importance of video personal discussions

Revolutionize Customer Engagement with Video Personal Discussions (VPD)

In today’s fast-paced digital world, businesses are always seeking ways to streamline processes and enhance customer experiences. Enter Video Personal Discussion (VPD), a technology that transforms traditional customer interactions. VPD goes beyond the limitations of text-based communication, fostering a more human and personalized connection through live video conversations.

What Is Video Personal Discussion (VPD)?

A video personal discussion (VPD) refers to a virtual face-to-face conversation conducted via video conferencing tools. This method is used in various contexts, including job interviews, team meetings, consultations, and educational sessions. VPDs allow participants to interact in real-time, share visual and auditory cues, and engage in a more personal and dynamic exchange than text or audio-only communication. These discussions can be recorded for later review and are increasingly popular due to the flexibility and convenience they offer, especially in remote or hybrid working environments.

Here’s how VPD operates:

  1. Initiating the Connection: The process starts with a business representative inviting a customer or client to a VPD session. This invitation can be sent via email, SMS, or a dedicated VPD platform.

  2. Secure and Convenient Connection: Customers or clients simply click on the invite link and join the video call using their web browser or mobile device. No downloads or complicated software installations are required, making VPD incredibly user-friendly.
  3. Face-to-Face Interaction: The magic of VPD unfolds during the video call. Businesses can interact with customers or clients face-to-face, fostering a sense of trust and rapport that’s often missing in text-based communication.

Benefits Of Video Personal Discussions (VPD) For Businesses

  1. Enhanced Customer Experience:  VPD personalizes the customer journey. Customers appreciate the opportunity to connect with a real person and have their questions or concerns addressed more interactively.
  2. Improved Verification and Onboarding:  VPD can be a valuable tool for verifying customer identities and streamlining onboarding processes.  Seeing a customer face-to-face can increase confidence and expedite the process.
  3. Reduced Fraudulent Activity:  The video element of VPD acts as a deterrent against fraudulent activity.  Verifying a customer’s identity visually makes it more challenging for fraudsters to operate.
  4. Streamlined Communication:  VPD eliminates the back-and-forth of emails or phone tags. Businesses can effectively communicate with customers in real-time, leading to faster resolution of issues and improved efficiency.
  5. Geographic Flexibility:  VPD goes beyond geographical boundaries. Businesses can connect with customers or clients located anywhere in the world, as long as they have a stable internet connection.

Applications Of Video Personal Discussion Beyond Customer Interaction

Loan Applications

Financial institutions can significantly enhance the loan application process by incorporating Video Personal Discussions (VPD). Traditional loan application procedures often involve lengthy paperwork and in-person visits, which can be time-consuming and inconvenient for both the applicants and the financial institutions. VPD offers a secure, efficient, and user-friendly alternative. Here’s how it works and benefits the process:

  • Secure Verification: VPD allows for real-time, face-to-face verification of loan seekers. This ensures that the applicant is who they claim to be, reducing the risk of identity fraud. During the video call, applicants can present their identification documents, which the loan officer can verify on the spot.
  • Personalized Interaction: Loan officers can engage with applicants more personally, addressing their concerns and questions in real time. This human touch can build trust and confidence in the institution, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  • Document Submission: Applicants can submit necessary documents through secure digital channels during the VPD session. This speeds up the verification process and reduces the need for physical document handling.
  • Efficient Decision-Making: The instant verification and document submission processes allow for quicker decision-making, enabling financial institutions to approve or deny loans faster. This efficiency benefits both the institution, by improving operational workflow, and the applicants, by reducing waiting times.

Healthcare Consultations

Telemedicine has become increasingly important, especially in recent years. Video Personal Discussions provide a robust platform for healthcare consultations, enhancing the quality of care and expanding access to medical services. Here’s how VPD revolutionizes healthcare consultations:

  • Personalized Care: VPD allows doctors and healthcare providers to interact with patients face-to-face, even if they are miles apart. This real-time interaction helps in understanding patient concerns better and providing tailored medical advice.
  • Comprehensive Assessments: Through VPD, doctors can conduct visual assessments, observe symptoms, and even guide patients through self-examinations. This can be crucial for initial diagnoses and ongoing monitoring of chronic conditions.
  • Follow-Up and Monitoring: VPD is ideal for follow-up appointments and monitoring patients’ progress without requiring them to visit the clinic or hospital. This convenience is particularly beneficial for patients with mobility issues or those living in remote areas.
  • Privacy and Security: Healthcare consultations via VPD are conducted over secure channels, ensuring that patient information remains confidential and complies with healthcare privacy regulations.

Remote Interviews

The hiring process has evolved with the advent of digital technologies, and remote interviews via Video Personal Discussions have become a key component. This method offers several advantages for businesses looking to connect with potential candidates:

  • Time and Cost Efficiency: Remote interviews eliminate the need for travel, saving time and costs associated with in-person interviews. This is beneficial for both the company and the candidates, making the hiring process more accessible and streamlined.
  • Wider Talent Pool: VPD enables companies to interview candidates from different geographical locations without logistical constraints. This widens the talent pool, allowing businesses to find the best fit for the role irrespective of location.
  • Real-Time Interaction: VPD provides a platform for real-time interaction, allowing interviewers to gauge non-verbal cues and build rapport with candidates, similar to face-to-face interviews. This helps in making more informed hiring decisions.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Remote interviews via VPD offer flexibility in scheduling, accommodating different time zones and availability. This makes it easier to arrange interviews at convenient times for both parties.
  • Recording Capabilities: Many VPD platforms offer the option to record interviews. This feature is useful for future reference, allowing hiring teams to review the discussions and make collaborative decisions.

Video Personal Discussion: A Win-Win for Streamlined Onboarding

Online Video PD solutions offer a powerful way for businesses to transform the customer onboarding process, creating a secure, personalized, and efficient experience for everyone involved. Here’s how Video PD benefits both businesses and customers:

Enhanced Customer Experience:

  • Personalized KYC (Know Your Customer): Video interactions create a more human touch compared to impersonal forms. This fosters trust and understanding, leading to a smoother KYC experience.
  • Reduced Onboarding Friction: Eliminating the need for physical visits simplifies the process for customers, making onboarding faster and more convenient.

Increased Business Efficiency:

  • Location Independence: Video PD removes geographical barriers. Onboard customers from anywhere in the world, eliminating travel costs and logistical hurdles.
  • Faster Completion Rates: Streamlined interactions and reduced wait times allow for higher customer onboarding volumes, helping businesses meet their targets.
  • Reduced Operational Costs: Virtual onboarding eliminates the need for in-person visits, reducing associated costs like travel or office space requirements.
  • Improved Workplace Productivity: Video PD allows for efficient customer interactions, freeing up employees’ time for other tasks and boosting overall productivity.

Additional Advantages:

  • Increased Remote Onboarding: Onboard remote customers seamlessly, expanding your reach beyond geographical limitations.
  • Enhanced Audit Efficiency: Record all interactions for future reference, ensuring a clear and verifiable audit trail.

Benefits of this Streamlined Process:

  1. Convenience: The online nature eliminates the need for physical meetings, saving time and effort for both parties.
  2. Efficiency: The structured process ensures all necessary steps are completed within a single session.
  3. Security: Features like document upload and potential recording capabilities provide a secure and verifiable audit trail.
  4. Transparency: Both customers and businesses have clear expectations for each step in the onboarding process.

By implementing Video PD, businesses can create a faster, more user-friendly, and more secure onboarding experience for their customers, laying a strong foundation for a successful relationship.

The Future of VPD: A Glimpse of What's to Come

Video Personal Discussions (VPD) are rapidly transforming customer interactions. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect VPD to become even more sophisticated and integrated, offering exciting possibilities for businesses:

  • Enhanced Security with AI: Artificial intelligence (AI) can play a bigger role in VPD, with features like real-time document verification using advanced optical character recognition (OCR) and even AI-powered liveness detection to further strengthen security measures.
  • Advanced Data Analytics: VPD platforms could integrate data analytics to provide valuable insights gleaned from facial expressions, voice intonations, and even body language during interactions. This can help businesses better understand customer sentiment and tailor their approach accordingly.
  • Immersive Technologies: The integration of virtual reality (VR) or augmented reality (AR) could create even more immersive and interactive VPD experiences. Imagine using a VR headset to virtually tour a new property during a loan application or utilizing AR to display product information during a sales consultation.
  • Multilingual Support and Cultural Nuances: VPD platforms could become more globally accessible with real-time translation capabilities and AI-powered cultural awareness features. This would empower businesses to connect with customers from diverse backgrounds seamlessly.
  • Integration with Existing Systems: VPD platforms could seamlessly integrate with existing CRM systems, document management tools, and other business applications, creating a more streamlined workflow for businesses.

Features of AuthBridge’s Video KYC Services

1. Real-Time Verification

AuthBridge’s Video KYC services offer real-time identity verification. Customers can connect with KYC agents via a secure video call, where their identity is authenticated through a combination of document verification and biometric checks. This ensures that the person on the video call is the same as the individual presenting the documents.

2. AI-Powered Solutions

The platform utilizes artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance the verification process. AI-driven facial recognition technology matches the customer’s face with the photograph on their identity documents. Additionally, liveness detection algorithms ensure that the person is physically present during the call and not using a static image or video.

3. Document Verification

During the video call, customers are required to present their government-issued identity documents, such as an Aadhaar card, PAN card, or passport. AuthBridge’s system captures and verifies these documents in real time, checking for authenticity and any signs of tampering.

4. Secure Data Handling

AuthBridge places a strong emphasis on data security. All video calls and data transmissions are encrypted, ensuring that customer information is protected at all times. The platform complies with relevant data protection regulations, providing peace of mind for both businesses and customers.

5. Compliance with Regulatory Standards

AuthBridge’s video KYC services are designed to comply with regulatory standards, including those set by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and other governing bodies. This ensures that businesses using the service meet all legal requirements for customer verification.

MeitY New age guidelines for minor verification

MeitY Calls For New Age Verification Methods For Children Online

India’s Digital Personal Data Protection (DPDP) Act has posed a significant challenge for tech companies, especially concerning the age verification of users under 18 and obtaining parental consent. The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) has been engaging with industry stakeholders to find viable solutions, yet a universally accepted method remains elusive.

The act mandates that organisations implement robust data protection measures, including obtaining explicit consent from individuals before collecting their data, and provides individuals with greater control over their personal information. One of the critical aspects of the DPDP Act is its focus on protecting the privacy of vulnerable groups, particularly children, who are more susceptible to online risks.

Significance Of Children’s Data Privacy

Children’s data privacy has become a pressing concern in the digital age, where young users are increasingly exposed to online platforms. Protecting the personal information of children is crucial, as they are often unaware of the potential risks and implications of sharing their data online. The DPDP Act recognises this vulnerability and places significant emphasis on ensuring that children’s data is handled with the highest level of security and care.

The importance of children’s data privacy is underscored by the growing number of cyber threats targeting young users. According to a report by the Mobile Association of India (IAMAI), approximately 71 million children aged 5-11 years in India use the Internet on family members’ devices. This group makes up about 14 per cent of the country’s active Internet user base, which exceeds 500 million, making them potential targets for cybercriminals. Ensuring that their data is protected is not only a legal obligation but also a moral imperative.

Government’s Stance On Age Verification

On July 18, MeitY communicated to major social media platforms that the government would not prescribe a specific method for verifying the age of children and obtaining parental consent. This decision came after considering and finding methods like Aadhaar and DigiLocker unfeasible. Instead, platforms are encouraged to devise their tech-enabled solutions that comply with the DPDP Act’s requirements.

During the meeting chaired by MeitY secretary S. Krishnan, with attendance from top tech companies like Meta, Google, Sharechat, and Snap, the government emphasized flexibility. They suggested that platforms should implement “appropriate technical and organizational measures” as per Section 8(4) of the DPDP Act to ensure compliance.

The tech industry has acknowledged the necessity of age verification but raised concerns about practical implementation and user safety. Senior Government officials highlighted the limitations of current methods in verifying the identity of minors using:

  • Aadhaar Authentication: During Aadhaar Authentication, issues arise in establishing the relationship between a child and the parent, especially with outdated data.
  • DigiLocker and One-Time Electronic Tokens: Methods like DigiLocker verification struggle to keep pace with rapid technological changes and are not robust enough for consistent social media verification.

The industry has proposed a more streamlined solution involving app-store-level verification. This method would require users to verify their age once at the app store level, simplifying the process for both platforms and users. This approach could provide a more uniform and manageable solution, reducing the burden on parents and ensuring compliance across various apps.

A significant discussion point during the meetings was the restriction on behavioural tracking and targeted advertising for children. While these restrictions aim to protect minors, platforms argue that such tracking is essential for ensuring online safety and providing beneficial personalisation.

Without the ability to monitor user behaviour, platforms might struggle to prevent children from engaging with inappropriate content or interacting with potential threats. This could lead to a compromise in user safety, a concern echoed by industry executives.

While no definitive solution has been reached, the government has invited tech companies to submit their proposals. The aim is to develop a feasible solution, protect user privacy, and ensure the safety of minors online.

In the long term, implementing these checks at the app store and device levels, rather than at the individual app level, seems to be a promising direction. This would facilitate a more consistent application of the age verification process across various platforms and reduce redundancies.


The challenge of verifying the age of children under the DPDP Act highlights the complexities of balancing regulatory compliance, user privacy, and safety. The collaborative approach between the government and the tech industry is crucial in finding a viable solution. As discussions continue, the goal remains to develop a method that is both effective and practical, ensuring the safety and privacy of minors in the digital space.

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