In top gear?


While employees across India Inc are struggling to keep themselves motivated and stress-free during tough times, it is also necessary for the top management to be charged up, just to boost the morale of the employees. Today’s fast paced lifestyle calls for managing high levels of competition, stress, tension and work-life balance. And the economic downturn has just added to the stress with declining growth and job uncertainty looming large. All this has made an individual a complex bundle of nerves, as a result of which s/he is fighting with various symptoms of stress, be it poor physical health or mental fatigue. “An individual is at stress when s/he is exposed to excessive mental pressure, be at home or work. Stress eventually shows up in the form of irritability, falling performance, missed deadlines etc. One needs to stand that stress brings failure and failure brings more stress – this vicious cycle then becomes a recipe for sure-shot disaster,” opines Rohit Kumar Sahu, director – Human Resources, Hughes Systique India, a software solutions company.

Motivation mantra

“If the top level management is not motivated enough, it can have a negative impact on the organisation as well as its employees,” Satish Menon, director – operations, Geojit Financial Services

Motivation is integral and is the key to achieving targets and aiming for newer challenges. As leaders of the organisation, thetop management has to be highly charged and motivated to ensure the team stays focused at all times.

Under stressful circumstances, it is all the more crucial for the top management to keep the team pumped up in order to manage stress,” notes Preeta Pradhan, AVP – operations and compliance, AuthBridge, a Gurgaon based background screening & risk management company.

Adding to this Satish Menon, director – operations, Geojit Financial Services says, “If the top level management is not motivated enough, it can have a negative impact on the organisation as well as its employees. They should try to motivate themselves by making strategies for the future, evaluating new avenues, updating themselves by soft skills programs and programs for team building.”

The need of the hour

A 3-day program conducted recently by Oneness University saw a host of industry bigwigs come under one roof where they were trained in the technology of creating a breakthrough field – a state of mind that permits creative solutions to seemingly intractable problems in the personal and professional front. “Not just the top management, but everybody in the organisation should feel motivated. A leader is an inspiration, a torch bearer. S/he is the decision-maker and therefore it is vital for them to feel motivated,” affirms Sujaya Banerjee, chief learning officer, Essar Group. According to Vibhuti Jha, MD, Global Capital Service, a US based company, “As a leader of the organisation, the entire team looks up to you. It is therefore important for the top management to have clarity of mind and feel motivated on a personal level to become the architect of the future.”

Finding solutions

So what are the different ways in which the top management can feel motivated and stress-free? Says Sahu, “The top management needs to focus on achieving short term goals without getting bogged down by larger long term objectives. They also need to identify a friend or confidante from among the peer group and seek active support. It is also necessary that they keep away from politics and unnecessary competition.

 Stating her personal experience, Pradhan explains, “I have been on the journey of self discovery for long. I have gained immensely from workshops on personality types and how to deal with them, and on techniques to deal with negative emotions. Principles of Yoga, Art of Living and other meditations also help me to feel motivated and stay away from stress-related ailments.”

Setting an example

Individuals in the top management role, like others, cannot do away with basic stress release interventions – be it physical activity or nurturing a hobby or time management etc. “It is therefore important that the top management as ‘captains’ are motivated enough in tough situations like these and are seen as pillars of strength. Only then can they play a pivotal role in realizing the improvement in organizational performance, especially in times like these,” explains Sahu. Never before has the top management been so frantically working towards cutting costs and meeting business targets. While all this is stretching them unprecedentedly, they are also expected to have unshakeable belief in themselves and the organization, and continuously inspire and energize others with the same belief. This can only happen if they themselves are motivated, maintain their cool and reflect positivity. At the end of the day they are the role models to whom the employees look up to and draw their energies from.


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