Aadhaar based esign

Aadhaar-Based eSign: All You Need To Know

In today’s tech-savvy world, where businesses and individuals rely heavily on electronic documentation, the need for secure, fast, and legally valid signing methods has grown multi-fold. Aadhaar-based eSign, an innovative electronic signature solution, is an important part of India’s digital transformation efforts. Introduced under the Digital India initiative, Aadhaar-based eSign enables citizens to sign documents electronically using their Aadhaar number and authentication, ensuring a seamless, paperless, and efficient process.

This technology is built on the Aadhaar framework, which is the largest biometric identification system globally, with over 1.2 billion registered users. The idea of linking eSignatures with Aadhaar helps to create a robust, trusted, and universally accepted system for secure document signing. It eliminates the need for physical signatures, making processes like contract signing, KYC, and tax filing faster and more efficient.

Aadhaar-based eSign is designed not only for individuals but also for businesses looking to streamline document workflows while ensuring compliance with India’s legal and regulatory frameworks.

How Aadhaar Powers eSignatures

Aadhaar-based eSignatures are built on the robust foundation of the Aadhaar infrastructure, leveraging its authentication mechanisms to enable secure and verifiable electronic signatures. The Aadhaar system’s extensive biometric database, which includes the fingerprints and iris scans of over a billion Indian citizens, plays a central role in ensuring the security and authenticity of the eSign process.

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The Role Of Aadhaar In Enabling Secure eSignatures

The process of Aadhaar-based eSign is governed by a combination of Aadhaar authentication and the use of an Application Service Provider (ASP). Here’s a breakdown of how Aadhaar powers eSignatures:

  1. Aadhaar Authentication: When a user initiates an eSign request, they are required to authenticate their identity using their Aadhaar number. The authentication can happen through one of two methods:
    • OTP-based Authentication: The user receives a One-Time Password (OTP) on their registered mobile number linked to Aadhaar. Upon entering the OTP, the system validates the user’s identity.
    • Biometric Authentication: For an even more secure option, the user can authenticate themselves by providing a biometric input, such as their fingerprint or iris scan, which is matched with the biometric data stored in the Aadhaar database.
  2. Digital Signature Certificate (DSC): Once the authentication is successful, a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is issued on behalf of the user by a Certifying Authority (CA). This certificate is valid for one transaction and is used to sign the document electronically.
  3. Document Signing: The document is then signed using the user’s Aadhaar-validated digital signature, ensuring that it is legally valid and tamper-proof. The digitally signed document is timestamped and contains a unique ID, making it traceable and secure.

Key Factors Ensuring Security And Compliance

Aadhaar-based eSignatures are designed to meet the highest security standards in line with India’s regulations. The following key aspects ensure their integrity:

  • Non-Repudiation: Since the eSign process is backed by Aadhaar authentication, users cannot deny having signed a document. The digital trail ensures accountability.
  • Encryption: During the eSign process, data is encrypted to protect sensitive information from being intercepted.
  • Legal Validity: Aadhaar eSignatures are compliant with the Information Technology Act, 2000, and are recognised as legally valid in Indian courts.

Through Aadhaar’s wide reach and secure infrastructure, eSignatures have become a game-changer for both businesses and individuals, making the entire documentation process smoother, faster, and more secure.

Key Features Of Aadhaar eSign

  1. Paperless and Contactless: The Aadhaar eSign process is entirely digital, eliminating the need for physical paperwork and in-person signatures. This is particularly beneficial in a world increasingly moving towards contactless transactions, reducing delays and saving time.
  2. Easy Accessibility: With Aadhaar eSign, users can authenticate and sign documents from anywhere at any time, provided they have access to the internet and their Aadhaar-registered mobile number. This flexibility ensures that users are not bound by geographical limitations.
  3. Secure Authentication: Aadhaar eSign uses multi-factor authentication, ensuring a high level of security. The combination of OTP or biometric data and Aadhaar verification makes it nearly impossible for unauthorised individuals to forge signatures.
  4. Legally Compliant: Aadhaar eSign complies with Indian laws, specifically the Information Technology Act, 2000. Documents signed using Aadhaar eSign hold the same legal validity as those signed using traditional methods.
  5. Instantaneous Process: The process of Aadhaar-based eSign is instantaneous, providing real-time document signing and verification. This greatly reduces turnaround times for businesses, especially in sectors such as banking, insurance, and legal services.
  6. Environmentally Friendly: By eliminating the need for physical paperwork, Aadhaar eSign contributes to sustainability efforts. Reduced paper usage means less waste and a lower environmental impact.

Benefits Of Aadhaar-Based eSign

  1. Cost-Efficiency: Aadhaar-based eSign reduces the costs associated with printing, scanning, mailing, and storing physical documents. Organisations that handle large volumes of documentation, such as banks, legal firms, and government agencies, can save significant amounts by adopting this digital process.
  2. Increased Efficiency and Productivity: The ability to sign documents instantly from any location speeds up workflows and reduces bottlenecks in decision-making. Employees no longer need to wait for physical signatures, and businesses can move forward with processes much faster.
  3. Enhanced Security and Fraud Prevention: Since Aadhaar eSign relies on secure Aadhaar authentication, it drastically reduces the risks associated with forged signatures and document tampering. The data encryption and digital certificates used in the eSign process further bolster security.
  4. Wide Applicability: Aadhaar-based eSign can be used across multiple sectors, including banking, insurance, healthcare, legal services, and e-governance. Its versatility makes it an ideal solution for any business requiring frequent document authentication.
  5. Compliance with Government Regulations: As Aadhaar eSign is compliant with regulations laid out by the Indian government, businesses can rest assured that they are adhering to legal requirements while also streamlining their operations.

Why Businesses Should Leverage Aadhaar eSign?

In the current business environment, where digital transformation is essential, Aadhaar eSign provides a significant advantage by simplifying document workflows. Whether it’s onboarding new clients, completing KYC processes, or finalising contracts, Aadhaar eSign ensures a seamless, cost-effective, and secure signing experience.

How Does Aadhaar eSign Work?

Aadhaar-based eSign is designed to be user-friendly, secure, and highly efficient. By leveraging Aadhaar’s robust authentication system, individuals and businesses can digitally sign documents in just a few steps. Below is a step-by-step guide to the Aadhaar eSign process:

  1. Document Upload
    The process begins when the user or organisation uploads the document that requires signing onto the platform provided by an authorised Aadhaar eSign provider. This could be anything from a contract, a government form, or a financial agreement.
  2. Aadhaar Authentication Initiation
    Once the document is uploaded, the signer initiates the Aadhaar authentication process. This can be done through two primary methods:
    • OTP-based Authentication: The system sends a One-Time Password (OTP) to the mobile number linked with the user’s Aadhaar. The user must enter this OTP into the eSign interface to verify their identity.
    • Biometric Authentication: The user provides their biometric data (fingerprint or iris scan), which is then matched against the data stored in the Aadhaar database.
  3. Digital Signature Certificate Generation
    After the user’s Aadhaar credentials have been authenticated, a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is issued by a Certifying Authority (CA). This certificate is valid only for the specific transaction and document being signed. It ensures the integrity and authenticity of the eSign process.
  4. Signing the Document
    With the DSC issued, the system then applies the Aadhaar-verified digital signature to the document. The signature is tamper-proof and includes a timestamp to indicate the exact time of signing.
  5. Document Download and Verification
    The signed document is made available for download by the user or can be automatically sent to relevant parties. The digital signature embedded within the document can be easily verified by any recipient to confirm the authenticity of the signer.

Table: Aadhaar eSign Process Overview




Document Upload

User/Organisation uploads the document

Document is uploaded for signing onto the eSign platform

Aadhaar Authentication

User verifies identity through OTP or biometrics

Authentication is done using Aadhaar OTP or biometric input

DSC Generation

Digital Signature Certificate is issued

A DSC is generated by an authorised Certifying Authority

Document Signing

Digital signature applied to the document

Document is signed with an Aadhaar-verified signature

Document Download/Verification

Signed document available for download/verification

The signed document is sent to parties and can be verified easily

Applications Of Aadhaar eSign Across Industries

Aadhaar-based eSign is changing the way various sectors in India handle documentation. By providing a legally valid, paperless, and efficient method for signing documents, Aadhaar eSign is streamlining workflows across industries, driving both operational efficiency and compliance. Let’s explore some of the key industries where Aadhaar eSign is making a significant impact.

Banking And Financial Services

The banking and financial services industry relies heavily on extensive documentation for activities such as loan approvals, account openings, and customer onboarding. Aadhaar eSign has transformed these processes by:

  • Simplifying KYC (Know Your Customer): Banks can use Aadhaar-based eSign to verify customer identities digitally, speeding up KYC processes and reducing the need for physical verification.
  • Streamlining Loan Approvals: Loan documents can now be signed digitally, cutting down on paperwork and enabling quicker approvals.
  • Improving Customer Experience: Customers can open accounts, sign agreements, and complete transactions remotely, without visiting a branch.


In healthcare, where the timely and secure exchange of sensitive information is crucial, Aadhaar eSign offers a robust solution. It is being used for:

  • Patient Registration and Consent: Hospitals and clinics can securely capture patient consent and registration forms using Aadhaar eSign, reducing manual errors and delays.
  • Medical Records Management: Aadhaar eSign ensures that medical records, including prescriptions and reports, are securely signed and stored electronically, ensuring privacy and traceability.

Government And Public Services

The Indian government’s Digital India initiative has embraced Aadhaar eSign to facilitate the delivery of e-governance services. Key applications include:

  • E-Governance Schemes: Citizens can apply for services like subsidies, pension schemes, and social welfare benefits online, with Aadhaar eSign ensuring authenticity.
  • Tax Filings: The Income Tax Department allows taxpayers to e-file their returns and digitally sign them using Aadhaar eSign, streamlining the process.
  • Subsidy Disbursements: Government departments can ensure faster and authenticated distribution of subsidies and benefits by using Aadhaar-based digital signatures.


Insurance companies have traditionally relied on time-consuming paperwork for policy issuance, claims, and renewals. Aadhaar eSign offers a paperless alternative:

  • Policy Issuance: New insurance policies can be digitally signed by customers using Aadhaar eSign, speeding up the approval process.
  • Claims Processing: Claims can be filed and digitally signed by policyholders, reducing processing times and improving customer satisfaction.


In the education sector, Aadhaar eSign is increasingly being used for:

  • Student Enrolment: Aadhaar eSign facilitates paperless student enrolment processes for schools and universities, reducing administrative overhead.
  • Examination Forms and Certificates: Examination boards can digitally sign and distribute certificates and other documents, ensuring their authenticity.

Real Estate

The real estate industry, known for its cumbersome paperwork related to property agreements, can benefit greatly from Aadhaar eSign:

  • Lease and Property Agreements: Tenants and landlords can use Aadhaar eSign to sign rental or property agreements digitally, reducing legal complexities.
  • Title Deeds and Registrations: Aadhaar-based eSign can help in securely signing title deeds and other property-related documents.

Legal Validity Of Aadhaar eSign

Aadhaar-based eSign is recognised as a legally valid form of electronic signature in India, supported by robust regulations that ensure its compliance with the country’s legal framework. This section delves into the legal standing of Aadhaar eSign, along with the regulatory guidelines that govern its use across various industries.

Regulatory Framework For Aadhaar eSign

The legal foundation for Aadhaar eSign stems from the Information Technology Act, 2000 (IT Act), which provides a comprehensive framework for the recognition of electronic signatures in India. Under the provisions of the IT Act, electronic signatures are considered valid if they meet certain criteria:

  • Authenticity: The eSign must be uniquely linked to the signatory and capable of identifying them.
  • Control: The signatory must have complete control over the electronic signature at the time of signing.
  • Integrity: Any alterations made to the signed document must be detectable.

Aadhaar eSign, through its OTP and biometric authentication processes, meets these criteria and is legally valid for most official and legal purposes in India.

Certifying Authorities And Compliance

The issuance of Digital Signature Certificates (DSCs) in the Aadhaar eSign process is regulated by Certifying Authorities (CAs), which are licensed by the Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA) under the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY). These CAs are responsible for ensuring that the issuance of digital certificates complies with India’s strict data protection and security regulations.

The combination of Aadhaar authentication and DSCs issued by licensed CAs ensures that Aadhaar-based eSignatures are secure, legally binding, and tamper-proof.

Aadhaar eSign And the IT Act, 2000

The IT Act, 2000, specifically addresses the use of electronic signatures, placing them on an equal legal footing with traditional handwritten signatures. Section 5 of the IT Act states that any electronic signature that meets the requirements laid out in the law will be treated as valid and enforceable.

Furthermore, Section 10A of the IT Act ensures that contracts signed electronically are considered valid, provided they follow the prescribed standards. This gives businesses the confidence to use Aadhaar eSign for contractual agreements, knowing that these documents will hold up in a court of law.

Legal Use Cases Of Aadhaar eSign

Some of the most common use cases where Aadhaar eSign is legally recognised include:

  • Contracts and Agreements: Businesses can execute contracts, including employment agreements, lease deeds, and service contracts, using Aadhaar-based eSignatures.
  • Banking Transactions: Aadhaar eSign is widely used in the banking sector for KYC verification, loan approvals, and other documentation.
  • Tax Filings: Individuals and businesses can use Aadhaar eSign for submitting tax returns and other financial filings, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

Compliance And Data Protection

Aadhaar-based eSign operates within India’s Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery of Financial and Other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Act, 2016, which governs the use of Aadhaar numbers for identity verification. The Act provides clear guidelines on data protection, ensuring that sensitive personal information, including biometrics and Aadhaar numbers, is securely handled and protected during the eSign process.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and India’s proposed DPDP Bill also align with the security measures taken during the Aadhaar-based eSign to protect user data and maintain privacy standards.

Security And Privacy Aspects Of Aadhaar-Based eSign

Security and privacy are critical when dealing with electronic signatures, especially those that leverage sensitive personal information like Aadhaar data. Aadhaar-based eSign incorporates multiple layers of security to ensure that documents are signed and stored safely, protecting both the signatory’s identity and the integrity of the signed document.

How Aadhaar eSign Protects Sensitive Data

  1. Multi-Factor Authentication Aadhaar-based eSign ensures that only authorised individuals can sign documents by using multi-factor authentication (MFA). This authentication occurs in two primary forms:
    • OTP Authentication: A One-Time Password (OTP) is sent to the user’s mobile number registered with Aadhaar. The user must enter the OTP to authenticate the eSign process.
    • Biometric Authentication: Users can also authenticate using their biometric data, such as fingerprints or iris scans, matched against the Aadhaar database. This adds an extra layer of security by ensuring the signer’s physical presence during the transaction.
  2. End-to-End Encryption All data transmitted during the Aadhaar eSign process is encrypted, ensuring that sensitive information is protected from unauthorised access. This encryption secures:
    • Document Data: The document being signed is encrypted to prevent tampering.
    • Aadhaar Information: Personal details such as the Aadhaar number, biometrics, and OTP data are encrypted both during transmission and at rest.
  3. Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) Once the signatory has been authenticated, a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is issued for the transaction. This certificate is valid only for the particular document being signed, ensuring that it cannot be misused for other transactions. The DSC also ensures the integrity of the document by detecting any alterations made after signing.
  4. Tamper-Proof Signatures The Aadhaar eSign process creates a tamper-evident seal on the document, which prevents any alterations after the signature is applied. This digital trail guarantees that the document remains unchanged, further adding to its credibility.
  5. Audit Trail Every Aadhaar eSign transaction generates a detailed audit trail, documenting when and by whom the document was signed. This audit trail is crucial for ensuring non-repudiation, as it provides verifiable proof of the signing event.
  6. Compliance with Data Protection Laws Aadhaar eSign complies with stringent data protection regulations, including those outlined in the Aadhaar Act and the IT Act, 2000. Additionally, the upcoming Personal Data Protection Bill (PDP) ensures that organisations using Aadhaar eSign for document signing must follow robust privacy guidelines to protect users’ personal information.

Privacy Concerns And How Aadhaar eSign Addresses Them

While Aadhaar eSign offers a host of benefits, privacy concerns naturally arise due to the sensitive nature of Aadhaar data. To address these concerns, several safeguards have been put in place:

  • Minimal Data Usage: Only essential data, such as the Aadhaar number and the OTP or biometric input, is used during the eSign process. No unnecessary information is collected or stored.
  • Anonymity: The system does not store Aadhaar biometrics or OTPs after the transaction is completed. This prevents the misuse of data and ensures that users’ privacy is respected.
  • User Consent: Aadhaar eSign processes require explicit user consent before any document is signed, ensuring that individuals retain full control over their digital identity.

Data Breach Protection

By leveraging biometric authentication and secure OTP methods, Aadhaar eSign offers superior protection against data breaches. The encryption protocols used ensure that even if intercepted, the data remains unreadable and unusable. The strict regulatory oversight of Aadhaar-based systems further enhances security, making Aadhaar eSign one of the most secure eSignature options available.

Aadhaar eSign vs. Traditional Signatures

Aadhaar-based eSign has emerged as an outstanding alternative to traditional signatures, offering a faster, more secure, and convenient way to authenticate documents. In this section, we will conduct a comparative analysis between Aadhaar eSign and traditional signatures to highlight why Aadhaar eSign is considered the future of secure documentation.

1. Speed and Convenience

  • Traditional Signatures: Signing documents traditionally involves physical presence, printing, signing, and scanning or mailing documents. This process can be time-consuming, especially for businesses that require frequent documentation.
  • Aadhaar eSign: With Aadhaar eSign, the entire process can be completed in minutes. Documents can be signed electronically from any location, removing the need for physical signatures and reducing delays. This instant process makes it far more efficient for businesses and individuals alike.

2. Cost-Effectiveness

  • Traditional Signatures: Traditional signatures come with additional costs such as printing, courier services, and physical storage of signed documents. These expenses can accumulate, especially in industries where documentation is a critical part of daily operations.
  • Aadhaar eSign: Aadhaar-based eSign eliminates these costs by offering a completely digital alternative. The paperless nature of Aadhaar eSign significantly reduces printing and courier expenses, and electronic storage replaces the need for physical document storage.

3. Security and Fraud Prevention

  • Traditional Signatures: Forging or tampering with traditional signatures is relatively easy, and verifying the authenticity of physical signatures can be challenging, especially in the absence of witnesses.
  • Aadhaar eSign: Aadhaar eSign incorporates robust security measures, including multi-factor authentication (OTP and biometrics), digital certificates, and encryption. These features make it nearly impossible to forge or alter signed documents without detection. Additionally, each Aadhaar eSign is time-stamped and traceable, ensuring the integrity of the document.

4. Legal Validity

  • Traditional Signatures: Traditional signatures are legally valid but may require additional verification or witnesses in some cases. The possibility of disputes over signature authenticity can arise, particularly in legal matters.
  • Aadhaar eSign: Aadhaar-based eSign is recognised as legally valid under the IT Act, 2000, which places electronic signatures on equal footing with traditional signatures. The use of Aadhaar authentication ensures non-repudiation, meaning the signatory cannot deny having signed the document.

5. Document Integrity and Tamper Resistance

  • Traditional Signatures: Physical documents with traditional signatures can be altered or damaged after signing, potentially leading to disputes over the authenticity or content of the document.
  • Aadhaar eSign: Documents signed with Aadhaar eSign are protected by encryption and digital signatures, which make any alterations immediately detectable. This tamper-evident technology ensures that the document remains unchanged after it is signed.

6. Environmental Impact

  • Traditional Signatures: The use of traditional signatures requires printing, which leads to paper waste. This can hurt the environment, especially for businesses that handle large volumes of documents.
  • Aadhaar eSign: As a paperless solution, Aadhaar eSign significantly reduces the need for physical paper, contributing to environmental sustainability by reducing paper consumption and waste.

Table: Aadhaar eSign vs. Traditional Signatures


Traditional Signatures

Aadhaar eSign

Speed and Convenience

Requires physical presence, time-consuming

Instant signing from anywhere, highly convenient


Costs include printing, courier, storage

Completely paperless, reduces expenses significantly

Security and Fraud Prevention

Prone to forgery, difficult to verify authenticity

Multi-factor authentication, encrypted, highly secure

Legal Validity

Legally valid, but may require witnesses or verification

Legally valid under the IT Act, non-repudiable, secure verification

Document Integrity

Can be altered or tampered with post-signing

Tamper-proof, any changes post-signing are detectable

Environmental Impact

Involves paper usage, contributes to environmental waste

Paperless, environmentally friendly


In today’s fast-paced, digital-first world, Aadhaar-based eSign offers a solution that meets the needs of modern businesses and individuals. Its advantages in terms of speed, security, cost-effectiveness, and legal standing make it an ideal alternative to traditional signatures.

FAQs around Aadhaar-based eSigning

To get Aadhaar-based eSign:

  1. Link Aadhaar with Mobile: Ensure your Aadhaar is linked to your mobile number for OTP verification.
  2. Choose an eSign Service Provider (ESP): Use an authorized ESP like AuthBridge.
  3. Register: Sign up on the ESP’s platform or a third-party portal offering eSign services.
  4. Upload Document: Upload the document to be signed.
  5. Enter Aadhaar Number: Input your Aadhaar number for authentication.
  6. Receive OTP: Enter the OTP sent to your Aadhaar-linked mobile.
  7. eSign Document: Complete the process by digitally signing the document.

Aadhaar-based e-signature (or DSC mode) is an electronic signing method using your Aadhaar number. It involves authenticating your identity through an OTP sent to your Aadhaar-linked mobile number. The signature is legally valid under the Indian IT Act, 2000, and is facilitated by government-approved eSign Service Providers (ESPs). This digital signature ensures security and convenience for signing documents remotely.

Yes, Aadhaar eSign is safe. It uses two-factor authentication (Aadhaar number and OTP) to securely verify your identity, and the process is governed by the Indian IT Act, 2000. The eSign is facilitated by government-authorised providers, ensuring the integrity and security of your digital signature.

No, eSign and DSC (Digital Signature Certificate) are not the same. eSign is an Aadhaar-based electronic signature that uses OTP for authentication, offering a quick and easy way to sign documents. DSC is a physical certificate issued to individuals or organizations, stored on a USB token, and requires installation and specific software for use.

To create a digital signature using your Aadhaar card:

  1. Link Aadhaar with Mobile: Ensure your mobile number is linked to Aadhaar for OTP verification.
  2. Choose an eSign Service Provider (ESP): Select an authorized ESP like eMudhra, NSDL, or C-DAC.
  3. Upload Document: Upload the document you want to sign on the ESP platform or a third-party portal.
  4. Authenticate with Aadhaar: Enter your Aadhaar number and verify your identity with the OTP sent to your registered mobile number.
  5. eSign the Document: Once verified, your Aadhaar-based digital signature will be applied.

Yes, Aadhaar is valid without a digital signature for identity verification purposes. However, for signing documents electronically or performing secure digital transactions, a digital signature (e.g., Aadhaar-based eSign) is required to authenticate and ensure legal validity under the IT Act, 2000.

Aadhaar eSign is not entirely free. While some platforms may offer limited free usage, most eSign service providers charge a nominal fee for the service. Pricing varies depending on the provider and the number of documents you sign.

Aadhaar digital signature is called Aadhaar-based eSign. It is an electronic signature service that uses Aadhaar authentication, typically verified via OTP, to sign documents digitally.

54th GST Council meeting

54th GST Council Meeting: All Key Highlights

Overview Of The 54th GST Council Meeting

The 54th GST Council meeting, held on 9th September 2024 under the leadership of Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, brought forward several important decisions related to tax rate adjustments, trade facilitation measures, and compliance streamlining. Attended by key ministers, including Finance Ministers of states and Union Territories, this meeting aimed to ease tax-related burdens on individuals and businesses while pushing forward reforms in GST compliance.

The recommendations made in this meeting have significant implications for a wide range of sectors, from healthcare to transport, potentially reshaping the way businesses and individuals interact with GST regulations.

54th GST Council Meeting September 9

Key Recommendations From The 54th GST Council Meeting

1. Life and Health Insurance: Formation of a Group of Ministers (GoM)

The Council has set up a Group of Ministers (GoM) to thoroughly review GST issues concerning life and health insurance. Members from multiple states will lead the GoM, with the final report expected by October 2024. The review aims to address taxation complexities in insurance services, providing a more rationalised GST structure.

This move signals the government’s intention to relook at the taxing of life and health insurance services to make it more equitable and reduce the burden on policyholders.

2. GST Exemption on Research and Development Services

To boost innovation and academic research, the GST Council has decided to exempt the supply of research and development services by government entities, universities, and research institutions. Funded by both private and government grants, these exemptions are expected to encourage further investment in R&D, which will help India’s innovation ecosystem thrive.

This decision reflects the government’s commitment to supporting the growth of R&D and academic institutions by reducing the financial burden associated with GST compliance on these essential services.

3. GST Rate Reductions on Critical Cancer Drugs

Cancer patients and healthcare providers received much-needed relief as the GST Council approved the reduction in GST rates for key cancer drugs. The drugs—Trastuzumab Deruxtecan, Osimertinib, and Durvalumab—will now attract a GST of 5%, down from the previous rate of 12%.

Cancer DrugPrevious GST RateNew GST Rate
Trastuzumab Deruxtecan12%5%

This reduction will likely make cancer treatment more affordable, improving access to life-saving medication for patients in India.

4. Launch Of B2C E-Invoicing Pilot

One of the most notable decisions from the 54th GST Council meeting was the launch of a pilot for B2C e-invoicing. Following the successful implementation of e-invoicing for B2B transactions, the GST Council aims to extend this system to the retail sector. The B2C e-invoicing pilot will begin voluntarily in selected sectors and states, providing an opportunity for retail customers to verify the reporting of invoices in GST returns.

The potential benefits of B2C e-invoicing include:

  • Improved business efficiency: Automation in invoicing processes will reduce human error and paperwork.
  • Environmentally friendly: Digital invoices eliminate the need for physical receipts, promoting sustainable business practices.
  • Cost savings: Businesses will benefit from reduced processing costs due to streamlined invoicing.

This pilot initiative, once fully implemented, is expected to not only enhance the accuracy of GST returns but also provide more transparency in retail transactions. Customers will be able to verify the authenticity of invoices, which could significantly curb tax evasion in the retail sector.

5. Changes in GST Rates for Goods

A. Reduction in GST Rates for Namkeens and Extruded Savoury Products

The GST Council has decided to bring extruded or expanded savoury food products, such as certain pre-packaged namkeens, in line with other similar products by reducing their GST rate from 18% to 12%. These items are classified under HS 1905 90 30. The move ensures uniformity in taxation across different snack items, which fall under similar categories.

B. Clarifications on Metal Scrap Taxation

In a move aimed at streamlining the tax process for metal scrap, the GST Council recommended introducing the Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM) for the supply of metal scrap by unregistered suppliers to registered buyers. Under the new regime, registered buyers will be responsible for paying GST on such transactions. Additionally, a TDS of 2% will be applicable for metal scrap supplies made by registered suppliers in B2B transactions.

This step is aimed at preventing tax evasion in the scrap industry, which has traditionally been an area prone to unregistered dealings. By implementing these changes, the government seeks to bring more transparency to metal scrap transactions while ensuring that the tax burden is fairly distributed.

6. Clarification on GST for Life Insurance and Health Insurance

The GST Council has constituted a Group of Ministers (GoM) to examine the complexities surrounding GST on life and health insurance. The GoM, comprising members from several states, will deliver a comprehensive report by October 2024. This study is intended to rationalise the tax structure for insurance, addressing key concerns in the sector.

This development is crucial for the insurance industry, as it suggests potential changes that could make insurance policies more affordable by reducing the indirect tax burden on premiums. Given the rising demand for life and health insurance in India, this move could have far-reaching effects on policyholders and insurers alike.

7. GST Exemption for Affiliation Services to Government Schools

In a bid to reduce costs in the education sector, the GST Council has decided to exempt affiliation services provided by State/Central educational boards to Government Schools. This exemption, however, will be applied prospectively, starting from the date of notification. For the period between 1st July 2017 to 17th June 2021, GST liabilities will be regularised on an “as is where is” basis.

Affiliation services provided by universities to constituent colleges, however, will continue to attract 18% GST, with no exemptions for such services under the current rules. This decision aims to support government schools by reducing their financial burden, which can ultimately lead to better educational outcomes through increased investment in learning resources.

8. Amendments in CGST Rules for Exporters: Simplifying Refund Procedures

To alleviate difficulties faced by exporters, the Council has recommended amendments to Rule 89 and Rule 96 of the CGST Rules, 2017, specifically aimed at refund procedures where the benefit of concessional/exemption notifications under Rule 96(10) has been availed.

The key changes include:

  • Clarifying that when imported inputs are subsequently subjected to IGST and compensation cess payments, IGST refunds on exports will not be considered a violation of the rules.
  • The Council has also recommended the prospective omission of Rule 96(10), Rule 89(4A), and Rule 89(4B), streamlining the refund process for exporters and removing legal ambiguities.

These amendments are expected to simplify compliance and expedite refund claims for exporters, improving liquidity and encouraging greater participation in international trade.

9. GST Exemptions and Clarifications for Supply of Electricity Services

In the 54th GST Council meeting, a significant relief was extended to transmission and distribution utilities, with an exemption on services that are incidental to the supply of electricity. These services include application fees for electricity connections, rental charges for electricity meters, testing fees for meters/transformers, and charges for duplicate bills. These exemptions will apply when such services form part of a composite supply.

This move is expected to reduce the overall cost burden for electricity consumers, especially in rural and semi-urban areas, where transmission and distribution costs can be substantial. Regularising the past demands on an “as is where is” basis further ensures that there is clarity on past GST liabilities, allowing utilities to focus on operational improvements rather than tax disputes.

10. GST On Helicopter Services: A Sector-Specific Relief

The transport of passengers by helicopters on a seat-share basis has been brought under a reduced GST rate of 5%. This move primarily benefits the tourism sector and emergency services, where helicopters are often used for transportation in difficult-to-reach areas. Additionally, the Council has regularised the GST for past transactions under the “as is where is” basis.

The GST rate will continue to be 18% for chartered helicopter services, maintaining the distinction between regular seat-sharing services and exclusive chartered operations. This differentiation in rates reflects the varying nature of services provided in the aviation sector, especially in terms of affordability and accessibility for different types of consumers.

11. Special Procedures for Waiver of Penalties and Interest

One of the more taxpayer-friendly recommendations made during the meeting was the introduction of a special waiver of penalties and interest for demands arising under Section 73 of the CGST Act, 2017, for the fiscal years 2017-18, 2018-19, and 2019-20. The Council recommended the addition of Rule 164 to the CGST Rules, 2017, laying down specific procedures and forms for availing this waiver.

The introduction of this rule ensures that businesses and individuals who may have defaulted on tax payments in earlier years have a clear process to rectify their situation without incurring heavy penalties or interest. This measure is particularly important for small and medium enterprises (SMEs), who often face cash flow issues, and for whom large penalty sums could be debilitating.

Furthermore, the Council recommended the notification of Section 146 of the Finance (No. 2) Act, 2024, to bring into effect the provisions for penalty waivers from 1st November 2024. This move underscores the government’s intent to provide relief to businesses while maintaining compliance with the GST framework.

12. Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM) for Renting of Commercial Properties

In another compliance-strengthening measure, the Council has brought the renting of commercial property by unregistered persons to registered persons under the Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM). This step is seen as a move to curb revenue leakages in the commercial rental sector, where transactions often go unrecorded.

Under the RCM, the responsibility to pay GST will shift to the registered person receiving the services, which will ensure that the GST on such transactions is accounted for and collected efficiently. This also aligns with the broader goals of the GST regime in reducing tax evasion and bringing more transactions into the formal economy.

13. Flying Training Courses: Exemptions for DGCA-Approved Training

The Council clarified that flying training courses conducted by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA)-approved Flying Training Organisations (FTOs) will be exempt from GST. This is a welcome move for the aviation sector, particularly for aspiring pilots and other aviation professionals, as it reduces the financial burden of pursuing flying training in India.

This exemption is expected to make flying training more accessible to a broader demographic, which can potentially help address the shortage of qualified pilots and aviation professionals in the country.

14. Introduction of New Ledgers for Taxpayers

As part of its continued effort to improve GST return filing and compliance, the GST Council introduced several enhancements to the existing GST return architecture. These enhancements include:

  • Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM) Ledger
  • Input Tax Credit (ITC) Reclaim Ledger
  • Invoice Management System (IMS)

The RCM Ledger will help taxpayers track their RCM liabilities more effectively, while the ITC Reclaim Ledger will assist in managing input tax credits. The Invoice Management System (IMS), on the other hand, allows taxpayers to accept, reject, or keep invoices pending for input tax credit purposes, reducing errors and improving reconciliation processes.

These changes are expected to reduce instances of input tax credit mismatches and help businesses avoid notices from the GST authorities, thus streamlining the entire tax compliance process.

15. Clarifications on Input Tax Credit for Demo Vehicles and Other Services

In the interest of providing clarity and preventing legal disputes, the GST Council recommended the issuance of circulars to address several ambiguities, including the availability of input tax credit on demo vehicles for vehicle dealers and the place of supply for advertising services provided to foreign entities.

By addressing these grey areas through clarifications, the Council aims to provide consistency in the interpretation of GST laws and minimise litigation, which has been a concern for businesses involved in cross-border and specialised services.

Summary Of The Key Highlights From The 54th GST Council Meeting

CategoryKey Recommendation/Decision
Life & Health InsuranceFormation of a Group of Ministers (GoM) to study GST on life and health insurance, report due by Oct 2024
R&D ServicesExemption for research services by government entities, universities, and research institutions
Cancer DrugsGST rate reduction from 12% to 5% for Trastuzumab Deruxtecan, Osimertinib, and Durvalumab
B2C E-InvoicingPilot project for B2C e-invoicing to be launched on a voluntary basis in selected sectors and states
Namkeens & Savoury ProductsReduction in GST rate from 18% to 12% on extruded/expanded savoury food products
Metal ScrapIntroduction of Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM) for metal scrap transactions from unregistered suppliers
Helicopter ServicesGST rate of 5% for passenger transport via helicopter (seat share basis); charter services to remain at 18%
Flying Training CoursesExemption for DGCA-approved flying training courses from GST
Electricity ServicesGST exemptions on various services incidental to electricity supply provided as part of composite supply
Commercial Property RentIntroduction of RCM for commercial property rentals from unregistered to registered persons
GST Penalty WaiversSpecial procedures for waiver of penalties and interest for FYs 2017-18, 2018-19, and 2019-20
New Ledgers and Invoice ManagementIntroduction of new RCM, ITC Reclaim ledgers, and Invoice Management System for taxpayers
Car and Motorcycle SeatsGST rate increase from 18% to 28% on car seats to align with the 28% GST rate on motorcycle seats, effective prospectively
Roof Mounted Package Units (RMPU)Clarification that RMPU air conditioning units for railways attract 28% GST under HSN 8415


The recommendations made during the 54th GST Council meeting reflect a balanced approach to streamlining tax compliance, providing relief to specific sectors, and clarifying ambiguous areas of the GST law. By focusing on rate rationalisation, reducing the tax burden on critical sectors such as healthcare and education, and enhancing compliance mechanisms, the Council has taken steps to make the GST regime more effective and taxpayer-friendly.

With further reforms expected from the GoM on life and health insurance and continued focus on simplifying processes for businesses, taxpayers can look forward to a more efficient and equitable GST system in the months to come.

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