Blue-collar jobs are most of the times sought after by those with less educational qualifications or lower economic backgrounds. Unfortunately, the situation of these individuals is conducive to getting involved in crime. From petty theft out of sheer desperation, to joining a gang due to peer pressure, many blue-collar employees can be found to have criminal records. These records can be found during a criminal record check or police database check. In a day and age where competition is high, and jobs can sometimes be scarce, it is not uncommon for people to try and hide unfavorable records from their pasts. People could hide records of a criminal past, either to get a job or to out rightly con a company and its customers. To avoid putting your business, employees and customers at risk, a Police verification of every new hire should be conducted.
Why a Police Record Check is important
Just last month there was a report in the Tribune about a six-year-old girl allegedly being sexually abused by a driver hired by her school. No one wants something like this to happen to their own or someone else’s child. A police database check of the driver before hiring him might have thrown up results of a criminal past that could have prevented him from being hired and the incident from taking place. Similarly, with domestic helps, personal chauffeurs, factory employees and so on, you need to be absolutely sure if the person you are hiring doesn’t have a criminal past. Without conducting a police verification, you can’t even be sure if the person you are hiring is who they say they are let alone if they have a police record. Crime rates are increasing, and further digging will show that a police record check could have prevented at least some of these incidents. When you conduct a police database check you can verify the identity of the individual, whether or not they have a past record or a case filed against them, and also what was the nature of the crime. Several details can be obtained from a police record check. A report in The Hindu shed light on a criminal racket involving a woman posing as a domestic help and then absconding with Rs.20,000/- to 25,000/- which were eventually received by her cronies. A Police verification would have revealed that the woman in question or her ‘agent’ were not who they said they were. In fact, running their pictures through a police database check might have actually revealed records of past crimes committed by them.
How AuthBridge can help
Using state of the art technology and algorithms created specifically for the purpose, AuthBridge can conduct a police verification by: – Conducting a litigation database check. – Police database check. – Court record check. – Criminal database check. – Identity verification through a police record check. AuthBridge takes the pressure off companies of conducting a police verification on potential employees on their own. Our quick and accurate police record check services will have a complete report ready for you quickly and efficiently to help you make important hiring decisions. A police verification can help you rest easy knowing that you made the right decision.