97% of the employers got only criminal verification done

When it comes to pre-employment screening, many organisations believe that a criminal record verification is all there is to it. However, as the name suggests, only the criminal history of the individual will come to light by conducting a criminal check. There may be many other aspects of their professional and personal life that candidates may try to hide or lie about. Therefore, it is critical that organisations expand their background verification to include various other verification processes.

Contrary to popular belief, there is no one central database you can go to which will give you all the information you want to know about an individual. So, if you want to cross-check data of candidates thoroughly instead of simply conducting a criminal history check, it will take time, skill and professional efficiency to receive accurate results.

Moreover, many employers are not up to date with the latest developments and technology regarding background screening, resulting in them not being able to make optimum use of all the resources available to them. This often leads to them making bad hiring choices. In fact, according to a 2013 report, as much as 88 percent of employers conduct a criminal record verification. As high as the numbers are, the findings of this report also suggest that a majority of companies do not focus on going beyond a criminal history check.

Another survey conducted by The National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS) in the US found that as much as 97 percent of the employers surveyed included a criminal record verification in their pre-employment screening process. This also shows that most companies include just criminal checks when vetting their candidates. But, as we have mentioned before, a criminal history check alone is not fool proof.

So, to ensure that your company hires the right people who will not pose a threat in any way, remember to include the following in your background verification process apart from a criminal history check.

Also read: Essential Factors to consider in ‘Criminal Record Verification’

GST verification

GST or Goods & Services Tax is a value-added tax paid by consumers for domestic goods and services they consume. The business then remits the taxes paid to the government. Why do you have to include a GST verification while screening your candidates or potential partners? It will ensure that they are a credible and trustworthy entity that has no intention to commit fraud. In addition, it proves that they comply with the nation’s GST system.


Property tax verification

Apart from a criminal check, property tax verification is important not only for employees and candidates but for customers too. For any interaction with customers or before onboarding employees, it is your responsibility to make sure that these individuals are exactly who they claim to be. In other words, you have to make sure people provide correct information to you in order to prevent any fraud. Apart from proving an individual’s identity, it also proves that the address provided is correct, and shows how financially responsible they are.


Utility bill verification

Utility bill verification, like electricity bill verification and water bill verification, is also increasingly becoming a mandatory aspect of a background screening process apart from a criminal history check. These verifications are proof of an individual’s identity as well as address. At AuthBridge, we make use of advanced APIs to conduct these verification processes so we can deliver fast and reliable results to you.


Form 16 verification

Form 16 is a certificate issued to an employee by an employer to certify that Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) has been deducted. It can help to verify the identity, employment history, and past compensation of a candidate. This comes in handy as it can help new employers decide on a suitable salary for a candidate.

7 Critical Points to Ponder Upon of Background Screening

Financial frauds grabbed headlines recently across India with the losses suffered by public sector banks reportedly going up to Rs. 2500 crores. The Reserve Bank of India released data that showed employees were involved in all of these financial scams.

Employees, both former and current, are the major fraud perpetrators in the Indian context according to a Kroll survey. Frauds range from bribery, corruption, theft of assets or stock, cybersecurity risks including phishing attacks and virus infusion. Key culprits include all levels of employees such as mid-level managers, juniors, ex-employees and contract employees. Thefts at workplace cost the U.S. small businesses a whopping $50 billion every year according to some studies. Leading background verification provider AuthBridge’s 2017 survey revealed that employees most commonly misrepresent facts on their resume.  Extensive background screening is the only way to prevent wrong hires and hire people with the right reputation. While background screening is a critical aspect of recruitment at all levels, companies need to follow best practices in conducting employee verification.


The critical seven factors in background screening

Here are the seven critical aspects to consider in background screening:

1.Formulate a background screening policy:

Every company should have a clearly formulated policy in terms of background screening. This should be aligned with the company’s strategic objectives and vision. Having a policy for screening will ensure best practices are carried out in an objective way across all levels. The other benefit of having a clear policy is that it helps in making the best decisions in hiring. The policy should include details of scope, objectives of screening, modes of background checks and so on.

2.Obtain the consent of the candidate:

In many countries, it is mandatory to obtain the employee’s consent for background screening. Not doing so may attract legal action. In India, background screening has to be compliant with the Indian Contract Act, the Indian Penal Code and IT acts.

3. Understand different types of background verification:

The policy document should also include the different modes of background verification that will be used. These include reference checks, criminal record checks, substance abuse testing, address and education verification, ID verification, credit reports and so on.

4. Consult a professional background screening provider:

Entrusting the background verification process to a qualified and competent service provider can help eliminate errors and delays while ensuring accurate results. Professional background verification providers using high-tech API integrated solutions that align with the HR platforms can deliver fast and real-time results.

5. Formulate strategies to avoid bias in hiring:

In many countries, giving a fair chance at employability is mandatory. Stringent laws also exist in terms of discrimination based on religion, ethnicity, gender, age or economic background. To ensure fair hiring, background screening should be initiated post the hiring process. The data obtained from the checks cannot be used to discriminate against the employee.

6. Dealing with negative findings in criminal checks:

Many times, criminal record checks or credit reports may reveal negative findings. It is important for the HR to have the policy to handle negative findings. These can include further investigation, interviewing the candidate and giving him or her a chance at defending the findings. False positives, a negative finding in an otherwise good credit record and a lawsuit without conviction are some instances that need not result in negative hiring decisions.

7. Storing and disposing of background screening information:

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission and Equal Employment Opportunity Commission define processes for information storage and disposal. The new European data safety rules impose strict rules on handling individual data. The background screening policy should define how long the information will be stored and the methods of disposing at the end of this term.

Five Must Do’s to Hire the Right Leaders

How is Senior Level Hiring Different from Routine Hiring?

Senior executives transition to strategy development from operational levels. These leaders are responsible for providing direction by defining the mission and vision of the organisation. Besides, they are also expected to be accountable for financial growth, team coordination, employee engagement and brand image. Senior executives are also involved in building and sustaining the company culture while integrating innovation into the strategy.

According to a Manchester Consulting study, within eighteen months of recruitment, four out of ten leaders fail. Drake Beam Morin, Inc. estimates that 60 percent of companies across the globe have had to replace their CEO since appointing them. A majority of companies expressed in a survey that they were not confident about their recruiting strategies for leadership positions.

Senior leaders are responsible for formulating and executing smart strategies that help the companies thrive in the highly competitive business scenario. Recruiting the right leaders is the top priority for management that needs a different approach as compared to hiring mid-level managers or juniors.


Why choose AuthBridge for executive screening?

Leading executive screening provider AuthBridge provides expert and discreet solutions with AuthLead™, which is a specialized and exhaustive leadership due diligence solution. Going beyond the usual checks, AuthLead™ involves in-depth scanning of professional skills, gathering of industry perception and feedback from references. AuthLead™ can successfully validate the facts presented in the resume through multiple checks on media and web repositories.

AuthLead™ is a technology-enabled solution that helps in quick and real-time gathering of all-around perceptions through interviews with vendors, superiors, peers and subordinates of the candidate. It can also effectively identify red flags if any with respect to the candidate’s track record, integrity or ethical practices. AuthLead™ not only speeds up the process of executive screening, but also succeeds in maintaining utmost confidentiality and ensures timely disposal of collected data.


Why should you verify agents before onboarding?

IRDA mandates the due diligence of a prospective agent/ PoS to ensure a fraud-free work environment for the companies. Mis-selling and premium pocketing can create negative sentiments towards the industry, among its customers who might not understand the product features and importance.

Real-time verifications become more than the need of the hour in such cases, for not only combating agent frauds but also ensuring customer’s trust and streamlined revenue. The faster the onboarding process, the faster agents can be on the field, pushing new business and gaining new business for your company.


How AuthBridge automates the agent onboarding?

The technical training for a POS agent takes around 15 hours and for an insurance agent a minimum of 100 hrs. The ideal manual verification and onboarding can take more than the training time. Hence, a more automated and real-time verification process can really make a difference.


AuthBridge’s real-time agent onboarding solutioncan power your agent onboarding with self-service and real-time verifications. It can help increase agent retention and satisfaction by almost 80%. Our digital PAN and Aadhaar verifications can help to identify the candidate in a couple of minutes.

Our agent verification APIs can ascertain that the applicant does not hold agency appointments for more than one life insurer, one general insurer, one health insurer, and is not in the centralized list of blacklisted agents. For a PoS, automated verification of agent’s data availability on IRDA or IIB (Insurance Information Bureau) via PAN/Aadhaar nos., can be used to ensure that the PoS is not working with any other agency except where they have currently applied.

Moreover, our proprietary educational databases can help to verify the educational qualification of an individual accurately, with a TAT of a few minutes. Our AI-powered face match algorithms and advanced OCR based data extracted and validation can improve the application filling efficiency, thus smoothening the journey.

Contact us to know more about how we can streamline Agent/PoS onboarding journey.

Background Screening – A Job-Seeker’s Point of View

As a job-seeker, it can be intimidating knowing that a potential employer wants to do a background check on you. A background screening does not have to be a stressful process, and with the help of this comprehensive guide, we hope to answer any questions you might have regarding the process. Keep these points in mind, and you will have nothing to worry about when details of your life are accessed by a third party.


1. Why do companies conduct background verification checks?

Every company needs to protect their interests and their reputation. While you do not pose a threat to the company and have been completely honest and forthcoming on your resume´, a company has no guarantee that all candidates are the same. There is always the possibility of candidates withholding important information like a criminal past, which companies have to watch out for. With employee fraud on the rise, companies have to be very careful with their screening and hiring process. Companies need to screen potential employees to make sure that the information provided by the candidate and the reality match. In 2017 it was found that 15.21% candidates present false information on their resume´s, which was almost a 5% increase from 2016. Hiring employees without doing a full background check could potentially put a company at risk. You can find out more about why it is important for companies to do a background screening here.


2. Can an employer initiate the verification process without my permission?

No. Any background verification that the company wishes to carry out can only be done with your consent. Under Article 21 of the Constitution of India, the right to a person’s privacy is protected. Screening someone without their permission is an infringement on the right to privacy When AuthBridge conducts a background check, the verifiers must upload an ARN (Authorization Release Note), signed by the employee giving their consent for the verification.


3. What can be included in a background check report?

When you are being screened by an employer the main criteria that are looked at include: – Criminal records – Employment history – Social media profiles – Education history These records are obtained from the databases of the institutions holding the records.


4. Can an employer ask my friends and neighbors about me?

Yes. If an employee needs to verify your address and identity, they can ask friends and neighbors about you.


5. Will I be given a chance to clear the mistakes or misunderstandings with background checks?

There might be a situation where a background verification check might get your information wrong or mixed up with someone else of the same name. Always make sure to ask for a copy of your background screening report to be able to verify the information for yourself. In case there is some discrepancy, it is best to talk to the potential employer and explain the situation. If it is a case of mistaken identity, you can show proof of the mistake. The final outcome will depend solely on the employing company. At AuthBridge we take the utmost care to make sure that all information acquired is authentic and of the correct individual.


6. What can I do to ensure that my background screening goes smoothly?

The most important thing you can do is, to be honest with the information you provide to the employer. This guide will help your background screening go smoothly and without jeopardizing your career.

Essential Checklist Before Selecting Your Background Screening Partner

With the number of frauds increasing year by year, a thorough background verification is imperative for employers. You must check to see if every bit of information provided by applicants is correct as this is the only way you can ensure the safety and security of your company itself and your employees too.  Moreover, a wrong hire could lead to a number of problems that could have been avoided had you carried out a pre employment screening of applicants before on-boarding.

This is exactly why choosing a background screening partner you work with is a decision you should take seriously. Each hire has the potential to make or break your company, and it is your responsibility to make sure that it is not the latter. The background verification company you choose to work with decides which applicants enter your organization, and it’s up to you to choose the most qualified and reliable vendor Below, we outline the top points that should make it to your background verification checklist before selecting a partner for background verification:

1. Does the background verification company comply with data security? The whole point of background screening is cross-checking personal data to ensure their accuracy. It is the responsibility of the vendor to not only verify such data, but to ensure that they are safe and secure and do not fall into the wrong hands. So, make sure that the background verification company is ISO compliant and has a strict procedure to manage all personal data of applicants.

2. What kind of reputation does the background check company have in the industry? One easy way of making sure that a background check vendor is reliable is by finding out what kind of reputation they have in the industry. Ask around and do your research and you’ll find out what you need to know.

3. How many years of experience does the background screening company have? Although experience is not the only factor, it is definitely one of the most important that determines just how trustworthy a pre-employment screening company is, especially because this is an industry where it takes years to find out patterns of frauds.

4. Does the pre-employment screening company have a focused service? Ideally, the company you choose to work with should have a focused service of pre-employment screening, rather than a bunch of other services.

5. Does the background check company use modern and reliable technology? Remember to inquire the kind of technology the background verification company uses. It has to be reliable and up-to-date, as your company cannot afford any mistakes.

6. Does the background verification company provide valuable and trustworthy reports? Your pre-employment screening vendor should be able to deliver valuable reports backed up by proof. They should not simply claim something without having evidence to support it.

7. What kind of customer support does the background check company provide? It is of great necessity that your background screening company provides excellent customer support. They should answer your questions and take any feedback in a positive and constructive manner.

8. Does the pre-employment screening company possess industry foresight? Since the background verification industry is one that is in deep congruence with technology, it is always developing at a fast rate. Your vendor of choice must have the industry foresight required to adapt smoothly.

9. What kind of output does the background screening company provide? The output provided must not only be reliable and valuable, but easy to read and comprehend. Moreover, it must be delivered digitally. To know more, book an appointment with our expert today. Write to us at communication@authbridge.com

Workplace Safety: How can a Drug Abuse Test Help?

Drug abuse has been a major concern across the world. In India, the drug epidemic has been serious enough for the government to authorise a nation-wide survey to understand the extent of drug abuse. While Punjab has been on the top of the list, the drug epidemic has also hit other states including Delhi, Goa, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh. Surveys in Punjab have found a wide prevalence of drug abuse. One out of six people in Punjab is believed to be a substance user according to a PGIMER study. Experts believe the actual numbers could be more, given the survey design constraints. Although accurate estimates currently are not available, past data suggests that there are ten million cannabis users in India.


Why should employers give priority to drug abuse test?

According to the National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information (NCADI), companies lose $100 billion every year due to drug abuse by employees. While these are the financial costs, there are other intangible costs related to suffering, pain, loss of motivation, workplace violence and absenteeism.


Some serious consequences of drug abuse at workplace include:

·         Withdrawal or hangover symptoms that affect job performance

·         Impaired decision making

·         Theft

·         Negative impact on co-workers’ motivation levels

·         Impaired concentration and memorySubstance abuse test

·         Illegal activities such as selling drugs at the workplace to others

·         A high rate of absenteeism

·         Violence, aggression and conflicts

·         Medical problems

·         High risk of workplace injuries or accidents

Many drugs including cocaine can lead to reckless, erratic and violent behaviour. Long-term substance abuse can result in more serious health problems, while the negative impact on workplace, family and professional relationships are profound. The cost to companies is much higher when the total costs related to absenteeism, finding a replacement, claims related to accidents or health insurance and brand reputation add up. “NCADI reports that drug abusers avail three times more sick leaves than non-users, are less productive and are likely to injure a co-worker or themselves.”


Drug abuse test to enhance workplace safety

In India, many companies outsource drug abuse test to a professional substance abuse testing provider. It is important to get written consent from the employee before conducting a substance abuse test. Comprehensive programs at the workplace can be effective in addressing workplace drug abuse. Having a workplace drug abuse policy can lead to a significant reduction in injuries and conflicts. An Ohio-based study highlights that drug abuse policy that includes drug abuse test can lead to:

·         91% reduced absenteeism

·         88% reduction in conflicts with supervisors

·         93% reduced errors at work

·         97% reduction in workplace injuries

The other benefits of drug abuse test at workplace include significant improvement in morale, increased productivity and intact brand reputation.


A workplace policy can include these components:

·         A comprehensive drug abuse policy aimed at making the workplace drug-free and safe

·         Drug abuse test protocols

·         Training of team leads, supervisors, and managers to recognize drug addiction symptoms

·         Regular awareness programs for all the staff

·         Prompt action to address any drug abuse problem as soon as detected.

Employers can make informed hiring or promoting decisions while protecting the brand reputation and safety at the workplace with a comprehensive substance abuse test policy. Make your business drug-free and safe! Write to us at communication@authbridge.com to schedule drug abuse tests for your employees.

New Technologies for Better Background Screening

Background screening is the need of the hour. With banks getting scammed by employees and a lot of cab drivers being accused of unruly conduct, employers need to be extra careful with whom they hire. It is difficult for HR professionals to conduct background screening on candidates all by themselves, especially when it comes to conducting online address verification online of the employees. A lot of the candidate’s information is available online in public databases which when accessed can save on physical resources. However, to manually go through all the available data can be very time-consuming.


How can technology assist in background checks?

The new technologies being developed for background verification and screening take a lot of the burden off the HR. With a few algorithms in place, verifying employment records, address proofs and any criminal charges can all be done within minutes.


Here’s how the technology works for background screening:

1. Quick Data Accessibility: With artificial intelligence (AI), large amounts of data can be processed in just a few minutes. By entering a person’s name into a search engine, all matches to that name from databases across the web will be thrown up in a matter of seconds. More finely tuned systems can streamline search results even further and give you results that match more than one criterion. If a simple Google search can take you to a person’s Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram profile, imagine what can be done with search algorithms that have been developed specially for background verification.

2. Smarter Data Analysis: Combing AI with machine learning can now take background screening to a new level by prioritizing data according to relevance. It is no longer enough to get all the information about a person available online. No one has the time to select what data is useful to a background verification and what is not. New technologies can now analyse data and present the hiring company with the more useful data first. Criminal records, address verification, past employment verification can all be screened without having to find out where the candidate holidayed last summer.

3. Analysis of risk and threats: One of the main purposes of background verification is to make sure that you are hiring a trustworthy candidate. What new technologies can do is to pick up on phrases like ‘termination of employment’ and gather all data relevant to that point. A search result like this makes it much easier for HR to understand why the person left/was fired from their last place of employment and if they are reliable enough to hire for the new role. If an employee was fired on suspicion of siphoning funds, but it was not proven, and no police complaint was made, then it won’t show up in criminal records. When machine learning analyses risks and threats, this shortfall can be overcome.

4. Automatic Scoring: By taking into account certain key performance factors when doing a background verification, AI can quickly and efficiently generate a score for the candidate. Looking at past performances, employment history, mentions of awards, accolades, or published papers, the program could give the applicant a higher score. On the other hand, furnishing false details or discrepancies in past records could bring down a candidate’s score considerably.

AuthBridge has a background screening system in place that uses advanced AI and machine learning techniques to pull up records of potential employees. By using the system, it takes,

Importance of Confidentiality in Background Screening

For an industry like the background verification that handles such sensitive data, confidentiality is of vital importance. Background screening companies have personal data of thousands of employees and applicants in their care, and it is their responsibility to ensure that it is not misused in any way and does not fall into the wrong hands.

Background screening companies should be able to confidently ensure data security to their clients. This is crucial not only for legal and ethical reasons but also because of proprietary considerations. If, due to any reason, the security of data is compromised, all the three main parties involved are severely affected negatively.

First, the individual’s sensitive personal information is leaked and his/her personal reputation could be tarnished. Second, the employer loses the personal information of its employees and candidates to competitors, and third, the background verification company finds itself in hot water. Not only does it result in a major financial loss for them, it can destroy their reputation (which is extremely difficult to build in an industry as sensitive and competitive as the background screening industry) just like that. Even a single mistake could cost a background verification company its entire credit.


Ask yourself the important questions

 As a company whose job is to effectively manage and verify sensitive information, every background check vendor must ask itself the following questions to keep itself in check when it comes to data security

· Which physical and logical barriers does my company face regarding data access? It is imperative that your company has a strict procedure for accessing any kind of data associated to pre-employment screening services. Ask yourself just how strict and secure your current procedure is, how secure your technology is, and what steps must be taken for anyone, even someone who is authorized, to be able to access such data. At the same time, you should also consider various factors within your company that could prevent the adoption of such procedures.

· Can data be accessed only by authorized personnel in the company? In your background check company, make sure that only people who have to know have access to data. In other words, provide data access only to those employees who require the data in order to do their job. This acts as a strong firewall. For example, your verification team does not need to know the name and other certain details of clients they are conducting a pre-employment screening service for.

· Who in the company can access any negative report? Negative reports are reports that flag any inconsistency in the information that an applicant has provided. In other words, if an applicant provides false information in their resume, then the negative report, after a thorough background check, will show it. Make sure that such negative reports are strictly available only on a need-to-know basis.


Educating the employers

It is important to realize that, as a background screening company, you must educate your clients and sensitize them to the fact they too must be careful in sharing sensitive and personal data of their employees and applicants. In a nutshell, they do not have to share more than what is required. Strictly abiding by industry and government rules and regulations is a must in the background screening industry. However, it is also about organisational culture, and how effectively and strongly your company insists on respecting data security and confidentiality. At AuthBridge, we encourage a culture every single employee understands the gravity of mishandling of sensitive data. We are an ISO certified company that strictly maintains the data security and confidentiality of a candidate. To know more, book an appointment with our expert today.

Write to us at communication@authbridge.com

Streamline the HR Process to Curb Employee Attrition Rate

One in two Indian employees is looking to leave their current job according to a recent study. Employee attrition has been a consistent concern as past trends indicate. A 2012 Mercer study also had more than half of employees actively considering quitting their jobs. The study also highlighted that as compared to older employees, a higher percentage of Millennials were looking to leave their current jobs. Evidence also links such intentions with actual turnover rates. As per 2018 Statista figures, the turnover rate was as high as 18% across different industries including retail, banking, insurance, IT, and finance. An SHRM study showed that employers have to spend a sum equal to nine months of the ex-employees salary to find a suitable replacement. The cost of replacing a highly trained executive in a senior role could be much higher.


Ways to curb attrition

Recruiting: Many times, the recruiting process is flawed or unstructured and fails to capture the critical skills of a candidate. If your company is experiencing a high attrition rate in HR, it is worthwhile to examine your recruitment process, particularly when the employee leaves within months of hiring. Evaluating if the job description, desired profile and skills are aligned with the company objectives and the candidate’s career expectations is the first step to addressing the turnover.

Background verification: The most critical aspect of hiring is the background verification process. Background verification can reveal the employment history and credibility of the candidate besides checking if all the information provided in the resume is true. A comprehensive background verification carried out by a trusted background screening provider can conduct in-depth reference checks, education background checks, identity checks, criminal record checks and past behaviour at the workplace. Such pre-employment screening can be valuable in making the right hiring decisions. (To know more about AuthBridge’s background verification service, book an appointment with our expert today. You may also write to us at communication@authbridge.com. )

Define the career path: A Forbes article stresses the importance of clarifying the growth and career path within the company and refraining from “window dressing” the job opportunity. Employees need to own their career paths and clearly understand what they need to do to achieve their goals.

Onboarding: A whitepaper by Dr Frederick P. Morgeson highlights the critical importance of onboarding in strengthening the relationship between new hires and employers. Human resource professionals or managers need to hand hold for the first thirty days to ensure the employee gains confidence in the new role.

Learning and training: Training programs help employees feel the company is invested in their professional development and personal well-being. Offer relevant training programs to facilitate and encourage a learning culture within the company.

Engagement: Employee engagement is key to retaining the right talent. Studies show 54% of disengaged employees plan to leave the company as opposed to 31% of engaged employees. One way to enhance engagement levels is to invest in the workplace atmosphere. Creating a healthy, pleasant and happy atmosphere at work can go a long way in boosting the morale and enhancing the productivity of employees. Health and well-being are the most critical aspects that can affect productivity as well. Designing well-being programs and offering incentives for achieving health targets are some of the popular ways to boost engagement levels. The Gensler’s Workplace Index study shows that the workplace should feature exclusive spaces for collaborating, socializing, learning and for focused activities. An effective reward and recognition policy can also help retain the right talent. Perks, bonuses and praise delivered formally or informally can all help make the employee feel valued and appreciated.

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The most noteworthy aspects of our collaboration has been the ability to seamlessly onboard partners from all corners of India, for which our TAT has been reduced from multiple weeks to a few hours now.

- Mr. Satyasiva Sundar Ruutray
Vice President, F&A Commercial,

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