Indian student deported from US

Reddit Post Leads To Indian Student’s Deportation From The US

In a shocking revelation, an Indian student, 19-year-old Aryan Anand, who had been studying in the United States was deported after it was discovered that he had built his academic journey on a series of fraudulent activities

Anand’s elaborate scam fell apart after he boasted about it in an anonymous Reddit post. In a confession titled “I have built my life and career on lies and fraud,” Anand detailed how he forged his Class 12 board exam results, faked his school principal’s email address, and created a fake death certificate for his father to secure a place to study in the US.

This incident has garnered significant attention as it underscores the lengths to which some individuals might go to attain educational opportunities abroad. It also raises important questions about the effectiveness of the verification processes employed by educational institutions and the ethical implications of such actions.

Background Of Aryan Anand

Class 10th And 12th Boards

  1. The 10th board exams were cancelled owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, which led to him not taking his studies seriously.
  2. He started 11th grade with hopes of cracking the JEE exam but struggled and barely passed with 49%.
  3. In 12th grade, he enrolled in a school that required minimal attendance, allowing him to slack off, watching movies and sleeping instead of studying.

He explained that his journey began when the Class 10 board exams were cancelled. “From that day till now, I haven’t seriously studied for even two hours,” he admitted. Anand chose science in Class 11 but quickly lost interest in his studies.

After barely passing Class 11, he attempted to get serious in Class 12, studying hard for a few days before slipping back into old habits. “There was a time in my life when I was just eating, sleeping, and watching movies,” he wrote.

He found out that some US colleges offered full financial aid, even for students without perfect academic and extracurricular records. His application process included fabricating academic records and financial documents to present himself as a deserving candidate for scholarships.

College Admission

He successfully gained admission to Lehigh University, a reputed college in the U.S., by providing false documents, including a fabricated death certificate of his father to qualify for a full scholarship. This was a pivotal moment, as it marked the beginning of his fraudulent academic journey in the US.

Fraudulent Activities Undertaken By Aryan

Creating Father’s Fake Death Certificate

In a desperate bid to secure a full scholarship, he went as far as to create a fake death certificate for his father. This was intended to evoke sympathy from the university’s financial aid office, presenting him as the sole breadwinner in dire need of support. This fraudulent act was a pivotal part of his deception, significantly influencing the university’s decision to grant him a full scholarship.

Admission To US College

Despite the fraudulent basis of his application, Aryan Anand successfully gained admission to Lehigh University, a prestigious institution known for its rigorous academic programs. The university, convinced by his fabricated records and the compelling but false narrative of his father’s death, granted him a full scholarship.

With the full scholarship covering his tuition, room, and board, Aryan Anand began his academic journey in the US. Initially, he faced the typical challenges of adjusting to a new educational system and culture. However, the financial relief allowed him to focus on his studies and integrate into campus life without the immediate pressure of financial burdens.

Lehigh University
Lehigh University

Life In The US

Upon arriving at Lehigh University, Aryan Anand immersed himself in academic and social activities. He participated in various student organisations and made efforts to blend into the campus culture. Academically, he took on a challenging course load to maintain the image of a high-achieving student.

To keep up with the demanding academic environment, he resorted to cheating. He used various tactics to maintain his GPA, such as copying assignments and exploiting online resources dishonestly. His continued success relied heavily on these unethical practices, which he justified as necessary to uphold the fabricated persona he had created.

In addition to his studies, he secured a remote internship that provided him with a modest income of around $1,500 per month. This job helped him cover personal expenses and sustain his lifestyle without drawing suspicion. Despite the ongoing deceit, he managed to juggle his academic responsibilities and internship, maintaining a façade of a hardworking and successful student.

In his Reddit post, he boasted about using AI to cheat on his exams, returning to India during term breaks just to drink and party with his friends, and even securing an internship with a fake CV.

Uncovering The Fraud

Anonymous Reddit Confession

Aryan Anand’s web of lies began to unravel when he posted a detailed confession on Reddit, anonymously admitting to the series of fraudulent actions he had undertaken to secure his scholarship and maintain his academic standing. This post, intended as a cathartic release, inadvertently became a key piece of evidence against him.

Role Of Reddit Moderator In Exposing The Fraud

A vigilant Reddit moderator, recognising the severity of the confession, took steps to trace Aryan Anand’s identity. This involved cross-referencing the details provided in the post with publicly available information, eventually leading to the exposure of Aryan Anand’s real identity and the fraudulent activities he had admitted to.

Legal Consequences And Trial

Once identified, Aryan Anand faced legal action for his deceit. The authorities, along with the university, initiated a thorough investigation, which confirmed the extensive nature of his fraud. The legal proceedings highlighted the ethical breaches and the deliberate nature of his actions, leading to a trial where Aryan Anand had to confront the consequences of his fraudulent behaviour.

Deportation And Aftermath Of Aryan

Plea Agreement And Avoidance Of Jail Term

Facing substantial evidence, Aryan Anand opted for a plea agreement to avoid imprisonment. This agreement entailed a full admission of his fraudulent actions, leading to a legal settlement that prioritized his immediate deportation over prolonged incarceration. The plea deal facilitated a quicker resolution to the case, focusing on his removal from the US.

Expulsion And Deportation To India

Following his plea, the university formally expelled him, marking an end to his academic endeavours in the United States. Anand could have been sentenced to 10 to 20 years in prison for his fraudulent actions, but he managed to avoid jail time through a plea agreement with the university. Instead, the 19-year-old was expelled from the university and deported back to India, ending his deceitful attempts to secure an education through lies.

The expulsion was swiftly followed by his deportation to India, carried out by immigration authorities. This deportation underscored the gravity of his deceit, as he was sent back to his home country with a tarnished reputation and a future clouded by his actions.

Importance Of Thorough Background Checks

The case of this Indian student who was deported from the US highlights the critical need for comprehensive background checks in educational institutions and during employee onboarding. Verifying the authenticity of academic records, financial documents, and personal details is essential to prevent fraud and maintain institutional integrity.

To address these challenges, services like AuthBridge offer a robust solution. AuthBridge provides a wide range of verification and due diligence services that can be seamlessly integrated into institutional and corporate processes to ensure the accuracy and authenticity of the information provided by applicants and employees.

By integrating AuthBridge’s services into their verification processes, educational institutions and employers can significantly reduce the risk of incidents like this one, involving the deported Indian student. These services not only enhance the accuracy and reliability of verification but also build trust in the admissions and hiring processes, thereby safeguarding the reputation and operational integrity of the institutions and businesses involved.

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Rajasthan 43k Fake Degrees

43,000+ Fake Degrees Issued By Private Rajasthan University: All You Need To Know

In a shocking revelation, the Om Prakash Jogender Singh (OPJS) University in Rajasthan has been implicated in a massive fake degree scandal. The university allegedly issued 43,409 forged degrees across 19 Indian states and Nepal. This scandal has brought to light the rampant issue of academic fraud and its far-reaching consequences. Addressing this crisis is crucial to maintaining educational qualifications’ integrity and protecting the future of countless students and professionals.

Importance Of Addressing Degree Frauds

Degree fraud undermines the value of genuine academic achievements shown in CVs and poses significant risks to employers, professional sectors, and society at large. With fake degrees, unqualified individuals may occupy positions requiring specific skills and knowledge, potentially leading to disastrous outcomes in fields such as healthcare, finance, manufacturing, and education, among others. Therefore, tackling this issue head-on is imperative to safeguard the credibility of educational institutions and the professional landscape.

OPJS University Fake Degree Scam: Key Details

The fake degree scandal at OPJS University came to light after the Special Operation Group (SOG) of Rajasthan Police unearthed evidence of over 43,000 forged degrees issued over several years. This discovery has raised alarms about the prevalence of degree fraud in India and neighbouring countries, such as Nepal.

According to the Deputy Inspector General (DIG) of the SOG Paris Deshmukh, the fraudulent activities came to light when the exam controlling agency in the state discovered that the degrees of 1,300 applicants who appeared for the Physical Training Instructor (PTI) exam in 2022 were fake. This revelation occurred during a routine verification process on April 8, 2024.

During the investigation, the Special Operations Group (SOG) discovered that OPJS University had been issuing fake certificates with backdated entries. Additionally, the university was found to violate several accreditation guidelines, further exposing the extent of its fraudulent practices.

States And Regions Affected By This Fake Degree Fraud

The fake degrees issued by OPJS University have impacted multiple regions:

  • Rajasthan: The epicentre of the scandal, with numerous fraudulent degrees distributed.
  • 18 Other Indian States: Including states like Gujarat, Haryana, Delhi, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Odisha, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Goa, Telangana, Jammu and Kashmir, Uttarakhand.
  • Nepal: Cross-border involvement with several fake degrees detected.

Key figures within OPJS University, including high-ranking officials, have been arrested in connection with the fake degree scandal. The authorities detained these individuals for their direct involvement in issuing forged academic credentials, highlighting the level of corruption within the institution.

Middlemen played a crucial role in the distribution of fake degrees. These intermediaries facilitated the sale and distribution of fraudulent diplomas, often operating across state lines and even international borders to reach a wide customer base. 

Courses For Which Fake Degrees Were Issued

The fraudulent activity spanned various fields:

  • Engineering: 8861 Degrees in mechanical, civil, and electrical engineering.
  • Education: 7826 Degrees for teaching and administrative roles.
  • Medical: 6188 Fake Degrees for medical professionals.
  • Arts and Pharmacy: 5397 Degrees in liberal arts and 3167 degrees in pharmaceutical sciences.

Legal Actions Taken In This Fraud Degree Scandal

On July 5, the SOG apprehended Jogender Singh Dalal, the owner of OPJS University. Alongside him, former chairperson Sarita Karwasra and former registrar Jitendra Yadav were also taken into custody. Notably, Jitendra Yadav currently owns two other private universities in Rajasthan and Gujarat, further highlighting the extent of the network involved in this fraudulent operation.

State Government’s Response To This Fake Degree Scandal

Given the questionable actions of the university’s owners as highlighted in the SOG’s report, Rajastan’s state higher education department decided on June 24 to suspend all new admissions at OPJS University. This includes mandating background checks for all employees in educational institutions and ensuring that degrees are verified through legitimate channels.

In response to the scandal, the DIG stated, “We have also asked them to launch an investigation on the candidates of the 43,909 candidates who were issued a certificate by the OPJS to check whether all of them are fake. They will now verify the date of fee submission and admission of those candidates.” 

The Department of Personnel (DoP) also issued an order on June 6, requiring all Rajasthan government departments to verify the degrees of employees who joined the government in the last five years. An official familiar with the matter explained this comprehensive measure to ensure that government employees hold legitimate qualifications.

“We have also contacted the administration of the 19 states and Nepal where the OPJS issued fake certificates. A formal letter will soon be sent to all these states to verify the degrees of the employees working in their concerned state government as well,” added Deshmukh. This widespread verification effort extends beyond Rajasthan, aiming to address the potential spread of fraudulent degrees across multiple regions.

Verification Processes for Existing Employees

Organisations are now prioritising the verification of the academic credentials of their current employees. This involves using degree verification services and credential evaluation agencies to ensure the legitimacy of the qualifications held by their staff.

The OPJS University fake degree scandal has significant ramifications, prompting various responses from state authorities and other stakeholders. In light of the findings reported by the Special Operations Group (SOG), the Rajasthan State Higher Education Department took decisive action on June 24 by ordering the suspension of all new admissions at the university.

Rajasthan CM Bhajan Lal Sharma
Rajasthan CM Bhajan Lal Sharma has ordered a probe into the hiring process of 3,00,000 state employees

The Rajasthan government has decided to review the hiring processes of 300,000 state employees recruited over the past five years after discovering this fake degree scandal. This investigation will check the authenticity of the degrees held by these employees.

This decision was made by the Bhajan Lal Sharma-led administration following reports of people using fake documents to get government jobs. The fraudulent activities have been found in various exams, including those for Physical Training Instructors (PTI) and Sub-Inspectors.

Broader Impact Of These Scandals

  • Effect on Employment and Government Jobs

The issuance of fake degrees has severe repercussions on employment and government jobs. Many individuals holding fake qualifications have managed to secure positions in various sectors, undermining the merit-based system and potentially compromising the quality of services. Government jobs, in particular, have seen a significant number of fake degree holders, leading to concerns about the efficiency and integrity of public service.

  • Implications for Professional Licenses and Immigration

The scandal also affects professional licensing and immigration processes. Fake degrees can lead to the issuance of professional licenses to unqualified individuals, posing risks in critical fields such as healthcare and engineering. Additionally, fake academic credentials are a serious concern in immigration, where qualifications are often a key factor in visa approvals.

How To Spot A Fake Degree

Detecting a fake degree can be challenging, but there are several common signs to look out for:

  • Poor Quality Printing: Genuine degrees are usually printed on high-quality paper with professional printing techniques.
  • Incorrect or Missing Details: Look for inconsistencies in the university’s name, logo, or the format of the degree.
  • Unusual Issuance Dates: Degrees issued outside the normal academic calendar may be suspicious.
  • Lack of Contact Information: Authentic degrees usually have verifiable contact information for the issuing institution.

Verification Methods

To ensure a degree is legitimate, consider the following verification methods:

  • Contact the Issuing Institution: Directly confirm the degree with the university’s registrar or records office.
  • Use Degree Verification Services: Third-party services can provide credential verification and background checks.
  • Check Accreditation: Ensure the issuing institution is accredited by a recognised accreditation body.

Importance Of  Conducting Background Verification For Organisations

Conducting thorough background verification (BGV) for existing employees is essential to maintaining the quality and integrity of an organisation’s workforce. This process ensures that all employees have legitimate educational qualifications, thereby protecting the organisation from the risks associated with hiring individuals with fake degrees. The repercussions of hiring unqualified personnel can be severe, ranging from decreased productivity to significant reputational damage.

Role of Credential Evaluation and Background Checks

AuthBridge provides a comprehensive suite of services designed to verify educational credentials effectively. Our solutions are tailored to meet the diverse needs of businesses, ensuring that the verification process is thorough and reliable. We perform over 15 million monthly verifications across 140 countries, serving over 2,000 clients globally.

AuthBridge’s education verification services include:

  • Instant Checks via DigiLocker and Proprietary Database: These digital platforms provide quick and secure verification by accessing official academic records directly.
  • Human-Led Services via Call and Email: This method involves direct communication with educational institutions to confirm the authenticity of degrees.

AuthBridge verifies various details such as course information, duration, GPA scores, graduation status, and attendance dates. This multi-layered approach ensures that all aspects of a candidate’s educational background are scrutinised.

These services help employers prevent fraud, ensure competency, and maintain their reputation by hiring only qualified individuals. AuthBridge’s solutions are built to scale, making them suitable for organisations of all sizes, from small businesses to large corporations.


The OPJS University fake degree scandal highlights the critical importance of thorough background verification processes in today’s competitive job market. Degree fraud poses significant risks to employers, employees, and the broader community. Implementing robust verification measures, such as those offered by AuthBridge, is essential to safeguard against academic fraud and ensure that only qualified individuals are employed.

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