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What and How of Udyam Aadhaar Verification

New ‘trust’ factor: The impact of Aadhaar in India

One of the undesirable effects of a connected society is the rise in number of Identity theft cases around the world. Thanks to a variety of personal and sensitive information available and accessible online, criminals around the world have a field day committing financial frauds by usurping the identity of

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Aadhaar verification is NOT Enough! Things employers need to know

Aadhaar verification is NOT Enough! Things employers need to know

Recently, Aadhaar has seen a lot of attention in a very short span- rightly so, it being the World’s largest biometric database. Multiple articles have reported that employers are increasingly using Aadhaar based identity verification With such a verification mechanism, a weeklong process can be done in just about 15

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Are business and service companies ensuring adequate customer safety this Diwali_

Are you verifying Identity the ‘right’ way?

5.4 million consumers were victims of identity theft or fraud last year globally [1]. That’s up by 16% from the year 2015. Identity fraud and its related vulnerabilities are becoming increasingly rampant due to weak ID verification processes across companies. It is indeed important to keep identities safe and on-board

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Is your industry looking at ‘education’ credentials before hiring_

Is your industry looking at ‘education’ credentials before hiring?

In an ever-evolving global business landscape, hiring is no longer limited to geographical boundaries. As businesses expand beyond boundaries, the demand for skilled labor is rising. Incoming talent is crucial for growth and business success. This makes it essential for organizations to hire the right talent with the desired skills

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Identifying ‘fake’ education credentials to ensure the right skills

Identifying ‘fake’ education credentials to ensure the right skills

With the competition spiralling high for lucrative jobs, candidates tend to fake their educational credentials and achievements to portray the right fit for lucrative jobs. Many candidates produce certificates for full-time courses when they have pursued a distance learning program. Many others, quote a different program having completed a different

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Waking up to powerful Criminal checks

Waking up to powerful Criminal checks

Unmasking the real face of the potential candidate has always been onerous. Criminal checks help in understanding individuals’ intentions by screening past records. Criminal check delves extensively through the past criminal records of the candidate. Though the intent of criminality can be picked up from other background checks too, but

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Smart and Intelligent KYC Solutions_ The Need of the Hour for Employers

Profiling v/s Background Verification- What should you do?

The decision to hire a candidate involves a lot of brainstorming. Screening one for the desired skills and experience is half the game! Hiring employees involves behavioral assessments, logical and psychological tests and more. This process of evaluating a candidate’s persona is known as ‘profiling’. The process of candidate profiling

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The need to conduct a criminal check before hiring

The need to conduct a criminal check before hiring

Hiring managers fish in deep waters to find the best of talent for their organization. With massive hiring plaguing the ever flourishing economy, it is all the more important to ensure you do not let a criminal sneak in. Organizations accord utmost importance to their reputation, a slight miss here

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Ensure Good Quality Hires to manage internal risks

Ensure Good Quality Hires to manage internal risks

Growth ambitions across organisations have led to massive recruitment across industries. Amidst the pressure of bulk hiring, organisations often compromise on the quality of hires. 24*7 internet access and evolving technology have opened gates to new frauds. Managing employee risks and insider threats is crucial. Organisations need to scale up

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How to tackle CV Fraud_

How to tackle CV Fraud?

Pressure of hiring excessive workers within a short period of time may open doors for resume fraud and manipulation. The revelation of CV fraud cases highlights the importance of conducting background screening to ensure applicants’ credentials are actually in line with the words on a resume or CV. The most

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The most noteworthy aspects of our collaboration has been the ability to seamlessly onboard partners from all corners of India, for which our TAT has been reduced from multiple weeks to a few hours now.

- Mr. Satyasiva Sundar Ruutray
Vice President, F&A Commercial,

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