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The Importance of Criminal Record Check

Companies are constantly in a state of hiring new individuals to fill positions that are vacant due to promotions or attrition or fill a new position altogether. Many businesses have realised how important a comprehensive background criminal check is when seemingly good employees turn rogue. A criminal record check on a candidate is

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Spot Fake Companies with Vendor Due Diligence

As a business owner, you will, at some point or another, require to partner with or outsource jobs to other companies. When scouting for a company to work with, due diligence is required to ensure you choose the right business partner. There is a lot at stake when you choose

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Significance of Police Verification while Hiring Blue-Collar Staff

Blue-collar jobs are most of the times sought after by those with less educational qualifications or lower economic backgrounds. Unfortunately, the situation of these individuals is conducive to getting involved in crime. From petty theft out of sheer desperation, to joining a gang due to peer pressure, many blue-collar employees

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Bring in Expertise and Experience: Outsource Background Screening

The intent of hiring companies for conducting background checks is pretty evident. The need to ensure safe workplaces is the driving force for background screening in an organization. It requires skilled professionals to conduct background checks in a timely and effective manner. Conducting background screening in-house is time-consuming and impacts

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Overcoming C-Suite Hiring Challenges with Leadership Due Diligence

In the recent times, financial scandals involving senior level management and board members have made headlines in India. In a recent survey close to 37% named middle and senior level management to be the perpetrators of frauds. The survey analysed different risks including cyber security, frauds that included bribery and

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Is your senior level hire unfit for the coveted position?

‘Two senior staff members of HSBC Saudi Arabia were found out to be hired with unaccredited degrees’, a Channel 4 News investigation finds out. This revelation is simply shocking! A candidate should be questioned on the validity of his degree and credentials . The brunt of unaccredited degrees is such

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Importance of Employee Reference Checks for a Safe Work Environment

A reference check should be more than just a formality during the hiring process. The extra step to verify a candidate’s credentials could prove invaluable to a company. An Employee reference check will also help the organisation to validate if the information presented by the candidate is true and does

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The most noteworthy aspects of our collaboration has been the ability to seamlessly onboard partners from all corners of India, for which our TAT has been reduced from multiple weeks to a few hours now.

- Mr. Satyasiva Sundar Ruutray
Vice President, F&A Commercial,

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