Future of BFSI Digital Signatures

Webinar Recap: Securing The Future Of BFSI With Digital Signatures

With technology moving at a fast pace, digital signatures stand as a testament to the innovation’s next step ahead. Imagine having the ability to swiftly and securely authenticate documents with just a click of a button. A marvel of modern technology, digital signatures are not just electronic scribbles but cryptographic algorithms that provide the same legal standing as a handwritten signature. This technological advancement is not just a convenience but a necessity. 

On Friday, 28 June 2024, AuthBridge conducted an insightful webinar exploring the ever-changing landscape of the BFSI industry with digital signatures making a significant shift towards seamless transactions. Our webinar, moderated by AuthBridge’s own Mansi Bhatia, featured two esteemed speakers:

  1. Aniket Poddar, Managing Director at Jeevan Utthan Financial Services
  2. Harish Damodaran, VP of Fintech Solutions at AuthBridge. 

Click on this link to watch the full webinar recording, on demand.

In the meantime, here is a quick webinar recap for you. 

Challenges With Traditional Paper-Based Processes

Aniket began the webinar by highlighting the difficulties faced by NBFCs, particularly those serving rural areas. “The first step is for us to understand our borrowers, our employees, and their educational levels,” he said focusing on the unique challenges encountered in these regions. 

In rural areas, borrowers often struggle with limited literacy, making it difficult for them to fill out lengthy loan application forms. This challenge required them to manually sign each paper. However, with technological advancements revolutionising processes, Jeevan Utthan has succeeded in eliminating the need for handwritten signatures, automating the entire process. By leveraging Aadhaar OTP, they have significantly reduced turnaround times, streamlining their operations to mere seconds. 

Expanding on Aniket’s insights, Harish chimed in to highlight the widespread nature of these challenges, emphasising how these are not just confined to the lending industry. He pointed out the inefficiencies associated with filling out endless forms and paperwork that are prevalent in various sectors, including insurance, securities, and beyond. 

Aniket then explained deeper into the transition from traditional to digital methods. “While digital signing and OTP-based methods are becoming more common, not everyone has their mobile number linked with Aadhaar,” he stated while mentioning the alternative options for virtual signing. These innovative solutions help build trust and confidence among customers as they smoothly navigate through the shift from traditional to digital processes. 

Benefits Of Digital Signatures

The landscape of digital signing methods has undergone a revolutionary transformation in recent years, with automation transforming the entire journey. The digitisation of signatures has played an important role in reshaping this journey, turning what was once a long and tiring process into a streamlined, efficient experience.

Harish explained this with the example of the lending industry, “On one end, you have a customer eager to get a loan as soon as possible, and on the other, a lending institution trying to disburse the loan quickly. Once negotiations are complete and the loan is approved, significant automation is essential. This is where robotic process automation (RPA) comes into play, reducing the time traditionally taken to get a signature.” 

Earlier, customers were stuck with a mountain of paperwork, often leading to erroneous signatures and huge delays. However, the automation of processes has eliminated such issues with a significant reduction in the turnaround time. 

Further, Aniket shared a real-time example to present the impact of this technological shift. During one of his loan disbursement experiences, a customer expressed her frustration about repeatedly having to call her husband for signatures. She contrasted this with another organization that had automated the entire process using just a click and an Aadhaar OTP. This made them realise how they were lagging behind competitors in embracing new technologies.  

Security Concerns And Building Trust

Security is a major deal for both the customer and the lender, especially when it comes to the financial sector. Fortunately, with AuthBridge’s digital signing platform, SignDrive, organisations can ensure transparency and provide an audit trail to reassure both customers and lenders. This platform is ISO-certified, with compliances such as ISO 9001 and 27001 that help keep transparency all around, helping create a secure environment in the entire industry. With audit trails, including time stamps, customers can be completely aware of every document they sign. 

Creating A Customer-Centric Experience

In today’s fast-paced world, creating a customer-centric experience is paramount, especially in the financial sector. Because obviously who wants to wait around for a loan? That too when you need money fast. To describe this, Harish rightly pointed out three key elements crucial in achieving this:

  • Transparency

In any process, especially when it comes to lending, every individual craves clarity and openness. Digitizing signatures and documents ensures a transparent, easy-to-understand system where customers can trust the process and feel confident in their decisions.

  • Urgency

Microfinance customers often need loans to address immediate concerns. Leveraging technology to streamline and speed up processes helps both lending institutions and customers, enabling quicker access to necessary funds.

  • Convenience

Imagine having the comfort of signing documents from anywhere, at any time. By providing the ability to sign securely from anywhere, customers are not restricted by logistics or timings.

Addressing Potential Frauds

Concerns regarding potential fraud are tackled comprehensively from both the employee and customer perspectives. To explain this, Aniket significantly highlighted Jeevan Utthan’s approach, implementing diverse training panels and modules. These include regular presentations and training sessions in collaboration with various organizations. Their field agents undergo rigorous training, ensuring they are well-prepared to educate and support borrowers effectively.

When it comes to borrowers, there’s a noticeable shift towards adopting paperless initiatives and digital signing. Borrowers have increasingly embraced digital signatures and Aadhaar OTP methods, recognizing the convenience, safety, and security they provide in today’s digital landscape.

Improvements In Turnaround Time (TAT)

When it comes to reduction in TAT, Jeevan Utthan has successfully managed to reduce its turnaround times for loan disbursement. Initially, they streamlined their process to initiate loan disbursement within 15 days. Moving forward they have managed to further optimise it to 10 days, leading to making it a 48 to 32 hours process. “Thanks to technology from AuthBridge and SignDrive, we’re aiming for on-tap disbursement, reducing TAT to just 24 hours,” stated Aniket expressing his confidence in these advancements. 

Future Of Digital Transformation

Lastly, when asked about the future of digitisation or digital transformation, both Harish and Aniket shared positive perspectives. 

Harish emphasised the diverse nature of digitisation, highlighting its role in enhancing the customer journey. He predicted the trend moving forward, with institutions embracing more integrated processes for convenience. 

Aniket agreed with Harish’s viewpoints expressing a strong belief in the industry’s future. 

Webinar Q&A Session

During the webinar, numerous participants posed insightful questions that enriched the audience’s understanding of our digital e-signing platform, SignDrive. Here are some of the key questions and answers:

Q1. How are digital signatures used in the engineering valuations?

Digital signatures can revolutionize engineering valuations, particularly when contracts are involved. Our platform allows for complete automation of the signing process, defining workflows to determine who needs to sign the contract and when. The true beauty of SignDrive lies in its customizability. Users can tailor their workflows according to their specific processes, selecting signatories and establishing signing frequencies that suit their unique needs.

Q2. From a tech standpoint, how do you ensure compliance with RBI and other regulatory norms?

SignDrive’s platform is ISO-certified, boasting compliances such as ISO 9001 and 27001. We adhere strictly to RBI guidelines by offering Aadhaar-based signatures, authenticated signatures, digital signatures, and electronic signatures. To ensure the authenticity of signatures, we maintain comprehensive audit trails. These records document the entire process, identifying signatories and capturing live images during the signing, thus ensuring full transparency and regulatory compliance.

Q3. How fast has loan approval become with the adoption of digital signatures?

The adoption of digital signatures has not only accelerated the loan approval process but has made it lightning-fast, significantly reducing turnaround times (TAT).

Q4. Can you elaborate on the use of digital signatures in other industries?

Digital signatures extend far beyond the BFSI sector. Any industry dealing with contracts and agreements can benefit from SignDrive. 

Q5. Have digital signatures improved customer satisfaction beyond speeding up the loan processing time?

Absolutely! With digital signatures, customer satisfaction has improved to a great extent. With everything happening digitally, customers no longer have to go through piles of paper signing them, enjoying a smoother and more efficient experience.

Product Updates Blog | June

What’s New at AuthBridge | June Exciting Product Updates

Here we are again with another month of exciting advancements. 

We’re constantly pushing the boundaries of identity verification and risk management technology, and we’re thrilled to share the latest updates designed to empower your business.

In this blog, we’ll delve into the details of our new features, functionality enhancements, and platform integrations – all meticulously crafted to elevate your user experience and streamline your workflows. 


  • Auto Signing Feature: Now the signing process is made much faster and seamless! Once a signer clicks on the Signing tag, then all other signature tags get automatically filled and the journey ends. This leads to better user experience and especially in cases of blue-collar workers who ain’t that tech-friendly this feature helps in reducing drop-offs. The auto-signing feature will simplify the signing process, reducing the risk of errors or confusion, and eliminating the need to repetitively add signatures – making the process faster.

  • Configurable Consent Box: E-signatures often require signers to acknowledge their consent to terms and conditions. The configurable consent box enhances this by allowing customization to better suit specific situations. The consent can be customised to reflect the specific agreement or contract being signed. This ensures clarity and offers greater transparency and flexibility in the e-signing process.

  • Vernacular Texts: Multilingual capabilities are becoming increasingly important in e-signatures. With vernacular texts, we offer multiple language support where the e-signature interface and signing journey can be displayed in various languages, catering to a wider audience.

This feature allows for more regional accessibility to users in different regions by providing instructions and prompts in their native language. Not only it will cater to a global audience, but will also ensure a smooth signing experience for everyone involved.


  • Insufficiency Tracker: In the advanced iBridge dashboard, you can easily track information insufficiencies. You get real-time updates on all pending verifications, and you can slice and dice the data any way you need. With full visibility and control, clients can now easily track where the holdups are and address them immediately.

This will make the onboarding much more seamless than ever. Not only this, clients can schedule a tracker to get live status updates straight to their inboxes. This way, they don’t have to manually check the status and stay always in the loop without any extra effort.


  • Separate Watchlist for High-Risk Vendors: Now clients can create different watchlists to categorize vendors based on the severity of their risk profile. These watchlists in the OnboardX dashboard can be constantly updated with new details.

A separate watchlist for high-risk vendors allows organizations to manage risk more effectively during the onboarding and contract creation process. By tailoring contract terms and due diligence practices to the specific risk profile of each vendor, organizations can minimize the potential for negative consequences.

This new feature of creating watchlists can trigger a more thorough due diligence process for high-risk vendors, including financial checks, references, and other assessments. Clients can now clearly define performance expectations, response times, and detailed service level agreements for non-compliance.


  • Mega PAN: Mega PAN goes beyond just verifying the PAN itself. It can potentially streamline verification processes by offering a one-stop solution for comprehensive PAN details.

It checks the PAN holder’s name, father’s name, and mobile number against the Universal Account Number (UAN). This multi-point verification provides a more robust picture of the PAN’s authenticity.

The verification provides a larger set of details compared to a basic PAN check. 

This includes:

  • Name
  • Father’s name (matches PAN data)
  • Email address (if available)
  • Phone number (matches mobile number against UAN)
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • PAN category
  • Masked Aadhaar number (partial Aadhaar for privacy)
  • Whether Aadhaar is linked to PAN
  • UAN (if applicable)
  • Address

With this wider range of data points being verified, clients can be more confident about the legitimacy of the PAN holder and the information they provide. This can be particularly important for financial transactions or other sensitive interactions.

Payal, VP of AuthBridge, interview with People Matters

Payal Aggarwal on how DEI is a way of life at AuthBridge

Fostering a diverse and inclusive (DE&I) environment is essential in today’s globalised workplace. Studies by We-Ace, for instance, reveal a significant 45% increase in inclusive hiring practices for women in recent years. This reflects a growing global commitment to gender equality at work. This recognition extends beyond gender, with research indicating that 85% of companies surveyed acknowledge the need to address broader biases and create a more equitable working environment.

However, achieving true DE&I goes beyond simply hiring a diverse workforce. It’s about creating a culture where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered to contribute their unique talents and perspectives. This requires a commitment to dismantling unconscious bias, providing ongoing learning and development opportunities, and fostering a sense of belonging for all employees.

One organisation that exemplifies this commitment is AuthBridge Research Services Private Limited. Headquartered in India, AuthBridge is a company that walks the talk regarding DE&I.

Payal Aggarwal, the company’s recently appointed Vice President of Human Resources, discussed AuthBridge’s longstanding dedication to creating an inclusive workplace.

Diversity is the Norm, Not the Exception

Payal emphasises that diversity isn’t an afterthought at AuthBridge. It’s woven into the very fabric of the company’s culture. This philosophy resonated deeply with her upon joining the organisation. I recently joined Authbridge,” she explains, “I was pleasantly surprised to learn that our female workforce ratio is 40%. This is excellent news and a reassuring indication that we provide a safe and supportive environment for women to thrive and advance in their careers with us.” 

This commitment to gender equality extends to senior management, with a remarkable 50% of Assistant Vice President (AVP) roles held by women.  Furthermore, when considering leadership positions at the AVP level and above, including business heads and functional heads, the female representation remains impressive at 37%. While acknowledging these achievements, Payal outlines her ambitious goal of achieving 50% female representation across the workforce. 

Payal also recognises that DE&I encompasses more than just gender. She is actively exploring opportunities to integrate veterans into the AuthBridge workforce.I have been considering the ways to create a more inclusive workplace and though it is relatively early for me, I am identifying opportunities to integrate veterans into our workforce,” she explains. Veterans bring a wealth of experience and skills to the table, and AuthBridge recognizes their potential to significantly contribute to the company’s success.

Supporting Women Re-entering the Workforce

Recent research by Longhouse Consulting showed that approximately 80% of working women in India take career breaks, with 45% citing childcare and personal commitments as primary reasons.

Payal demonstrates a keen understanding of these challenges faced by women. Recognising the valuable contributions these women can make, she plans to develop targeted programmes to support their re-entry into the workforce. 

She shares, One cohort that we want to focus on is women returning from career breaks. Several women who had to temporarily step back from their careers due to personal reasons deserve opportunities for reintegration into the workforce. It’s essential to provide support and resources tailored to their unique needs to facilitate a smooth transition back into the professional realm.”

Mitigating Bias Through Rigorous Hiring Practices

Unconscious bias in recruitment often puts a dent in the hiring plans of an organisation and in truly nurturing a diverse workforce. One way Authbridge tackles this is through a meticulous system for analysing why candidates are not selected. This ensures that gender is never a factor in rejection decisions. They go beyond simply checking a box, recognising that some female candidates might be in a life stage requiring temporary support. These candidates could be strong fits in the future, so a rejection isn’t necessarily final.

To further ensure fairness, the company has a system in place for detailed feedback on every rejected candidate. Every Team Manager personally reviews this feedback to identify any potential bias creeping in. If there’s even a hint of a non-merit-based rejection, the hiring manager is consulted to understand the rationale behind the decision. Only rejections demonstrably based on performance and merit are considered final. Additionally, cross-functional interviews are conducted to ensure a wider perspective on candidate suitability and to prevent bias from any one department influencing the outcome.

Work-From-Home Policy Promotes Inclusion

AuthBridge embraces a work-from-home policy for specific roles, particularly within their operations team. This policy fosters inclusion by allowing employees from diverse locations across India to contribute and participate in the company’s success.We have extended our recruitment efforts to candidates across various states, including Tier-2 and Tier-3 cities in India, where we have employees working from home. They are an integral part of our workforce,” Payal explains. This geographically diverse workforce enriches the company with a variety of perspectives and experiences.

While recognising the benefits of a flexible work-from-home policy, Payal also acknowledges the importance of fostering collaboration and innovation. 

Work-from-home opportunities are indeed role-based, but we’re also encouraging more and more people to come and work from the office because we have realised at this stage of growth, we need a lot of cross-functional thinking, collaboration, ideation and implementation,” she explains. 

By striking a balance between work-from-home flexibility and in-office collaboration, AuthBridge fosters an environment that is both inclusive and conducive to generating creative ideas and solutions.

DE&I as a Continuous Journey

For Payal, DE&I is not a destination, but rather an ongoing journey. “DE&I has to be a way of life,” she emphasises. She advocates for establishing clear governance and controls to eliminate unconscious bias and ensure all decisions are based solely on merit and performance. 

Additionally, AuthBridge prioritises ongoing learning and development opportunities for all employees.We have also launched a structured and detailed induction programme called Pacesetter where anybody who joins the organisation goes through seven days of structured training,” Payal details. This comprehensive programme equips new hires with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in their roles, reinforcing a sense of belonging and confidence from day one.

Payal acknowledges the strong foundation AuthBridge has already established in terms of diversity but she also embodies a growth mindset, constantly seeking new ways to enhance the organisation’s DE&I initiatives.

Overall, AuthBridge serves as a compelling example of an organisation that prioritises DE&I. Through a combination of strong leadership commitment, well-defined policies, and ongoing initiatives, it fosters a culture where diverse perspectives are valued, talent is nurtured, and everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

webinar on education verification via digilocker

Webinar Recap: How to Conduct Education Verification with Digilocker


Picture yourself heading to an interview at a multinational company. You ace all the rounds and get selected, but when it’s time to submit your documents, you realize you left your educational degrees at home. Despite clearing the challenging interviews, not having your documents readily available makes you feel unprofessional. Now, imagine having a digital platform where all your educational degrees and mark sheets are easily accessible. Sounds fantastic, right?

This is exactly what the Digilocker project, initiated by the Ministry of Electronics & IT under the Digital India program, offers. Launched in 2015, this digital platform has become increasingly popular among individuals and organisations. Helping change the way we keep and use our documents, it’s like a secure online storage space for your important documents and certificates.

What is DigiLocker?

DigiLocker is an initiative started by the Indian government under the Digital India program. It is designed to provide every individual with a personal document storage space. This cloud-based solution offers a secure, stable, accessible, and convenient way to store and share essential documents.

Webinar Recap: Exploring DigiLocker and its Uses for Background Verification

As part of our customer enablement initiatives, AuthBridge recently conducted a webinar where we explored various use cases and benefits of DigiLocker while conducting the educational verification of the employees. The webinar was facilitated by Vibhor Jain, product manager for onboarding solutions.

During the webinar, we delved into how AuthBridge utilises DigiLocker to streamline their background verification. It offers a seamless user experience, transforming a difficult education verification check process into a simple three-step journey. Users only need to provide a few key details: the university name, enrolment number, and year of passing for the educational degree they wish to verify. With these details in hand, users can swiftly access their educational credentials.

Key Benefits of DigiLocker

  • Elimination of Manual Processes

The digitisation of verification processes replaces manual methods, significantly reducing the risk of human error. This shift from manual to digital processes helps in enhancing overall efficiency. 

  • Enhanced Accuracy

DigiLocker simplifies the document-handling process, providing users with a simplified three-step journey to access their educational degrees. This integration ensures a fast background check journey with a near-perfect accuracy that reduces the risk of discrepancies and provides the authenticity and reliability of documents.

  • Cost Reduction

With the digitisation of processes, both individuals and organisations save money and time. Thus, there is no longer a need to physically visit multiple universities to obtain multiple documents.

  • Reduction in TAT

One of the most significant benefits provided by DigiLocker is the significant reduction in the turnaround time (TAT) by 80%, allowing for a quick verification process.

Frequently Asked Questions

During the webinar, there were a few questions asked by the audience which have been listed below. These questions can help the readers provide insights into the workings of DigiLocker and how this digital platform can be leveraged effectively:

  • How does the process of DigiLocker reduce insufficiency?

By verifying their identities and retrieving documents directly from the university’s DigiLocker account, there is no chance of incorrect documents being fetched. Thus, the count of insufficiencies decreases significantly.

  • How accurate is DigiLocker information?

Since the documents presented are digitally verified by the universities, the accuracy is nearly perfect. 

  • What if a candidate does not have a DigiLocker ID? Do they have to create one?

No, all the candidate needs is a valid Aadhar card and mobile phone. DigiLocker will simply ask the candidates to set a 6-digit PIN. This will help them create an account during the journey. 

  • Why should the candidate upload the document that can be fetched from DigiLocker? 

The candidate does not have to upload any documents as the platform will fetch documents directly from the university’s account. 

  • Is there any maximum number of documents that can be fetched from DigiLocker?

No, there is no maximum limit. Candidates can fetch all their documents if available in DigiLocker. 

  • Sometimes candidates do not have proper mobile numbers connected with their Aadhar. What happens in that scenario?

If a candidate does not have a proper mobile number connected with Aadhar, they can simply click the ‘Return to AuthBridge Research Services’ button on the DigiLocker page. They can then upload their educational documents in iBridge to complete the form submission. 

  • Are there any guidelines that go with the email about the DigiLocker feature? How will the candidate be informed?

When the candidate updates all their education details, instructions related to the DigiLocker process will appear in a popup. The candidate must read and click ‘Continue’ to redirect to the DigiLocker pages.

  • Is it mandatory for candidates to go through the DigiLocker process?

Yes, if you have chosen the DigiLocker mode of verification and the candidate’s education institute is available, the candidate must go through the DigiLocker journey.

  • Is there a cutoff year for the documents available on DigiLocker?

No, there is no specific cutoff date. Documents are available on DigiLocker as soon as the educational institutions upload them. 

  • Does DigiLocker work only for UG/PG or school education as well?

Yes, DigiLocker supports both school education and higher education. 

  • Are these documents uploaded only by educational institutes?

Yes, these documents are uploaded and digitally signed by the respective educational institutes.

product updates for may - ibridge, onboardx, signdrive, corpveda

Unveiling This Month’s Exciting AuthBridge Product Updates

Unveiling This Month's Exciting AuthBridge Product Updates

Welcome back, innovators! 

Whether you’re a seasoned AuthBridge user or just discovering our suite of powerful solutions, buckle up for another month of exciting advancements. We’re constantly pushing the boundaries of identity verification and risk management technology, and we’re thrilled to share the latest updates designed to empower your business.

In this blog, we’ll delve into the details of our new features, functionality enhancements, and platform integrations – all meticulously crafted to elevate your user experience and streamline your workflows.


Being the employee screening and onboarding platform of choice, we aim to continuously update the platform with features to improve the candidate and recruiter experience.

  • Statutory Form Signing Simplified with Instaform 2.0

Capture the candidate details and other information that would be required for the onboarding forms during the background verification journey itself to eliminate redundancy and save time. Simply send the pre-fill the statutory and onboarding forms such as Form F, Form 11, Form 2, Gratuity and other related documents to the candidate for their quick sign or Aadhaar-based signatures.

  • Education Verification via Digilocker:

Candidates no longer need to carry their marksheets and degrees while filling out the BGV forms. Our iBridge platform seamlessly integrates with Digilocker, allowing candidates to effortlessly fetch education documents from over 1000 institutions in a simple 3-step process.

iBridge will pull the required documents based on Basic information like University name; Roll no and passing year. This reduces chances of forgery, wrong document upload and information insufficiencies. Additionally reducing TAT significantly.


OnboardX being the one-stop platform for third-party onboarding and risk management platform enables the business heads and HODs to monitor the onboarding progress and identify potential risks.

  • Single View of Third-party Journey

Get a comprehensive view of third-party onboarding and due diligence journey on a single screen. Onboard X’s new and advanced dashboard offers individual dashlets and modules to view the onboarding status, the number of days a case has been in a particular stage (not logged in, pending, signature required, action needed, completed, etc) along with graphical representation of the TAT and approver information, among others. 

Also read blog: Introducing OnboardX’s New Dashboard 

  • Make Hassle-free changes with the Change Request Module 

The Change Request Module is a powerful update that will help in navigating and facilitating critical alterations in vendor profiles. Whether it’s updating bank account details, modifying GST information, altering services, or conducting additional verifications and approvals, streamline the entire process with efficiency and accuracy.

Detailed logs provide transparency and auditability, offering full visibility into the process from start to finish. This will ensure that updated vendor information is synchronized in real-time , eliminating discrepancies and ensuring data integrity across platforms.


Discover exciting new functionalities in SignDrive designed to simplify the signing process for all parties involved.

  • Faster Integrations & UI Enhancements

We have optimized integrations by reducing the number of APIs, resulting in a lighter tech load and smoother performance. Additionally, the user interface (UI) has been revamped for enhanced visibility and ease of access, ensuring seamless navigation and interaction.

  • ‘No Rejection’ Feature 

Introducing a feature especially tailored for BFSI use cases— enable/disable the option to reject the signing of the document. This feature is particularly helpful for the BFSI industry where it is mandatory to sign certain documents to proceed. Eg., An individual applies for a home loan for 25 lacks. However, after due diligence the approved amount is 25 lacks. Now, the customer has to sign the document for loan disbursement and cannot refuse to sign it because the approved amount is less than the applied amount.

The best news is that the feature is configurable. Thus, allowing you to enable or disable it based on the business use case. Thus, cutting down on the turnaround time and requiring manual intervention only when necessary.

  • Multiple Tags 

Our latest update introduces the ability to assign specific role-based tags to respective signers, providing granular control and organization. Each signer receives respective tags that are specific to their role, ensuring clarity and accuracy throughout the document signing process. These tags are non-editable, mitigating the risk of document tampering and at the same time ensuring security and authenticity.

  • Stamp Papers

In a major convenience upgrade, stamp papers are now readily available for nearly all states and with all denominations. This simplifies procurement and reduces turnaround time, offering a first-mover advantage in terms of TAT. With this initiative, we aim to streamline processes and empower our users with accessibility and efficiency.


Learn how TruthScreen’s instant verification APIs have been further refined to deliver even more accurate and comprehensive verification results.

  • Reverse RC Advanced

Add an extra layer of validation to confirm the authenticity of the vehicle details. Our reverse RC (Registration Certificate) verification process mandates verifying the engine number, while the chassis number verification is optional. This double-verification method enhances accuracy and security by ensuring that both the parameters are verified for a robust RC verification.

  • OTP-based GST Verification 

To ensure that the person submitting the GST details is the legitimate owner, our system sends a One-Time Password (OTP) to the registered mobile number of the GST provider. This OTP must be entered for the verification process to proceed. Thus, helping with preventing fraudulent submissions and ensuring the integrity of the GST details by validating the user’s identity in real-time.

  • Faster and Efficient OCR based Verification

With additions to our OCRs suite, enjoy a seamless and faster verification experience. Our suite of in-house OCR solutions comprises of:

  • GST Certificate OCR Live: Our system utilizes advanced Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology to scan and extract data from GST certificates in real-time. This ensures that the information is accurate and quickly processed, reducing manual entry errors and speeding up the verification process. The live OCR capability means that as soon as the GST certificate is uploaded, the data is instantly extracted and verified.

  • Provision Certificate OCR: Extracts and validates information from provisional certificates issued by educational institutions.

  • Graduation and Marksheet OCR: Scans and verifies the details from graduation certificates and marksheets, ensuring the accuracy of educational qualifications.

These updates represent a significant leap forward in the AuthBridge product suite.  We’re committed to continuous innovation, and these features are just the beginning.  By leveraging cutting-edge technology and a focus on user experience, we aim to empower our clients to not only excel today but also thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of authentication and verification.

Stay tuned for even more exciting advancements as we continue to push the boundaries of what’s possible.  Partner with AuthBridge and unlock a future of streamlined workflows, enhanced security, and exceptional user experiences.


Union Budget 2024: Key Highlights

The Budget Day in India is filled with anticipation as businesses and the general public eagerly await insights into the potential schemes and initiatives that could impact them. This year, due to impending elections, Budget 2024 takes the form of an Interim Budget. Despite this, Finance Minister Smt. Nirmala Sitharaman has successfully presented schemes and benefits, satisfying the expectations of the public.

The Finance Minister unveiled the theme for Budget 2024 as “Viksit Bharat Budget 2024,” emphasizing the nation’s commitment to Atmanirbhar Bharat. The Interim Budget prioritizes the welfare and aspirations of the poor (Gareeb), women (Mahila), youth (Yuva), and farmers (Annadata).

Key Highlights of Interim Budget 2024:

Direct Tax Proposals

  • The Finance Minister announced the retention of current tax rates for direct taxes in FY 2024-25.
  • No tax liability for taxpayers with an income of up to Rs. 7 lakh under the new tax regime.
  • Corporate tax rates of 22% for existing domestic companies and 15% for specific new manufacturing companies.
  • Extension of time limits for tax benefits for startups and investments by sovereign wealth funds/pension funds until March 2025.

Goods and Services Tax (GST)

  • Average monthly gross GST collection doubled to Rs. 1.66 lakh crore in FY24.
  • Retention of customs rates, including import duties, in FY 2024-25.

Youth Empowerment

  • 1.4 crore youth trained under the Skill India Mission.
  • 43 crore loans sanctioned under the PM Mudra Yojana to foster entrepreneurial aspirations.

Welfare of Farmers (Annadata)

  • Direct financial assistance to 11.8 crore farmers under PM-KISAN.
  • Crop Insurance for 4 crore farmers under PM Fasal Bima Yojana.
  • Integration of 1,361 mandis under eNAM.

Garib Kalyan, Desh ka Kalyan

  • Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) leading to savings of Rs. 2.7 lakh crore.
  • 78 lakh street vendors assisted under PM Svanidhi.
  • Significant achievements in poverty reduction.

Roadmap for Viksit Bharat

  • Emphasis on the development of physical, digital, and social infrastructure.
  • Introduction of Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) to promote formalization and financial inclusion.
  • Extension and widening of the tax base through GST.
  • Establishment of GIFT IFSC as a robust gateway for global capital and financial services.

Nari Shakti

  • Emphasis on the development of physical, digital, and social infrastructure.
  • Introduction of Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) to promote formalization and financial inclusion.
  • Extension and widening of the tax base through GST.
  • Establishment of GIFT IFSC as a robust gateway for global capital and financial services.

Infrastructure and Investment

  • Implementation of major railway corridor programs and promotion of foreign investment.
  • Expansion of airports and comprehensive development of new airports under the UDAN scheme.
  • Urban transformation under Metro rail and NaMo Bharat projects.

Inclusive Development

During Amrit Kaal, the Finance Minister emphasized the imperative of inclusive development and introduced an aspirational District Programme to aid states in expediting development, including employment generation. In this context:


  • The government actively promotes cervical cancer vaccination for girls aged between 9-14 years.
  • The Saksham Anganwadi and Poshan 2.0 scheme will hasten the upgrade of Anganwadi centers, enhancing nutrition delivery, early childhood care, and development.
  • A U-WIN platform will be rolled out to support the immunization efforts of Mission Indradhanush.
  • Health coverage under the Ayushman Bharat scheme will be extended to include all ASHA, Anganwadi workers, and helpers.
  • A committee will be established to address issues related to the establishment of more medical colleges in India.


  • The Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Grameen) is nearing the achievement of its target of 3 crore houses, with an additional 2 crore targeted for the next 5 years.
  • A housing scheme for the middle class will be launched to encourage them to purchase or construct their own houses.


  • States will receive encouragement to develop iconic tourist centers, fostering business and creating opportunities for local entrepreneurship.
  • Long-term interest-free loans will be provided to states to stimulate development.
  • Projects for port connectivity, tourism infrastructure, and amenities will be undertaken in islands, including Lakshadweep.

Agriculture and Food Processing

  • The government aims to boost private and public investment in post-harvest activities.
  • The application of Nano-DAP will be expanded across all agro-climatic zones.
  • A strategy, Atmanirbhar Oilseeds Abhiyan, will be formulated to achieve self-sufficiency in oilseeds.
  • A comprehensive program for dairy development will be devised.
  • The implementation of Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana will be intensified to enhance aquaculture productivity, double exports, and generate more employment opportunities.
  • Additionally, five integrated aqua parks will be established.

Strategy Shift for Amrit Kaal as Kartavya Kaal - Sustainable Development/Green Energy:

  • Commitment to achieve ‘Net Zero’ by 2070.
  • Viability gap funding for offshore wind energy, coal gasification, and liquefaction capacity.
  • Phased mandatory blending of CNG, PNG, and compressed biogas.
  • Financial assistance for biomass aggregation machinery.
  • Rooftop solarisation and support for electric vehicles.

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Finance Bill 2024: Click here

Budget Speech: Click here

Budget 2024 Key Features: Click here


The Crucial Role of Pre-Employment Background Verification Checks in Modern Hiring

In the ever-evolving landscape of the job market, employers face a daunting challenge:- choosing the right candidate for their organizations. To tackle this challenge, pre-employment background verification checks have become increasingly important. These checks encompass a meticulous examination of a candidate’s history, credentials, and suitability for a specific job role. In this comprehensive article, we delve into the significance of pre-employment checks, to shed light on their growing importance in the hiring process.

Understanding Pre-Employment Background Verification Checks

Pre-employment background verification checks are a multifaceted process that employers use to assess a candidate’s claims and gain a deeper understanding of their past behaviour and performance. These checks encompass a wide range of factors, such as criminal history, educational credentials, employment history, credit reports, reference checks, and more. The depth and scope of these checks can vary depending on the role and industry. The overarching goal is to mitigate risks, ensure workplace safety, and make informed hiring decisions.

The Importance of Pre-Employment Background Verification Checks

Conducting background checks empowers you to make intelligent, informed hiring choices that can result in long-term time and cost savings for your business. With a wide array of available services, acquiring the necessary information to make confident onboarding decisions is a straightforward process. In essence, background checks play a pivotal role in ensuring that the individuals you bring into your organization align seamlessly with your corporate culture.

#1. Ensuring Safety and Security

Statistics show that pre-employment background checks are essential for safeguarding the workplace and employees. According to a report by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), 80% of organizations conduct criminal background checks as a part of their hiring process. In today’s world, where workplace safety is paramount, this is a crucial step in mitigating potential risks.

#2. Validating Qualifications and Experience

A study revealed that 85% of employers have uncovered discrepancies in candidates’ resumes, emphasizing the need for thorough checks on educational credentials and employment history. This ensures that candidates genuinely possess the qualifications and experience required for the role, which can save companies from costly hiring mistakes.

#3. Protecting the Company’s Reputation

The reputation of a company is invaluable, and hiring a candidate with a questionable history can be detrimental. A survey by CareerBuilder found that 58% of employers have seen a tarnished company reputation due to a poor hire. Pre-employment background checks help organizations maintain their image in the market.

#4. Reducing Liability

Employers have a legal obligation to provide a safe and harassment-free workplace. Background checks can be a proactive measure to reduce potential legal liabilities. According to the National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS), 85% of employers conduct background checks to protect against negligent hiring lawsuits.

#5. Ensuring Compliance

Certain industries, such as finance, healthcare, and real money gaming, have strict regulatory requirements that mandate background checks for specific roles. Non-compliance with these regulations can lead to severe penalties and legal consequences.

#6. Enhancing Hiring Quality

Background checks are a significant contributor to hiring quality candidates. A study by Glassdoor revealed that organizations with a strong commitment to background screening have, on average, a 15% higher quality of hire. This translates into better employee retention rates, job satisfaction, and overall company performance.

The Components of Pre-Employment Background Verification Checks

Now that we have addressed what is pre-employment screening and its importance, let us look at some of the background checks that are useful while conducting a pre-employment verification. The depth and breadth of these checks might vary based on the seniority of the role – Eg., Leadership/Executive Screening checks will be a lot more comprehensive compared to an entry-level employee.

A. Criminal Background Check

This check involves scrutinizing a candidate’s criminal history, including records of arrests, convictions, and pending criminal cases. It is essential for assessing potential safety risks in the workplace.

B. Employment History Verification

Contacting previous employers to verify a candidate’s work history, job titles, and performance helps establish the candidate’s suitability for the role. A recent report found that 85% of employers verify previous employment.

C. Education Verification

Verifying the educational qualifications listed on a candidate’s resume helps ensure they possess the necessary knowledge and skills for the job. The SHRM’s survey found that 76% of organizations verify education credentials.

D. Reference Check

A professional reference check is a process in which an individual’s work-related references are contacted to gather information about their qualifications, work history, work ethic, character, and past performance. It is commonly used by employers and organizations as part of the hiring process to assess a candidate’s suitability for a particular job or role. The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) reported that 87% of organizations conduct reference checks.

E. Credit Reports

In certain industries, employers may check a candidate’s credit history to assess financial responsibility and reliability, especially when the role involves handling finances or sensitive data. The most common ways to do that is via CIBIL score verification or fetching the Experian Credit Report. According to a survey by the National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS), 47% of organizations conduct credit checks as part of their hiring process.

F. Professional License and Certification Check

A professional license check is a process that involves verifying the validity and status of a professional license held by an individual, typically in a regulated or licensed occupation or industry. Such as in case of insurance agent verification or when the job applicant is a doctor, nurse, chartered accountant, etc.

The background screening vendor needs to verify if they possess a valid license by contacting the state licensing board to verify the license hasn’t expired or lapsed and is in good standing. Thus, protecting the employer from negligent hiring claims.

G. Social Media Check

A social media check, often referred to as a “social media background check” or “online screening,” is a process in which an individual’s social media profiles and online presence are examined to provide insight into an individual’s character, behaviour, and suitability for a particular role or position.

The employer may review an individual’s public profiles on popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and others. The objective is to gain a better understanding of the candidate’s online interactions, posts, comments, and overall digital footprint.

H. Drug Test

A drug test is a screening procedure that checks a person’s biological samples (such as urine, blood, hair, or saliva) for the presence of drugs or their metabolites. The primary purpose of drug testing is to determine if an individual has recently used or is currently under the influence of certain substances, including prescription medications and illicit drugs. It is often conducted for safety-sensitive roles or positions that involve handling sensitive information or operating heavy machinery.

The employer may review an individual’s public profiles on popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and others. The objective is to gain a better understanding of the candidate’s online interactions, posts, comments, and overall digital footprint.


Pre-employment background verification checks are a cornerstone of the modern hiring process, offering numerous benefits to employers. The inclusion of statistics and data trends highlights their growing importance in ensuring workplace safety, protecting the company’s reputation, reducing legal liabilities, and enhancing the overall quality of hires. Employers must recognize that these checks are not just an optional step but a fundamental necessity to make well-informed and responsible choices when selecting new employees in today’s competitive job market.

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