: Send STATUS <FILE NUMBER> to 9704 100 100 from your registered mobile number.

When it comes to checking the status of your passport application, having the right information at hand is crucial. Regardless of the channel you choose to use—online or offline—you will need the following key details:

a) Passport File Number: This is a unique 15-digit number assigned to you upon the submission of your passport application. It serves as an essential identifier in the tracking system.

b) Date of Birth: Your date of birth is required to verify your identity and match it with your passport application file.

Passport Seva Application Tracking Homepage

Using your credentials, you can follow different ways to track passport application status online/offline, as mentioned in the step-by-step breakdown of each way to check your passport status below.

How To Check Passport Status Online?

To Check the passport status online, there are two ways:

  1. Via Passport Seva Portal
  2. Via mPassport Seva Mobile App

If you’re looking for a step-by-step guide of how each channel works. Here’s a detailed breakdown:

1. Via Passport Seva Portal/Website

Step 1: Visit the Official Passport Seva Website.

Step 2: Select the ‘Track Your Application Status‘ Tab:

  • On the homepage, find and click on the ‘Track Your Application Status’ option. This is typically located on the right side of the screen.
    Track Passport Application Status

    Step 3: Choose the type of passport application:

    You will be redirected to a new page where you need to select the type of passport application from a drop-down menu. Options may include:
    1. Fresh Passport
    2. Reissue of passport
    3. Diplomatic passport
    4. Official passport
    5. And other types specific to your application

    Track Passport Application Status Tab

    Step 4: Enter the required details in the provided fields:

    – File Number: This is a unique 15-digit number assigned to your application. You can find this number on your passport application receipt.
    – Date of Birth: Enter your date of birth in the prescribed format (dd/mm/yyyy).

    Step 5: Track your status:

    After entering your details, click on the ‘Track Status’ button.

    Step 6: View your application status

    The current status of your passport application will be displayed on the screen. This status update is in real-time and will reflect the most recent information available about your application.

    2. Via mPassport Seva Mobile App

    Step 1: Download and Install the mPassport Seva App on your mobile phone.

    For iOS Users: Visit the App Store and search for “mPassport Seva.”
    For Android Users: Visit the Google Play Store and search for “mPassport Seva.”

    Download and install the app on your smartphone.

      mPassport Seva App listing on Google Play Store, App Store

      Step 2: Register on the App

      1. Open the app and complete the registration process by providing the necessary details. This may include your name, email address, and phone number.

      2. Create a secure password for your account.

      Step 3: Log In to Your Account

       After registering, log in to the app using your credentials.

      Step 4: Navigate to the ‘Track Application Status’ Section

       Once logged in, find the ‘Track Application Status’ option in the app’s menu.

          mPassport Seva App homepage

          Step 5: Enter required details

          Application File Number: Input the unique 15-digit file number assigned to your passport application.

          Date of Birth: Enter your date of birth in the specified format (dd/mm/yyyy).

          Step 6: Track your application

          Tap on the ‘Track Status’ button after entering the required details.

          Step 7: View your application status

          The app will display the current status of your passport application, providing real-time updates directly on your screen.

            How To Track Passport Application Status Offline?

            To check your passport application status offline, there are 3 ways:

            1. Check Passport Status Via SMS

            2. Check Passport Status Via Help Desk

            3. Check Passport Status Via National Toll Free Number

            If you’re looking for a step-by-step guide of how each channel works. Here’s a detailed breakdown:

            1. via SMS

            • To track the status of your passport application via SMS, follow these steps:

              Use Your Registered Mobile Number:

              Ensure you send the SMS from the mobile number registered with your passport application.

              Send an SMS:

              Format your SMS as follows: STATUS <FILE NUMBER>
              Send this SMS to 9704 100 100.

              Receive Status Update: 

              You will receive an SMS containing the current status of your passport application.

            • Important Note: This SMS service is not free and may incur standard SMS charges
            Passport Tracking Status SMS

            2. Via Helpdesk

            If you prefer to check your passport application status in person, you can use the offline helpdesk services at Passport Seva Kendra (PSK). Here’s how:

            o) Visit the Nearest Passport Seva Kendra (PSK): Go to the PSK or Regional Passport Office closest to your location.

              list of regional passport offices in India

              o) Locate the Information Counter: Upon arrival, look for the information counter where you can make inquiries.

              o) Inquire About Your Application Status: Ask the staff at the information counter for the status of your currently submitted passport application.

              Note: You can also request the status of your application by sending an email to the PSK office with your file number and date of birth. Sometimes, the online delivery status might not reflect the actual real-time delivery status. Therefore, it is advisable to contact your nearest Speed Post Centre for the most accurate information. If the personnel at the Speed Post Centre are unable to locate your address, your passport will be returned to the sender. In such cases, please reach out to your Regional Passport Office for further assistance.

              3. Via National Toll Free Number

              o) For all Indian citizens (except Jammu and Kashmir, and North-eastern states): Call 1800 258 1800 (toll-free). This service is available from 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM. During non-working hours, an automated Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) will provide the necessary information.

              o) For residents of Jammu and Kashmir: Call 040-66720567 (regular charges may apply).

              o) For residents of North-eastern states: Call 040-66720581 (regular charges may apply).

              Passport Seva Customer care contact us number

              Various Stages of Tracking Passport Application On The Passport Seva Portal

              Passport application to delivery process

              The Passport Seva Portal provides a detailed and systematic way to track your passport application status. Here are the various stages you might encounter when tracking your passport application:

              1. Application Submitted: This initial stage indicates that your application has been successfully submitted and is under processing.

              2. Application Verified: This stage confirms that your application details have been verified. This includes verifying the documents submitted with your application.

              3. Passport Status Created: This means that your application has been formally registered and entered into the Passport Seva system, and processing has commenced. The “Created” status is essentially an acknowledgment that your application is now in the system and will be moved forward through various stages such as document verification, police verification (if required), and eventually, printing and dispatching of the passport.

              4. Police Verification Initiated: At this stage, your application has been forwarded to the local police for verification. Police verification is an essential part of the passport issuance process.

              5. Police Verification Completed: This indicates that the local police have completed the verification of your details. 

              6. PCC Status: After the police verification is completed and found satisfactory, the Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) is issued. The PCC indicates that the individual has no criminal record or adverse information on file. Post this process, the police send their report back to the Passport Seva Kendra.

              7. Passport Printing Initiated: Once the police verification is completed and approved, the process of printing your passport is initiated.

              8. Passport Printed: This stage confirms that your passport has been printed and is ready for dispatch.

              9. Passport Dispatched: Your passport has been dispatched to your address via Indian Speed Post. You will receive a tracking number to monitor the delivery status.

              10. Passport Delivered: The final stage, indicating that your passport has been successfully delivered to the address provided in your application.

                How to Check the Passport Police Verification Status?

                1. Go to Passport Seva.

                2. Log in using your registered credentials.

                3. Find and click on the ‘Track Application Status’ option.

                4. Enter your file number and date of birth.

                5. Click on ‘Track Status’ to view the current status of your police verification

                How To Track Passport Dispatch And Delivery Status?

                Follow these steps to check your passport dispatch status on the Indian Speed Post Portal:
                1. Visit the Passport Seva Portal: Log in to your account to obtain your 13-digit tracking number.
                2. Visit the India Post’s Official Website: Navigate to India Post’s official website.
                3. Navigate to the ‘Track Consignment’ Section: Find the ‘Track Consignment’ section on the homepage.
                4. Enter Your Tracking Number: Input your 13-digit tracking number in the ‘Consignment Number’ box.
                5. Click on the ‘Search’ Button: If your delivery tracking information isn’t available, it means that your passport hasn’t been dispatched.

                Passport dispatch speed post status

                If the delivery tracking information is not available, it implies that your passport has not yet been dispatched.

                Addressing Delivery Issues:

                Online vs. Real-Time Status: Sometimes, the online delivery status might not reflect real-time updates. For the most accurate information, contact your nearest Speed Post Centre directly.
                Handling Delivery Problems: If the Speed Post Centre personnel are unable to locate your address, the passport will be returned to the sender. In such cases, contact your Regional Passport Office for assistance in re-dispatching or collecting your passport.

                Can You Collect the Passport from the Regional Passport Office?

                Yes, in emergencies, you can collect your passport from the Regional Passport Office. However, there are specific steps and conditions to be aware of:

                1. Application Form: You must fill out an application form explaining the urgent need to collect the passport in person.

                2. Approval Process: The Regional Passport officers will review your application. They have the discretion to accept or reject your request based on the urgency and validity of the reason provided.

                What does it mean when your passport is “ready for dispatch”?

                When your passport is “ready for dispatch,” it means that the processing of your passport application is complete, and your new passport is prepared for delivery. This indicates that your passport has been printed, approved, and is about to be sent to the address you provided during the application process

                  Tips for a Seamless Passport Tracking Experience

                  1. Keep Your Credentials Handy: Always have your file number and date of birth ready.
                  2. Use Official Channels: Track your status via the Passport Seva Portal or mPassport Seva app.
                  3. Stay Updated: Regularly check the status online for any changes.
                  4. Verify Contact Details: Ensure your registered mobile number and email are up-to-date.
                  5. Seek Help When Needed: Contact the Passport Seva helpline or visit the nearest PSK if issues arise.

                  Time Taken to Process Your Passport

                  The time taken to process your passport in India varies based on the type of application:

                  1. Normal Application: Typically takes 30 to 45 days from the date of submission.
                  2. Tatkal Application: Generally processed within 1 to 7 days, subject to verification and approval.

                  Other Important Passport-Related Information

                  Passport Information:

                  A passport is an official travel document issued by a government that certifies the identity and nationality of its holder for international travel. It includes personal details such as the holder’s name, photo, date of birth, and nationality.

                  Passport Application Online:

                  Applying for a passport online involves filling out the application form on the Passport Seva portal, uploading the required documents, and scheduling an appointment at the nearest Passport Seva Kendra (PSK).

                  Documents Required for Passport in India:

                  To apply for a passport in India, you need documents such as proof of address, proof of date of birth, and identity proof. Common documents include an Aadhaar card, voter ID, and birth certificate.

                  Appointment Availability Status:

                  The status indicating the availability of appointment slots at Passport Seva Kendras (PSKs) for applicants to schedule their visit. It is checked during the initial stages of the passport application process, prior to submitting the application and tracking its status.

                  Passport Application Form:

                  The passport application form can be filled out online on the Passport Seva portal. It includes sections for personal information, address details, and passport-specific details.

                  Passport Renewal:

                  Passport renewal involves reapplying for a passport that is about to expire or has expired. The process is similar to applying for a new passport and can be done online or at a PSK.

                  Documents for Passport:

                  Common documents needed for a passport include proof of address, proof of date of birth, and identity proof. Additional documents may be required for specific cases like minor passports or re-issues.

                  Passport Enquiry:

                  You can make inquiries about passport application status, required documents, or any other related information through the Passport Seva portal, helpline numbers, or by visiting a PSK.

                  Check Passport Status:

                  The status of your passport application can be checked online via the Passport Seva portal or the mPassport Seva mobile app by entering your file number and date of birth.

                  Police Clearance Certificate:

                  A Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) is issued to Indian passport holders when they apply for residential status, employment, or long-term visa or immigration. It certifies that the individual has no criminal records.

                  Passport Renewal Process:

                  The passport renewal process involves filling out the renewal application form online, submitting the necessary documents, paying the fees, and attending the appointment at the PSK.

                  Tatkal Passport:

                  A Tatkal passport is issued under the Tatkal scheme for those needing a passport urgently. The process is expedited, and the passport is typically issued within a few days, subject to verification.

                  Passport Dispatch Status:

                  Once the passport is processed, its dispatch status can be tracked via the Passport Seva portal or the India Post website using the 13-digit tracking number provided.

                  Police Verification for Passport:

                  Police verification is a crucial step in the passport application process where the police verify the applicant’s address and background. It is required for first-time applicants and sometimes for renewals.

                  Passport Address Change:

                  To change the address on your passport, you need to apply for a reissue of the passport with the new address proof. The process can be initiated online via the Passport Seva portal.

                  Passport Renewal Status:

                  Passport renewal status indicates the current stage of processing for your passport application. It helps applicants know if their renewal request has been received, approved, or if further action is required. Checking the status regularly can ensure timely updates and help address any issues promptly.

                  Passport Renewal Tracking:

                  Passport renewal tracking allows applicants to monitor the progress of their renewal application through an official tracking system. By using a tracking number, individuals can access real-time updates on their application status. This service provides peace of mind and ensures applicants stay informed throughout the process.

                    FAQs on Passport Status Check 2024

                    No, the National Call Centre does not provide 24×7 customer care service. It operates from 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM every day of the week. During non-operational hours, customers can use the automated Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) to get information.

                    PSK stands for Passport Seva Kendra, a regional office where applicants can apply for a new passport, renew an existing one, or make modifications.

                    Yes, the passport tracking service provides detailed information on the status of your application, including where it is stuck and any further actions needed.

                    You can check your passport status and details on the Passport Seva portal. The information is generally updated 14 days after the application or renewal process.

                    You can check the dispatch status of your passport by visiting the official Passport Seva portal and using the tracking feature provided there.

                    To check your passport status using your mobile number, send an SMS in the format STATUS [FILE NUMBER] to 9704100100. This should be done using the mobile number registered during your passport application process.

                    No, typically you are not permitted to pick up your passport in person from the Regional Passport Office. It is usually dispatched to your address.

                    No, providing the date of birth is mandatory to track the status of a passport application.

                    Yes, the status of the police verification report, including whether it has been submitted or is still pending, can be checked through the passport tracking service.

                    You can track your passport status online using the official Passport Seva portal or the mPassport Seva mobile app. Offline, you can call the National Passport Information Center at 1800 258 1800 or send an SMS to 9704 100 100.

                    The passport tracking file number is an alphanumeric reference code assigned to you after you submit your passport application and pay the necessary fee. It helps monitor the progress of your application.

                    According to government regulations, the typical timeframe to receive an Indian passport is between 30 to 45 days from the date of application.

                    Passport Seva Kendra (PSK) operates from Monday to Friday between 9:30 AM and 4:30 PM. The timings for token issuance are between 9:30 AM and 4:00 PM.

                    No, under the current system, all applicants must be physically present at the Passport Seva Kendra (PSK) and submit their application with the Application Print receipt and original documents after applying online.

                    Check the delivery status on the India Post website using the tracking number. If there are issues, contact your nearest Speed Post center or the Passport Office from which your passport was dispatched for assistance.

                    To verify your passport status in India, visit the Passport Seva website, log in, and check the “Track Application Status” section with your file number and date of birth. Alternatively, send “STATUS [File Number]” to 9704100100 via SMS.

                    product updates for may - ibridge, onboardx, signdrive, corpveda

                    Unveiling This Month’s Exciting AuthBridge Product Updates

                    Unveiling This Month's Exciting AuthBridge Product Updates

                    Welcome back, innovators! 

                    Whether you’re a seasoned AuthBridge user or just discovering our suite of powerful solutions, buckle up for another month of exciting advancements. We’re constantly pushing the boundaries of identity verification and risk management technology, and we’re thrilled to share the latest updates designed to empower your business.

                    In this blog, we’ll delve into the details of our new features, functionality enhancements, and platform integrations – all meticulously crafted to elevate your user experience and streamline your workflows.


                    Being the employee screening and onboarding platform of choice, we aim to continuously update the platform with features to improve the candidate and recruiter experience.

                    • Statutory Form Signing Simplified with Instaform 2.0

                    Capture the candidate details and other information that would be required for the onboarding forms during the background verification journey itself to eliminate redundancy and save time. Simply send the pre-fill the statutory and onboarding forms such as Form F, Form 11, Form 2, Gratuity and other related documents to the candidate for their quick sign or Aadhaar-based signatures.

                    • Education Verification via Digilocker:

                    Candidates no longer need to carry their marksheets and degrees while filling out the BGV forms. Our iBridge platform seamlessly integrates with Digilocker, allowing candidates to effortlessly fetch education documents from over 1000 institutions in a simple 3-step process.

                    iBridge will pull the required documents based on Basic information like University name; Roll no and passing year. This reduces chances of forgery, wrong document upload and information insufficiencies. Additionally reducing TAT significantly.


                    OnboardX being the one-stop platform for third-party onboarding and risk management platform enables the business heads and HODs to monitor the onboarding progress and identify potential risks.

                    • Single View of Third-party Journey

                    Get a comprehensive view of third-party onboarding and due diligence journey on a single screen. Onboard X’s new and advanced dashboard offers individual dashlets and modules to view the onboarding status, the number of days a case has been in a particular stage (not logged in, pending, signature required, action needed, completed, etc) along with graphical representation of the TAT and approver information, among others. 

                    Also read blog: Introducing OnboardX’s New Dashboard 

                    • Make Hassle-free changes with the Change Request Module 

                    The Change Request Module is a powerful update that will help in navigating and facilitating critical alterations in vendor profiles. Whether it’s updating bank account details, modifying GST information, altering services, or conducting additional verifications and approvals, streamline the entire process with efficiency and accuracy.

                    Detailed logs provide transparency and auditability, offering full visibility into the process from start to finish. This will ensure that updated vendor information is synchronized in real-time , eliminating discrepancies and ensuring data integrity across platforms.


                    Discover exciting new functionalities in SignDrive designed to simplify the signing process for all parties involved.

                    • Faster Integrations & UI Enhancements

                    We have optimized integrations by reducing the number of APIs, resulting in a lighter tech load and smoother performance. Additionally, the user interface (UI) has been revamped for enhanced visibility and ease of access, ensuring seamless navigation and interaction.

                    • ‘No Rejection’ Feature 

                    Introducing a feature especially tailored for BFSI use cases— enable/disable the option to reject the signing of the document. This feature is particularly helpful for the BFSI industry where it is mandatory to sign certain documents to proceed. Eg., An individual applies for a home loan for 25 lacks. However, after due diligence the approved amount is 25 lacks. Now, the customer has to sign the document for loan disbursement and cannot refuse to sign it because the approved amount is less than the applied amount.

                    The best news is that the feature is configurable. Thus, allowing you to enable or disable it based on the business use case. Thus, cutting down on the turnaround time and requiring manual intervention only when necessary.

                    • Multiple Tags 

                    Our latest update introduces the ability to assign specific role-based tags to respective signers, providing granular control and organization. Each signer receives respective tags that are specific to their role, ensuring clarity and accuracy throughout the document signing process. These tags are non-editable, mitigating the risk of document tampering and at the same time ensuring security and authenticity.

                    • Stamp Papers

                    In a major convenience upgrade, stamp papers are now readily available for nearly all states and with all denominations. This simplifies procurement and reduces turnaround time, offering a first-mover advantage in terms of TAT. With this initiative, we aim to streamline processes and empower our users with accessibility and efficiency.


                    Learn how TruthScreen’s instant verification APIs have been further refined to deliver even more accurate and comprehensive verification results.

                    • Reverse RC Advanced

                    Add an extra layer of validation to confirm the authenticity of the vehicle details. Our reverse RC (Registration Certificate) verification process mandates verifying the engine number, while the chassis number verification is optional. This double-verification method enhances accuracy and security by ensuring that both the parameters are verified for a robust RC verification.

                    • OTP-based GST Verification 

                    To ensure that the person submitting the GST details is the legitimate owner, our system sends a One-Time Password (OTP) to the registered mobile number of the GST provider. This OTP must be entered for the verification process to proceed. Thus, helping with preventing fraudulent submissions and ensuring the integrity of the GST details by validating the user’s identity in real-time.

                    • Faster and Efficient OCR based Verification

                    With additions to our OCRs suite, enjoy a seamless and faster verification experience. Our suite of in-house OCR solutions comprises of:

                    • GST Certificate OCR Live: Our system utilizes advanced Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology to scan and extract data from GST certificates in real-time. This ensures that the information is accurate and quickly processed, reducing manual entry errors and speeding up the verification process. The live OCR capability means that as soon as the GST certificate is uploaded, the data is instantly extracted and verified.

                    • Provision Certificate OCR: Extracts and validates information from provisional certificates issued by educational institutions.

                    • Graduation and Marksheet OCR: Scans and verifies the details from graduation certificates and marksheets, ensuring the accuracy of educational qualifications.

                    These updates represent a significant leap forward in the AuthBridge product suite.  We’re committed to continuous innovation, and these features are just the beginning.  By leveraging cutting-edge technology and a focus on user experience, we aim to empower our clients to not only excel today but also thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of authentication and verification.

                    Stay tuned for even more exciting advancements as we continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible.  Partner with AuthBridge and unlock a future of streamlined workflows, enhanced security, and exceptional user experiences.

                    The Ultimate Guide to Marksheet Verification in India: Safeguarding Authenticity and Trust in Education

                    What Are The Different Types Of Marksheets That Can Be Verified?

                    The Growing Trend Of The Fake Degree Certificate Fraud

                    Bengaluru: Police arrested a man for selling 6,800 fake university certificates from 15 universities​.

                    Hyderabad: Police arrested ten people, including an assistant professor, for selling fake engineering and MBA certificates​.

                    Meghalaya: The Enforcement Directorate attached Rs 13.54 crore in assets from CMJ University for issuing over 20,000 fake degrees​​.

                    Kerala: An increase in the submission of fake degree certificates was reported, impacting the state’s higher education credibility.

                    Jaipur: Rajasthan’s Special Operations Group arrested three individuals for colluding with institutions to issue fake degrees​​.

                    Reasons To Conduct Marksheet Verification

                    Ensuring Applicant Qualifications

                    When hiring new employees, it is crucial to ensure they possess the necessary education and qualifications for their roles. Verifying an applicant’s educational background through mark sheet verification helps confirm their certificates, diplomas, or degrees, ensuring they are adequately prepared to meet job expectations.

                    Time Savings in the Hiring Process

                    Skipping the mark sheet verification stage can lead to hiring unqualified individuals, resulting in significant costs and wasted time. By thoroughly verifying a candidate’s education, employers can avoid the pitfalls of hiring someone who lacks the necessary expertise, ensuring a better fit for the job and reducing turnover costs.

                    Detecting Fraudulent Credentials

                    The rise of “diploma mills” has made it easier for individuals to obtain fake degrees and certificates. Mark sheet verification provides precise details about a candidate’s educational history, helping employers identify fraudulent credentials and institutions. This step is essential to maintaining the integrity of the hiring process and ensuring only genuinely qualified individuals are considered.

                    Revealing Knowledge and Job Requirement Gaps

                    Conducting mark sheet verification reveals detailed information about the subjects a candidate has studied and their relevance to the job role. This process identifies any gaps between the candidate’s knowledge and the job requirements, ensuring that the new hire is adequately prepared for their responsibilities.

                    Safeguarding Against Fake Degrees and Diplomas

                    The proliferation of diploma mills, which provide fake degrees in exchange for money, poses a significant challenge to the educational system. These institutions are not affiliated with recognized bodies or government agencies and often partner with independent entities with substandard curricula. Mark sheet verification helps safeguard against these fraudulent practices, ensuring that all degrees are legitimate and meet legal standards.

                    Understanding The Process Of Marksheet Verification

                    Manual Verification

                    Manual verification involves submitting the candidate’s educational details directly to the respective educational institutions or official verification portals. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how manual verification typically works:

                    1. Collect Candidate Information: Gather all necessary educational documents from the candidate, including mark sheets, certificates, and any other relevant records.
                    2. Identify Verification Authorities: Determine the official bodies or institutions responsible for verifying the educational credentials. This could be the university or educational board that issued the mark sheets.
                    3. Submit Documents: Submit the collected documents to the identified authorities through their official verification portals or designated channels. This might involve filling out specific forms and providing additional information as requested.
                    4. Follow Up: Regularly follow up with the verification authorities to ensure the process is moving forward. This may include checking the status of the verification request and addressing any additional requirements.
                    5. Receive Verification Results: Once the verification is complete, the authorities will provide a report confirming the authenticity of the candidate’s educational credentials. Review these results to ensure they meet the necessary standards.

                      Third-Party Verification Services

                        Third-party verification services offer an alternative to manual verification by outsourcing the process to specialized agencies. These services handle the verification process on behalf of the employer, providing a streamlined and efficient solution.

                        Process of Third-Party Verification

                        1. Select a Verification Service Provider: Choose a reputable third-party verification service that specializes in educational credential verification.
                        2. Submit Candidate Information: Provide the service provider with the candidate’s educational documents and any additional information required for verification.
                        3. Verification Execution: The third-party service will handle the entire verification process, including contacting educational institutions, submitting documents, and following up on requests.
                        4. Receive Verification Report: The service provider will compile a detailed verification report and deliver it to the employer. This report will include confirmation of the authenticity of the candidate’s educational credentials and any discrepancies found.

                          Key Variables In Education Verification

                          Education verification is a critical process conducted to validate the authenticity of degrees and diplomas. This verification can be performed in-house by institutions or through third-party services that leverage proprietary databases. Several key parameters are checked and validated during education verification to ensure the legitimacy of a candidate’s academic claims.

                            Confirming Name and Registration Number: This step acts as an identity check. By matching the candidate’s name and registration number with official records from the educational institution, it confirms whether the individual actually attended the claimed university.

                            Verifying Course Details: This parameter is crucial as it links the education the candidate has received to the job role being offered. It involves documenting all the subjects studied by the candidate and verifying their relevance to the job requirements.

                            Year of Passing: Candidates may falsify their graduation dates to appear more desirable to employers. Verifying the year of passing through the mentioned institution ensures the accuracy of the candidate’s claimed graduation timeline.

                            Status of Graduation: This check ensures the quality of the candidate. It involves verifying the candidate’s grades and any drop years. Candidates with lower grades or gaps in their education may not meet the high standards required for certain job roles. Identifying these discrepancies is crucial for high-quality hiring.

                            Authenticity of the Institution: With the rise of fake institutions and diploma mills, verifying the legitimacy of the educational institution is essential. This can be achieved by cross-checking the institution against records provided by regulatory bodies like the UGC. This step helps protect companies from hiring candidates with degrees from unrecognized or fraudulent institutions.

                              Common Challenges In Marksheet Verification By Self

                              Identity Verification Issues: Discrepancies in candidate names and registration numbers frequently complicate the verification process. Ensuring that these details match the official records from educational institutions is essential to avoid identity confusion​.

                              Institutional Response Delays: Educational institutions may delay responding to verification requests due to administrative backlogs and holidays, extending the overall verification timeline. This can be a significant obstacle in timely hiring decisions​.

                              Authenticity Verification: The rise of fake institutions and diploma mills presents a major challenge. Verification companies need to cross-check against reliable databases and regulatory bodies to confirm the legitimacy of educational institutions and their credentials​.

                              Document Forgery: Advances in technology have made it easier to produce high-quality fake documents, which can be difficult to detect. Verification processes must use sophisticated tools and methods to identify such forgeries accurately.

                              Technological Challenges: The absence of standardized systems across various institutions complicates the verification process. Additionally, maintaining cybersecurity is crucial to protect the integrity of the verification process and the data involved.

                              Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Adhering to data privacy laws, such as the Information Technology Rules, 2011, and upcoming legislation like the Digital Personal Data Protection Bill, 2023, adds another layer of complexity. Verification companies must ensure compliance with these regulations to protect candidate data.

                              Cost and Resource Allocation: Marksheet verification can be expensive and resource-intensive, especially when multiple institutions or international degrees are involved. Companies must balance thorough verification with the associated costs and resources needed to execute it effectively.

                                Partner With A Tech-First Verification Company Like AuthBridge

                                1. Instant Education Verification via DigiLocker (Industry’s First & Only)

                                Verification through DigiLocker streamlines the process of validating educational credentials by directly accessing university databases and securely pulling verified documents. This method enhances accuracy, significantly reduces verification time, and offers a seamless experience for candidates.

                                  Steps In The Verification Process

                                  1. Candidate Selects Institution

                                  The candidate begins by selecting the relevant educational institution and entering necessary details such as roll number, name, and year of graduation.

                                  2. Direct Database Access

                                  DigiLocker accesses the university databases directly, ensuring that the verification process is efficient and quick.

                                  3. Identity Confirmation

                                  The candidate enters their Aadhaar number and an OTP (One-Time Password) to confirm their identity.

                                  4. Consent for Document Access

                                  The candidate provides a 6-digit DigiLocker PIN and consents to retrieve their documents from the DigiLocker platform.

                                  5. Retrieval of Verified Documents

                                  Degrees, marksheets, and certificates are securely pulled from DigiLocker, ensuring that only verified and legitimate documents are used in the verification process.


                                  • Reduces Verification Time: By directly accessing university databases, the time required for verification is dramatically reduced.
                                  • Ensures Accuracy and Authenticity: The process guarantees the accuracy and authenticity of educational details, minimizing errors and the risk of falsified information.
                                  • Enhanced User Experience: Candidates do not need to keep physical documents handy, as all necessary documents can be accessed digitally.
                                  • Secure and Reliable: Using DigiLocker ensures that documents are securely pulled and verified, maintaining the integrity of the verification process.

                                    2. Managed Education Verification Using AuthBridge's Proprietary Database

                                    Our database contains over 1 billion proprietary data records for conducting background checks. AuthBridge conducts an impressive volume of 15 million background checks every month.

                                    Steps In The Verification Process

                                    1. Candidate Submits Educational Details

                                    The candidate provides necessary educational details, including institution name, roll number, course details, and year of graduation.

                                    2. Access to Proprietary Database

                                    AuthBridge utilizes its extensive proprietary database to cross-check the provided educational details against official records.

                                    3. Automated Checks and Validation

                                    Advanced algorithms and automated systems perform checks and validate the educational credentials, ensuring accuracy and reducing manual intervention.

                                    4. Manual Review (if needed)

                                    In cases where automated checks raise discrepancies or require further verification, a manual review is conducted by experienced professionals.

                                    5. Generation of Verification Report

                                    A detailed verification report is generated, summarizing the findings and confirming the authenticity of the candidate’s educational credentials.

                                      Benefits Of Using AuthBridge's Education Verification Check

                                      • Efficiency and Speed: The use of a proprietary database significantly reduces the time required for verification by providing quick access to vast amounts of educational data.

                                      • High Accuracy: Automated checks and advanced algorithms ensure high accuracy in verifying educational details, minimizing the risk of errors.

                                      • Comprehensive Coverage: The extensive database covers a wide range of educational institutions, ensuring thorough and reliable verification.

                                      • Reduced Manual Effort: Automated processes reduce the need for manual intervention, making the verification process more efficient and less prone to human error.

                                      • Detailed Reporting: The verification report provides a comprehensive summary of the findings, ensuring clarity and transparency in the verification process.

                                        Why Choose AuthBridge

                                        • Comprehensive Verification Services

                                        AuthBridge offers a wide range of verification services, including education verification, business verification, employment history checks, criminal record verification, address verification, and more. This comprehensive suite of services ensures that all aspects of a candidate’s background are thoroughly examined, providing a complete and reliable profile.

                                        • Advanced Technology Integration

                                        AuthBridge utilizes cutting-edge technology, such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of the verification process. This advanced technology helps in automating workflows, reducing manual errors, and speeding up the verification process.

                                        • Extensive Proprietary Database

                                        AuthBridge’s proprietary database provides quick and direct access to a vast amount of educational and professional records. This extensive database ensures that verification checks are thorough and reliable, covering a wide range of institutions and organizations.

                                        • High Accuracy and Reliability

                                        The combination of advanced technology and an extensive database ensures high accuracy and reliability in verification results. AuthBridge’s automated systems and algorithms minimize errors and provide precise validation of credentials.

                                        • Compliance and Data Security

                                        AuthBridge adheres to stringent data privacy regulations, including GDPR and the Information Technology Rules, 2011. Their advanced cybersecurity measures ensure the protection of sensitive data throughout the verification process, maintaining compliance with legal requirements.

                                        • Scalable Solutions

                                        AuthBridge offers scalable verification solutions that can be tailored to meet the needs of organizations of all sizes. Whether you are a small business or a large enterprise, their services can handle varying volumes of verification requests efficiently.

                                        • Enhanced Candidate Experience

                                        By leveraging technology and automation, AuthBridge provides a seamless and user-friendly experience for candidates. The process is designed to be quick and hassle-free, ensuring that candidates do not need to keep physical documents handy.

                                        • Detailed Reporting

                                        AuthBridge generates detailed verification reports that provide a comprehensive summary of the findings. These reports ensure transparency and clarity, helping employers make informed hiring decisions.

                                        • Expertise and Experience

                                        With years of experience in the verification industry, AuthBridge has developed a deep understanding of the complexities involved in background checks. Their expertise ensures that they can handle a wide range of verification scenarios effectively.

                                        Choosing AuthBridge for your verification needs ensures that you receive accurate, efficient, and reliable results, helping you make better hiring decisions and reduce risks associated with fraudulent credentials.

                                        FAQs around Marksheet Verification in India

                                        To verify your marksheet, visit the official website of the respective educational board and enter the required details such as roll number and name.

                                        Check the authenticity of a marksheet by using the official verification portals of educational boards, which allow you to cross-check the details with official records.

                                        Visit the NCVT MIS portal and enter your roll number and other required details to verify your NCVT marks card.

                                        To get your ITI marksheet online, visit the official website of the Directorate General of Training (DGT) and follow the instructions for downloading your marksheet.

                                        You can verify your educational documents through the respective educational board’s official verification portal by entering relevant details.

                                        Students can download their marksheet from the Maharashtra State Board’s official website or DigiLocker by entering their seat number and other details.

                                        The marksheet number of SSC and HSC marksheets is located in the upper right corner and typically starts with an English letter followed by 4 to 6 digits.

                                        Verify a school board in India through the Council of Boards of School Education (COBSE) by visiting their office or sending a request by post.

                                        Yes, you can verify your marksheet by filing an RTI request online through the official RTI portal of India.

                                        Visit the Maharashtra Board’s eMarkSheet portal, create an account, and log in to download your e-marksheet and certificate.

                                        Hi! Let’s Schedule Your Call.

                                        To begin, Tell us a bit about “yourself”

                                        The most noteworthy aspects of our collaboration has been the ability to seamlessly onboard partners from all corners of India, for which our TAT has been reduced from multiple weeks to a few hours now.

                                        - Mr. Satyasiva Sundar Ruutray
                                        Vice President, F&A Commercial,

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