Unassisted policy consent verification to eliminate policy-related disputes between customers and insurance companies
Mitigate the challenges of traditional PIVC with
Automated PIVC to empower the customer to complete the verification at their convenience
Simplify the policy issuance process to make it fast, efficient and delightful for the customers
Save on high personnel and logistics costs with remote PIVC to improve customer experience
Maintain secure audit trails to avoid legal conflicts and be compliant
Build your PIVC journey – customize, personalize and prioritise
Customer accesses link, uploads required documents & provides permissions
Liveness, face and ID match to verify
The customer validated the policy information by giving visual and audio consent
Customer consent is validated through speech-to-text and speech-match. Report sent for audit trail.
Video verification system for agents and employees to conduct a digital video verification during policy purchase.
Enjoy the flexibility to initiate the pre-issuance verification call via multiple channels. Send the link to the customers via SMS, WhatsApp or email to get on the call, upload their documents and give their consent – at their convenient time. Streamline the process further by initiating the PIVC for a bulk of customers or do it on a case-to-case basis.
Design your PIVC journey to plug into your existing onboarding process. Make it easy and efficient for your customers to upload their NID and other documents while browsing through the policy details with a simple and clean user interface.
Instantly verify the identity of a customer with a face match and liveness check. Capture the image while the customer is on the call and run an instant face match against their NID documents. Protect against identity spoofs and deep fakes while being compliant with KYC & AML mandates.
Prevent misselling of policies by getting the customer’s consent. Show clear & concise policy details and documents to the customer on the call and capture their audio and visual consent there and then. The easy-to-use interface with a customizable policy detail format provides a seamless and pleasant customer experience.
Once the customer consent has been collected, it’s time to verify the same. Perform automated validation with text match between the customer’s response with the desired response to identify any discrepancies. Empower your stakeholders with speech match and consent capture recordings to make informed decisions.
All things Background verification, Due Diligence , candidate experience and more.
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