
Case Study | How our client, a sports goods retailer, emerged faster and stronger with a trust-based ecosystem of sports service partners

Case Study

Building a Trusted Ecosystem of Service Partners for Leading Sports Goods Retailer


About the Company

One of the largest global sports goods retailers with 1500+ stores across 50+ countries.


E-commerce & Retail



Key Results

  • Marked reduction in vendor onboarding time, improving the service pipeline
  • Reduction in manual errors while application processing
  • A seamless experience for service providers
  • Mitigation of reduction in reputational risk due to criminal entities being isolated in real-time
  • Instant verification helped prevent duplicate registration of a single entity, reducing the chances of fraud.

Products and Solutions

Define the Problem

Our clients, one of the largest global sports goods retailers with a presence of 1500+ stores across 50+ countries, wanted to build a trustworthy ecosystem of service providers, venue providers and event organizers in India to help them onboard one million customers onto their platform.

For their vision to bear fruition, it was required to quickly and thoroughly verify their vendor partners to enable trust in customers. This must be done in a streamlined manner to ensure transparency and reduce friction for customers and partners.


  • Creating a seamless experience for customers to hire service providers quickly
  • Reducing application dropouts from vendors on mobile/website
  • Prevent fraudulent entities/individuals from being signed up on their platform
  • Strictly toeing to compliance guidelines and company policy while registering new assets and venues

How AuthBridge Helped

Custom verification for different categories

We knew that only an end-to-end digital onboarding platform would be able to help our clients tackle the massive scale of applications with efficiency. We divided registered professionals into three categories – service providers, venue providers and event organizers. Next, we assigned specific verification needs to each of these categories to present a reliable analysis to our client.

Risk mitigation via Identity, Bank Account, Reputational, and Criminal Checks

Our efforts aimed to create a customized platform to verify individuals/business identities, verify bank account details in real-time along with experience details, certificate inspections, social media checks and reference checks. We also carried out reputational, regulatory, and criminal checks to create an additional layer of safety for our clients.

OCR and face match for faster onboarding

All this was enabled by state-of-the-art technologies that power our solutions. We deployed OCR for text extraction from the uploaded images and face match algorithms to simplify vendor application processes while onboarding.


The client increased its reach to the customers with a streamlined and real-time vendor onboarding which further ensured the quality of services without risking the customer’s or assets’ safety and a delightful experience for all the stakeholders.

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Case Study | How AuthBridge saved a media company from giving its seal of trust to an unreliable vendor

Case Study

Saving a leading Media Company from onboarding an unreliable Vendor


About the Company

 A well-known media company in India conducted thorough due diligence on a potential supplier before establishing a partnership.





Key Results

  • Mismatch in the documents submitted by the entity
  • Mismatch around the nature of the business of the entity

Products and Solutions

Define the Problem

A large media firm availed Business Partner Due Diligence solution from AuthBridge to conduct due diligence on prospective suppliers before joining hands. The objective behind conducting due diligence on the supplier was to generate a ‘Trust Me Seal’ that the company generates for every supplier on their portal based on a pre-decided criterion.

How AuthBridge Helped

Supplier’s refusal to cooperate

A prerequisite for any organisation while empanelling any third-party is to be assured of the entity’s authenticity and capability. 

The prospective supplier’s refusal to cooperate throughout the due diligence process led the Media company- our client- to decide against providing its Trust Me Seal to the entity.

AuthBridge’s Business Partner Due Diligence solution 

Our solution helps meet such prerequisites so that an organisation feels comfortable while taking an impactful decision for or against empanelling a vendor, franchisee, distributor or any business partner.


Under the solution, we checked the prospective supplier on various aspects such as transparency of services, reputation and capability.

The steps involved in the evaluation were Web and Media Search, physical visits, interviews with references, and physical validation of office location and submitted documents.

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The most noteworthy aspects of our collaboration has been the ability to seamlessly onboard partners from all corners of India, for which our TAT has been reduced from multiple weeks to a few hours now.

- Mr. Satyasiva Sundar Ruutray
Vice President, F&A Commercial,

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