IGST And Inter-State Trade: What You Need To Know

Abhinandan Banerjee • July 2, 2024

IGST and Inter-State Trade:  What You Need to Know

TheIntegrated Goods and Services Tax (IGST) represents a key component of the GST framework, aimed at simplifying the tax structure on goods and services across India. Enacted in July 2017, IGST is levied on the inter-state transfer of goods and services, ensuring a unified market within the country.

The Three Components of GST

The GST system comprises three components:

  • CGST (Central Goods and Services Tax): Levied by the Central Government on intra-state sales.
  • SGST (State Goods and Services Tax): Levied by the State Governments on intra-state sales.
  • IGST (Integrated Goods and Services Tax): Levied on inter-state sales, with the revenue shared between the Central and State Governments.

The Purpose of Implementing GST

The primary aim behind the introduction of GST was to subsume the myriad of indirect taxes into a single tax regime. This move was intended to eliminate the cascading effect of taxes, simplify compliance, and create a unified national market, fostering economic growth.

Understanding IGST with Examples

IGST Explained: An Example

IGST simplifies the taxation process for inter-state transactions by ensuring that taxes are only levied once, at the destination state. It is calculated as the sum of CGST and SGST, but its application ensures that the tax burden does not increase, rather it streamlines the flow of tax credits across state lines.

Features of IGST

  • Equal to the sum of CGST and SGST.
  • Destination-based tax, accruing to the importing state.
  • Reduces tax burden by eliminating double taxation in inter-state transactions.

The Formula for IGST and Interstate vs. Intrastate Taxation

IGST = CGST + SGST. This formula ensures that whether a transaction is inter-state or intra-state, the total tax burden remains the same, albeit distributed differently between the central and state governments depending on the nature of the transaction.

The Flow of IGST: From Collection to Distribution

Which State Will Receive the Tax Revenue?

In the IGST framework, the tax revenue is accrued to the importing state. This mechanism ensures that the state where goods or services are consumed gains the tax revenue, aligning with the destination-based principle of GST.

Refund of IGST

Refunds of IGST are available in certain scenarios, such as exports or when taxes have been mistakenly paid under the wrong tax head. This system ensures fairness and avoids undue financial burden on taxpayers.

The Role of the GST Council in Fixing Rates

The GST Council plays a crucial role in determining the rates of GST, including IGST. It is a federal body that ensures the tax rates are conducive to economic growth, fair to consumers and traders, and reflective of the government's fiscal policies.

Comparison and Credit Utilization in IGST

Difference Between CGST, SGST, and IGST

This section will delve into the distinct roles and applications of CGST, SGST, and IGST, highlighting how they complement each other within the GST regime to ensure a seamless tax structure across the country.

Can SGST Credit Be Used to Pay IGST?

The GST framework allows for the utilization of SGST credit for the payment of IGST liabilities, demonstrating the flexibility and integrated nature of the tax system, which is designed to facilitate the smooth flow of tax credits and reduce the tax burden on businesses.

Understanding IGST within GST: The Framework for Inter-State Transactions

Introduction to GST and Its Components

The Goods and Services Tax (GST) introduced in July 2017 revolutionized India's indirect taxation system. By amalgamating various indirect taxes under a unified framework, GST simplified the tax structure, making it easier for businesses and consumers. GST is divided into three primary components: Central Goods and Services Tax (CGST), State Goods and Services Tax (SGST), and Integrated Goods and Services Tax (IGST). Each serves a distinct purpose, catering to different types of transactions across India's federal structure.

IGST: Bridging States through Tax Integration

What is IGST?

  • Integrated Goods and Services Tax (IGST) is a critical component of GST, designed for inter-state transactions. When goods or services are transferred from one state to another, IGST is levied, encapsulating the values of CGST and SGST. This mechanism ensures that the tax is collected by the central government but shared between the states involved in the transaction. The primary goal is to maintain a seamless flow of tax credits across state boundaries, ensuring that the tax is ultimately accrued to the consuming state.
  • Features of IGST
  • Integration of CGST and SGST: IGST's value equals the combined totals of CGST and SGST, preventing the need for separate state and central taxes on inter-state transactions.
  • Destination-Based Tax: The tax revenue from IGST goes to the importing state, aligning with the principle that tax benefits should accrue to the location where goods or services are ultimately consumed.
  • Simplification of Tax Structure: By integrating state and central taxes, IGST simplifies the tax framework for businesses engaged in inter-state commerce, reducing the burden of managing multiple tax payments.

IGST in Practice: A Real-World Example

  • Consider a transaction where goods are sold from Gujarat to Maharashtra and then from Maharashtra to Uttar Pradesh. IGST is levied on each sale, but the tax paid at each stage is credited back to the business, ensuring that double taxation does not occur. The final tax revenue is claimed by Uttar Pradesh, the state where the goods are eventually consumed. This system underscores the destination-based nature of IGST, ensuring that taxes are collected and shared in a manner that is fair and equitable to all states involved.

Decoding IGST: Mechanisms and Impact on Inter-State Commerce

How IGST Works: The Flow of Tax Credits

Collection and Distribution of IGST

  • IGST is collected by the central government at the point of transaction and later distributed to the consuming state. This process ensures that the state where goods or services are consumed receives the appropriate tax revenue, aligning with the destination-based principle of GST.

The Role of IGST in Preventing Tax Cascading

  • One of the primary advantages of IGST is its ability to prevent the cascading effect of taxes. By allowing businesses to claim tax credits for the IGST paid on inputs, the system ensures that tax is only applied to the value addition at each stage of the supply chain. This efficiency not only reduces the overall tax burden on the end consumer but also encourages free and fair trade across state lines.

Challenges and Considerations in IGST Implementation

Implementing IGST has not been without its challenges. Businesses often face complexities in understanding the rules and regulations surrounding inter-state transactions, especially when it comes to claiming input tax credits and reconciling tax payments across state boundaries. Moreover, the need for robust IT systems to track and manage IGST payments highlights the importance of technological infrastructure in the successful implementation of GST.


IGST plays a pivotal role in India's GST framework, facilitating smooth inter-state trade by streamlining tax collections and distributions. Despite the challenges, the integration of CGST and SGST into a single tax for inter-state transactions simplifies the tax regime, promoting a unified market within the country. As businesses and tax authorities continue to navigate the nuances of IGST, the system's evolution will undoubtedly contribute to a more efficient and transparent tax structure in India.

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Abhinandan Banerjee

(Associate Manager - Marketing)

Abhinandan is a dynamic Product and Content Marketer, boasting over seven years of experience in crafting impactful marketing strategies across diverse environments. Known for his strategic insights, he propels digital growth and boosts brand visibility by transforming complex ideas into compelling content that inspires action.

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