Disruptions in HR Technology Decoded

Globally, technology disruptions are being experienced in every industry and every department. As per CB Insights, there has been a 15% rise in investments in HR technology in the recent times. In the U.S., close to $2 billion has been invested in HR technology. According to CB Insights, human resource management system (HRMS) is where the bulk of this investment is currently.

Other HR technologies including cloud, social media, artificial intelligence, machine learning and mobile technologies too are seeing increased investment. Companies are investing in artificial intelligence in the form of bots to replace humans for customer service and in handling operations in warehouses. Singapore leads the way with bots taking over in a big way in the hospitality industry where they handle everything from food delivery, laundry to greeting customers at the entrance. Experts believe investment in artificial intelligence, robotics and technology will grow in the coming years even as manufacturing and the service industries get more competitive in the days to come.


How Robots, artificial intelligence, and machine learning will affect employment?

While there are clear benefits of improved efficiency including reduced turnaround time, reduced need for labor, and cost savings, employment opportunities will see a change in the coming years. While McKinsey’s study found 60% of professions would have a minimum of 30% of functions automated, many reports suggest that more than 50% of jobs in 2022 will be jobs that do not exist today. This means that the HR function will have to be future-ready to be able to handle this change, source talent, train them and retain them- all of this while having to trust the right people.


Impact of Technology on HR

With increased investment in HR technology, there is growing adoption of cloud computing, recruitment software, applicant tracking systems, ex-employee tracking, and so on. These technologies are enabling efficient and faster processing of traditionally time-consuming tasks including Background Verification, payroll management, sourcing of resumes, posting jobs, screening resumes, training and development, rewards, and recognition. HR technology investments also relate to video recruiting, video conferencing to train, recruit or interview candidates, wearable technologies at the workplace, and social media recruiting.



HR technology investments have optimized departmental functions, while also promoting the well-being and health of employees. This is enabled by freeing up their time from routine tasks to learning new skills. Employee engagement is seen as the vital element that contributes to the overall growth and success of a company. Modern technology enables quick surveys after events or milestones to assess the engagement levels of employees.


Background verification

Employee screening and background verification are now made instant, thanks to the integration of APIs, machine learning, online databases, and automation. The traditional time-consuming manual checks that did not yield accurate results are now replaced with machine learning software and APIs that provide real-time reliable results. This has led to the creation of the concept of TrustOnDemand

Also Read: TrustOnDemand: Progress Till Date


Corporate training

Smart mobile technology has changed the way training needs are identified and delivered. Instead of the old way of herding people into classrooms, training and engagement technology that is driven by artificial intelligence customizes training for each individual based on their needs. AI-driven training is delivered through mobiles, eliminating the need for time and space-consuming training sessions. New learning management platforms are changing the way training is imparted.


Attrition management

Cutting-edge platforms such as WorkAttest™ used at AuthBridge optimizes the management of attrition. Advanced exit employee analytics and exit employee verification are some of the tasks made instantaneous by WorkAttest™. This not only minimizes the overhead expenses related to background verification and exit employee analysis but makes it highly accurate as well. In all, Technology is set to transform the jobs of tomorrow. And HR will have to have foresight into the future to be able to support organizations with talent management.

10 Steps to Improve the Candidate Interview Experience

Interviews can be a stressful, nerve-wracking experience for the candidate. They are being assessed to see if they are a fit for the job they want, and this cannot be an easy experience for them. Add to it the entire pre-employment verification process that you as an employer has to go through, and this only makes the candidate more nervous. Even if they do not have anything to hide, it is natural for them to feel anxious. However, an interview does not always have to be an apprehensive experience for candidates.

Using technology and automation, you can make it a more comfortable, smoother and more seamless experience that puts them at ease. It’s not always the best idea to intimidate your candidates if you want to give them a chance to impress you.

So, here are 10 steps to effectively improve your candidate interview experience.


1. Provide complete information on the role and the company

The first thing you can do to make your candidate feel at ease is by providing a complete overview of the expectations from the role and background of the company. Right from the reporting structure to the KRAs and the company’s alignment, HR must provide the candidate a clear understanding of what role the candidate play in the organization’s growth and functioning.


2. Send them an itinerary the day before the interview

Secondly, to give them an idea of what the interview day would be like, make sure to send them an itinerary the day before. Knowing what to expect will put them at ease, and they can prepare themselves accordingly. Don’t forget to mention your office address and detailed directions to your office. Today, thanks to technology and automation, you can easily send your “location” on platforms like WhatsApp, so candidates can find your office easily. You should also let them know that you will be conducting a background verification and that it’s nothing to worry about.


3. Arrange interactive interviews

The interview itself has to be engaging and friendly. It shouldn’t be like a question and answer session, where the candidate feels like he or she is continually interrogated and assessed throughout the session. Instead, converse with them and encourage them to talk. Put what you have gathered in your pre-employment verification to use here.


4. Greet them when they reach and assist them

Remember to greet them and acknowledge them once they reach your office and assist them with anything they may need. Make them feel welcome. Your office can make use of an interview management system, which is software that coordinates an interview process. For example, on reaching your office, the candidate can register through fingerprint authentication. The candidate need not fill in registers every time they visit your office. Coordination becomes easy and you can also verify that the candidate who is visiting your campus is the same as one who was meant to be interviewed.


5. Let them get a taste of your office culture

One way to make them feel comfortable and welcomed is to expose them to your work culture. Take them for tours around the office to give them a sneak peek of what a typical day looks like and share the company mission and values with them. If during your pre-employment verification, you have found qualities that conflict with your culture, you can let them know.


6. Be approachable but know where to draw the line

Always be friendly yet professional in your interactions. Know where to draw the line and be careful not to make them think like they have already bagged the job. Approach them in accordance with the results of your pre-employment verification process.


7. Send prompt updates after the interview

After the interview is over, keep them updated on their application status in a timely manner. Don’t take too long to reply to any queries they may have or to let them know they have been accepted or rejected.


8. Offer candidates constructive feedback

Remember to provide constructive feedback to your candidates irrespective of whether they have got the job or not. Tell them where you think they can improve and where they are doing great.


9. Be open to feedback from candidates

If candidates have any constructive feedback for your company and the interview process, always take them seriously and use them as a means to improve and grow. This establishes you as a trustworthy and open company.


10. Convey outcomes through phone calls, not via emails

Candidates take time out to show in person for interviews. Informing them about positive or negative verdicts on their candidature through an email simply won’t do. Call them personally and provide constructive feedback. Just follow these simple steps to ensure that your candidate interview experience is smooth and memorable. Use of technology can take this to the next level of employer branding.

Buying HR Technology? Here’s What You Should Evaluate First!

HR technology is a term that is often used to refer to all kinds of hardware as well as software components used for automation of the HR functions and activities. From employee attendance to background verification, employee payroll, workforce analytics, and more, technology is disrupting the way these process function across workplaces.

In recent years, HR technology adoption by various organizations across industries has seen an exponential rise. In fact, according to reports by CB Insights, a well-known venture capital database, many investors, in 2016, invested more than a whopping $2 billion in HR technology and platforms alone. With such an impressive breakthrough across many industries, you may have considered jumping onto the bandwagon of HR automation.

However, in order to make the most use of HR technology, there are certain things to keep in mind before you buy them. So, whatever your reason is- whether for talent acquisition or background verification, here is a comprehensive checklist for you if you wish to invest in HR technology. They will help you avoid blindly buying products and services that you may regret later.


1. Business Impact of HR Technology

First of all, you have to think about all the possible impacts the adoption of HR technology may bring. Technology and automation may have negatives as well. Will it actually increase your company’s efficiency? Will it be accepted or resisted by employees across various departments? Will it bring in monetary profit in the long run? All these are discussed in detail in the following points.


2. HR Technology- a Necessity or Aspiring for Future Growth?

Is the HR technology you wish to adopt absolutely necessary in order to resolve a burning issue your organization faces in the present? Or do you wish to invest in it for future growth? If you do not need it right now, it may be better to wait until when you have enough resources and capital.


3. Change Management process- What you will have to adopt after integrating HR technology into your organization

The adoption of new HR technology will obviously be a huge change for your organization. The thing with automation is that it almost always leads to the loss of jobs for current employees. If this is going to be the case with you, you may want to consider the change management process you will have to adopt.


4. Return On Investment (ROI)

Is this new HR technology really worth the money you have to spend on it? Will it yield a profitable return on investment (ROI)? Do your research thoroughly and carefully consider how much the money equivalent of its benefits are. If it is not really profitable in the long run, you may want to give it a second thought.


5. Immediate and Long Term Benefits

Automation of such kind will surely bring a ton of benefits (for example, improving productivity and efficiency), whether direct or indirect, to employees as well as the organization itself. It can even affect your brand reputation. Consider all these first before buying HR technology.


6. Underlying Technology and possible side effects

As mentioned before, automation has some negatives too. Therefore, carefully consider how safe and secure the underlying technology is, and if there are any potential side effects that may hurt your company.


7. Risks associated with the HR technology and how you can mitigate or correct it

After considering all risks associated with HR technology, the next step is to think about how you can mitigate or prevent such risks or correct them. You may have to introduce changes in your organization for this.

Also Read: The Employee Onboarding & Background Verification Reaction- Technology is the catalyst!

To know more, schedule an appointment with one of our experts today.

Things to Evaluate Before On-Boarding a Background Verification Partner

Background verification is a crucial process for any organisation regardless of the industry they belong to. You should not blindly trust whatever information an applicant has provided in their resume. If it turns out he/she had provided incorrect information at that time, it could create unnecessary problems for the business. Since this person may, in the future, play an integral role in your company if he/she is hired. Therefore, pre-employment check processes are a must in the hiring process.

Just like how you, as an employer, would go to great lengths to prove applicants’ reliability, you should do the same when choosing a background verification partner. In fact, you should be more careful when choosing a vendor to work with for employee screening because, after all, they are the ones who decide which applicants are trustworthy. Therefore, you should always follow due diligence before coming to a decision.

Top 10 questions to take into consideration before choosing a background verification company

Talent Acquisition Personalities & Approach to Hiring

A company is only as good as its employees. Bad hires can cost companies significantly in terms of finance and reputation. Hiring the right people is crucial for business success.


Role of talent acquisition in effective hiring

Businesses need to give top priority to talent acquisition as hiring the right people is critical to ensuring success in the future. Hasty decisions owing to constraints in time or resources lead to hiring the wrong candidates. Developing and implementing an effective talent acquisition strategy can ensure financial growth and the building of trust in the business.

Wrong hires cost companies billions of dollars in terms of loss of productivity, revenue and for replacement of the wrong hire. The business’s bottom line takes a hit due to the considerable training, staffing costs and the increased risk of errors, thefts, crimes being committed by the wrong hire. Employee background verification is a crucial element of talent acquisition that helps prevent bad hires and mitigate risks related to insider threats and employee frauds.


How different talent acquisition personalities determine their approach towards background verification?

Successful Human Resource managers exhibit these common personality traits that help them optimise recruiting processes with background verification.

Technology savvy: Such HR managers are adept at and comfortable with tech in their area of operations- be it virtual hubs, video conference calls, digital workspaces or background verification-related technology. They are able to leverage and integrate various platforms to speed up background verification and pre-employment screening as well as performance reviews and training. With tech-enabled on-boarding and background verification, HR folks can reduce drop out rates and enhance employee experience with the brand.

Peoples people aka extroverts: Such HR managers have exceptional people skills. They are able to foster and maintain working relationships in the workplace and are great communicators. They are comfortable with all communication forms such as email, social media, face-to-face, phone and others.

Solution-oriented: HR managers who are successful are also skilled at managing conflicts at the workplace and are focused on solutions. Being great negotiators, they work towards solutions with consensus and cooperation.

Business goals: An efficient HR manager needs to be fully aware of the business goals, mission and vision of the company. Going beyond the vision or mission, the HR manager can also identify what motivates employees to work at the organisation.

Gray area explorer: Successful HR managers are able to navigate through grey areas when faced with situations that do not have clear-cut solutions.

Also Read: Bridging the gap between Trust and Talent


Importance of background verification in talent acquisition process

Talent acquisition that incorporates a thorough background verification is crucial to hiring the right people. Background verification solutions provider AuthBridge found that in 2017, more than 15% of prospective employees misrepresented information on their resumes. This was a 50% rise YoY. Background verification is a crucial element of recruitment. The lengthy process of pre-employment screening that can take up to 20 days and a high turnover rate makes it difficult for employers to conduct background verification. Rape and crime cases involving drivers, employees of financial institutions, delivery boys have made headlines in the recent times.

The damage to reputation is directly linked to the financial performance of a business as well. Businesses in every industry, be it food, furniture, travel, accommodation or banking, need to conduct comprehensive background verification to protect their reputation and build trust. Talent acquisition is a strategic function & needs full competence and capability to serve as a link between an organisation’s management and its employees.

The successful HR professional recognises how hiring the right employees is critical to the business’s bottom lines as well as for building reputation and trust. Hiring the right candidates is also crucial to customer satisfaction. For successful HR professionals, hiring right by consulting professional employee background verification services is a top priority. This is the assured way to building a safe and secure work environment while ensuring the company’s business goals are met.

Information Management & Background Verification

A document repository is an important part of an organization’s information and knowledge initiatives. In today’s world of global competition, it is essential that a company gets its information management strategy right. Smart companies use a document repository to store and distribute employees’ knowledge, such as best practices or research results, across firms. This has the benefit of enabling employees to reuse information already acquired by co-workers, rather than engaging in expensive, inefficient, and duplicate efforts to reacquire the knowledge on their own.

A document repository can therefore provide companies with a valuable source of competitive advantage, especially in knowledge-intensive industries such as information technology, consulting, and biotech or life sciences.

Also read: The Employee On-boarding & Background Verification Reaction- Technology is the catalyst!

Some common mistakes in Information Management One of the biggest mistakes companies make regarding their information management strategy is the fact that all too often, companies formulate their document repository based on the assumption that structured data represents the majority of the data that will be housed there. In fact, the general rule of thumb is that structured data comprises less than 1/3rd of a company’s total data. The overwhelming majority of a company’s data is found in unstructured documents such as proposals, purchase orders, invoices, employee reviews, and reports.

Since all of these different types of documents are usually stored in many different document repositories, including customer relationship management systems, enterprise resource planning systems and different folders on employees’ hard drives. If the document repository does not have a robust search capability, the ability of information workers to locate a document and incorporate his or her organization’s knowledge base into daily work will be severely hampered. It provides user-friendly and easy-to-implement information system integration by delivering the ability to merge data located throughout your organization.

 Importance of Information Management for Background Screening Companies Information Management is crucial for background verification companies in more ways than one! First, background verification companies handle personal information of candidates – which is crucial and confidential in nature. It is hence, important for background screening agencies to maintain complete data security through implementation of preventive actions like encryption, firewall, antivirus, restricted access and other best practices.

While you zero into a background verification agency, do not forget to check for ISO certifications, especially adherence to ISO 9001 standard for Quality Management and ISO 27001 standard for information security management. Secondly, background verification companies need access to reliable data in shortest possible span to deliver accurate background verification results quickly!

Online Repositories come handy in such context! Employee Talent Repository provides recruitment and employee management solution helps human resource professionals hire, train, and retain the best performer’s knowledge base for each organizational role. The bouquet of checks within background verification looks into every aspect of an employee’s background- address, educational qualifications, employment, and so on. These checks demand for a continuous interaction among companies for a constant exchange of employee information. Consequently, companies deal with following issues-

• Unproductive man hours; at least one company resource needs to be allocated to respond to verification requests of various companies

• Inefficient management of response tracking

• Continuous follow up in order to get timely response A portal with ex-employee databases of companies across industries is the need of the hour. So, when a candidate with an unpleasant record at one organisation shifts to another organisation, his/her past records will be readily available for the new employer.

Can ex-employee data repository be ‘The’ answer to a faster and more efficient employee screening?

A document repository is a tool employed to capture, organize and store modifiable knowledge and is an important component of knowledge management initiatives in organizations.

Police Verification & Court Records Check – Joining Hands for Complete Vigilance

Background verification is a crucial procedure in the hiring process of many companies; police background verification is one of the most important aspects that should never be overlooked. It is the responsibility of any company to make sure that they create a safe and secure work environment for all their employees, and one of the most effective ways to achieve this is by conducting a thorough police verification and court records check.

With the number of job applicants providing false information about themselves on their resumes increasing (15% of candidates in 2017 as per AuthBridge’s Annual Trend Report), you can never be too careful when it comes to background verification. If you unknowingly hire someone with a criminal background or are currently involved in any kind of organized crime, you are putting not just your present employees but your customers, brand, and entire company at risk. Especially if it is for a position that requires employees to handle confidential or sensitive company information, a thorough criminal background check is a must.

To avoid any mistakes, most companies include police verification in their background screening process. This is, of course, an important process. However, just police verification is not enough of a risk mitigation process anymore in the kind of world we live in today. So, how can you be sure that a potential employee is not a threat to your company? The answer is to combine police verification with a court record check.


How Court records check helps in mitigating risks

Just a few years ago, the idea of combining police verification and a court record check in India to unmask any criminal activity of a candidate seemed like a far-fetched idea. However, today, various courts across the country have adopted the practice of digitizing records, instead of having them on paper. This makes it extremely easy for background verification companies to access any court record they need to verify. Moreover, you can be guaranteed that the information brought to light is reliable and true.


Why combine Police Background Verification and Court Records Check

Police verification is conducted in the police jurisdiction of the address where the individual resides. This may be a permanent address or a temporary address of residence. However, if the individual would have committed a crime in areas other than the area of residence, the cases might not be found during police verification and the criminal might get an easy pass. In order to ensure that background verification results cover it all, a PAN India court records verification can help uncover any instance of civil or criminal activity associated with the individual.

However, police verification is a must as police records are updated in local jurisdictions and can throw results of violation for recent time intervals. Through a combined police verification and court records check, any company can find out if a civil court case or criminal court case has been filed against a candidate, and/or verify if he or she has provided correct details about themselves. This will ensure that no candidate who is a threat to the safety and integrity of the company is hired.


How technology facilitates police verification and court records check

One of the major reasons why police verification along with court records check is flourishing in the country is because of advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and various tech-driven platforms like APIs. With such technologies at the disposal of background verification companies, it is much easier to get the work done. There is more or less no paper needed, you can be sure of the result as efficiency is increased using state-of-the-art technology and there is no room for manual errors. You can save time too as results can be received in real-time. As you can see, court records check, contrary to what many people think, is not a process that is time-consuming and resource-consuming, thanks to technological advancements.

Here at AuthBridge, we have collected and carefully indexed millions of litigation records in India so that they can be searched and found in the most efficient manner for our police verification and court records check processes. On top of this, our experienced team of qualified analysts carefully assess each and every result in case of any false matches so that the final report is error-free and made easy to consume for our clients. To know more, schedule an appointment with one of our experts today.

Empowering Women Safety With Background Verification

The world still has a long way to go when it comes to gender equality in the workplace. But we have reached some remarkable milestones along the way. From days when women were not seen as people who could hold respectable jobs to having 32 women as CEOs of Fortune 500 companies as of 2017, the perception of women in the corporate world is steadily improving. With the number of women in the workforce increasing at an exponential rate, what can companies do to ensure their safety? The answer to this is thorough background verifications.

A strict and non-compromising background screening process is needed now more than ever. According to a 2015 study by Pew Research Centre, as much as 52.2 percent (more than half) of professional and managerial positions are held by women. In 1968, the number was just 30.6 percent. This impressive increase shows that with the right environment, women are as qualified, effective and efficient as men in the professional world.

Also Read: 10 Ways to Mitigate Risk with Employee Screening Services

An exhaustive background check, as mentioned before, is an effective way to take steps towards women’s safety and security in the workplace. With an improved hiring procedure and background verification, women will not only feel safer in their work environment, they will be able to contribute more and function better without having to worry about their safety, resulting in an increase in productivity. How thorough background checks can increase women’s safety at workplace Below are the various aspects of background verifications that need to be greatly enhanced so your organisation can help in creating a safe environment for your women employees.

· Criminal Records check

Regardless of the position you are hiring for, your company’s background verification process must include criminal records check. Whether for an entry-level position or a C-level executive position, criminal records check is a must. You will become aware of any violent, dishonest or legally unacceptable behaviour, including sexual offence from the applicants, and this could have a huge impact on his or her eligibility for the position. Criminal Records check has a successful track record of uncovering cases of sexual harassment at workplace, ensuring that the such hires can jeopardise women safety at your workplace! Without a criminal records check in your organisation’s background screening process, you are putting the safety of every employee, especially women employees at risk.

· Police Verification

Your organisation’s background verification process should always include police verification. Every detail of any potential employee must be sent to the respective police station for cross-checking their criminal backgrounds. It is then sent to the local intelligence unit (LIU) under the respective SP for purposes of re-verification. This entire process can take approximately a month.

In case your company’s own criminal background check missed out any relevant detail, it will be brought to your attention through police verification. This procedure can help tighten your company’s background verification, making it safer for women employees.

· Drug abuse check

Drug Abuse Test is a must for any company’s background verification process. Did you know that in India, as much as 3 million people are regular drug users? The most commonly used drug among the workforce is marijuana, followed by cocaine. With such a huge number of people being dependent on drugs, drug abuse check is a necessary step for any organisation’s background verification procedure. Even though it is not legally required, it is highly recommended that every company screens potential employees as well as present employees for substance abuse. This will help in creating a safer, more secure work environment for every employee, especially women employee within an organisation. To know more, schedule an appointment with one of our experts today.

You cannot ignore Background Checks- Here’s Why

Business growth is the focal agenda for companies rather than cost cutting motives, which was earlier the thriving factor during recessional times. Having looked at the last year progression, the competition has just intensified. Talent Acquisition and Retention has become more than important. Organisations are struggling with hiring the right fit for the right role, while matching the massive hiring targets to meet growth requirements.

About 15% of candidates lied on their resume in 2017. However, employers have not been able to uncover such frauds easily, leading to bad hires and damage to business outcomes. This is because recruiters are still underestimating the power of background verification services and how it can effectively help in overcoming some major business challenges.


Below are the key business challenges which can be overcome using effective background checks-

1. Accelerated Business Growth Even though economic challenges cause businesses to rethink hiring decisions, they are, however, supportive of the fact that decisive and thought-through hiring techniques would lead to authentic talent acquisition.

Further, employers are majorly concerned with finding and retaining quality talent which brings forth the need and significance of background screeningNot only do organizations need to verify, they need to verify hires quickly to be able to onboard faster and reduce the dropout rate.

Verifying new hires not only improves the quality of hires consistently; but also helps in the identification of top-level candidates, which in turn lowers attrition and leads to reduced business risks. Effective background checks focus on verifying the identity, profile, and reputation of individuals through identity checks, employment verification, education verification, address verification, criminal checks, drug abuse tests, and more. With tech-enabled background checks, background screening companies can help employers with real-time results for hiring and onboarding candidates faster!

2. Mitigate Risks & fulfill Compliance Employers are increasingly becoming aware of industry-compliant practices and the risk of facing penalties which can range from loss of contracts to filing of lawsuits. Recognizing such concerns, employers are now majorly concerned about maintaining industry compliance and staying adept with occurring changes. In order to help in mitigating employee risks related to insider threats, company frauds, etc., employers are increasingly associating with background verification providers and seeking customized solutions to fulfill compliance requirements as well as create a secure workplace. Several of the leading background screening companies provide expert solutions on pre-employment background verification.

3. Cost Management After talent acquisition and risk mitigation, managing costs becomes a key concern to employers. Outsourcing background checks to professional background screening providers help in reducing costs. It also helps companies contain hiring costs by enhancing the quality of new hires and reducing the attrition rate. Screening the candidates for employment history, criminal background, etc. can help in removing the bad hires from the list and reduce the cost of replacement hiring.

4. Competition management Acquiring top-quality talent is instrumental in achieving business success as companies focus their concentration on growth and expansion. Surviving in a competitive industry is a challenge that can be met with the help of attracting and retaining experienced and required talent. An efficient and structured background screening program can enhance the quality of new hires and aid in business growth plans. Moreover, tech-enabled background verification providers deliver quick TAT and hence can facilitate acquiring of better talent in the shortest possible time.

Background verification is a specialized task and not a core business area for employers. They need experts for conducting background checks. The role of background verification is most definitely irrefutable. Outsourcing background checks though can help organizations keep a time-consuming bureaucratic process in check.

Also Read: Bring in Expertise and Experience: Outsource Background Screening

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