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Hire in haste, repent at leisure

Hire in haste, repent at leisure

The arrest of an impersonator who used stolen documents to land jobs in well-known companies just exposes how lightly we take Employee verification. What makes this point even more glaring in this case is that the imposter was known in his neighbourhood by his real identity but his organizations had

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Weed out Fraudsters_ Instant Employee Screening Solutions

Weed out Fraudsters: Instant Employee Screening Solutions

The easy entry BPO jobs require young candidates with bare minimum or no experience. Lured by easy money from this sector, candidates turn dishonest, with BPOs left open to exploitation. These new age criminals in turn give rise to frauds, hurting the company reputation and company financials. Resume frauds are

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Fraud on a rise_ Gender gap increasingly diminishing

Fraud on a rise: Gender gap increasingly diminishing

A male candidate is more likely to misrepresent facts compared to females, substantiates one recent AuthBridge study. This is the order consistently for the last three financial years [Source: Annual Trend Report 2017 by AuthBridge]. This is an established fact in itself but when looked at from another perspective, the men women

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e-KYC- Reducing On-boarding Turn Around Time

e-KYC- Reducing On-boarding Turn Around Time

The Electronic Know-your-customer (e-KYC) process, based on Aadhaar or Unique Identification Number is transforming operations across businesses- saving time and money while delivering a seamless experience! Using Aadhaar information and biometric/OTP-based authorizations, e-KYC enables businesses with a paperless onboarding process, reducing onboarding time from days to minutes! With more than

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What and How of Udyam Aadhaar Verification

New ‘trust’ factor: The impact of Aadhaar in India

One of the undesirable effects of a connected society is the rise in number of Identity theft cases around the world. Thanks to a variety of personal and sensitive information available and accessible online, criminals around the world have a field day committing financial frauds by usurping the identity of

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Background Checks-Powered by Technology & Patent Pending Platform

Background Checks-Powered by Technology & Patent Pending Platform

More than 90 per cent of Fortune 500 companies have a formal policy of screening the backgrounds of their employees as well as their outsourced staff. Delivering trusted, instant Background screening services for companies is the need of the hour. Instant verifications have come alive in the way operations are

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The most noteworthy aspects of our collaboration has been the ability to seamlessly onboard partners from all corners of India, for which our TAT has been reduced from multiple weeks to a few hours now.

- Mr. Satyasiva Sundar Ruutray
Vice President, F&A Commercial,

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