
Case Study | Low Onboarding TAT, Low Costs, and ‘Lower Third-Party Risks’ – How our client achieved this with AuthBridge

Case Study

How A Global Telecom Major Streamlined Onboarding & Embraced Efficiency With AuthBridge


About the Company

Founded in 2002 and Headquartered in Mumbai, this client is the tech backbone behind a quarter of the world’s internet traffic, enabling seamless global trade for leading businesses. They carry 30% of the world’s internet routes, connect to 80% of cloud giants, and reach 4 out of 5 mobile subscribers. It also has the world’s largest subsea fibre backbone and Tier-1 IP network spanning 190+ countries.






Key results

  • Our platform dynamically adapted to each vendor based on location, industry, and service type, capturing relevant information efficiently 
  • Our digital solution automatically verified vendors against the client’s specific guidelines, ensuring they are aligned with their values
  • Our platform seamlessly integrated with their existing touchpoints and SAP ERP, creating a centralized hub for all vendor information 
  • We implemented a dynamic change request management system, ensuring smooth transitions and keeping everyone on the same page
  • Our continuous compliance checks acted as a digital guardian, proactively monitoring vendors
  • Our group-based surveys fostered valuable feedback and strengthened connections, turning vendors into partners

Products and Key Checks Offered

The Challenge

With such vast operations and numerous vendors, ensuring reliable partnerships became critical. And that is where our client was facing numerous challenges. They weren’t looking for just any service provider. They needed a comprehensive IT solution, a digital gatekeeper to their vendor ecosystem. Their requirements? Many!

The Solution

Introduced OnboardX – AuthBridge’s Onboarding Engine

Our client’s innovative business model lets customers deposit money in their wallets. With the help of OnboardX, we helped our client to evaluate the risks while onboarding the third parties as they would be the face of the brand for customers.

Key Checks Supported By OnBoardX

We offered key checks, i.e. court record data checks, police record verification, reputational and compliance checks, criminal record database checks, and online credit history checks to mitigate various types of risks, such as financial, compliance, and reputational risks.

AI-powered Technology For A Seamless And Faster Process 

Our platform is built on technology such as Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Digital Signatures, Image Recognition, and Digital Address Verification to streamline the process faster and more efficiently.


In a world where efficiency and compliance reign supreme, AuthBridge empowered this Global Indian telecom major to revamp its vendor onboarding process. Our AI-powered automation not only boosted speed and scalability but also instilled trust, transparency, and compliance. By embracing innovation, our client positioned themselves at the forefront of their industry, ready to conquer the challenges of today and tomorrow.

Case Study

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The most noteworthy aspects of our collaboration has been the ability to seamlessly onboard partners from all corners of India, for which our TAT has been reduced from multiple weeks to a few hours now.

- Mr. Satyasiva Sundar Ruutray
Vice President, F&A Commercial,

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