Politically Exposed Person's Automated Background Check

PEP (Politically Exposed Person) Check: All You Need To Know

Who Is A Politically Exposed Person (PEP)?

A Politically Exposed Person (PEP) is an individual who holds or has held a prominent public position, either domestically or internationally. This includes government officials, senior executives of state-owned corporations, high-ranking military officers, and influential political party members. The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) defines PEPs broadly to include immediate family members and close associates of such individuals due to their potential access to sensitive information and decision-making powers, which can be exploited for money laundering and corruption.

Importance of PEP Screening in Financial and Business Sectors

PEP screening is crucial for mitigating the risks associated with financial crimes, including money laundering and terrorist financing. By identifying PEPs, financial institutions and businesses can apply enhanced due diligence measures to monitor their transactions and relationships more closely. This proactive approach helps maintain the integrity of the financial system and prevents illicit activities that could jeopardise the organisation’s reputation and legal standing.

PEP Regulatory Requirements And Compliance In India

In India, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) mandates that banks and financial institutions implement robust PEP screening procedures as part of their Know Your Customer (KYC) norms. These regulations align with global standards set by FATF and other international bodies to ensure consistency and effectiveness in combating financial crimes. Non-compliance can result in severe penalties, legal repercussions, and reputational damage.

Types of Politically Exposed Persons

1. Domestic PEPs

Domestic PEPs are individuals who hold or have held prominent public functions within their home country. In India, this includes high-ranking officials such as Members of Parliament, ministers, senior bureaucrats, judges, military leaders, and executives of state-owned enterprises. Given their influence and access to public funds, domestic PEPs are subject to enhanced scrutiny to prevent misuse of their position for personal gain.

2. Foreign PEPs

Foreign PEPs are individuals who hold or have held significant public roles in foreign countries. This category includes foreign heads of state, senior politicians, high-ranking military officials, and executives of international state-owned enterprises. Foreign PEPs pose a higher risk of international money laundering and cross-border corruption, necessitating rigorous due diligence processes.

2. International Organisation PEPs

International Organisation PEPs are those who hold or have held senior management positions in international organisations, such as the United Nations, International Monetary Fund, or the World Bank. Their global reach and influence require financial institutions to monitor their transactions closely to prevent potential abuse of power.

4. Family Members and Close Associates of PEPs

Family members and close associates of PEPs are often considered PEPs themselves due to their potential access to illicit gains and confidential information. This group includes spouses, children, parents, and business partners. Financial institutions must extend their screening to these individuals to mitigate risks associated with indirect misuse of power and influence.

PEP Screening Process

Steps in Conducting a PEP Check

Conducting a PEP check involves several steps to ensure comprehensive scrutiny:

  1. Customer Identification: Collecting and verifying the identity of the customer.
  2. PEP Status Verification: Using databases and software to determine if the customer is a PEP.
  3. Risk Assessment: Evaluating the level of risk associated with the PEP, considering factors like the individual’s position, country of origin, and nature of transactions.
  4. Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD): Implementing additional measures such as continuous monitoring, transaction analysis, and deeper investigation into the customer’s background and source of funds.
  5. Regular Review: Periodically updating the PEP status and risk assessment to account for changes in the individual’s circumstances or global regulatory standards.

Tools and Software for PEP Screening

Several advanced tools and software solutions aid in effective PEP screening:

  1. Database Services: Providers like World-Check, LexisNexis, and Dow Jones offer extensive PEP databases that help in identifying PEPs and their associates.
  2. Compliance Software: Solutions such as AuthBridge, Oracle Financial Services Analytical Applications, and SAS AML help automate the PEP screening process, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.
  3. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML): AI and ML technologies enhance the capability to detect complex patterns and anomalies in PEP-related transactions, improving the overall screening process.

Challenges in PEP Screening in India

  1. Data Availability: Limited access to comprehensive and up-to-date data can hinder the effectiveness of PEP screening.
  2. Technological Limitations: Smaller financial institutions may lack the resources to implement advanced PEP screening technologies.
  3. Regulatory Variations: Differences in regional and international regulatory standards can create inconsistencies in PEP screening practices.
  4. Operational Costs: Implementing and maintaining robust PEP screening processes can be financially demanding for organisations.

Importance of PEP Screening

1. Risk Mitigation in Financial Transactions

PEP screening helps financial institutions identify high-risk individuals and transactions, reducing the likelihood of involvement in money laundering, corruption, and other financial crimes. By applying enhanced due diligence measures, institutions can mitigate potential risks and protect their assets and reputation.

2. Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing

PEPs are often targeted by criminal organisations seeking to launder money or finance terrorism. Effective PEP screening disrupts these illicit activities by detecting and preventing suspicious transactions, ensuring compliance with anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorist financing (CTF) regulations.

3. Enhancing Business Reputation and Integrity

Adhering to PEP screening regulations and maintaining stringent compliance standards demonstrate a commitment to ethical practices. This not only safeguards the organisation’s reputation but also builds trust with clients, partners, and regulatory bodies.

PEP Screening Regulations and Standards

Global Regulatory Frameworks (FATF, EU, USA)
  1. FATF: The Financial Action Task Force sets international standards for AML and CTF, including guidelines for PEP screening.
  2. European Union: The EU’s AML directives require member states to implement rigorous PEP screening processes.
  3. USA: The USA PATRIOT Act mandates comprehensive PEP checks as part of its AML and CTF measures.
PEP Screening Regulations in India

In India, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has established detailed guidelines for PEP screening, requiring banks and financial institutions to conduct enhanced due diligence for PEPs. This includes verifying the customer’s identity, monitoring transactions, and maintaining detailed records to ensure compliance with national and international standards.

Best Practices for Compliance in India
  1. Regular Training: Providing ongoing training to employees on the importance of PEP screening and compliance requirements.
  2. Robust Data Management: Maintaining accurate and up-to-date customer information to facilitate effective PEP screening.
  3. Continuous Monitoring: Implementing systems to regularly review and update PEP statuses and risk assessments.
  4. Collaboration with Authorities: Cooperating with regulatory bodies to ensure adherence to PEP screening guidelines and promptly addressing any compliance issues.

PEP Screening in Different Sectors

1. Financial Institutions

Banks and other financial institutions are at the forefront of PEP screening, given their significant exposure to financial transactions. They must implement rigorous PEP checks to prevent money laundering and comply with regulatory requirements.

2. Real Estate

The real estate sector is vulnerable to money laundering activities involving PEPs. Real estate companies must conduct thorough PEP screenings to ensure the legitimacy of transactions and avoid legal and reputational risks.

3. Legal and Accounting Firms

Legal and accounting firms often handle sensitive financial information and transactions on behalf of clients. Implementing PEP screening helps these firms identify and mitigate risks associated with high-profile clients.

4. E-commerce and Online Businesses

With the rise of digital transactions, e-commerce platforms and online businesses must also conduct PEP screenings to prevent fraud and maintain compliance with AML and CTF regulations.

Technology in PEP Screening

Role of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

AI and ML technologies enhance the efficiency and accuracy of PEP screening by automating data analysis and identifying complex patterns and anomalies in financial transactions.

Integration with KYC (Know Your Customer) Processes

Integrating PEP screening with KYC processes ensures a comprehensive approach to customer due diligence, enabling organisations to identify and mitigate risks from the outset of the customer relationship.

Benefits of Automated PEP Screening Solutions

Automated PEP screening solutions offer several advantages:

  1. Efficiency: Streamlining the screening process and reducing the time required for manual checks.
  2. Accuracy: Minimising human errors and improving the detection of high-risk individuals.
  3. Scalability: Allowing organisations to handle large volumes of transactions and customers without compromising on compliance.


PEP screening is a critical component of financial and business risk management. By implementing robust PEP checks, organisations can safeguard their operations, maintain regulatory compliance, and protect their reputation. As technology and regulations evolve, staying ahead of trends and best practices will be essential for effective PEP screening.


A PEP check is a process to identify and monitor Politically Exposed Persons to mitigate risks associated with financial crimes.

PEP checks are important for preventing money laundering, terrorist financing, and maintaining compliance with regulatory standards.

A PEP is an individual who holds or has held a prominent public position, along with their immediate family members and close associates.

PEP checks are conducted through customer identification, PEP status verification, risk assessment, enhanced due diligence, and regular review.

Failing to conduct PEP checks can lead to involvement in financial crimes, regulatory penalties, and reputational damage.

PEP checks help mitigate financial risks, prevent illicit activities, and enhance business reputation and compliance.

Tools like World-Check, LexisNexis, Actimize, and AI/ML technologies are used for effective PEP screening.

Challenges include data availability, technological limitations, regulatory variations, and operational costs.

The RBI mandates enhanced due diligence for PEPs, aligning with global standards set by FATF and other international bodies.

Best practices include regular training, robust data management, continuous monitoring, and collaboration with authorities.

Payal, VP of AuthBridge, interview with People Matters

Payal Aggarwal on how DEI is a way of life at AuthBridge

Fostering a diverse and inclusive (DE&I) environment is essential in today’s globalised workplace. Studies by We-Ace, for instance, reveal a significant 45% increase in inclusive hiring practices for women in recent years. This reflects a growing global commitment to gender equality at work. This recognition extends beyond gender, with research indicating that 85% of companies surveyed acknowledge the need to address broader biases and create a more equitable working environment.

However, achieving true DE&I goes beyond simply hiring a diverse workforce. It’s about creating a culture where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered to contribute their unique talents and perspectives. This requires a commitment to dismantling unconscious bias, providing ongoing learning and development opportunities, and fostering a sense of belonging for all employees.

One organisation that exemplifies this commitment is AuthBridge Research Services Private Limited. Headquartered in India, AuthBridge is a company that walks the talk regarding DE&I.

Payal Aggarwal, the company’s recently appointed Vice President of Human Resources, discussed AuthBridge’s longstanding dedication to creating an inclusive workplace.

Diversity is the Norm, Not the Exception

Payal emphasises that diversity isn’t an afterthought at AuthBridge. It’s woven into the very fabric of the company’s culture. This philosophy resonated deeply with her upon joining the organisation. I recently joined Authbridge,” she explains, “I was pleasantly surprised to learn that our female workforce ratio is 40%. This is excellent news and a reassuring indication that we provide a safe and supportive environment for women to thrive and advance in their careers with us.” 

This commitment to gender equality extends to senior management, with a remarkable 50% of Assistant Vice President (AVP) roles held by women.  Furthermore, when considering leadership positions at the AVP level and above, including business heads and functional heads, the female representation remains impressive at 37%. While acknowledging these achievements, Payal outlines her ambitious goal of achieving 50% female representation across the workforce. 

Payal also recognises that DE&I encompasses more than just gender. She is actively exploring opportunities to integrate veterans into the AuthBridge workforce.I have been considering the ways to create a more inclusive workplace and though it is relatively early for me, I am identifying opportunities to integrate veterans into our workforce,” she explains. Veterans bring a wealth of experience and skills to the table, and AuthBridge recognizes their potential to significantly contribute to the company’s success.

Supporting Women Re-entering the Workforce

Recent research by Longhouse Consulting showed that approximately 80% of working women in India take career breaks, with 45% citing childcare and personal commitments as primary reasons.

Payal demonstrates a keen understanding of these challenges faced by women. Recognising the valuable contributions these women can make, she plans to develop targeted programmes to support their re-entry into the workforce. 

She shares, One cohort that we want to focus on is women returning from career breaks. Several women who had to temporarily step back from their careers due to personal reasons deserve opportunities for reintegration into the workforce. It’s essential to provide support and resources tailored to their unique needs to facilitate a smooth transition back into the professional realm.”

Mitigating Bias Through Rigorous Hiring Practices

Unconscious bias in recruitment often puts a dent in the hiring plans of an organisation and in truly nurturing a diverse workforce. One way Authbridge tackles this is through a meticulous system for analysing why candidates are not selected. This ensures that gender is never a factor in rejection decisions. They go beyond simply checking a box, recognising that some female candidates might be in a life stage requiring temporary support. These candidates could be strong fits in the future, so a rejection isn’t necessarily final.

To further ensure fairness, the company has a system in place for detailed feedback on every rejected candidate. Every Team Manager personally reviews this feedback to identify any potential bias creeping in. If there’s even a hint of a non-merit-based rejection, the hiring manager is consulted to understand the rationale behind the decision. Only rejections demonstrably based on performance and merit are considered final. Additionally, cross-functional interviews are conducted to ensure a wider perspective on candidate suitability and to prevent bias from any one department influencing the outcome.

Work-From-Home Policy Promotes Inclusion

AuthBridge embraces a work-from-home policy for specific roles, particularly within their operations team. This policy fosters inclusion by allowing employees from diverse locations across India to contribute and participate in the company’s success.We have extended our recruitment efforts to candidates across various states, including Tier-2 and Tier-3 cities in India, where we have employees working from home. They are an integral part of our workforce,” Payal explains. This geographically diverse workforce enriches the company with a variety of perspectives and experiences.

While recognising the benefits of a flexible work-from-home policy, Payal also acknowledges the importance of fostering collaboration and innovation. 

Work-from-home opportunities are indeed role-based, but we’re also encouraging more and more people to come and work from the office because we have realised at this stage of growth, we need a lot of cross-functional thinking, collaboration, ideation and implementation,” she explains. 

By striking a balance between work-from-home flexibility and in-office collaboration, AuthBridge fosters an environment that is both inclusive and conducive to generating creative ideas and solutions.

DE&I as a Continuous Journey

For Payal, DE&I is not a destination, but rather an ongoing journey. “DE&I has to be a way of life,” she emphasises. She advocates for establishing clear governance and controls to eliminate unconscious bias and ensure all decisions are based solely on merit and performance. 

Additionally, AuthBridge prioritises ongoing learning and development opportunities for all employees.We have also launched a structured and detailed induction programme called Pacesetter where anybody who joins the organisation goes through seven days of structured training,” Payal details. This comprehensive programme equips new hires with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in their roles, reinforcing a sense of belonging and confidence from day one.

Payal acknowledges the strong foundation AuthBridge has already established in terms of diversity but she also embodies a growth mindset, constantly seeking new ways to enhance the organisation’s DE&I initiatives.

Overall, AuthBridge serves as a compelling example of an organisation that prioritises DE&I. Through a combination of strong leadership commitment, well-defined policies, and ongoing initiatives, it fosters a culture where diverse perspectives are valued, talent is nurtured, and everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

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The most noteworthy aspects of our collaboration has been the ability to seamlessly onboard partners from all corners of India, for which our TAT has been reduced from multiple weeks to a few hours now.

- Mr. Satyasiva Sundar Ruutray
Vice President, F&A Commercial,

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