Are you using APIs for Background Verification?

Tech-enabled background checks are transforming the way hiring and on-boarding is performed across industries. HR is increasingly adopting HR Technology to lead business growth needs across organisations.

New-age products & screening services ride on an array of capabilities assimilated from various services providers. Powered by technology, all these platforms leverage digital APIs to deliver seamless customer experience. The experience churned from filling the form through LinkedIn for e.g. makes everything so simple and fast, right? This is exactly how background screening APIs help add value, expediting the process in general.

Advanced APIs are key enablers to creating connected systems that deliver quick, accurate results in shortest possible time. Conductiong background checks via API integration increases the overall efficiency and productivity in organisations- leading to development of magical solutions that communicate seamlessly. Organisations are eyeing at growth like never before! In the efforts to build a robust “Trust” infrastructure (Read more about Trust Infrastructure) , there was a dire need to develop a set of robust integration-ready APIs, for quick verification and employee / customer experience.
In the simplest terms, APIs are how applications talk to each other. APIs are great time savers and help build capabilities in any product / service quickly and in a cost-effective manner.

For example, when you search for nearby restaurants on the Zomato app for Android, it will plot their locations on Google Maps instead of creating its own maps. Or when we login to different cab aggregators apps, they offer us the choice to create new logins or replicate information from the existing social media platforms.

The API management platform market is becoming increasingly crowded and competitive, with many players looking for the quickest options for third world solutions. Using APIs, Background Screening Processes in your organisation can be made smoother like never before. You can now raise cases directly and get results/ track progress in real time without manual intervention and paper work!

Intelligent API based platforms can deliver quick background screening results in a very convenient way. By integrating them with HRMS, intelligent verification results can help in quick hiring and on-boarding candidates and customers.

Key Benefits of using APIs

1. Simplifies Background Verification eliminating human intervention

2. Get results in Real-time

3. No Paper work required- Saves efforts

4. Save costs on manpower and logistics

5. Enhanced Operational Efficiency by eliminating manual errors

APIs are increasingly enabling organisations by automating the background verification process and making it fast and accurate. A lot many industry standard background checks can now be conducted in a matter of minutes- solving deep pain points for our HR folks!

The following checks can now be accomplished using APIs at the blink of an eye by leading background verification companies-


For Background Verification of Individuals

  • Identity Checks (PAN, Aadhaar, Voter ID, Driving License, Passport)
  • Criminal Litigation Searches (Across all District, High Courts and Supreme Court)
  • Utility Bills Verification (Gas, Electricity, Water & Phone Bills)
  • Property Tax Verification


For Background Verification of Businesses

  •  Company Basics Verification
  • Director Information Verification
  • MNREGA Card Verification
  •  ESIC No. Verification
  • IEC Check

Using advanced APIs, delivering instant eKYC services become easy. This can be coupled with multiple other background checks like address and criminal litigation checks which add another layer of safety and risk mitigation for the businesses.

APIs can help streamline your business, so don’t miss out on this useful information. Intelligent use of APIs and technology can deliver seamless experience to your customers/employees while making the process hassle free for HR/operations/on-boarding teams.

To know more, schedule an appointment with our expert today. Write to us at

Common Overlooks during Background Screening- What HR must ensure!

Businesses saw a significant rise in fraud and risk incidents during the past year, especially in most gulf countries. According to a recent survey, 82% of executives surveyed worldwide experienced a fraud incident in the past year compared to 75% in the previous year. Background screening is an indispensable step for preventing such fraud within organizations and also ensuring secure workplaces today. The ripple effect of corporate fraud runs down the whole organizational structure with an overarching impact on company goals, hence background screening is important to ensure quality employees.

Below are some critical steps to mitigate corporate risks. Let’s have a quick glance.

  1. Appropriate compliance and screening functions, before any regulatory action is taken
  2. Clear whistleblowing channels and policies that not only raise awareness of background checks but encourage employees to report misconduct
  3. Periodic risk assessments at all levels

An employee background check is capable of uncovering irregularities and discrepancies, bringing out real information, as well as affirming a person’s personal and professional integrity. As a part of the talent acquisition strategy, employee screening ensures that not only the right kind of talent is selected and hired but also that an individual is checked for authenticity of documents and facts. Considering the pros, companies are giving higher importance to employee background check.

A good recruitment strategy should be capable of identifying the ‘fake’ education credentials to ensure the right skills have been chosen for the job profile at offer. All aspects of a job candidate’s background on the basis of the hierarchical level and job role should be rigorously checked. For an effective background screening, a powerful background screening policy should be set in place and organisation should focus on the best practices for greater efficiency.

Considering the above discussed, there are some must do’s for effective background screening:

  1. An organisation should define a comprehensive Background Screening Policy with checks for each function and level of hierarchy in the organisation. Also, that the polices are well communicated to all employees and prospective hires with uniformity.
  2. Organisation should take authorisation from the concerned candidate before conducting background checks.
  3. The HR department of the organisation must ensure that candidate has completed the Background Verification Form accurately and fills up all the required details. Also, they should ensure that all the facts represented in the form are provided in totality and are attached with documentary proofs.
  4. An organisation should strive to streamline their background screening policy. In order to do that they should finalise the severity grid for discrepancies, to clearly define what can lead to ‘termination’ or ‘offer-drop’.
  5. The recruitment team should communicate to all new hires about the importance of the verification procedure during the time of application, especially with reference to documentary evidence and various other requirements for identity, address, education and past employments with the timeframe permitted.
  6. It is important to check the accuracy and completeness of submitted information and documents before forwarding to the screening partner as it will save time of both the parties. The organisation must initiate background verification of new hires within the timeline so that the completed report is filed before candidate is on-boarded.
  7. All reports which have discrepancy and impact the employees should be shared with them for rebuttals. Data of all employees terminated due to background screening failure should be maintained for future reference.

 An organisation should follow the above pointers to ensure a robust background screening programme for effective hiring.

To know more, schedule an appointment with our expert today. Write to us at

How to mitigate risks with Vendor Due Diligence?

Businesses today operate in a collaborative mode and third-party vendors are a necessary part of this collaboration. Conducting vendor due diligence is critical to strengthen trust and mitigate risks. Vendor due diligence helps businesses join hands with reliable and competent agencies while ensuring compliance with legal or regulatory mandates.


Vendors – Businesses can’t survive without them

Vendors or suppliers are a critical part of the business and companies are increasingly focusing on developing long-term strategic alliances with vendors that are mutually beneficial. Vendors are essential to every business. Whether sourcing raw materials or components to manufacture the finished goods or to supply products that are resold, the contribution of vendors is critical. Every business also consumes in terms of overheads supplies such as the Internet, paper clips, water, food or other supplies. Vendors are also valuable sources of information and help businesses evaluate the market for new services or products, monitor competition and identify new opportunities. By entering into a partnership, vendors can also help streamline costs and enhance productivity.


Challenges in finding the right vendor

Reliability, stability, location, competency and technical superiority are some traits that are desirable in vendors in today’s competitive market. But finding all these traits in one vendor may be challenging.  Besides, a lack of cost competency can also be a detrimental factor in partnering with a vendor. The key challenge in finalising vendors is reliability. A reliable supplier not only maintains the quality but also delivers on time as promised. Vendor due diligence from professionals such as AuthBridge can help overcome these challenges in finding the right vendor.


Vendor Due Diligence is a Critical Connect

Vendor due diligence is the critical connect between service provider and the beneficiary. It helps businesses in the following ways

  • Enhance their understanding of the vendor
  • Identify success factors and gain insights on all relevant matters pertaining to the vendor
  • Understand strengths and weaknesses of the vendor that can be either built upon or resolved
  • Engage reliable vendors that help in the easy conduct of business
  • Connect better with the third-party vendors
  •  Make a data driven/fact-based decision regarding a deal/partnership Vendor due diligence assures all stakeholders that the vendor is ethically sound, financially stable and has a corporate structure that is effective. The board members and leaders can take comfort in the fact that the necessary processes are in place with the vendor with attention to proactively managing risks.


Vendor Due Diligence checks

  • Financial details including the overall financial profile, stability and legal problems
  • Directors
  • Credit ratings
  • Legal or regulatory compliance
  • Charges
  • Shareholding patterns
  •   Financial details
  • Trademarks
  •  Related companies
  • Database & media checks
  • Documents
  • Organizational capacity, operating procedures
  • Organizational structure
  •  Data security systems
  • Building or personnel security
  •  Insurance coverages


Protect brand reputation with vendor due diligence

Research shows that close to 80% of market value originates from intangible factors including goodwill, reputation and intellectual capital among others. During Vendor Due Diligence, special emphasis should be paid to checking the reputation and character of vendors to mitigate risks to reputation. The vendor due-diligence process should include a thorough evaluation of all concerns that might affect the reputation of the brand, including factors such as pending lawsuits, ineffective quality measures or product-testing, liability concerns etc.

(Also Read: Start-Up Mayhem: Conduct Full Power Due Diligence )

At AuthBridge, we use latest technology to screen the web as well as conduct quick research to deliver comprehensive, accurate reports with special emphasis on character, values and reputation of vendors. With highly customizable vendor due diligence solutions, businesses can compare the reports of different vendors to shortlist the most suited ones for their specific needs.

An increasing number of companies are going for Quick Diligence

An overview of due diligence

Due diligence involves conducting thorough research or audit of an investment, firm or product. It basically involves the various steps involved in analyzing the details before entering into an agreement or before a financial transaction with other parties. Due diligence also comprises of the investigation that a seller conducts about a buyer focusing on parameters like- resources present with the buyer or factors affecting the seller or sold entity after the transaction.

In order to maintain transparency and trust between businesses, due diligence is called for. The absence of instant trust among promoters, investors, and businesses leads to major disputes, failure in business and loss of reputation. Before making an investment or transaction, businesses are required to analyze the pros and cons of the investment, conduct due diligence and only then allocate resources and capital.


Some of the various aspects of due diligence process are-

  • Analyzing the total value of the company
  • Looking at net revenues, profits and margins
  • Knowing about the competitors in the industry
  • Investigating the management and ownership of the company
  • Checking stocks and dilution
  • Investigating the working processes to ensure compliance with standards
  • Analyzing short term and long term goals · Risk analysis and checking balance sheet


Why should you verify agents before onboarding?

Start-ups are heavily dependent on investors as a source of funds and resources. Whenever a particular investor decides to invest in a start-up, they conduct due diligence around the start-up to make sure that they are investing in the right option. This goes both ways. For start-ups, it is extremely important to carry out due diligence on investors, partners and vendors to make sure that they are credible sources with sufficient competencies. Exhaustive due diligence in critical for ensuring debt and equity financing for young organizations. Some of the major reasons for start-ups to conduct due diligence are mentioned below.

· To identify potential faults and risks that are to be addressed before settling on an agreement.

  • To identify possible deal breakers
  • Optimizing their resource and investments
  • To establish alliance with respected partners in the industry
  • Ensuring that the various competencies and capabilities of 3rd party partners like vendors and service providers are in sync with the organisation.

Also read:Vendor Due Diligence- Your Aid to Organisational Safety & Compliance


Vendor due diligence and its advantages

Outsourcing of tasks to third party vendors and service providers is a common practice across various industries. This not only allows companies to optimize their processes, but also saves time and capital. However, there are some inherent risks involved while partnering with any third party vendor. Companies need to ensure that their information/data is safe with the vendors along with verifying whether vendors have the necessary capabilities to deliver results ethically.

Conducting vendor due diligence helps in saving cost by ensuring that businesses partner with the right vendors. It involves investigating the vendor, its image in the industry and its working processes to ensure confidentiality and compliance with standards and ethics. It also ensures organizational safety by making sure that the vendor is authentic and has the required license for operation in the region. Added to this, it checks if the vendors are in compliance with anti-corruption standards and protect the data-integrity of the company



In today’s industrial climate, the focus is on forming profitable and meaningful partnerships among businesses. Due diligence helps companies better understand their partners, vendors and investors. Eliminating factors that can negatively affect such partnerships/deals or reasons for trust deficit are to be eliminated before confirming on the partnership or deal. This is critical in maintaining organizational health and efficacy of working processes.

Employee Screening Key to Prevent Sexual Harassment

The #MeToo movement has hit the headlines in recent times. Though many high-profile cases came out from the media and news industry, sexual harassment has a long history and is a serious concern worldwide. According to the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), 75% of workplace sexual harassment incidents are not reported. A 2018 online survey by a non-profit organization found that 43% of men and 81% of women in the workplace experienced sexual harassment. In India, a survey conducted on 6047 participants across the country by the Indian Bar Association (INBA) shows that a majority of the respondents had experienced sexual harassment of some form at the workplace.

Senior leaders are typically associated with harassment, but the survey shows harassment can take place at any level in an organization. Vendors, supervisors, business partners, and junior or mid-level managers are also often offenders. The study further states that a majority of victims were not even aware of their company’s policies and procedures related to sexual harassment. Close to 66% of respondents said the company’s internal committee turned a blind eye when a harassment incident was reported. Talented employees inevitably leave the company when sexual harassment is not taken seriously by their company, which possibly may result in a significant dent to the company’s reputation.


Employee screening to generate trust

Being proactive is the ideal way to prevent sexual harassment incidents at the workplace. With a strong focus on conducting thorough employee background verification, companies can mitigate the risks of hiring a potential offender. Employees at all levels, including senior managers, CEOs, and mid-level or junior-level employees need to be screened thoroughly.

Employee background verification is the proven way to generate trust within the organization and protect the reputation of the brand while mitigating legal risks. Many companies are strengthening their sexual harassment policies while pulling up the past records of current employees with the help of employee background verification providers. While developing a comprehensive written policy on sexual harassment and educating all levels of staff on the policy are crucial, ensuring the policy includes a thorough employee background verification process is critical. Employee background verification that includes reference checks from previous employers and criminal checks by verifying the records from regional, state and national level courts are effective preventative measures.


Few ways to mitigate the risks of hiring a toxic employee

  • Constitute a workplace complaints committee: The committee should be well-trained in POSH act mandates and requirements, Vishaka guidelines, relevant state and national legislation
  • Conduct ongoing training: Constant training and orientation to all levels of employees on the policy and zero tolerance for harassment ensure maximum awareness.
  • Ensure confidentiality: Companies should provide a non-threatening and empathetic environment to the victim to share experiences while protecting privacy and confidentiality.
  • Document the complaint and evidence: The victim should be supported to lodge an FIR if he or she wishes to. Documenting every piece of evidence related to the incident and the complaint redressal is critical. Ensuring the sexual harassment redressal is time-bound and following up on the victim is necessary to prevent retaliation.


How AuthBridge can help with employee background verification

AuthBridge, as a professional employee screening services provider, is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, skill, and bandwidth to handle all employee verification requirements. Detailed employee background verification includes employment checks, education checks, reference checks, police verification, and address verification among many. AuthBridge accesses criminal records from the district, state, and national registers, apart from conducting thorough references from previous organizations. Comprehensive employee background verification can be conducted on a new employee, as well as an existing one to build trust and give your organization a safe working environment.

Fake Education Certificates – You are at Risk of Hiring a Fraudster

Fake education certificates are more prevalent than most people realise. Given the immense competition for employment in India, it is not uncommon for many students fudging or faking their education certificates and marksheets. As wrong and illegal it may be, the ground reality is clear from the amount of scandals and ‘Fake University Lists’ published almost every year by various bodies around the country. From students providing fake records to get into Harvard University to thousands of job candidates across India producing fake education certificates, the problem is real and demands an immediate attention. On one had this scenario poses a direct risk for employers, for they may hire incompetent people which can impact their productivity adversely; it also raises an issue of justice for those candidates who may lose job opportunities against these fake or exaggerated certificates.

While the issues of fake universities and degrees should be tackled under provision of law and the incentive of providing fudged credentials are beyond the control of regular employers, the onus now lies on the employers to be diligent against such realities and conduct thorough education verification before hiring people. As a part of the Employee background verification process, education check for the authenticity of the provided credentials by checking from the genuine sources.


The importance of an education check

When hiring a person for a given job, companies expect some level qualification, skill-sets and aptitude depending upon the nature of the job. These criteria are the basic expectations of the employer and if taken on face value without verifying may lead to hiring a wrong candidate unfit for the job. In some instances, a wrong hire may led to serious problems like an unqualified medicine practitioner with fake medical degree or a fake civil engineer in charge of a major construction project. While in other jobs it may simply lead to reduced productivity of the organisation. An unqualified candidate will not only underperform, but will force the employer to go through the hiring process again in order to hire the right candidate. Education Verification could pervert such scenarios.


Education Verification ensures the following:

Qualification of the candidate under consideration is genuine Candidate’s skills sets are verified True academic performance is revealed The candidate being hired is not unethical A timely and thorough education check at the time of on boarding can help weeding out the wrong candidates at the onset, saving an organisation a lot of time and resources. An education verification provides an added layer of safety to the hiring process ensuring that only those candidates that are genuine and properly qualified get hired for the job.


Why do most companies overlook education verification?

Given the pace at which the world moves today, many companies are hard-pressed for time, resources, and the workforce to do an education verification for every candidate. Sometimes in a rush to fill a crucial opening, it is the background verification that gets sacrificed in the name of quick hiring. But the cost of saving time for multiple candidates is not worth the loss a wrong hire may end up doing. Background Verification can happen at any stage of the hiring process, even during the probation period. When qualification is one of the basic criteria for jobs, education verification must not be ignored.


How AuthBridge can help

AuthBridge is the largest Indian Employee background verification company with the expertise to carry out education verification and provide quick and reliable results. AuthBridge with its intensive databases and pan India network ensures a thorough education verification to check the authenticity of all the credentials of a given candidate.

To get in touch write to us at:

The Employee Onboarding & Background Verification Reaction- Technology is the catalyst!

Recruiting and retaining talent is a major challenge in the competitive world of today for HR professionals. A study conducted by Kronos and Future Workplace found 87% of global employers were concerned about retaining talent at the workplace. The scenario is not much different in India where attrition rates in IT, healthcare and other sectors have been close to 25%.


Onboarding experience can improve retention

A study shows that employees who had a great onboarding experience were 69% more likely to stay in the company for three years. Companies are increasingly investing in providing a great onboarding experience to increase employee engagement and talent retention.


How HR Technology helps speed up onboarding

Data shows that 20% of turnover occurs within just 45 days of recruitment. It makes sense to use HR technology to speed up and streamline onboarding to improve employee engagement and retention rates while optimizing the cost of recruitment. The sooner the employee is onboarded, more the productivity. Background Verification is an imperative, time consuming process in the employee onboarding process. However, technology is changing this paradigm. At AuthBridge, we are geared up to provide instant background verification with the use of cutting-edge technology in the following ways:


Aadhar-based eKYC

Background verification of employees is necessary to create a safe working environment as well as to avoid making wrong hires.  Employee Background Verification is one of the crucial elements in the onboarding process that can be streamlined with the use of technology. Earlier background verification processes necessitated lots of paperwork that needed signatures of Gazetted officers. Being a government-approved verification method, eKYC only needs an Aadhaar number. The identity, address proof and other details of the employee can be instantly verified in real time with Aadhaar-based eKYC.


Identity Verifications now done instantly using Aadhaar

API integration and tech-enabled platforms make it possible to complete identity checks and receive reports in quick time. AuthBridge is a registered Authenticated User Agency with UIDAI for Aadhaar-based background verification.


Employment verification is now a matter of minutes with WorkAttest™

AuthBridge’s WorkAttest™ is a web-based, automated, and secured platform. The key advantage of the platform is that you can gain insights into employees who leave the company. It also enables you to respond to other background screening agencies’ ex-employee verification requests, enhancing your HR productivity and TAT for responding to incoming requests.


Address verification can now be done using GPS-enabled tech

The physical address is of immediate concern to the employer in case of a crisis at the workplace. Verifying the physical address is now easy with cutting-edge GPS-enabled technology and mobile devices equipped with state-of-the-art applications.


Criminal verification is again done instantly using APIs

While conducting background verification, checking if there are any criminal records of the employee is critical. This prevents legal liabilities arising out of wrong hires. Using APIs, machine learning, and advanced Algorithms, it is now possible to check for criminal records in a matter of minutes! With such automation, background verification has become seamless and quick. But what about other stages in the employee onboarding experience?


Here are a Few Tips for providing a great onboarding experience

Onboarding begins before recruiting
Create as much awareness about the brand and the culture when the recruitment process begins on the website, emailers, or in the form of an information kit.


Prepare in advance

Utilize the time between recruitment and the first reporting day of the employee to carry out background verification, checks on identity, criminal records, and so on. Consult a professional agency to handle background verification to speed up the process. Be ready with all the details before the joining date of the employee.


Welcome the employee

Introduce to the teams and keep the necessary resources including login passwords or user ids, space and the official email id ready.


Structure the program

Avoid overloading the employee with too much information and structure the onboarding program.


Assign a coach or a mentor

The new employee feels more comfortable with an experienced mentor at the workplace. Next time you think onboarding, think about technology and think about employee experience!

97% of the employers got only criminal verification done

When it comes to pre-employment screening, many organisations believe that a criminal record verification is all there is to it. However, as the name suggests, only the criminal history of the individual will come to light by conducting a criminal check. There may be many other aspects of their professional and personal life that candidates may try to hide or lie about. Therefore, it is critical that organisations expand their background verification to include various other verification processes.

Contrary to popular belief, there is no one central database you can go to which will give you all the information you want to know about an individual. So, if you want to cross-check data of candidates thoroughly instead of simply conducting a criminal history check, it will take time, skill and professional efficiency to receive accurate results.

Moreover, many employers are not up to date with the latest developments and technology regarding background screening, resulting in them not being able to make optimum use of all the resources available to them. This often leads to them making bad hiring choices. In fact, according to a 2013 report, as much as 88 percent of employers conduct a criminal record verification. As high as the numbers are, the findings of this report also suggest that a majority of companies do not focus on going beyond a criminal history check.

Another survey conducted by The National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS) in the US found that as much as 97 percent of the employers surveyed included a criminal record verification in their pre-employment screening process. This also shows that most companies include just criminal checks when vetting their candidates. But, as we have mentioned before, a criminal history check alone is not fool proof.

So, to ensure that your company hires the right people who will not pose a threat in any way, remember to include the following in your background verification process apart from a criminal history check.

Also read: Essential Factors to consider in ‘Criminal Record Verification’

GST verification

GST or Goods & Services Tax is a value-added tax paid by consumers for domestic goods and services they consume. The business then remits the taxes paid to the government. Why do you have to include a GST verification while screening your candidates or potential partners? It will ensure that they are a credible and trustworthy entity that has no intention to commit fraud. In addition, it proves that they comply with the nation’s GST system.


Property tax verification

Apart from a criminal check, property tax verification is important not only for employees and candidates but for customers too. For any interaction with customers or before onboarding employees, it is your responsibility to make sure that these individuals are exactly who they claim to be. In other words, you have to make sure people provide correct information to you in order to prevent any fraud. Apart from proving an individual’s identity, it also proves that the address provided is correct, and shows how financially responsible they are.


Utility bill verification

Utility bill verification, like electricity bill verification and water bill verification, is also increasingly becoming a mandatory aspect of a background screening process apart from a criminal history check. These verifications are proof of an individual’s identity as well as address. At AuthBridge, we make use of advanced APIs to conduct these verification processes so we can deliver fast and reliable results to you.


Form 16 verification

Form 16 is a certificate issued to an employee by an employer to certify that Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) has been deducted. It can help to verify the identity, employment history, and past compensation of a candidate. This comes in handy as it can help new employers decide on a suitable salary for a candidate.

7 Critical Points to Ponder Upon of Background Screening

Financial frauds grabbed headlines recently across India with the losses suffered by public sector banks reportedly going up to Rs. 2500 crores. The Reserve Bank of India released data that showed employees were involved in all of these financial scams.

Employees, both former and current, are the major fraud perpetrators in the Indian context according to a Kroll survey. Frauds range from bribery, corruption, theft of assets or stock, cybersecurity risks including phishing attacks and virus infusion. Key culprits include all levels of employees such as mid-level managers, juniors, ex-employees and contract employees. Thefts at workplace cost the U.S. small businesses a whopping $50 billion every year according to some studies. Leading background verification provider AuthBridge’s 2017 survey revealed that employees most commonly misrepresent facts on their resume.  Extensive background screening is the only way to prevent wrong hires and hire people with the right reputation. While background screening is a critical aspect of recruitment at all levels, companies need to follow best practices in conducting employee verification.


The critical seven factors in background screening

Here are the seven critical aspects to consider in background screening:

1.Formulate a background screening policy:

Every company should have a clearly formulated policy in terms of background screening. This should be aligned with the company’s strategic objectives and vision. Having a policy for screening will ensure best practices are carried out in an objective way across all levels. The other benefit of having a clear policy is that it helps in making the best decisions in hiring. The policy should include details of scope, objectives of screening, modes of background checks and so on.

2.Obtain the consent of the candidate:

In many countries, it is mandatory to obtain the employee’s consent for background screening. Not doing so may attract legal action. In India, background screening has to be compliant with the Indian Contract Act, the Indian Penal Code and IT acts.

3. Understand different types of background verification:

The policy document should also include the different modes of background verification that will be used. These include reference checks, criminal record checks, substance abuse testing, address and education verification, ID verification, credit reports and so on.

4. Consult a professional background screening provider:

Entrusting the background verification process to a qualified and competent service provider can help eliminate errors and delays while ensuring accurate results. Professional background verification providers using high-tech API integrated solutions that align with the HR platforms can deliver fast and real-time results.

5. Formulate strategies to avoid bias in hiring:

In many countries, giving a fair chance at employability is mandatory. Stringent laws also exist in terms of discrimination based on religion, ethnicity, gender, age or economic background. To ensure fair hiring, background screening should be initiated post the hiring process. The data obtained from the checks cannot be used to discriminate against the employee.

6. Dealing with negative findings in criminal checks:

Many times, criminal record checks or credit reports may reveal negative findings. It is important for the HR to have the policy to handle negative findings. These can include further investigation, interviewing the candidate and giving him or her a chance at defending the findings. False positives, a negative finding in an otherwise good credit record and a lawsuit without conviction are some instances that need not result in negative hiring decisions.

7. Storing and disposing of background screening information:

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission define processes for information storage and disposal. The new European data safety rules impose strict rules on handling individual data. The background screening policy should define how long the information will be stored and the methods of disposing at the end of this term.

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The most noteworthy aspects of our collaboration has been the ability to seamlessly onboard partners from all corners of India, for which our TAT has been reduced from multiple weeks to a few hours now.

- Mr. Satyasiva Sundar Ruutray
Vice President, F&A Commercial,

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