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10 Ways to Mitigate Risk with Employee Screening Services

Ever thought of hiring a parking lot personnel with a history of car thefts? How about consulting a doctor who does not have the required statutory licenses to perform a particularly risky surgery? There was a controversy some years back at Fortis Hospital where there was a death of a

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How, What and Why of Background Verification-How Employees can Fool You

An increasing number of frauds committed by a company’s own employees have led to the need for more stringent background verification.   How employees have defrauded their companies In June 2017, 53-year-old Susan Rue pleaded guilty to defrauding her former employers Procter and Gamble of $500,000. In her fourteen years with

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7 Questions Related to ‘Criminal Records Check’

Criminal records check is part of the comprehensive background verification conducted prior to the hiring of a candidate. It reveals the criminal history, if any, of the candidate by checking various records available in the public domain. According to SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management), 69% of organizations conduct criminal

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How is ‘Electricity Bill Verification’ Done?

With instances of identity thefts becoming commonplace, it has increasingly become important for businesses to perform identity verification on all their customers. This includes demanding valid identity proof as well as address proof. In a country like India, where just 10 percent of the population has valid credit scores, it is a necessary

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Form 16 Verification

Form 16: Definition, Importance, & Verification Process

Form 16 Background Verification is an important step for any business in the hiring process for a new employee. It can help companies verify that the information the candidate has provided regarding his or her previous compensation is true since it clearly contains every salary transaction, including tax deductions. Therefore,

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Are you using APIs for Background Verification?

Tech-enabled background checks are transforming the way hiring and on-boarding is performed across industries. HR is increasingly adopting HR Technology to lead business growth needs across organisations. New-age products & screening services ride on an array of capabilities assimilated from various services providers. Powered by technology, all these platforms leverage digital APIs to

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How to mitigate risks with Vendor Due Diligence?

Businesses today operate in a collaborative mode and third-party vendors are a necessary part of this collaboration. Conducting vendor due diligence is critical to strengthen trust and mitigate risks. Vendor due diligence helps businesses join hands with reliable and competent agencies while ensuring compliance with legal or regulatory mandates.   Vendors –

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An increasing number of companies are going for Quick Diligence

An overview of due diligence Due diligence involves conducting thorough research or audit of an investment, firm or product. It basically involves the various steps involved in analyzing the details before entering into an agreement or before a financial transaction with other parties. Due diligence also comprises of the investigation that

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Employee Screening Key to Prevent Sexual Harassment

The #MeToo movement has hit the headlines in recent times. Though many high-profile cases came out from the media and news industry, sexual harassment has a long history and is a serious concern worldwide. According to the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 75% of workplace sexual harassment incidents are not

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The most noteworthy aspects of our collaboration has been the ability to seamlessly onboard partners from all corners of India, for which our TAT has been reduced from multiple weeks to a few hours now.

- Mr. Satyasiva Sundar Ruutray
Vice President, F&A Commercial,

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